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Dosage : Less than 1 can of paint depending on your body type
Time : ? Probably less than 8 hours
Availability : Very available ! You have a choice of greasepaint or
House paint. You need a type of paint that will not allow your
pores to breath in order to be successful at this. You also have
a smashing selection of colors you can choose to die in ! Nile
Green ? Blood Red ? Basic Black ? Or any combo you desire.. If
you couldn't decide before what to wear to die in, this method
will cause you considerable angst.
Certainty : This is a sure method, provided you have a paint that
will block your pores from breathing. Don't forget the bottom of
your feet. You must paint every last bit of available skin. If
your pores can breathe, you won't die.
Notes : I read this in some theater journal 5 or so years ago,
saying when you you do full body makeup, you must insure that
parts of the body are left naked to breathe or the actor will
die. Usually for full body makeup, they leave the bottoms of
feet, and some patterns on the body, like lines so the actor
doesn't suffocate."