Kto wie, nie jest to wykluczone :wink: W kazdym razie jakby nie bylo, na pewno bedzie o wiele lepiej niz w FIFA 08 :wink:
Gdzies nawet w tv dystrybutor mówił ze wersja PC bedzie dla graczy niespodzianka:) Licze na te czesc jak nigdy wczesniej :rolleyes:
Jednak na 100% next gen:D - "The other improvements to the game focus primarily on visuals and internet integration. With regards to the former, the graphics engine in the game has been improved to the point where, Hossack claims, the visuals in the PC version of the game are the same as those in the 360 and PS3 console version, including the same heads, bodies, kit details, and lighting effects. The game's implemented 3D grass and added a high-resolution ball. You'll notice everything from player veins to wrinkles on their uniforms if you look close enough", http://pc.ign.com/articles/885/885622p1.html