11 -
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Ranking wPrime 32M ---------------------------------------------------- WPrime jest szybkim oraz prostym sposobem do mierzenia wydajności procesora. pobierz tutaj Zasady - Nie używaj kilku nicków - Dodawaj tylko wyniki należące do Ciebie - tylko próbka 32M - używaj funkcji dodawania wyników online wbudowanej w program lub dołącz screenshot. Wytyczne - Formatuj swój wynik według wzoru: [hwbot] wynik - opis_sprzętu [/hwbot] - Staraj się nie używać skrótów - Formatuj podkręcenie procesora jako 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' lub 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz' - dozwolone formaty wyników: '120.34' lub '120.34s' lub '120.34sec' lub '1m 120.233s' lub '1h 1m 120.233s' - Nie używaj formatowania tekstu (pogrubienie Informacje o bocie Moderatorzy: Sector19, proste71, JMKS, Adelard, DaRoN, JMKS - backup :P Użytkownicy: nikt Opcje: odśwież ranking teraz Ranking zespołów - hall of fame pozycja - średnia z top 10 - nazwa zespołu - tygodniowa i miesięczna zmiana pozycji - linki 1. 6.84 Bench Tec UK - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 2. 7.80 Team OCX - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 3. 7.80 i4memory.com - ~ +3 - strona www - forum 4. 7.85 H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team) - +1 -1 - strona www - forum 5. 7.91 XtremeSystems - -1-1 - strona www - forum ... 13. 9.66 OC team Norway - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 14. 9.68 United Team of Poland - ~ +1 - strona www - forum 15. 9.70 Russian Overs-Overclockers.ru - ~ -1 - strona www Ranking użytkowników - hall of fame - więcej 1. atomic - moloko (i4memory.com) - 3.84 - Kayl CPU Pot v2.0+v3.0 - DICE cooled - 2x Intel 45nm Core 2 Quad CPU - Intel D5400XS motherboard - Micron Engineering Sample FB-DIMM memory @ DDR2-800 5-5-5-15 2T - XFX 8800GS - Silverstone DA1200 PSU - Team Australia (Team.AU) Extreme Overclocking Team 2. k|ngp|n (XtremeSystems) - 4.08 - no description 3. dafridgie (Bench Tec UK) - 4.28 - no description ... 1. JMKS - 7sec 660ms - Xeon X5365@2992MHz - PCLab.pl 2xClovertown 2. wuj rysio - 7sec 950ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5346MHz - no description 3. marcin255 - 8sec 340ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@4694MHz - no description 4. ryba (PurePC.pl) - 9sec 90ms - Core 2 QX6850 (3.00Ghz)@4914MHz - Już raz te milisekundy poprawiałem, WTF?! - JMKS 5. DEVILEK - 9sec 980ms - Core 2 QX6700 (2.66Ghz)@4400MHz - OC Team Poland - QX 6700 test with cascade 6. ryba - 10sec 480ms - Core 2 QX6700 (2.66Ghz)@4548MHz - ... 7. Lanc - 10sec 660ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@4100MHz - no description 8. kszonek - 10sec 790ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3906MHz - thx for petq 9. lama1 - 10sec 860ms - Xeon 3230@4152MHz - no description 10. proste71 - 10sec 970ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3820MHz - no description 11. genghiskhan - 11sec 170ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3834MHz - x6 multi because EIST was ON 12. atomel - 11sec 300ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4104MHz - no description 13. Raptor - 11sec 450ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4068MHz - no description 14. wrednaszuja - 11sec 500ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4000MHz - AC 15. whatever - 11sec 730ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3600MHz - 16. dnart - 12sec 500ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3600MHz - not a crazy oc , but temp are fine , 75 under stress .... 17. demek - 12sec 750ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3600MHz - Q6600@ 3600MHz 18. beatlover - 14sec 170ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3240MHz - 19. Alejajca - 15sec 500ms - Phenom X4 9500@2638MHz - no description 20. xesmar - 15sec 520ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3000MHz - no description 21. FiDO - 17sec 830ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@4919MHz - Słonik Team :), Cooling by ryba;, miliseconds added - JMKS 22. czesl4f - 18sec 910ms - Core 2 E4500 (2.2Ghz)@4695MHz - miliseconds corrected - JMKS 23. promian - 19sec 140ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5048MHz - E6700@4545 24. jumson - 19sec 480ms - Core 2 E4400 (2.0Ghz)@4510MHz - +1 FSB via SetFSB IIRC ;) 25. LordFury - 19sec 940ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@4444MHz - E6400 L629Bxxx + P5K Deluxe + OCZ Reaper,, CPU by LordFury, cooling by Ryba (thx!) 26. jacekcz - 19sec 990ms - Core 2 E6850 (3.0Ghz)@4176MHz - 27. meeron - 20sec 250ms - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@4285MHz - no description 28. grandzu - 20sec 770ms - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@4000MHz - no description 29. Sector19 - 20sec 830ms - Core 2 E2160 (1.8Ghz)@4381MHz - Great E2160 :) 30. Kubacki - 21sec 560ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@3692MHz - 31. McDracullo - 21sec 610ms - Core 2 E8200 (2.67Ghz)@4040MHz - no description 32. Madness - 21sec 750ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4000MHz - no description 33. _BENY_ - 21sec 800ms - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@4080MHz - no description 34. 99tomcat - 21sec 970ms - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@4053MHz - e6750@ 4053 mhz 35. Kas - 22sec 720ms - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@3824MHz - 36. pavkin - 22sec 760ms - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@3743MHz - E4300 @3744 37. MILANS - 22sec 780ms - Athlon 64 6000+ X2@3696.10MHz - no description 38. yotomeczek - 22sec 830ms - Xeon 3070@3805.60MHz - 3,8 GHz 39. RoKFoR - 23sec 270ms - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@3998.10MHz - no description 40. Desinger - 23sec 420ms - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@3645MHz - no description 41. DaRoN - 23sec 480ms - Athlon 64 6400+ X2@3617MHz - no description 42. Opson - 23sec 550ms - Core 2 E6320 (1.86Ghz)@3920MHz - no description 43. byBlackBelieve - 23sec 940ms - Core 2 E2160 (1.8Ghz)@3584MHz - 44. piotrus_pan - 24sec 230ms - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@3904MHz - no description 45. Puma(PL) - 24sec 390ms - Core 2 E4500 (2.2Ghz)@3817MHz - no description 46. lukaspl21 - 24sec 450ms - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@3582MHz - Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 @ 3582(1,68V) , RAM 497mhz Cl4 , Abit AB9 , , Thermaltake Big Typhoon 47. Fisher15 - 24sec 450ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@3600MHz - E6400@3.6ghz - Asus p5w64 48. caperon - 24sec 690ms - Core 2 E6320 (1.86Ghz)@3522MHz - no description 49. makatiel - 24sec 730ms - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@3672MHz - no description 50. ElMasacratoR - 25sec 0ms - Core 2 E6300 (1.86Ghz)@3675MHz - no description wPrime 32m Athlon subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Bwanasoft (Crazy-OC Germany) - 101.42 - no description 2. KvaNfield (United Team of Poland) - 109.00 - no description 3. Freakezoit (AwardFabrik) - 111.30 - Athlon 1000Mhz (100fsb) @ 1.57ghz 2.25v real ABit An7 all Air ... 1. KvaNfield - 1min 49sec 0ms - Athlon 1400Mhz (fsb133)@1615.90MHz - no description 2. Kubacki - 1min 59sec 870ms - Athlon 1333Mhz@1485.10MHz - 3. GergG - 2min 17sec 0ms - Athlon 1000Mhz (fsb133)@1288.80MHz - Epox 8RDA3I ; Athlon 1000 fsb133 @1288.8 MHz ; 256MB Elixir 466 + 1 GB Kingston HyperX 400 ; Radeon 9550 Gigabyte 4. s_noopy - 2min 29sec 670ms - Athlon 1000Mhz (fsb133)@1197.50MHz - no description 5. LukasboSs - 2min 57sec 80ms - Athlon 900Mhz (socket)@1000MHz - no description wPrime 32m Athlon 64 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. st.ef (OutOfSpecs.Gr) - 40.00 - no description 2. DAZEB (Vmodtech.com, Thailand) - 44.28 - no description 3. placid (hyemOCteam) - 44.98 - maximum ... 1. hary - 48sec 410ms - Athlon 64 LE-1600@3554MHz - no description 2. z2k - 52sec 470ms - Athlon 64 LE-1620@3316.10MHz - no description 3. LukasboSs - 52sec 690ms - Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego@3212MHz - no description 4. viktorpl - 53sec 250ms - Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego@3202MHz - no description 5. Lanc - 54sec 590ms - Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego@3100MHz - San Diego 3700+ @ 3.1Ghz, 2x512 Hynix Bt-D43 @ 215Mhz @ 2,5-3-3-6 1T, Asrock 939dual-sata2 wPrime 32m Athlon 64 X2 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. AndreyKV (Russian Overs-Overclockers.ru) - 19.66 - no description 2. fr@me (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 20.38 - no description 3. Citrus (RS United Amateurs) - 21.57 - no description ... 1. MILANS - 22sec 780ms - Athlon 64 6000+ X2@3696.10MHz - no description 2. DaRoN - 23sec 480ms - Athlon 64 6400+ X2@3617MHz - no description 3. McDracullo - 25sec 890ms - Athlon 64 3800+ X2 Windsor@3321MHz - no description 4. leman79WRC - 26sec 0ms - Athlon 64 3800+ X2 Windsor@3220MHz - no description 5. hary - 26sec 110ms - Athlon 64 3800+ X2 Windsor@3283MHz - no description wPrime 32m Athlon XP subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Bwanasoft (Crazy-OC Germany) - 59.47 - no description 2. maxine (HardLimit.com) - 60.56 - Amd athlon Xp thorton 2600 (462, socket A) at 2610Mhz, Aircooled by T.B.Typhoon., Mushkin BH-5 at 2-2-2-5-1T 3. ClockMeUp! (United Team of Poland) - 63.63 - our first DI session | NARMER&PEPEK | Epox 8RDA3+@2V-air; AthlonXP2600+TB AIUHB0313 Batch0091@2.075Vmax-DI; 2x512 BallistiX PC3200@2.8V ... 