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Gigabyte 7VRXP i FSB333

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Na Viaarena Gigabyte znalazlem niezly topic dotyczacy mozliwosci uruchomienia procow AMD na

plycie glownej Gigabyte 7VRXP przy magistrali FSB 333.Przytocze czesc wypowiedzi Hood'a (madry gosc):


"The Palominos have to have all the L1 joined to unlock them, the exception is the 2100. It is similar to the T/Breds in that you have to also join the 5th L3 bridge, aswell as the L1's to unlock.

The T/Breds come with the L1 bridges uncut so it is not nessecary to join them and in effect is unlocked. The only prob is that the multipliers that are on a T/Bred are from 13x up, to get the lower multipliers you have to join the L3 bridge. The wire trick is just another way of joining the 5th L3 bridge except you are joining the pins on the underside of the CPU.

The link you posted to is to set the T/Breds to a 166 bus as default, I am not sure whether this would work for the Palominos but it probably would. However this is of no use to you with the vrxp as it wont recognise the CPU as a 166FSB chip and you would still only get 133.

The routine I mentioned is as follows depending on Rev of vrxp.

Rev1.0 Cant be done as the North Bridge is the CD and the CE is needed for the 1/5 divider(to get PCI/AGP back in spec).

Rev 1.1 It is best to use F6 BIOS and set the memory to NORMAL and 266 in the BIOS(Fast and Ultra wont work) Then set the FSB to 166 and off you go

Rev 2.0 is a bit more tricky, what you have to do is still set DDR to Normal and 266 but then set the FSB to somewhere between 148 and 153(148 works for me) then save and exit the BIOS and then go directly back in and set to 166, save exit and then boot into windows and you will be there hopefully. The problem with the Rev2.0 is that when you cold boot you will have to go through the 148/153 to 166 routine, the only answer is to just go into standby and avoid shutting down completely. You can use the F6 bios on the Rev2.0 to avoid having to do the routine but you will be sacrificing the overheat protection and the BIOS will lose the ability to read the correct CPU temp, you will see -55 deg.

In all cases it is best to have the HDD on the promise controller as when on the VIA IDE you can get Data corruption, the promise handles it much better.

When you get to 166 the 1/5 divider will have kicked in setting the PCI and AGP back to 33 and 66 respectivly(166/5=33PCI and 2xPCI= 66AGP)

One other thing I should mention is that when you set the DDR to 266 in the BIOS it actually means you are setting to 2x FSB so when at 166FSB you will get the DDR333 speed. If you leave it at 333 in the BIOS what you will get is 2x(FSB+PCI)= 400 which would mean you were OCing the DDR and less likely to succeed, that is unles you have DDR400.

Hope this helps and if you have any more questions just ask."



Ja posiadam rev2.0.oraz proc jak w konfigu. Zabralem sie do podkrecania wedlog powyzszych wskazowek:Najpierw zmiana mnoznika na 9.5,dalej ustawilem w biosie DDR na 266 (ustawienia standardowe), FSB na 148,save(F10)i po restarcie znowu wejscie do biosu.Tym razem FSB na 166,save.Po tych zabiegach system wystartowal,nawet 3dMark przeszedl,ale w Sandrze pokazuje,ze AGP chodzi na 84.Byc moze problem w tym,ze proc chodzi domyslnie na 133.Czytalem,ze aby domyslnie biegal na 166 nalezy kombinowac z mostkami F12 na procu (wtedy plyta przelaczy sie na1/5 dajac wlasciwe taktowanie dla AGP i PCI.


Najlepiej maja wlasciciele rev1.1.U tuch szczesliwcow wystarczy pamieci ustawic na 266 a FSB na 166 (nie trzeba kombinowac z restartami).

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