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The Great Escape

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Otoz: Musialem zdobyc klucz prawie na poczatku pociagu. Wracam juz z kluczem po dachach pociagu, zabijam tych lebkow z bronia co wchodza na dach i do mnie wala, i kiedy dochodze do mojego kumpla z ktorym ucieklem, w zadaniu pisze ze mam isc na koniec pociagu i wyskoczyc, ale kiedy o nie chce ze mna isc, stoi bez ruchu, a ja zanim dojde do konca pociagu to tego mojego kumpla zabija zolnierze i pisze mission failed. I co teraz zrobic zeby on ze mna poszedl?

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Gość Pioorek

Czemu niektorzy pisza zeby na meila im wyslac ;/


- The mission opens with Hendley and Blythe sitting in their seat on

the train. Give Blythe the command to stay (press the SQUARE button and use

the STAY icon).


- Get your second-class ticket ready. When the porter comes around, a set of

cogs will appear when he is next to Hendley. Give him your ticket.


- Now give Blythe the order to follow and head toward the rear of the train.

You will pass through cars 8 and 9.


- At car 10, go all the way to the end. You find a door that you cannot open

since it is locked. You will have to find the key somewhere on the train.

Turn to your right and duck into the bathroom, Blythe will follow. (Obj 1)


- Once you and Blythe are in the bathroom, close the door. Then give the

order for Blythe to stay.


- Look through the keyhole to the left. After a couple of minutes, a Gestapo

man and Gestapo guard will enter the car. They are checking the identity

of all the passengers. (Obj 2)


- Once they are done, they will exit the car. Once they are out of the car,

head out of the bathroom and follow them. Make sure you walk to prevent



- You will travel through cars 9, 8, 7, and 6 before you reach a locked door

on car 5. Look to your left and you will see a ladder. Go up this ladder

to the top of the train.


- Immediately crouch once you are on top of the train. The reason is there

are many low objects the train passes under such as tree branches, bridges,

and signal towers. If Hendley gets hit by any of these, he will be ejected

from the train.


- Continue to move forward jumping across the gaps in the cars (you must stand

to make these jumps so make sure it is all clear before doing so).


- When Hendley can't go forward any farther, go to the right and a ladder will

be there. Have him head down the ladder to a small platform outside the



- Crouch-walk to the open baggage car. You will notice a porter going back

and forth. When the porter has his back to you, use your stealth walk and

get behind him to end his luggage handling days. Once you've done that,

turn right to toss him off the train.


- You can get a couple of first-aid kits in this car. You will also notice a

weapons stash but it is locked up for the moment.


- Go through the door and you will notice a passenger standing in between the

cars. Maybe he has a ticket you can borrow. Get behind him, choke him, and

take his ticket. Then head forward into the first class car.


- Get out your first-class ticket and give it to the porter. Walk around the

porter and when the German guard comes in from the opposite door, duck into

one of the passenger areas (you may have to leapfrog to the passenger areas

closer to where the guard entered).


- When the guard enters your area, he will take a good look at your face. He

doesn't recognize it so he will turn to leave. This is your cue. When the

hands appear, bring him in to become a permanent part of the train. Turn

left or right to drop the body since dropping it out in the passageway would

alert the porter.


- Dust off your hands and head through the door the guard came through. Go

between the cars and enter the next car. You will have to navigate around a

couple of shelves.


- When you get around the second set of shelves, look to your right. On the

table are the train keys and a couple of first-aid kits. Collect all this

stuff and go hide behind the stack of boxes to your left. (Obj 3)


- After a few seconds, another porter enters the car with you. When he has

his back turned, get behind him and apply that pressure you know so well.

Head out of this car back to the car with the weapons cache.


- Once you reach the weapons cache car, open the locker and collect the MP-40,

Luger, and all the ammunition. From this point on, it will be a firefight

to get back to Blythe. Equip your MP-40 and go back to the ladder.


- Go back on top of the train and a reception committee is waiting for you.

You have to hazards to deal with. Troops firing at you from the front plus

you are now facing the opposite direction the train is going. This means

use your R2 button to look behind you to make sure there are no approaching



- First, go into first person view and pick off the guard that is mostly

obscured on the left side. You need to work quickly since soon there will

be guards behind you.


- Fortunately, a lot of the guards stand up to take shots at you. This

basically means a lot of them get knocked off the train by the low

obstacles. Continue to move quickly forward. You may have to get up close

and personal with some of the guards by delivering a rifle butt to them.


- When you make it to car 6, you will need to go down the ladder. Un-

fortunately, there are two guards waiting for you. Best thing is to stand

up and go down the ladder. Once you are at the bottom, pivot right quickly

to smack that guard with your MP-40. Turn quickly left and finish off that

guard. Turn right again and finish off that guard.


- Head into car 6 and through it. If you took damage, now is the time for

first-aid. After healing yourself, exit car 6 and enter car 7.


- There is a guard standing up and one behind the seat. Go to first person

and plant the guard standing. Then turn quickly and take out the guard

behind the seat. Get out of first person and prepare for a third guard to

come barging in the opposite door. Eliminate him.


- Leave car 7 and head into car 8. When you are half-way through, two guards

will come through the door you had already entered. Turn around and mow

them down. Quickly exit. Heal if necessary.


- Car 9 is free of guards so make sure your weapons are all loaded and you are

fully healed, then go into car 10.


- When you get to the bathroom that you stashed Blythe in, turn around because

you will be rushed by four Gestapo agents and Gestapo guards. Use extreme

prejudice and mow them down. Open the bathroom door and order Blythe to



- Go through the now unlocked back door of the train and a cut scene will show

Hendley and Blythe jumping off the train. (Obj 4)

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