1. ClockMeUp! - 1min 3sec 630ms - Athlon XP 2600+ Thoroughbred@2817.70MHz - our first DI session | NARMER&PEPEK | Epox 8RDA3+@2V-air; AthlonXP2600+TB AIUHB0313 Batch0091@2.075Vmax-DI; 2x512 BallistiX PC3200@2.8V 2. jonathan - 1min 9sec 360ms - Athlon XP 2000+ Thorougbred@2600MHz - no description 3. manieq - 1min 10sec 700ms - Athlon XP 2500+ Barton@2536MHz - no description 4. GergG - 1min 11sec 0ms - Athlon XP 2000+ Thorougbred@2461MHz - Athlon 2000+ ; Epox 8RDA3I ; 256MB Elixir 466 + 1GB Kingston HyperX 400 5. oczkopl7 - 1min 11sec 850ms - Athlon XP 2500+ Barton@2480MHz - no description wPrime 32m Core 2 Duo subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. dinos22 (i4memory.com) - 13.48 - no description 2. tiborrr (OC-Lab2) - 14.20 - EastKoast Of OC-Lab2 a.k.a. Moon & tiborrr toying with LN2 & E8500. Video at: 3. jabski (Bench Tec UK) - 14.60 - no description ... 1. wuj rysio - 16sec 730ms - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@5118MHz - no description 2. DEVILEK - 17sec 630ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4950MHz - OC Team Poland - E6700 and dual stage rotary cascade 3. ryba - 17sec 730ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5000MHz - no description 4. FiDO - 17sec 830ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@4919MHz - Słonik Team :), Cooling by ryba;, miliseconds added - JMKS 5. czesl4f - 18sec 910ms - Core 2 E4500 (2.2Ghz)@4695MHz - miliseconds corrected - JMKS wPrime 32m Core 2 Quad subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. atomic - moloko (i4memory.com) - 3.84 - Kayl CPU Pot v2.0+v3.0 - DICE cooled - 2x Intel 45nm Core 2 Quad CPU - Intel D5400XS motherboard - Micron Engineering Sample FB-DIMM memory @ DDR2-800 5-5-5-15 2T - XFX 8800GS - Silverstone DA1200 PSU - Team Australia (Team.AU) Extreme Overclocking Team 2. k|ngp|n (XtremeSystems) - 4.08 - no description 3. Sampsa (Team Finland) - 4.73 - no description ... 1. wuj rysio - 8sec 810ms - Core 2 QX6850 (3.00Ghz)@5000MHz - no description 2. ryba (PurePC.pl) - 9sec 90ms - Core 2 QX6850 (3.00Ghz)@4914MHz - Już raz te milisekundy poprawiałem, WTF?! - JMKS 3. JMKS - 9sec 300ms - Core 2 QX6850 (3.00Ghz)@4621MHz - no description 4. DEVILEK - 9sec 980ms - Core 2 QX6700 (2.66Ghz)@4400MHz - OC Team Poland - QX 6700 test with cascade 5. ryba - 10sec 480ms - Core 2 QX6700 (2.66Ghz)@4548MHz - ... wPrime 32m Duron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. GergG (United Team of Poland) - 73.00 - Duron 1800 ; Epox 8RDA3I ; 256MB Elixir 466 + 1GB Kingston HyperX 400 2. HucK (United Team of Poland) - 76.00 - no description 3. Nassuz (OC team Norway) - 78.20 - Aircooled ... 1. GergG - 1min 13sec 0ms - Duron 1.8ghz@2427.70MHz - Duron 1800 ; Epox 8RDA3I ; 256MB Elixir 466 + 1GB Kingston HyperX 400 2. HucK - 1min 16sec 0ms - Duron 1.8ghz@2250MHz - no description 3. szpecu&masterover - 1min 23sec 0ms - Duron 1.8ghz@2160MHz - by MasterOver, , www.ocsystems.dbv.pl 4. Krzychu - 1min 34sec 620ms - Duron 1.8ghz@1957.59MHz - no description 5. _BENY_ - 2min 3sec 190ms - Duron 1.6ghz@1600MHz - no description wPrime 32m Pentium 3 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Turrican (Team OCX) - 68.28 - Dual P3-S 1.4Ghz "Tualatin", MSI 694D Pro2, 512MB PC133 2.0-2-2-5 @ 138Mhz, 2. dm (OCZ Benchmark Team) - 78.17 - 3. TiTON (Team IRONMODS) - 80.55 - TiTON - IRONMODS ... 1. Ricci - 2min 31sec 100ms - Pentium 3 1.0Ghz Coppermine s370@1350MHz - no description 2. manieq - 2min 38sec 0ms - Pentium 3 1.0Ghz Coppermine s370@1248MHz - no description 3. nethaker - 3min 33sec 650ms - Pentium 3 700Mhz@935MHz - 4. Kubacki - 3min 37sec 880ms - Pentium 3 933Mhz@933MHz - 5. Kean - 3min 39sec 140ms - Pentium 3 800Mhz@930MHz - no description wPrime 32m Pentium 3 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 93.47 - no description 2. Alexandeer (Z.O.T.) - 105.65 - no description 3. Snod Blatter (DevHardware) - 106.98 - Tualatin Celeron SL6JT with 1.85v on a Gigabyte BX2000, new caps and FETs and an extra coil in parallel with the secondary one. Air cooled with a Thermoengine and 38CFM Delta fan. ... 1. Ricci - 2min 11sec 630ms - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.2Ghz@1570MHz - no description 2. Kean - 2min 23sec 350ms - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.0A Ghz Tualatin@1420MHz - no description 3. Konar - 2min 25sec 0ms - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.0A Ghz Tualatin@1436MHz - no description 4. szpecu&masterover - 2min 28sec 810ms - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.0A Ghz Tualatin@1333MHz - :], www.ocsystems.dbv.pl 5. kszonek - 2min 44sec 420ms - Pentium 3 Celeron 800Mhz@1200MHz - no description wPrime 32m Pentium 4 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. hs (OverClocking-Masters) - 27.00 - no description 2. MaSell (Team OCX) - 43.00 - no description 3. Nordling (Topmods.NET & X-MoDDers) - 46.80 - no description ... 1. czesl4f - 54sec 0ms - Celeron LGA775 347@6149MHz - no description 2. Dmn - 1min 4sec 589ms - Celeron LGA775 347@5091MHz - 3. buuren - 1min 7sec 360ms - Celeron LGA775 352@4799.90MHz - 4. SzPeCu(ocsystems.org) - 1min 28sec 750ms - Celeron LGA775 330J@3660MHz - szpecu & midabek bench., Wielkie podziękowania dla midabka !!!, 5. manieq - 1min 44sec 0ms - Celeron s478 2.0Ghz@3002MHz - no description wPrime 32m Pentium 4 s775 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. ALT-F13 (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 29.00 - no description 2. masterchorch (OCCC.de) - 32.89 - no description 3. Arca_ex (BlazingPC.com) - 35.17 - no description ... 1. DEVILEK - 45sec 670ms - Pentium 4 631@6202MHz - P4 631 + EVGA 680i + cascade 2. Sector19 - 46sec 770ms - Pentium 4 631@6154.30MHz - thx rybus. 3. KAMIL (Hard-PC.pl) - 1min 2sec 330ms - Pentium 4 524@4629MHz - no description 4. Dzior - 1min 2sec 950ms - Pentium 4 630@4476MHz - Pentium 4 630 @ 4476mhz, Asus P5LD2 (945P), mem 375mhz 4-3-3-4 (dual DDR2) Corsair XMS2 675 5. MechWarrior - 1min 7sec 530ms - Pentium 4 640@4209MHz - MechWarrior Poland, P4 640@4003Mhz||GA-91945P-G||2GB Geill ddr2 667Mhz||MSI 7800GT 443/1100||WD Caviar 200GB 16MB Cache 7200rpm||SB Audigy wPrime 32m Sempron 64 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. fr@me (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 53.00 - no description 2. Bl@ze (Team Finland) - 53.55 - no description 3. placid (hyemOCteam) - 54.75 - Thx to Wouter for tweaking my Windows ... 1. buuren - 55sec 690ms - Sempron 3000+ Manila@3045MHz - no description 2. Spookie - 56sec 800ms - Sempron 2800+ Manila@2960MHz - no description 3. dszywala - 57sec 830ms - Sempron 3000+ Palermo s939@3003MHz - Fc single @ -13 Idle or 0/-1 stress 4. hary - 58sec 160ms - Sempron 3000+ Manila@2955MHz - no description 5. tomos - 58sec 500ms - Sempron 3000+ Manila@2876MHz - AC; wPrime shows the cpu speed 2803MHz because the reading is based on the BIOS settings as I suppose. The real clock is 2876MHz as shown in CPUz. Wygenerowane przez hwbot - http://www.hwbot.org - info@hwbot.org
Ranking wPrime 1024M ---------------------------------------------------- WPrime jest szybkim oraz prostym sposobem do mierzenia wydajności procesora. pobierz tutaj Zasady - Nie używaj kilku nicków - Dodawaj tylko wyniki należące do Ciebie - tylko próbka 1024M - używaj funkcji dodawania wyników online wbudowanej w program lub dołącz screenshot. Wytyczne - Formatuj swój wynik według wzoru: [hwbot] wynik - opis_sprzętu [/hwbot] - Staraj się nie używać skrótów - Formatuj podkręcenie procesora jako 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' lub 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz' - dozwolone formaty wyników: '120.34' lub '120.34s' lub '120.34sec' lub '1m 120.233s' lub '1h 1m 120.233s' - Nie używaj formatowania tekstu (pogrubienie Informacje o bocie Moderatorzy: Sector19, proste71, Adelard, JMKS, DaRoN, JMKS - backup :P Użytkownicy: nikt Opcje: odśwież ranking teraz Ranking zespołów - hall of fame pozycja - średnia z top 10 - nazwa zespołu - tygodniowa i miesięczna zmiana pozycji - linki 1. 269.49 i4memory.com - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 2. 270.15 Team OCX - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 3. 275.23 H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team) - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 4. 275.40 Team MXS ModLabs.net - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 5. 288.70 Bench Tec UK - ~ ~ - strona www - forum ... 9. 311.04 Russian Overs-Overclockers.ru - ~ ~ - strona www 10. 313.88 United Team of Poland - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 11. 315.90 Team Finland - ~ ~ - strona www Ranking użytkowników - hall of fame - więcej 1. ALT-F13 (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 131.08 - 2. joegaz - 131.16 - Sun Microsystems, SunFire x4600 8 8220SE, 64GB RAM W2K3 x64 Edition w/SP2 3. tamerlan - 143.28 - 1024 score ... 1. JMKS - 3min 44sec 980ms - Xeon X5365@2992MHz - PCLab.pl 2xClovertown 2. wuj rysio - 4min 14sec 250ms - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5346MHz - no description 3. ryba (PurePC.pl) - 4min 50sec 250ms - Core 2 QX6850 (3.00Ghz)@4914MHz - no description 4. DEVILEK - 5min 9sec 580ms - Core 2 QX6700 (2.66Ghz)@4400MHz - OC Team Poland - QX 6700 with cascade test 5. kszonek - 5min 19sec 230ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3906MHz - thx for petq 6. ryba - 5min 24sec 250ms - Core 2 QX6700 (2.66Ghz)@4629MHz - no description 7. proste71 - 5min 48sec 310ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3790MHz - no description 8. genghiskhan - 5min 50sec 190ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3798MHz - multiplier was x9, x6 because EIST was ON 9. Hausner - 5min 57sec 780ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4101MHz - no description 10. atomel - 6min 0sec 0ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4086MHz - Third trial to record result in database!!! 