Myslisz ze nie prubowalem ? mam dosc dalem sobie spokoj jade 288 2,5-4-3-6 1T 2,7V
forum geilusa
Here is the answer I got from GeIL Taiwan engineer:
"GEIL Ultra-X module used to equip with Samsung TCCD. It was able to overclock with low voltage. People love Samsung TCCD.
Unfortunately, Samsung has stopped making TCCD this February. Therefore, we switch IC from Samsung TCCD to Winbond BH-5.
Winbond BH5 needs higher voltage to raise it's clock speed or overclock; standard clock speed require 2.5 to 2.65v, OC to 260 or 270 require atleast 2.85+.
However, there are only few motherboards support 2.85v; most of them are 2.8v top. "
pozaty mozesz rzucic okiem
jakies chyba wloskie forum chlopaki dobili do 270 2-2-2-5 3,8V na Geilach UltraX 3200