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Zawartość dodana przez McOv

  1. Ten art jest tak fachowy jak ten "portal" zaawansowany. A wykorzystywanie materialow chronionych prawem autorskim jest chyba zabronione. I autorzy testow doszli do zupelnie innych wnioskow niz polski autor. Ciekawe porownanie laptopow z Turionem i Centrino: "Despite our new test results, things are even more un-clear than before. Sure, we have concrete results that have been verified and re-verified. We know for sure that Dothan is SLIGHTLY better on battery life and that Turion is SLIGHTLY better performing (in most cases). But these results leave the "winner" of this architectural comparison even more vague. Our final decision for Turion 64 still stands, but not because it "beat" Dothan or is supremely better than Intel's Centrino platform. Turion 64 offers equivalent or better performance, very comparable batter life, and a lower price tag (in most situations)." Przy podobnej wydajnosci sa tansze od lapow z Centrino, a wiec mozna kupic sobie lapa z 1G RAM i lepsza grafika. Dla Amerykanow nowy laptop za 1000$ to pol miesiecznej pensji. McOv
  3. Test wydajnosci Wniosek testerow: lepszy Turion bo tak samo wydajny ale tansze i lepiej wyspoazone laptopy. Przy podobnej wydajnosci sa tansze od lapow z Centrino, chyba lepiej miec notebooka z 1G RAM i karta z 128MB.
  4. @Mistrz Sluszne uwagi. Nie ma sensu kupowac laptpa z niemobilnymi prockami, wiec nie kupuj Athlona, P4, Celerona i Semprona. Fajny lap za $1000 z Turionem: Super lap za $2000 z Turionem: Bardzo dobre opinie zbieraja lapy z Turion 64. Przy podobnej wydajnosci sa tansze od lapow z Centrino, a wiec mozesz kupic sobie lapa z 1G RAM i lepsza grafika, co sugeruje. Chyba lepiej miec notebooka z 1G RAM i karta z 128MB, niz pracujacego 30 minut dluzej na bateriach. Ciekawe porownanie Centrino i Turion: Kolesie doszli do wniosku: "Despite our new test results, things are even more un-clear than before. Sure, we have concrete results that have been verified and re-verified. We know for sure that Dothan is SLIGHTLY better on battery life and that Turion is SLIGHTLY better performing (in most cases). But these results leave the "winner" of this architectural comparison even more vague. Our final decision for Turion 64 still stands, but not because it "beat" Dothan or is supremely better than Intel's Centrino platform. Turion 64 offers equivalent or better performance, very comparable batter life, and a lower price tag (in most situations)." Spojrz na fajne testy robione przez uzytkownikow: W USA sa prowadzone tzw promocje kuponowe, o ktorych tylko czytalem, np. Toshiba, Dell, tzn. mozesz dostac znizke do 30% lub $300 jak odeslesz im kod kreskowy, ale trudno powiedziec czy w grudniu beda jakies. I musisz miec kogos zaufanego w USA. " 30% and 25%, $300 Off Coupon Codes (expire 10/20/05) # 7RC$H$G3HS?101 30% off purchase of Inspiron $1499+ (expires 10/20/2005 7:00:00 AM) # KBM$G8P671H4B8 25% off purchase of Inspiron $999+ (expires 10/20/2005 6:00:00 AM) # SV5VMVH83W6H9H $350 Off Dell XPS and Inspiron Systems $1499 or more (expires 10/28/2005 6:00:00 AM) is offering two coupon codes, one that is valid on all Inspiron laptops for 30% Off (7RC$H$G3HS?101) and one that is valid on all Inspiron for 25% off (KBM$G8P671H4B8). Example laptops the coupon codes work for: Dell Inspiron 9300 Dell Inspiron 6000 (Celeron 1.30GHz, 256MB, 30GB) Dell Inspiron 700M (Pentium M 1.60GHz, 256MB, 30GB) Dell Inspiron XPS M170 (Pentium M 2GHz, 1GB, 100GB) (use coupon code SV5VMVH83W6H9H to get $300 off)" McOv
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