11. whatever - 6min 8sec 30ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3600MHz - 3.6 pwm beep beep beep :) 12. Raptor - 6min 15sec 690ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3950MHz - no description 13. dnart - 6min 37sec 160ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3600MHz - not a crazy oc , but temp are low on scythe nija , max 75 on wprime1024 test 14. demek - 6min 46sec 130ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3600MHz - Q6600@ 3600MHz 15. beatlover - 7min 26sec 470ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3132MHz - no description 16. xesmar - 8min 12sec 120ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3000MHz - no description 17. FiDO - 9min 28sec 0ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@4880MHz - Słonik Team :), Cooling by ryba 18. czesl4f - 10min 10sec 980ms - Core 2 E4500 (2.2Ghz)@4601MHz - miliseconds corrected - JMKS 19. promian - 10min 16sec 420ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4970MHz - E6700@4545 20. LordFury - 10min 27sec 80ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@4444MHz - E6400 L629Bxxx + P5K Deluxe + OCZ Reaper,, CPU by LordFury, cooling by Ryba (thx!) 21. jumson - 10min 28sec 160ms - Core 2 E4400 (2.0Ghz)@4440MHz - 22. marcin255 - 11min 9sec 840ms - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4100MHz - no description 23. Sector19 - 11min 17sec 390ms - Core 2 E2160 (1.8Ghz)@4255MHz - Great E2160 :) 24. grandzu - 11min 21sec 690ms - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@3902MHz - 25. Lanc - 11min 21sec 890ms - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4345MHz - no description 26. Kubacki - 11min 31sec 190ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@3691MHz - 27. raf71 - 12min 4sec 500ms - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4000MHz - no description 28. Kas - 12min 10sec 170ms - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@3761MHz - 29. MILANS - 12min 22sec 410ms - Athlon 64 6000+ X2@3630MHz - no description 30. yotomeczek - 12min 40sec 80ms - Xeon 3070@4500MHz - 3,65 GHz 31. RoKFoR - 12min 41sec 590ms - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@3918.30MHz - no description 32. byBlackBelieve - 12min 53sec 340ms - Core 2 E2160 (1.8Ghz)@3500MHz - 33. Fisher15 - 13min 1sec 470ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@3600MHz - C2D E6400@3.6GHz - Asus P5W64 34. pavkin - 13min 11sec 190ms - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@3651MHz - E4300 @ 3653 35. lukaspl21 - 13min 19sec 710ms - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@3483MHz - Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 @ 3483(1,6V) , RAM 483mhz Cl4 , Abit AB9 , , Thermaltake Big Typhoon 36. ElMasacratoR - 13min 27sec 170ms - Core 2 E6300 (1.86Ghz)@3675MHz - no description 37. McDracullo - 13min 43sec 580ms - Athlon 64 3800+ X2 Windsor@3260MHz - no description 38. cristo - 13min 59sec 830ms - Core 2 E6300 (1.86Ghz)@3500MHz - 39. Bolo8888 - 14min 4sec 130ms - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@3520MHz - no description 40. dziunek - 14min 4sec 960ms - Athlon 64 5000+ X2 Brisbane@3000MHz - no description 41. hary - 14min 9sec 930ms - Athlon 64 3800+ X2 Windsor@3228MHz - no description 42. Konar - 14min 21sec 610ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@3504MHz - no description 43. hajper[oc-forum.org] - 14min 25sec 860ms - Core 2 E6300 (1.86Ghz)@3311MHz - no description 44. piotrus_pan - 14min 34sec 890ms - Athlon 64 5000+ X2 Brisbane@3060MHz - thx for yamo.pl 45. bartx - 14min 37sec 970ms - Core 2 E2160 (1.8Ghz)@3420MHz - no description 46. michalpl - 14min 44sec 230ms - Core 2 E2140 (1.6Ghz)@3320MHz - no description 47. dratron - 14min 47sec 220ms - Core 2 E6420 (2.13Ghz)@3200MHz - no description 48. robson241 - 14min 50sec 700ms - Athlon 64 3600+ X2 Brisbane@3135MHz - no description 49. olszu - 14min 52sec 330ms - Core 2 E6300 (1.86Ghz)@3010MHz - no description 50. kryl - 15min 21sec 450ms - Core 2 E2160 (1.8Ghz)@3150MHz - no description wPrime 1024m Athlon 64 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Bwanasoft (Crazy-OC Germany) - 1025.97 - no description 2. fr@me (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 1556.38 - no description 3. TRAXX (INpacTe@m) - 1572.97 - no description ... 1. hary - 26min 41sec 150ms - Athlon 64 LE-1600@3446MHz - no description 2. KonradGT - 28min 5sec 0ms - Athlon 64 3500+ San Diego@3205MHz - A64 3500+ SD @ 3205 1.55v @ H2O | DFI LanParty | 2x 512mb BH5 @ 458 2-2-2-5 | 3. viktorpl - 28min 39sec 90ms - Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego@3157MHz - no description 4. ryba - 29min 46sec 550ms - Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego@3004MHz - 5. szlimak86 - 29min 49sec 810ms - Athlon 64 3200+ Orleans@3011MHz - =a64 3200+@3ghz 1,6v[air cooling: freezer64pro + big fan]=goodram/elpida-6e-e 2*512 667@600 4-4-4-12-2t 2v=infinity nf u2-m2g=msi66gt@575/1150=fsp350-60mdn®= wPrime 1024m Athlon 64 X2 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. AndreyKV (Russian Overs-Overclockers.ru) - 632.72 - no description 2. fr@me (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 659.38 - no description 3. Serhios (AMD "Steel Tigers" Team) - 684.76 - no description ... 1. MILANS - 12min 22sec 410ms - Athlon 64 6000+ X2@3630MHz - no description 2. McDracullo - 13min 43sec 580ms - Athlon 64 3800+ X2 Windsor@3260MHz - no description 3. dziunek - 14min 4sec 960ms - Athlon 64 5000+ X2 Brisbane@3000MHz - no description 4. hary - 14min 9sec 930ms - Athlon 64 3800+ X2 Windsor@3228MHz - no description 5. piotrus_pan - 14min 34sec 890ms - Athlon 64 5000+ X2 Brisbane@3060MHz - thx for yamo.pl wPrime 1024m Athlon XP subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Bwanasoft (Crazy-OC Germany) - 2106.81 - no description 2. Daniel Maia (Techzonept) - 2112.69 - AMD Athlon XP 3000+ @ 2660MHz, Mushkin Redline PC3200 @ 204MHz, Windows XP @ boot by diagnostic, No tweaks 3. maxine (HardLimit.com) - 2125.99 - Amd XP 2600+ Thorton socket a(462) at 2126Mhz., Aircooled with T.B.Typhoon., Mushkin BH-5 2-2-2-5-1T ... 1. manieq - 38min 53sec 30ms - Athlon XP 2500+ Barton@2425MHz - ASUS A7n8x Barton 2500+ Vitesta600 2. ClockMeUp! - 39min 44sec 500ms - Athlon XP 2600+ Thoroughbred@2409.50MHz - first DI session | NARMER&PEPEK | Epox 8RDA3+@2V-air; AthlonXP2600+TB AIUHB0313 Batch0091@2.075Vmax-DI; 2x512 BallistiX PC3200@2.8V 3. Idzioch (ocsystems.org) - 41min 56sec 420ms - Athlon XP 2400+ Thorougbred@2258MHz - no description 4. Pepek86 - 42min 2sec 470ms - Athlon XP 2600+ Thoroughbred@2305MHz - no description 5. bialymis - 42min 17sec 0ms - Athlon XP 2500+ Barton@2310MHz - no description wPrime 1024m Core 2 Duo subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. ERODE (PcXtreme.it OC Team -ITALY-) - 436.02 - 2. pro (i4memory.com) - 506.94 - wprime tweaking on ln2 (eram, copywaza, etc) 3. SF3D (Team Finland) - 512.73 - fsb wall 577 :( -L722A186 ... 1. ryba - 9min 21sec 440ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5000MHz - miliseconds added - JMKS 2. FiDO - 9min 28sec 0ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@4880MHz - Słonik Team :), Cooling by ryba 3. czesl4f - 10min 10sec 980ms - Core 2 E4500 (2.2Ghz)@4601MHz - miliseconds corrected - JMKS 4. promian - 10min 16sec 420ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4970MHz - E6700@4545 5. ryba (PurePC.pl) - 10min 19sec 370ms - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@4410MHz - ... wPrime 1024m Core 2 Quad subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 261.80 - QUAD X6700 @ 5100MHz with CellShock Rams... 2. stoolman (OC team Norway) - 262.27 - no description 3. ziberia (Team Finland) - 266.84 - New cascade! ... 1. wuj rysio - 4min 48sec 630ms - Core 2 QX6850 (3.00Ghz)@5000MHz - no description 2. ryba (PurePC.pl) - 4min 50sec 250ms - Core 2 QX6850 (3.00Ghz)@4914MHz - no description 3. JMKS - 5min 0sec 230ms - Core 2 QX6850 (3.00Ghz)@4500MHz - no description 4. DEVILEK - 5min 9sec 580ms - Core 2 QX6700 (2.66Ghz)@4400MHz - OC Team Poland - QX 6700 with cascade test 5. kszonek - 5min 19sec 230ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3906MHz - thx for petq wPrime 1024m Pentium 4 s775 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. ALT-F13 (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 943.86 - no description 2. masterchorch (OCCC.de) - 1050.02 - no description 3. Arca_ex (BlazingPC.com) - 1104.00 - no description ... 1. Sector19 - 25min 1sec 0ms - Pentium 4 631@6100MHz - thx rybus 2. Dzior - 34min 30sec 30ms - Pentium 4 630@4398MHz - Pentium 4 630 @ 4398mhz, Asus P5LD2 (945P), mem 365mhz 4-3-3-4 (dual DDR2) Corsair XMS2 675 3. MechWarrior - 36min 53sec 250ms - Pentium 4 640@4006MHz - MechWarrior Poland, P4 640@4GHZ ||7800GT||2GB DDR667||WDC 200GB||GIGABYTE 945P-G||SB AUDUGY|| 4. Kean - 37min 23sec 330ms - Pentium 4 541@4200MHz - 5. Inspirion - 41min 47sec 610ms - Pentium 4 530@3827MHz - no description wPrime 1024m Sempron 64 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. fr@me (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 1721.00 - no description 2. BeerKing (Vmodtech.com, Thailand) - 1745.50 - no description 3. Ozzimark (Team OCX) - 1761.89 - no description ... 1. Spookie - 30min 38sec 0ms - Sempron 2800+ Manila@2927MHz - 2. hary - 31min 2sec 770ms - Sempron 3000+ Manila@2955MHz - no description 3. M!chalak - 31min 7sec 780ms - Sempron 2800+ Palermo@2822MHz - 4. dszywala - 32min 4sec 860ms - Sempron 3000+ Palermo s939@3017MHz - FC single @ -13 idle or 0/-1 stress... 5. Kaaban - 32min 45sec 770ms - Sempron 3200+ Manila@2796MHz - Wygenerowane przez hwbot - http://www.hwbot.org - info@hwbot.org
