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Carmack o Matrox's Parhelia

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Name: John Carmack


Description: Programmer



June 25, 2002


The Matrox Parhelia Report:


The executive summary is that the Parhelia will run Doom, but it is not performance competitive with Nvidia or ATI.


Driver issue remain, so it is not perfect yet, but I am confident that Matrox will resolve them.


The performance was really disappointing for the first 256 bit DDR card. I tried to set up a "poster child" case that would stress the memory subsystem above and beyond any driver or triangle level inefficiencies, but I was unable to get it to ever approach the performance of a GF4.


The basic hardware support is good, with fragment flexibility better than GF4 (but not as good as ATI 8500), but it just doesn't keep up in raw performance.

With a die shrink, this chip could probably be a contender, but there are probably going to be other chips out by then that will completely eclipse this generation of products.


None of the special features will be really useful for Doom:


The 10 bit color framebuffer is nice, but Doom needs more than 2 bits of destination alpha when a card only has four texture units, so we can't use it.


Anti aliasing features are nice, but it isn't all that fast in minimum feature mode, so nobody is going to be turning on AA. The same goes for "surround gaming". While the framerate wouldn't be 1/3 the base, it would still probably be cut in half.


Displacement mapping. Sigh. I am disappointed that the industry is still pursuing any quad based approaches. Haven't we learned from the stellar success of 3DO, Saturn, and NV1 that quads really suck? In any case, we can't use any geometry amplification scheme (including ATI's truform) in conjunction with stencil shadow volumes.




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Name: John Carmack


Description: Programmer



June 25, 2002


The Matrox Parhelia Report:


The executive summary is that the Parhelia will run Doom, but it is not performance competitive with Nvidia or ATI.

Podsumowujac Parhelia bedzie obslugiwac Dooma, ale jej wydajnosc nie jest w stanie konkurowac z wydajnoscia Nvidii lub Ati.


Driver issue remain, so it is not perfect yet, but I am confident that Matrox will resolve them.

Pozostaje kwestia wydania driverow, jako ze wciaz nie sa doskonale, ale jestem przekonany ze Matrox je poprawi.


The performance was really disappointing for the first 256 bit DDR card. I tried to set up a "poster child" case that would stress the memory subsystem above and beyond any driver or triangle level inefficiencies, but I was unable to get it to ever approach the performance of a GF4.

Dzialanie bylo naprawde rozczarowujace jak na pierwsza karte 256 bitowa na DDR. Sprobowalem ustawic przypadek "poster child", ktory obciazylby podsystem pamieci powyzej i poza jakichkolwiek niewydajnosci driverow lub trojkatow, ale nie udalo mi sie nigdy nawet zblizyc do wydajnosi GF4.


The basic hardware support is good, with fragment flexibility better than GF4 (but not as good as ATI 8500), but it just doesn't keep up in raw performance.

Podstawowe wsparcie sprzetu jest dobre, z gietkoscia szczegolow lepsza niz w GF4 (ale nie tak dobra jak ATI 8500), ale nie utrzymuje sie ono w zwyklym dzialaniu.


With a die shrink, this chip could probably be a contender, but there are probably going to be other chips out by then that will completely eclipse this generation of products.

Z matryca skurczowa (?) :( ten procesor moglbybyc wspolzawodnikiem, ale do tego czasu pojawia sie nowe procesory, ktore calkowicie przycmia ta generacje produktow.


None of the special features will be really useful for Doom:

Zadna ze specjalnych wlaciwosci nie przyda sie naprawde w Doomie:


The 10 bit color framebuffer is nice, but Doom needs more than 2 bits of destination alpha when a card only has four texture units, so we can't use it.

!0-cio bitowa ramka koloru jest fajna, ale Doom potrzebuje wiecej niz 2 bity przeznaczenia alfa gdy karta ma tylko 4 jednostki teksturowania, wiec nie mozemy jej uzyc.


Anti aliasing features are nice, but it isn't all that fast in minimum feature mode, so nobody is going to be turning on AA. The same goes for "surround gaming". 

Opcje wygladzania krawedzi tez sa fajne, ale w ustawieniach minimum wcale nie sa takie szybkie, wiec nikt nie bedzia wlaczal AA. To samo dotyczy grania otaczajacego (tryb 3 monitotorow).


While the framerate wouldn't be 1/3 the base, it would still probably be cut in half.

Podczas gdy ilosc klatek nie wynosilaby tylko 1/3, to jednak wciaz bylaby to ilosc zmniejszona o połowe.


Displacement mapping. Sigh. I am disappointed that the industry is still pursuing any quad based approaches. Haven't we learned from the stellar success of 3DO, Saturn, and NV1 that quads really suck?

Mapowanie przemieszczen. Heh. Jestem zawiedziony ze przemysl wciaz goni za rozwiazaniami opartymi na kwadratach. Czyz nie nauczylismy sie z gwiazdzistego sukcesu 3DO, Saturna i NV1 ze kwadraty sa do d...?


In any case, we can't use any geometry amplification scheme (including ATI's truform) in conjunction with stencil shadow volumes.

W kazdym razie, nie mozemy uzyc jakichkolwiek schematow rozwiniecia geometrycznego (wlaczajac Trueform firmy ATI) w polaczeniu z szablonami mapowania cieni.



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Dzięki za tłumaczenie. Myślałem że coś ciekawszego powie ten Car coś tam.

ogolnie ujmujac widac ze ma lenia i nie chce mu sie dopracowac Dooma by korzystal ze wszystkich nowinek, woli zjebac sprzet ze nieprzydatny hehe :lol: :lol: :lol:

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hmmm... jednym słowem chyba tesz się zawiódł :(... A Parhelia będzie dla grafików i tyle ;(. Aha pamiętacie może, jakiś servis netowy ogłosił Parhelie najlepszą kartą dla gracza ze2 miechy przed premierą... ciekawe jakie teraz mają miny ;P

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Trochę śmieszne to twoje tłumaczenie ,ale o to chodzi 8)

moze i smieszne bo nie jestem grafikiem i nie jestem na biezaco z takim slownictwem.. ale jesli wiesz jak to zrobic lepiej to smialo, nie krepuj sie 8)

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