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Znaleziono 1 wynik

  1. Melampus

    Dark Souls II

    Namco Bandai ogłosiło, że powstaje kolejna część wspaniałej i mrocznej gry fantasy Dark Souls 2. Nie wiadomo jeszcze kiedy nastąpi premiera, niemniej gra ukarze się na wszystkie platformy: PS3, XBox 360 i PC. Oto co podaje producent: "Leading video game publisher and developer NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe today announced that the critically acclaimed Dark Souls saga marches forward with Dark Souls™ II, currently in development at FromSoftware in Tokyo, Japan, for PlayStation®3, Xbox 360® and PC. Dark Souls II will continue a legacy of presenting its passionate fans with the kind of unrelenting challenges that have become a hallmark of the series, while presenting devilish new obstacles for players to overcome. Built upon the foundation established by Souls series creator and Dark Souls II Supervisor, Hidetaka Miyazaki, with development helmed by FromSoftware Director Tomohiro Shibuya, Dark Souls II will feature a new hero, a new storyline, and an unfamiliar world for players to survive in while delivering the uncompromising challenge and ultimate sense of empowerment that players hunger for. Epic battles with gruesome enemies and blood-thirsty bosses await adventurers as they traverse and conquer a devastated world filled with death and despair. Players will also discover a revamped server based multiplayer experience that will put a distinct Dark Souls II twist on the concept of playing and sharing with others. For those with enough tenacity and sheer force of will, great rewards await. “There are few games that are as rewarding for players as the Dark Souls series, and Dark Souls II will give every player that steps up to take the challenge a feeling of empowerment that they will never forget,” said Olivier Comte, Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Distribution at NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe. “The game doesn’t accept compromise, and neither do the brilliant people at FromSoftware who will test their own tenacity as well as that of gamers in delivering us another gaming landmark.” “This new chapter in the Dark Souls saga presents opportunities for us to drive innovation in gameplay design, develop an entirely new story, and expand the scope of the world in which the player interacts with the game. We have taken these necessary steps with Dark Souls II in order to evolve the overall experience of the Dark Souls series,” says Tomohiro Shibuya, FromSoftware Director on Dark Souls II. “The entire development team is striving to make Dark Souls II an experience that is fresh while not forsaking its roots in presenting players with challenging gameplay. Our goal is to surprise and delight our fans with new experiences and plot twists while enticing new players to join our dark journey.” More details surrounding Dark Souls II will become available in the months leading to its release. Begin your Dark Souls II journey at or join the Dark Souls II conversation on Facebook at" Zacieram ręce i czekam z niecierpliwością na więcej informacji i samą grę.
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