Ranking SuperPi 32M ---------------------------------------------------- SuperPi to prosty i szybki sposób do pomiaru wydajności procesora/systemu. pobierz tutaj Zasady - Nie używaj kilku nicków - Dodawaj tylko wyniki należące do Ciebie - Tylko próbka 32M - Załącz screenshot wyniku Wytyczne - Formatuj swój wynik według wzoru: [hwbot] wynik - opis_sprzętu [/hwbot] - Staraj się nie używać skrótów - Formatuj podkręcenie procesora jako 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' lub 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz' - Dozwolone formaty wyników: 65.67(s) lub 65s 67ms lub 1m 05s 67ms - Nie używaj formatowania tekstu (pogrubienie Informacje o bocie Moderatorzy: ent, Sector19, JMKS, Adelard, DaRoN, JMKS - backup :P Użytkownicy: nikt Opcje: odśwież ranking teraz Ranking zespołów - hall of fame pozycja - średnia z top 10 - nazwa zespołu - tygodniowa i miesięczna zmiana pozycji - linki 1. 614.20 H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team) - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 2. 629.01 United Team of Poland - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 3. 634.38 i4memory.com - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 4. 635.84 OverClocking-Masters - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 5. 647.20 OC Forums - ~ ~ - strona www - forum ... Ranking użytkowników - hall of fame - więcej 1. giorgioprimo (Memoryextreme Team) - 544.28 - cooled by KING BLOCK ( thermocontrolled LN2 pot ) made from ALEX-TA 2. gprhellas (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 546.00 - @very hard bench due to ASUS boot problem to -150@ 3. Zannema (Tecnocomputer.it) - 549.06 - E6700 L631B153 @ -135C° 1.94V, Asus P5K Deluxe vmod zannema (vdimm-vcore), TG Xtreem 667 Easy OC @ 2.55V, Topower 700W, S3 Virge/DX 4MB PCI, Xp Pro light, Alex_ta Pot (Kingblock), Eram 450mb-Maxmem= 600mb-Copywaza, ... 1. Gemmy - 9min 40sec 520ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5250MHz - by BTL team! 2. pmp - 9min 48sec 860ms - Core 2 QX6850 (3.00Ghz)@5059MHz - no description 3. ryba - 9min 53sec 500ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5098MHz - no description 4. FiDO - 10min 10sec 630ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@4919MHz - Słonik Team :), Cooling by ryba 5. DEVILEK - 10min 18sec 630ms - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4940MHz - Score on strap 333MHz. 6. yotomeczek - 10min 52sec 190ms - Core 2 Xeon UP 3070@4600MHz - Evap -52 7. JMKS - 10min 54sec 200ms - Core 2 QX6850 (3.00Ghz)@4750MHz - QX6850, Corsair Dominator & 8800Ultra by PCLab.pl, Commando and skills ;) by JMKS @ PCLab.pl headquarters :), 1,65V (VDrooped), 1 core, 1,85V NB, 1066 strap 8. czesl4f - 10min 55sec 890ms - Core 2 E4500 (2.2Ghz)@4607MHz - no description 9. ryba (PurePC.pl) - 11min 6sec 470ms - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@4455MHz - ... 10. promian - 11min 9sec 160ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4572MHz - 11. jumson - 11min 25sec 860ms - Core 2 E4400 (2.0Ghz)@4540MHz - E4400 @ 1,8V, Asus Commando + VDroop, GoodRAM PRO 454MHz 4-4-4-4, Dry Ice, jumson & JMKS 12. Lanc - 11min 32sec 140ms - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4353MHz - 1.775v, MSI P35 Neo2-FR, Sector & Lanc 13. Ricci - 11min 40sec 390ms - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4257MHz - E6600@4257MHz FC Riccilightchill-DFI Infinity P965-S Dark 14. Madness - 11min 45sec 410ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4160MHz - no description 15. Sector19 - 11min 46sec 410ms - Core 2 E2160 (1.8Ghz)@4327MHz - Great E2160 :) 16. atomel - 11min 54sec 450ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4185MHz - no description 17. - 12min 17sec 580ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@4021.20MHz - E6400@4021.2MHz, RAM@502.7 4-4-4-4, Commando @ 1066 strap, Scythe Infinity 18. proste71 - 12min 21sec 630ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4000MHz - no description 19. Racuch - 12min 43sec 960ms - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4005MHz - E6600 @ 4005MHz WC - Asus P5W64WSPro Vista 20. genghiskhan - 12min 44sec 880ms - Core 2 E6420 (2.13Ghz)@4000MHz - 2x1GB GOODRAM PRO 900 :D 21. Arael - 12min 45sec 490ms - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz) - Core 2 Duo E6750 + OCZ Reaper HPC + Asus P5K Deluxe 22. raf71 - 12min 50sec 450ms - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4000MHz - no description 23. Chaos - 13min 4sec 700ms - Core 2 E6300 (1.86Ghz - Allendale or Conroe)@3640MHz - E6300@3640MHz 2x1024mb 5-5-5-5 625mhz 24. Opson - 13min 13sec 980ms - Core 2 E6320 (1.86Ghz)@3920MHz - Drugi raz, moze bedzie 25. grandzu - 13min 19sec 610ms - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@3904MHz - no description 26. Raptor - 13min 36sec 110ms - Core 2 E6420 (2.13Ghz)@3808MHz - no description 27. GergG - 13min 41sec 730ms - Core 2 E6420 (2.13Ghz)@3704MHz - C1E Enabled ( reduced speed in no stress x6 ) Frequency 463x8 28. ntt_system - 13min 53sec 450ms - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@3650MHz - no description 29. Kas - 13min 53sec 720ms - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@3761MHz - 30. Kubacki - 13min 57sec 970ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@3888.10MHz - E6400 @ 3888.1 MHz, RAM 460 5-5-4-7, Asus P5B Deluxe/WiFi, Scythe Infinity 31. Bolo8888 - 14min 13sec 670ms - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@3520MHz - no description 32. LordFury - 14min 26sec 380ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@3616MHz - C2D E6400 @ 3616MHz (1.45v, WC), Asus P5W64 WS Pro., 2x1GB OCZ Gold @ 452MHz 33. lukaspl21 - 14min 26sec 730ms - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@3582MHz - Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 @ 3582(1,68V) , RAM 497mhz Cl4 , Abit AB9 , , Thermaltake Big Typhoon 34. pavkin - 14min 34sec 660ms - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@3654MHz - 35. Caleb - 14min 40sec 690ms - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@3600MHz - E6750@3600MHz - Abit IP35-E - 2x1024mb 4-4-4-15 450 Mhz 36. Remix - 14min 50sec 860ms - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@3600MHz - C2D E6600 @ 3600MHz, 4-4-4-11 @ 800MHz 37. muchacho_ - 15min 2sec 250ms - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@3600MHz - Air Cooling 38. Hausner - 15min 17sec 0ms - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@3780MHz - Watercooled cpu&gpu 39. viktorpl - 15min 23sec 340ms - Core 2 E4400 (2.0Ghz)@3500MHz - no description 40. ZiboDark - 15min 24sec 640ms - nieznany procesor - Wynik się podaje w sekundach, to raz. I naucz się strapa odpowiednio wykorzystywać, tzn. np. 9x400 by było spoooro szybsze... Liczę na poprawę ;) - JMKS 41. framkk_oc_team - 15min 26sec 480ms - Core 2 E6300 (1.86Ghz - Allendale or Conroe)@3570MHz - no description 42. BArt_X - 15min 29sec 940ms - Core 2 E2160 (1.8Ghz)@3335MHz - no description 43. byBlackBelieve - 15min 32sec 630ms - Core 2 E6300 (1.86Ghz - Allendale or Conroe)@3500MHz - no description 44. Konar - 16min 15sec 720ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@3504MHz - no description 45. dratron - 16min 20sec 80ms - Core 2 E6420 (2.13Ghz)@3200MHz - no description 46. beatlover - 16min 26sec 440ms - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3060MHz - no description 47. greg sd - 16min 31sec 730ms - Core 2 E6300 (1.86Ghz - Allendale or Conroe)@3220MHz - no description 48. Desinger - 16min 35sec 0ms - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@3510MHz - Power380w, box cooler 49. speedzik - 16min 35sec 560ms - Core 2 E6300 (1.86Ghz - Allendale or Conroe)@3325MHz - no description 50. Warkam - 16min 37sec 0ms - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@3300MHz - no description SuperPi 32m Athlon 64 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. gianni-gt (O.C. Team Switzerland) - 1188.61 - San Diego 3700+ @ 3688Mhz 1.67V, BH5 @ 263Mhz 2-2-2-5 3.60V, SingleStage 2. fr@me (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 1248.52 - no description 3. bachus_anonym (XtremeSystems) - 1297.96 - ... 1. meeron - 24min 13sec 420ms - Athlon 64 3500+ San Diego@3238MHz - Athlon 3500+ @ 3238MHz - DFI LP nF4 - AC F64PRO 2. viktorpl - 24min 30sec 200ms - Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego@3147MHz - no description 3. Mardok - 25min 33sec 880ms - Athlon 64 3000+ Venice s939@2844MHz - no description 4. KOSTECKI:)XOC - 25min 46sec 530ms - Athlon 64 3000+ Orleans@2925MHz - freezer64 pro and 1,775V on core. 5. Gwynbleids (vel) Amitoza - 26min 6sec 950ms - Athlon 64 3500+ San Diego@3027MHz - SuperPi 32m Athlon 64 X2 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. TiTON (Team IRONMODS) - 1149.44 - AMD x2 AMD Black Edition - 2GB OCZ NVIDIA SLI RAM, PCP&C 750 Quad Silencer, SS Phase, all in Danger Den Torture Rack 2. fr@me (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 1170.05 - no description 3. flasker (OCZ Benchmark Team) - 1192.81 - AMD 5600+ x2 @ 3782 MHz OCZ PC2-8500 SLI Ready/ Asus Crosshair /Chilled Water ... 1. MILANS - 20min 29sec 830ms - Athlon 64 6000+ X2@3685MHz - no description 2. kretfr - 21min 56sec 670ms - Athlon 64 3800+ X2 Windsor@3250MHz - no description 3. McDracullo - 22min 31sec 880ms - Athlon 64 3800+ X2 Windsor@3321.40MHz - no description 4. DaRoN - 22min 53sec 770ms - Athlon 64 6400+ X2@3555MHz - no description 5. banti - 23min 34sec 450ms - Athlon 64 3800+ X2 Toledo@3138MHz - X2 Toledo, 2x512 bh6 seitec SuperPi 32m Athlon XP subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Crowz (Z.O.T.) - 2009.08 - no description 2. cpulloverclock (OverClocking-Masters) - 2053.00 - Athlon XP Barton 2500+ @ 2572.4MHz Vapochill modded in chill by PGEO 3. Daniel Maia (Techzonept) - 2115.08 - AMD Athlon XP 3000+ @ 2660MHz AQYHA @ 1.950V, Mushkin Redline PC3200 @ 204MHz @ 3.3V, DFI Lanparty ultra B full ramsinked, Windows XP@BOOT diagnostics, No tweaks, ... 