Super ze przez przypadek trafilem na to forum! Mam dokaldnie taki sam przypadek i zastanawialem sie co z tym jest nie tak bo auto zostalo wystawione w Poznaniu, okazalo sie ze jest zlokalizowane w UK ale zdjecia byly zrobione w Belgii :). Gosc wydawal sie nawet przekonywujacy zwlaszcza gdy napisal o tej Armi ale widze ze uzywa templatu maili. Zaraz mu napisze ze chce obejrzec auto w UK w przyszlym tygodniu i dam Wam znac jaka byla odpowiedz. W kazdym razie tu jest moja z nim korespondencja - tylko auto sie zmienilo i teraz nazywa sie Radvan Ubet:
I drove the car in Poland. I don't speak polish so well even if I worked there couple of months. The car is in excellent condition,1 hand, never involde in any accidents, the engine works perfectly, it has the technical book and all papers, REAL km,and all the other options.
I was hoping to sell the car in Poland but I never had enough time because of my work.
I just moved to London, UK. Now nobody wants to buy it here in UK because it's the steering wheel on the left side.
So I decided to use a shipping company to help me sell my car in legitm and legal conditions.I can send it anywhere in 3-5 days to your home on my expense.
If you are interested please reply me, so I can give you more information.
Hello ,
The car is like new,in perfect condition ,no scratches,no damage.The price I am looking for my Hyundai Santa Fe
( 11200 eur ) including the shipping costs,insurance and handling.All the car's documents are prepared for the sale. The deal
will be made through Europe Connexion Cargo Team which is one escrow company and my car is in their custody. They will handle
everything,payment, delivery and all the documents. I will pay for shipping and insurance so you don't have to worry
for more expences. The car will arrive to you in about 3-5 days and you will have 10 days to inspect it before
take the decision to buy it or not.
If you decide to buy the car please e-mail me your full informations ( name and address )
so I can contact the company to start the transaction .
They will contact with all the informations needed ( payment/shipping ) ; about making a 50% deposit on
their Payment Agent name and address so the company can protect both sides.
The car was checked by their repairmens and it is ready to be shipped.
The car is still registered in Poland so you don't have to pay any taxes.
Sincerely !
I work in army and I'm gone out of country. I don't have a phone# .. I only have 2h/day internet access. This is the reason why I left the car in the delivery company custody with all the papers and documents.
Let me explain you again.
All you have to do is to give me the following infos:
Full name..
I will forward your personal details to the delivery company and they will get back to you with the payment invoice and with all the infos that you will need to complete this purchase.After that you will have to depossit them 50% of the amount so they can move forward with the shipping process.When you will receive the car you will have 10 days return policy to test and check the car.After the 10 days...if you decide to keep the car the agent will help you to get it on your name .....if you don't keep the car you will send it back and the delivery company will return you all your money back.I will pay all the shipping
As I already told you the car is in the delivery company custody in London UK with all the papers and documents
You will have all the payment invoices and selling contract signed before the deposit so there is nothing to worry
A jak podpisales ta umowe? Spotkal sie z Toba jakis agent zebys to podpisal w jego obecnosci?
Tak przy okazji tam chyba nawet niema adresu tej firmy posredniczacej w Londynie :).