1. manieq - 37min 21sec 90ms - Athlon XP 2500+ Barton@2385MHz - no description 2. GergG - 38min 47sec 750ms - Athlon XP 2000+ Thorougbred@2412MHz - Epox 8RDA3I ; Athlon XP 2000+ ; 1280MB Ram 256Elixir PC3700 + 1GB Kingston HyperX PC3200 Dual 3. oczkopl7 - 39min 16sec 650ms - Athlon XP 2500+ Barton@2370MHz - no description 4. morus12 - 39min 42sec 0ms - Athlon XP 1800+ Thorougbred@2300MHz - no description 5. MarcinBolo - 41min 25sec 770ms - Athlon XP 2400+@2400MHz - MarcinBolo Poland SuperPi 32m Core 2 Duo subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. giorgioprimo (Memoryextreme Team) - 544.28 - cooled by KING BLOCK ( thermocontrolled LN2 pot ) made from ALEX-TA 2. gprhellas (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 546.00 - @very hard bench due to ASUS boot problem to -150@ 3. Zannema (Tecnocomputer.it) - 549.06 - E6700 L631B153 @ -135C° 1.94V, Asus P5K Deluxe vmod zannema (vdimm-vcore), TG Xtreem 667 Easy OC @ 2.55V, Topower 700W, S3 Virge/DX 4MB PCI, Xp Pro light, Alex_ta Pot (Kingblock), Eram 450mb-Maxmem= 600mb-Copywaza, ... 1. Gemmy - 9min 40sec 520ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5250MHz - by BTL team! 2. ryba - 9min 53sec 500ms - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5098MHz - no description 3. FiDO - 10min 10sec 630ms - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@4919MHz - Słonik Team :), Cooling by ryba 4. DEVILEK - 10min 18sec 630ms - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4940MHz - Score on strap 333MHz. 5. czesl4f - 10min 55sec 890ms - Core 2 E4500 (2.2Ghz)@4607MHz - no description SuperPi 32m Sempron 64 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Ozzimark (Team OCX) - 1452.67 - 2. buuren (United Team of Poland) - 1454.22 - no description 3. redratamd (OverClocking-Masters) - 1469.17 - no description ... 1. buuren - 24min 14sec 220ms - Sempron 3000+ Manila@3003MHz - no description 2. teat - 25min 9sec 420ms - Sempron 3000+ Manila@2930MHz - no description 3. hary - 25min 10sec 920ms - Sempron 3000+ Manila@2918MHz - no description 4. dszywala - 25min 27sec 750ms - Sempron 3000+ Palermo s939@2976MHz - FC single @ -13 IDLE or 0/-1 stress. 5. tomos - 25min 40sec 490ms - Sempron 3000+ Manila@2851MHz - AC Wygenerowane przez hwbot - http://www.hwbot.org - info@hwbot.org
Ranking CPU-Z - max MHz ---------------------------------------------------- W tym rankingu chodzi o uzyskanie jak najwyższego taktowania procesora. Użyj CPU-Z do odczytania prędkości Twojego procesora i zrób screenshot tego wyniku! pobierz tutaj Zasady - Nie używaj kilku nicków - Dodawaj tylko wyniki należące do Ciebie - Nie jest wymagana konkretna wersja CPU-Z - Załącz screenshot wyniku lub sumę kontrolną Wytyczne - Formatuj swój wynik według wzoru: [hwbot] wynik - opis_sprzętu [/hwbot] - Staraj się nie używać skrótów - Formatuj podkręcenie procesora jako 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' lub 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz' - Dozwolone formaty wyników: '5123' lub '5123 MHz' - Nie używaj formatowania tekstu (pogrubienie Informacje o bocie Moderatorzy: Sector19, proste71, JMKS, Adelard, DaRoN, JMKS - backup :P Użytkownicy: MaSell (Team OCX), ryba (PurePC.pl) (Team OCX) Opcje: odśwież ranking teraz Ranking zespołów - hall of fame pozycja - średnia z top 10 - nazwa zespołu - tygodniowa i miesięczna zmiana pozycji - linki 1. 7095.87 Team OCX - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 2. 6872.90 Russian Overs-Overclockers.ru - ~ ~ - strona www 3. 6666.17 AwardFabrik - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 4. 6607.83 United Team of Poland - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 5. 6525.44 Team MXS ModLabs.net - ~ ~ - strona www - forum ... Ranking użytkowników - hall of fame - więcej 1. ThuG OC Team Italy (PcXtreme.it OC Team -ITALY-) - 8179.89 - no description 2. Nordling (Topmods.NET & X-MoDDers) - 8113.00 - no description 3. TaPaKaH (Team OCX) - 8010.87 - no description ... 1. 99tomcat - 7770.13 mhz - Celeron LGA775 352@7770.13MHz - Celeron D 352 || ln2-Gemmy&ent dream team 2. czesl4f - 7144.26 mhz - Celeron LGA775 347@7144.26MHz - no description 3. Gemmy - 7082.94 mhz - Celeron LGA775 352@7082.94MHz - no description 4. ent - 6753.55 mhz - Celeron LGA775 352@6753.55MHz - THX for Gemmy!!! 5. majkel84 - 6402.7 mhz - Celeron LGA775 352@6402.70MHz - Celeron D 352 6. Sector19 - 6288.8 mhz - Pentium 4 631@6288.80MHz - Thx ryba :) 7. pmp - 6286 mhz - Celeron LGA775 351@6286MHz - File cpuz6286.cvf upload : OK, Checksum Computed : OK, Checksum Validated : YES, ERROR ! Your CPUZ Version is outdated. Please upgrade to CPU-Z 1.41+, , boo boo happened... 8. DEVILEK - 6275 mhz - Celeron LGA775 352@6275MHz - no description 9. Kean - 6134.63 mhz - Pentium 4 631@6134.63MHz - no description 10. LordFury - 5940.28 mhz - Pentium 4 631@5940.28MHz - P4 631 Cedar Mill - 5940.28MHz @ a lot of vcore :] , CPU by LordFury, cooling by Ryba (thx!) 11. kszonek - 5829 mhz - Pentium 4 641@5829MHz - Prometeia Mach II, P5W64, vMch vDimm vCore mods, 641 @ 1.79v 12. [N-M] wrOC_Crew - 5822.94 mhz - Celeron LGA775 347@5822.94MHz - [N-M] Night-Modders.com, wrOC_Crew - Meeron, Unckle, toman 13. wuj rysio - 5822 mhz - Core 2 QX9770 (3.2Ghz)@5822MHz - no description 14. KvaNfield - 5616 mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 930@5616MHz - Pentium D 930 - LN2 Cooling - made with genghiskhan 15. LukeXE - 5612 mhz - nieznany procesor - Pentium 4 620@5612Mhz - autocascade 16. RaVeN155 - 5509 mhz - Celeron s478 325@5509MHz - no description 17. bryce - 5457 mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 920@5457MHz - Bryce&Jarogniew, No moded(!) Asus p5b + Buffalo FireStix FSX800D2C-K2G powered by Tagan 700W., Dry Ice cooled. 18. yotomeczek - 5450 mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 925@5450MHz - no description 19. victor89 - 5401 mhz - Celeron LGA775 352@5401MHz - no description 20. wampir - 5391 mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 930@5391MHz - Pentium 4 'D' 930 - Freon cooler 21. Dmn - 5313 mhz - Celeron LGA775 347@5313MHz - 22. JMKS - 5180 mhz - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5180MHz - no description 23. Hipo - 5143 mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 920@5143MHz - Pentium D 920 24. FiDO - 5122 mhz - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@5122MHz - Słonik Team :), , Cooling by ryba (-110 stress) 25. Cichy_killer - 5071.46 mhz - Celeron LGA775 352@5071.46MHz - Celeron D 352 26. PurePC - 5061 mhz - Core 2 X6800 (2.93Ghz)@5061MHz - C2D x6800ES 27. pablopawel - 5028.3 mhz - Core 2 E6850 (3.0Ghz)@5028.30MHz - pablopawel & JMKS, ~1,8V 28. Lanc - 4922 mhz - Pentium 4 631@4922MHz - no description 29. teat - 4914.83 mhz - Pentium 4 506@4914.83MHz - Intel Pentium 4 506 30. jumson - 4810 mhz - Core 2 E4400 (2.0Ghz)@4810MHz - E4400 @ 1,9V, Asus Commando + VDroop, Vcore mod, OCZ Reaper 481MHz 4-4-4-4 by extrememem.pl and G.Skill HZ by G.Skill Poland, Dry Ice, jumson & JMKS= J TEAM 31. jonathan - 4802 mhz - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4802MHz - no description 32. buuren - 4800 mhz - Celeron LGA775 352@4800MHz - no description 33. marcin255 - 4799 mhz - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@4799MHz - no description 34. Dzior - 4794 mhz - Pentium 4 630@4794MHz - Asus P5ld2 Freezer7 pro 35. promian - 4730 mhz - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4730MHz - E6700@4730MHz by promian and JMKS - cooled by piotres cascade (-105c) 36. Swider - 4729 mhz - Core 2 X6800 (2.93Ghz)@4729MHz - x6800es @ 4729MHz | Asus P5B DLX | 4x512 Patriot LLK | Team PurePC.pl 37. LaZy - 4717 mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 930@4717MHz - 38. KAMIL (Hard-PC.pl) - 4704.6 mhz - Pentium 4 524@4704.60MHz - no description 39. A92 - 4680 mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 930@4680MHz - no description 40. MechWarrior - 4610 mhz - Pentium 4 640@4610MHz - MechWarrior Poland , ga-81945p-g||geil 4x512mb 667@833mhz||msi 7800gt||wd caviar 200gb s-ata2 16mb cache||chiftec 500W 41. skwiatek-hard-pc.pl - 4610 mhz - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4610MHz - no description 42. mazii - 4591 mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 925@4591MHz - no description 43. tristan307 - 4520.8 mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 915@4520.80MHz - no description 44. Opson - 4509 mhz - Pentium 4 511J@4509MHz - no description 45. - 4500 mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 805@4500MHz - Pentium D805 2,66GHz @ 4,5GHz, Asus Commando, Freezer 7 Pro, 1,65V 46. Zonc - 4499.9 mhz - Pentium 4 630@4499.90MHz - no description 47. meeron - 4444.96 mhz - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@4444.96MHz - no description 48. MStune - 4418 mhz - Pentium 4 524@4418MHz - Intel Pentium 4 524 @ 4418 MHz - BOX cooling 49. pipanol - 4400.5 mhz - Pentium 4 3.2Ghz Prescott@4400.50MHz - no description 50. atomel - 4383.46 mhz - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4383.46MHz - no description CPU-Z Athlon subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. cpulloverclock (OverClocking-Masters) - 2184.00 - Athlon 1000 Thunderbird | Soltek SL-75MRN-L | Cascade made by PGEO 2. Bartleby (Syndrome-OC) - 2110.30 - coef 9 @ 11 3. Bwanasoft (Crazy-OC Germany) - 1790.50 - no description ... 1. KvaNfield - 1616.03 mhz - Athlon 1400Mhz (fsb133)@1616.03MHz - Athlon on cold water :] 2. ent - 1585.09 mhz - Athlon 1400Mhz (fsb133)@1585.09MHz - Very fast AC run 3. Kubacki - 1544.5 mhz - Athlon 1333Mhz@1544.50MHz - Athlon 1333 @ 1474.2MHz (11*134), ASUS A7V133, mem@133 2-2-2-6 4. GergG - 1315.5 mhz - Athlon 1000Mhz (fsb133)@1315.50MHz - Epox 8RDA3I ; Athlon 1000C FSB 133 stock ; 256MB Elixir 466 + 1GB Kingston HyperX 400 5. s_noopy - 1228.12 mhz - Athlon 1000Mhz (fsb133)@1228.12MHz - Athlon 1000MHz @ 1228MHz @ 2.00V CPU-Z Athlon 64 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. placid (hyemOCteam) - 3962.92 - no description 2. gianni-gt (O.C. Team Switzerland) - 3941.00 - Athlon SanDiego 4000+ @ 3941MHz, 1.74, DICE 3. BeerKing (Vmodtech.com, Thailand) - 3921.38 - no description ... 1. hary - 3804 mhz - Athlon 64 LE-1600@3804MHz - no description 2. janio - 3659.4 mhz - Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego@3659.40MHz - SanDiego 3700+ 30 week 06 cooled by WafelIce bulid by Muciek 3. ige007 - 3555.7 mhz - Athlon 64 3000+ Venice s939@3555.70MHz - Athlon 64 3000+ Venice E3 - cooled LN2 - ige007 & unckle & rrymek team 4. wrOC_Crew - 3546.74 mhz - Athlon 64 3500+ San Diego@3546.74MHz - Athlon 64 3500+ san diego - cooled by unckle's FC 5. [N-M] wrOC_Crew - 3546.74 mhz - Athlon 64 3500+ San Diego@3546.74MHz - wrOC_Crew (meeron, Uncle, toman) CPU-Z Athlon 64 X2 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. AndreyKV (Russian Overs-Overclockers.ru) - 4287.12 - no description 2. MaSell (Team OCX) - 4226.35 - no description 3. mAJORD (OCAU) - 4222.75 - AMD X2 6400+ on 226w peltier + A/C Chiller ... 1. Pepek - ClockMeUp! - 4177.82 mhz - Athlon 64 6400+ X2@4177.82MHz - ADX6400IAA6CZ S/N:1751272H70275 CCB8F 0730DPMW Vcpu: 1,75 Vram: 2,5 temp. -30C, 2. MILANS - 4098.39 mhz - Athlon 64 6000+ X2@4098.39MHz - no description 3. DaRoN - 3772 mhz - Athlon 64 6400+ X2@3772MHz - no description 4. michu (oc-forum.org) - 3719.23 mhz - Athlon 64 5200+ X2 Windsor@3719.23MHz - Windsor F3 @ 1.625V + AC Freezer 64 PRO 5. Adam83 - 3650.9 mhz - Athlon 64 5200+ X2 Windsor@3650.90MHz - no description CPU-Z Athlon XP subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. boblemagnifique (OverClocking-Masters) - 3234.00 - 2. stunned_guy (HardwareLuxx Germany) - 3210.25 - no description 3. xbrian88 (HwMania-OC-Team - HwMania.org) - 3006.60 - no description ... 1. ClockMeUp! - 2891.2 mhz - Athlon XP 2600+ Thoroughbred@2891.20MHz - first DI session | NARMER&PEPEK | Epox 8RDA3+@2V-air; AthlonXP2600+TB AIUHB0313 Batch0091@2.075Vmax-DI; 2x512 BallistiX PC3200@2.8V 2. Swider - 2712 mhz - Athlon XP 2500+ Barton@2712MHz - no description 3. oczkopl7 - 2700.5 mhz - Athlon XP 2500+ Barton@2700.50MHz - no description 4. pietach - 2631 mhz - Athlon XP 2400+ Thorougbred@2631MHz - no description 5. nethaker (dzikie.NET) - 2625 mhz - Athlon XP 2600+ Thoroughbred@2625MHz - no description CPU-Z Core 2 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. boblemagnifique (OverClocking-Masters) - 4933.00 - Conroe L 2.8ghz 1mo L2 under LN2 (Lan Overclocking JMH/SOC) 2. splmann (O.C. Team Switzerland) - 4912.00 - no description 3. Pederrs (OcTeamDenmark) - 4901.97 - no description ... 1. pchack - 4049 mhz - Celeron LGA775 430@4049MHz - no description 2. - 3840 mhz - Celeron LGA775 460@3840MHz - Celeron 460 3. JMKS - 3835.74 mhz - Celeron LGA775 480@3835.74MHz - Intel Celeron Conroe-L ES 2800MHz @ 3835.74MHz, Intel BOX cooler; CPU FSB wall @ ~265 => 266 FSB absolutely no POST... 4. Puma(PL) - 3519 mhz - Celeron LGA775 420@3519MHz - no description 5. victor89 - 3429 mhz - Celeron LGA775 430@3429MHz - no description CPU-Z Core 2 Duo subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. thuongkiet82 (amtech.vn) - 6067.00 - no description 2. boblemagnifique (OverClocking-Masters) - 6022.95 - no description 3. joe_cool (Team OCX) - 5856.76 - no description ... 1. Gemmy - 5328 mhz - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5328MHz - by BTL team! 2. DEVILEK - 5150 mhz - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5150MHz - OC Team Poland - ABIT Quad GT + GoodRam Pro + Dual stage rotary cascade '] 3. FiDO - 5122 mhz - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@5122MHz - Słonik Team :), , Cooling by ryba (-110 stress) 4. pablopawel - 5028.3 mhz - Core 2 E6850 (3.0Ghz)@5028.30MHz - pablopawel & JMKS, ~1,8V 5. czesl4f - 4953.55 mhz - Core 2 E4500 (2.2Ghz)@4953.55MHz - no description CPU-Z Core 2 Quad subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. thuongkiet82 (amtech.vn) - 6076.02 - no description 2. ZoLKoRn (OverclockZone-Thailand) - 5941.55 - no description 3. Nosfer@tu (OcTeamDenmark) - 5941.55 - OCTeamDenmark & OverclockZone´s bench session in bankok ... 1. wuj rysio - 5822 mhz - Core 2 QX9770 (3.2Ghz)@5822MHz - no description 2. JMKS - 5161 mhz - Core 2 QX6850 (3.00Ghz)@5161MHz - no description 3. pmp - 5112.89 mhz - Core 2 QX6850 (3.00Ghz)@5112.89MHz - kiełbasa squad wyczyn 4. atomel - 4383.46 mhz - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4383.46MHz - no description 5. wrednaszuja - 4038.67 mhz - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4038.67MHz - AC TR ULTRA 120 EX + CPU-Z Duron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. cpulloverclock (OverClocking-Masters) - 3031.00 - Duron 1.4 GHz | Soltek SL-75MRN-L | Cascade made by PGEO 2. fr@me (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 2881.00 - no description 3. boblemagnifique (OverClocking-Masters) - 2876.00 - Mach Doom II ... 1. SzPeCu&MasterOver(ocsystems-TEAM) - 2603 mhz - Duron 1.8ghz@2603MHz - MasterOver & Szpecu 2. GergG - 2455.2 mhz - Duron 1.8ghz@2455.20MHz - Duron 1800MHz ; Epox 8RDA3I ; 256MB Elixir 466 + 1GB Kingston HyperX 3. HucK - 2296 mhz - Duron 1.8ghz@2296MHz - no description 4. Alejajca - 2295.5 mhz - Duron 1.8ghz@2295.50MHz - no description 5. Dziobak - 2040.7 mhz - Duron 1.6ghz@2040.70MHz - no description CPU-Z Pentium 2 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. hs (OverClocking-Masters) - 601.00 - no description 2. ribeirocross ([b.O.T] Brazil O/C Team) - 575.78 - no description 3. Labed92_Poland (United Team of Poland) - 561.93 - no description ... 1. Labed92_Poland - 561.93 mhz - Pentium 2 400Mhz@561.93MHz - no description 2. buuren - 542.45 mhz - Pentium 2 350Mhz@542.45MHz - no description 3. JMKS - 534.52 mhz - Pentium 2 400Mhz@534.52MHz - Hmm... atleast not the 0.25% OC like last time :P Second PII-400 tested and getting better ;) 4. Madness - 525 mhz - Pentium 2 350Mhz@525MHz - no description 5. Oskaliber - 465.73 mhz - Pentium 2 350Mhz@465.73MHz - no description CPU-Z Pentium 2 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. hs (OverClocking-Masters) - 825.00 - no description 2. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 815.96 - SS 2.5v 3. Febril (Syndrome-OC) - 808.00 - no description ... 1. manieq - 631 mhz - Pentium 2 Celeron 500Mhz s370@631MHz - no description 2. kszonek - 600.23 mhz - Pentium 2 Celeron 500Mhz s370@600.23MHz - no description 3. Oskaliber - 583.31 mhz - Pentium 2 Celeron 466Mhz s370@583.31MHz - no description 4. buuren - 510.05 mhz - Pentium 2 Celeron 300A Mhz slot1@510.05MHz - no description 5. JMKS - 501.15 mhz - Pentium 2 Celeron 333Mhz slot1@501.15MHz - Container directly on the IHS, LOL :D CPU-Z Pentium 3 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 2079.75 - no description 2. wannabe - 1796.00 - no description 3. Alexandeer (Z.O.T.) - 1785.00 - no description ... 1. Ricci - 1350.5 mhz - Pentium 3 1.0Ghz Coppermine s370@1350.50MHz - no description 2. manieq - 1248 mhz - Pentium 3 1.0Ghz Coppermine s370@1248MHz - no description 3. buuren - 1162.32 mhz - Pentium 3 750Mhz@1162.32MHz - no description 4. promian - 1127 mhz - Pentium 3 933Mhz@1127MHz - PIII 933MHz@1127MHz 5. Kean - 1002.3 mhz - Pentium 3 1.0Ghz Coppermine s370@1002.30MHz - no description CPU-Z Pentium 3 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 2130.25 - no description 2. stalker170 - 2121.00 - mobo: asus tusl2-c, cpu: celeron 1300 tualatin, ram: 256mb pc133, cooling: phase change by la morte nera, vga: tseng et6000 3. sparkY1000 (Bench Tec UK) - 2014.15 - no description ... 1. Ricci - 1584.62 mhz - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.2Ghz@1584.62MHz - no description 2. AwoniX - 1540 mhz - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.1A Ghz Tualatin@1540MHz - no description 3. Dzior - 1533.25 mhz - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.2Ghz@1533.25MHz - no description 4. Iras_OCmaniac - 1493 mhz - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.0A Ghz Tualatin@1493MHz - 1GHz A tualatin overclocked 1493,6 Mhz on Abit ST6 and air cooling. FSB 149 Vcore 1.675 Hynix 512 working on 256 3-3-3-7 Radeon 9550 400/500 5. Konar - 1454.18 mhz - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.0A Ghz Tualatin@1454.18MHz - no description CPU-Z Pentium 4 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Nordling (Topmods.NET & X-MoDDers) - 8113.00 - no description 2. TaPaKaH (Team OCX) - 8010.87 - no description 3. DeDaL (Topmods.NET & X-MoDDers) - 8004.00 - no description ... 1. 99tomcat - 7770.13 mhz - Celeron LGA775 352@7770.13MHz - Celeron D 352 || ln2-Gemmy&ent dream team 2. czesl4f - 7144.26 mhz - Celeron LGA775 347@7144.26MHz - no description 3. Gemmy - 7082.94 mhz - Celeron LGA775 352@7082.94MHz - no description 4. ent - 6753.55 mhz - Celeron LGA775 352@6753.55MHz - THX for Gemmy!!! 5. majkel84 - 6402.7 mhz - Celeron LGA775 352@6402.70MHz - Celeron D 352 CPU-Z Pentium 4 Dual Core subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Crowz (Z.O.T.) - 7280.00 - HandMade Fat Victoria Pot., GraduS was the stoker ) 2. DeDaL (Topmods.NET & X-MoDDers) - 7242.00 - no description 3. TaPaKaH (Team OCX) - 7042.33 - no description ... 1. KvaNfield - 5616 mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 930@5616MHz - Pentium D 930 - LN2 Cooling - made with genghiskhan 2. Kean - 5460 mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 920@5460MHz - no description 3. bryce - 5457 mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 920@5457MHz - Bryce&Jarogniew, No moded(!) Asus p5b + Buffalo FireStix FSX800D2C-K2G powered by Tagan 700W., Dry Ice cooled. 4. yotomeczek - 5450 mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 925@5450MHz - no description 5. wampir - 5391 mhz - Pentium 4 'D' 930@5391MHz - Pentium 4 'D' 930 - Freon cooler CPU-Z Pentium 4 s478 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. cpulloverclock (OverClocking-Masters) - 5443.00 - Pentium 4 'E' 3.4GHz | (D0) vapochill PE modded by Pgeo 2. maxxxpct (shark oc team italy) - 5304.00 - 3. overcrash (OverClocking-Masters) - 5266.00 - no description ... 1. pipanol - 4400.5 mhz - Pentium 4 3.2Ghz Prescott@4400.50MHz - no description 2. Techno_Boy - 4252 mhz - Pentium 4 2.4Ghz Prescott@4252MHz - P4 2.4GHz Prescott 3. Kosiarz* - 4200 mhz - Pentium 4 3.2Ghz Prescott@4200MHz - no description 4. Kean - 4108.3 mhz - Pentium 4 3.2Ghz Prescott@4108.30MHz - no description 5. CHimeraVirus - 4009.07 mhz - Pentium 4 2.0Ghz@4009.07MHz - wr :D CPU-Z Pentium 4 s775 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. ThuG OC Team Italy (PcXtreme.it OC Team -ITALY-) - 8179.89 - no description 2. xbrian88 (HwMania-OC-Team - HwMania.org) - 7984.49 - no description 3. NeoForce (Topmods.NET & X-MoDDers) - 7910.49 - LN2 pots made by TopMods.NET PSU - Favourite PW (HPC-620-A12S) ... 1. Sector19 - 6288.8 mhz - Pentium 4 631@6288.80MHz - Thx ryba :) 2. DEVILEK - 6203 mhz - Pentium 4 631@6203MHz - Poland OC Team. 3. Kean - 6134.63 mhz - Pentium 4 631@6134.63MHz - no description 4. LordFury - 5940.28 mhz - Pentium 4 631@5940.28MHz - P4 631 Cedar Mill - 5940.28MHz @ a lot of vcore :] , CPU by LordFury, cooling by Ryba (thx!) 5. kszonek - 5829 mhz - Pentium 4 641@5829MHz - Prometeia Mach II, P5W64, vMch vDimm vCore mods, 641 @ 1.79v CPU-Z Pentium M subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 4390.00 - Goog old times with no cold bug on CPUs..... :o( -192*C...... :o( 2. skirms_fr (OverClocking-Masters) - 3809.00 - Pentium M780 @ 3809 sous cascade 3. Tyrou (XtremeSystems) - 3806.00 - ... 1. OWIES - 2281 mhz - Pentium M 710@2281MHz - Pentium M 710 2. - 2281 mhz - Pentium M 710@2281MHz - Pentium M 710 3. bartx - 1903.87 mhz - Pentium M 735@1903.87MHz - no description 4. daisycutter - 1730.1 mhz - Pentium M 740@1730.10MHz - no description 5. viktorpl - 1729 mhz - Pentium M 1.7Ghz@1729MHz - no description CPU-Z Pentium M Celeron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Johnny Bravo (Bench Tec UK) - 3400.97 - no description 2. TASOS (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 3212.00 - no description 3. PcCI2iminal (XtremeSystems) - 3212.00 - ... 1. kszonek - 1866.8 mhz - Pentium M 440 Celeron@1867MHz - no description 2. jumson - 1758.3 mhz - Pentium M 360J Celeron C0@1758.30MHz - no description 3. ClockMeUp! - 1729.11 mhz - Pentium M 530 Celeron Conroe@1729.11MHz - AMDPatryk | Acer Extensa 5220 | Vista :( 4. proste71 - 1729.1 mhz - Pentium M 430 Celeron@1729.10MHz - no description 5. Adam83 - 1729 mhz - Pentium M 430 Celeron@1729MHz - no description CPU-Z Sempron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. AndreyKV (Russian Overs-Overclockers.ru) - 3705.00 - no description 2. placid (hyemOCteam) - 3700.00 - Thx to Vavan Prasetya.. You Rock...! 3. BeerKing (Vmodtech.com, Thailand) - 3426.07 - no description ... 1. Kaaban - 3208.3 mhz - Sempron LE-1100@3208.30MHz - no description 2. GDR - 2368 mhz - Sempron 2500+ (Athlon XP)@2368MHz - AC 3. Chlebu - 2348.14 mhz - Sempron 2400+@2348.14MHz - no description 4. GergG - 2339 mhz - Sempron 2400+@2339MHz - Epox 8RDA3I ; Sempron 2400 ; 256MB Elixir 466 Nanya [T-43] 5. LukeXE - 2330 mhz - Sempron 2200+@2330MHz - Sempron 2200+@2330Mhz CPU-Z Sempron 64 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. fr@me (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 3340.00 - 2. dsl - 3316.00 - DFI NF3 250GB, Seasonic S12 600W, Dry Ice cooled 3. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 3310.41 - 1.8v on SS. GraduS & West-87. Fsbwall npa3ultra ... 1. kszonek - 3310.22 mhz - Sempron 3000+ Palermo s939@3310.22MHz - custom phasechange cooled. 2. buuren - 3305.89 mhz - Sempron 3000+ Manila@3305.89MHz - thanks to my bro 3. teat - 3227 mhz - Sempron 3000+ Manila@3227MHz - no description 4. Fox - 3201.5 mhz - Sempron 3000+ Palermo s939@3201.50MHz - no description 5. hary - 3191.8 mhz - Sempron 2600+ (A64)@3191.80MHz - Sempron 64 2600+ Wygenerowane przez hwbot - http://www.hwbot.org - info@hwbot.org
Ranking PiFast ---------------------------------------------------- PiFast to prosty i szybki sposób do pomiaru wydajności procesora/systemu. pobierz tutaj Zasady - Nie używaj kilku nicków - Dodawaj tylko wyniki należące do Ciebie - Tylko próbka 1M - Załącz screenshot wyniku Wytyczne - Formatuj swój wynik według wzoru: [hwbot] wynik - opis_sprzętu [/hwbot] - Staraj się nie używać skrótów - Formatuj podkręcenie procesora jako 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' lub 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz' - Dozwolone formaty wyników: '120.34' lub '120.34s' lub '120.34sek' - Nie używaj formatowania tekstu (pogrubienie Informacje o bocie Moderatorzy: Sector19, proste71, Adelard, JMKS, DaRoN, JMKS - backup :P Użytkownicy: Opcje: odśwież ranking teraz Ranking zespołów - hall of fame pozycja - średnia z top 10 - nazwa zespołu - tygodniowa i miesięczna zmiana pozycji - linki 1. 17.51 Team OCX - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 2. 18.08 H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team) - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 3. 18.69 Team MXS ModLabs.net - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 4. 18.86 i4memory.com - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 5. 19.20 AwardFabrik - ~ ~ - strona www - forum ... 7. 19.59 OutOfSpecs.Gr - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 8. 19.77 United Team of Poland - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 9. 19.83 OverClocking-Masters - ~ ~ - strona www - forum Ranking użytkowników - hall of fame - więcej 1. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 16.05 - RETAIL QX9650 @ 5804MHz - 8800 GTS - PSU 1200Watts by hipro-tech - CellShock PC14400 at 961MHz (1922MHz DDR) and Cas 7-6-5-16-1T - powered by a DDR Maximizer - CPU LN2 Pot by Gorillakos. 2. gprhellas (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 16.27 - QX9650 @ 5708MHz - ASUS P5E64 WS Pro (DDR3) - CPU under LN2 - powered by DDR Maximizer., 3. bornbad (Team OCX) - 16.51 - Single shot with safe freq! :) ... 1. wuj rysio - 17.83 sec - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5403MHz - no description 2. pablopawel - 18.98 sec - Core 2 E6850 (3.0Ghz)@4980MHz - pablopawel & JMKS, ~1,77V 3. JMKS - 19.23 sec - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@4933.30MHz - no description 4. ryba - 19.39 sec - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5117MHz - no description 5. DEVILEK - 19.45 sec - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5060MHz - OC Team Poland - E6700@5060MHz - ABIT Quad GT - 1 x 512MB Ballistix 667MHz + 1 x 1024MB Team Xtreem 800MHz - Dual stage rotary cascade 6. PurePC - 19.5 sec - Core 2 X6800 (2.93Ghz)@4940MHz - X6800ES @ 4940 7. Racuch - 19.72 sec - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4707MHz - E8400 @ 4707MHz - DFI T2R P35 UT 8. bryce - 20.72 sec - Core 2 X6800 (2.93Ghz)@4784MHz - no description 9. yotomeczek - 20.78 sec - Xeon 3070@4703MHz - Evap -51 degree 10. promian - 20.89 sec - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4563MHz - 11. Lanc - 20.97 sec - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4524MHz - 1.8v, MSI P35 Neo2-FR, Sector & Lanc ;] 12. FiDO - 21.64 sec - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@4881MHz - Słonik Team :), Cooling by ryba 13. jumson - 21.69 sec - Core 2 E4400 (2.0Ghz)@4470MHz - E4400 @ 1,9V, Asus Commando + VDroop, Vcore mod, OCZ Reaper 670MHz 5-4-4-4 by extrememem.pl, Dry Ice, jumson & JMKS= J TEAM 14. ryba (PurePC.pl) - 22.13 sec - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@4455MHz - ... 15. Ricci - 22.27 sec - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4200MHz - E6600@4200MHz FC Riccilightchill-DFI Infinity P965-S Dark 16. czesl4f - 22.33 sec - Core 2 E4500 (2.2Ghz)@4641MHz - no description 17. kszonek - 22.52 sec - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4140MHz - no description 18. atomel - 22.67 sec - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4104MHz - no description 19. Madness - 22.88 sec - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4080MHz - no description 20. Hausner - 22.89 sec - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4102MHz - no description 21. LordFury - 23.03 sec - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@4444MHz - E6400 L629Bxxx + P5K Deluxe + OCZ Reaper,, CPU by LordFury, cooling by Ryba (thx!) 22. 99tomcat - 23.17 sec - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@4034MHz - E6750 @ 4034MHz wc - Asus P5k goodram pro 900 23. proste71 - 23.19 sec - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4000MHz - WC g-flow,blackwater 122,coolriver silent rev.2 24. _BENY_ - 23.52 sec - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@4119MHz - now ok ? :) 25. raf71 - 23.56 sec - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4000MHz - no description 26. grandzu - 23.59 sec - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@4000MHz - 27. RoKFoR - 23.66 sec - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@3998.20MHz - no description 28. Sector19 - 23.66 sec - Core 2 E2160 (1.8Ghz)@4408MHz - Great E2160 29. Opson - 23.81 sec - Core 2 E6320 (1.86Ghz)@3920MHz - no description 30. Raptor - 24.2 sec - Core 2 E6420 (2.13Ghz)@3864MHz - no description 31. Kas - 25.59 sec - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@3824MHz - 32. pisarz - 25.66 sec - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@3721.20MHz - Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3721.2 | Asus P5B Deluxe | Scythe Infinity | A-Data 2x1GB 800MHz @ 1032MHz @ 4-4-4-4-8 33. Kubacki - 25.83 sec - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@3952MHz - E6400 @ 3952MHz, RAM 494 5-5-4-7, Asus P5B Deluxe/WiFi, Scythe Infinity 34. rafa - 25.88 sec - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3600MHz - Q6600 @ 3.6GHz mem 1124MHz 35. Desinger - 25.94 sec - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@3645MHz - no description 36. Fisher15 - 26.58 sec - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@3640MHz - E6400@ 3.64GHz - Asus P5W64 37. lukaspl21 - 27.16 sec - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@3582MHz - Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 @ 3582(1,68V) , RAM 497mhz Cl4 , Abit AB9 , , Thermaltake Big Typhoon 38. makatiel - 27.23 sec - Core 2 E4300 (1.8Ghz)@3672MHz - no description 39. Banan - 27.84 sec - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@3330MHz - no description 40. framkk_oc_team - 27.91 sec - Core 2 E6300 (1.86Ghz)@3591MHz - 41. Puma(PL) - 27.97 sec - Core 2 E4500 (2.2Ghz)@3817MHz - no description 42. jonathan - 28.47 sec - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@3333MHz - E6600 @ 3333MHz 43. cristo - 28.55 sec - Core 2 E6300 (1.86Ghz)@3497MHz - no description 44. hajper[oc-forum.org] - 28.73 sec - Core 2 E6300 (1.86Ghz)@3430MHz - no description 45. ChrisGr - 28.94 sec - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@3280MHz - E6400@3280MHz 2gb@512 P5B dlx 46. Konar - 29.17 sec - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@3504MHz - no description 47. Dratron - 29.3 sec - Core 2 E6420 (2.13Ghz)@3200MHz - no description 48. bartx - 29.77 sec - Core 2 E2160 (1.8Ghz)@3465MHz - no description 49. hajper - 29.81 sec - Core 2 E6300 (1.86Ghz)@3400MHz - no description 50. Tolokan_PL - 30.14 sec - Core 2 E2140 (1.6Ghz)@3359MHz - box cooling PiFast Athlon 64 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. gianni-gt (O.C. Team Switzerland) - 33.28 - San Diego 3700+ @ 3597Mhz, BH5 @ 256Mhz 2-2-2-5 3.63V 2. fr@me (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 34.00 - no description 3. phil (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 34.89 - no description ... 1. hary - 34.92 sec - Athlon 64 LE-1600@3480MHz - no description 2. ige007 - 39.77 sec - Athlon 64 3000+ Venice s939@3052MHz - Athlon 64 3000 Venice E3 @ 3051MHz/1.69V - Winbond BH5 @ 277MHz/3.95V cl1.5-2-2-5 1T - Cooling by Nukleon WC 3. Fox - 40.14 sec - Athlon 64 3000+ Venice s939@2976MHz - no description 4. KOSTECKI:)XOC - 40.81 sec - Athlon 64 3000+ Orleans@2984MHz - freezer64 pro and 1,8v on core. 59'C in strees 5. KonradGT - 41.08 sec - Athlon 64 3500+ San Diego@3138.50MHz - A64 @ 3,138 GHz | 2x 512MB Twinmos CH-5 | DFI LanParty PiFast Athlon 64 X2 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. dealmaster (OC Forums) - 29.37 - Athlon X2 5600+ @ 3198MHz 2. WirelessRat - 30.00 - no description 3. AndreyKV (Russian Overs-Overclockers.ru) - 30.95 - no description ... 1. DaRoN - 35.61 sec - Athlon 64 6400+ X2@3648MHz - no description 2. DEVILEK - 36.53 sec - Athlon 64 3800+ X2 Windsor@3400MHz - no description 3. hary - 36.66 sec - Athlon 64 3800+ X2 Windsor@3262MHz - no description 4. banti - 38.58 sec - Athlon 64 3800+ X2 Manchester@3149MHz - 5. MILANS - 39.42 sec - Athlon 64 3600+ X2 Brisbane@3287MHz - PiFast Athlon XP subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. GroundX (Techsweden.org) - 47.06 - 2500+, TwinMOS CH-5, AN7 & VappoPE 2. Syzzer - 47.58 - Home-made waterchiller @ -20*C 3. Jaan (Team Estonia) - 49.95 - locked barton 2500+, Zalman 7000B, DFI NF2 Ultra, 2x256MB BH5 ... 1. ClockMeUp! - 54.63 sec - Athlon XP 2600+ Thoroughbred@2756.20MHz - first DI session | NARMER&PEPEK | Epox 8RDA3+@2V-air; AthlonXP2600+TB AIUHB0313 Batch0091@2.075Vmax-DI; 2x512 BallistiX PC3200@2.8V 2. manieq - 59.52 sec - Athlon XP 2500+ Barton@2405MHz - no description 3. davvid - 59.89 sec - Athlon XP 2400+ Thorougbred@2471MHz - Athlon XP 2400+ @ 2471MHz | 1GB Dual DDR @ 215MHz 2-3-2-11 4. Twiggy696 - 63.52 sec - Athlon XP 2500+ Barton@2535MHz - Athlon XP Barton 2500+@2535MHz RAM asynchro 4:3 ); 5. Idzioch (ocsystems.org) - 64.94 sec - Athlon XP 2400+ Thorougbred@2315MHz - no description PiFast Core 2 Duo subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Zannema (Tecnocomputer.it) - 17.02 - E6700 L631B153 @ -135C° 1.94V, Asus P5K Deluxe vmod zannema (vdimm-vcore), TG Xtreem 667 Easy OC @ 2.55V, Topower 700W, S3 Virge/DX 4MB PCI, Xp Pro light, Alex_ta Pot (Kingblock), Eram 450mb-Maxmem= 600mb-Copywaza, 2. TaPaKaH (Team OCX) - 17.17 - no description 3. gprhellas (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 17.33 - no description ... 1. pablopawel - 18.98 sec - Core 2 E6850 (3.0Ghz)@4980MHz - pablopawel & JMKS, ~1,77V 2. ryba - 19.39 sec - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5117MHz - no description 3. DEVILEK - 19.45 sec - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5060MHz - OC Team Poland - E6700@5060MHz - ABIT Quad GT - 1 x 512MB Ballistix 667MHz + 1 x 1024MB Team Xtreem 800MHz - Dual stage rotary cascade 4. Racuch - 19.72 sec - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4707MHz - E8400 @ 4707MHz - DFI T2R P35 UT 5. promian - 20.89 sec - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4563MHz - PiFast Duron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. smile-777 (Russian Overs-Overclockers.ru) - 72.64 - 2. Nassuz (OC team Norway) - 75.77 - Aircooled 3. viper-rd (L-B-H Extreme Team) - 81.72 - no description ... 1. HucK - 87.32 sec - Duron 1.8ghz@2296MHz - no description 2. Krzychu - 96.55 sec - Duron 1.8ghz@1957.59MHz - no description 3. SzPeCu&MasterOver(ocsystems-TEAM) - 98.19 sec - Duron 1.8ghz@2117MHz - www.ocsystems.cba.pl 4. Idzioch (ocsystems.org) - 126.3 sec - Duron 800Mhz@1157.20MHz - ocsystems.org 5. sgj - 134.2 sec - Duron 1.3ghz@1419MHz - no description PiFast Pentium 3 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 113.65 - no description 2. Turrican (Team OCX) - 119.67 - Dual P3-S 1.4Ghz "Tualatin", MSI 694D Pro2, 512MB PC133 2.0-2-2-5 @ 138Mhz, 3. onni (Team Estonia) - 120.37 - no description ... 1. Ricci - 151.11 sec - Pentium 3 1.0Ghz Coppermine@1200MHz - no description 2. atris - 171.06 sec - Pentium 3 1.2Ghz@1196.20MHz - no description 3. kszonek - 198.16 sec - Pentium 3 600Mhz s370@840MHz - no description 4. Kean - 200.79 sec - Pentium 3 800Mhz@929MHz - no description 5. nethaker - 203.52 sec - Pentium 3 700Mhz@935MHz - no description PiFast Pentium 4 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. JMKS (United Team of Poland) - 27.91 - Intel Celeron Conroe-L ES 2800MHz @ 3667.7MHz, Intel BOX cooler, Asus Commando. PS. It's absolutely NOT socket 478... 2. dami1stm (JMax-Hardware) - 30.17 - no description 3. Mayk (Russian Overs-Overclockers.ru) - 32.50 - no description ... 1. JMKS - 27.91 sec - Celeron s478 2.8Ghz@3667.70MHz - Intel Celeron Conroe-L ES 2800MHz @ 3667.7MHz, Intel BOX cooler, Asus Commando. PS. It's absolutely NOT socket 478... 2. 99tomcat - 36.63 sec - Celeron LGA775 352@6653MHz - Celeron 352 @ 6653 || cooled by ryba's cascade 3. ent - 37.78 sec - Celeron LGA775 352@6347MHz - Celeron 352 @ 6347 || cooled by ryba's cascade 4. czesl4f - 39.5 sec - Celeron LGA775 347@6128MHz - no description 5. Dmn - 47.5 sec - Celeron LGA775 347@5091MHz - PiFast Pentium M Celeron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. TASOS (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 39.30 - no description 2. Devil's_Tiger (Syndrome-OC) - 43.34 - P4P800 SE | CT 479 no Vmod | Ventirad CT 479 | 1,6Vcore bios | ram BH5 GEIL 2/2/2/5 3. TiTON (Team IRONMODS) - 43.59 - TiTON - IRONMODS ... 1. ClockMeUp! - 59.73 sec - Pentium M 530 Celeron Conroe - AMDPatryk | Acer Extensa 5220 | Vista :( 2. Adam83 - 66.39 sec - Pentium M 430 Celeron@1729MHz - no description 3. proste71 - 66.7 sec - Pentium M 430 Celeron@1730MHz - no description 4. jumson - 69.55 sec - Pentium M 360 Celeron@1712MHz - no description 5. grayman - 71.22 sec - Pentium M 420 Celeron@1600MHz - no description PiFast Sempron 64 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. placid (hyemOCteam) - 39.50 - no description 2. Ozzimark (Team OCX) - 40.16 - no description 3. buuren (United Team of Poland) - 40.36 - no description ... 1. buuren - 40.36 sec - Sempron 3000+ Manila@3039.50MHz - no description 2. hary - 40.53 sec - Sempron 3000+ Manila@2930MHz - no description 3. tomos - 42.64 sec - Sempron 3000+ Manila@2870MHz - Sempron 64 3000+ AM2 @ 2870MHz - AC 4. dszywala - 43.52 sec - Sempron 3000+ Palermo s939@2854MHz - FC Single @ -13 IDle or 0/-1 stress., 5. kszonek - 43.61 sec - Sempron 3000+ Palermo s939@2922MHz - Sempron 939 @ 2922 @wc, 2x256 bh5 khx3000 @ 3.8v 265mhz 2-2-2-5 Wygenerowane przez hwbot - http://www.hwbot.org - info@hwbot.org
Ranking Aquamark03 ---------------------------------------------------- Aquamark03 to popularny benchmark służący do pomiaru wydajności karty graficznej/procesora. pobierz tutaj Zasady - Nie używaj kilku nicków - Dodawaj tylko wyniki należące do Ciebie - Tylko ustawienia 1024x768x32bit - Załącz screenshot wyniku Wytyczne - Formatuj swój wynik według wzoru: [hwbot] wynik - opis_sprzętu [/hwbot] - Staraj się nie używać skrótów - Formatuj podkręcenie procesora jako 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' lub 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz' - Dozwolone formaty wyników: '12345' lub '12345 marków' - Nie używaj formatowania tekstu (pogrubienie Informacje o bocie Moderatorzy: Sector19, proste71, JMKS, Adelard, DaRoN, JMKS - backup :P Użytkownicy: Opcje: odśwież ranking teraz Ranking zespołów - hall of fame pozycja - średnia z top 10 - nazwa zespołu - tygodniowa i miesięczna zmiana pozycji - linki 1. 315133.91 H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team) - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 2. 306003.50 AwardFabrik - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 3. 305284.41 Team OCX - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 4. 304876.59 OutOfSpecs.Gr - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 5. 293981.81 i4memory.com - ~ ~ - strona www - forum ... 12. 273582.19 Freeocen.de - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 13. 265515.69 United Team of Poland - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 14. 259042.20 Team Finland - ~ ~ - strona www Ranking użytkowników - hall of fame - więcej 1. k|ngp|n (XtremeSystems) - 344264.00 - QX9650@ 5860mhz Dragon F1 Extreme Liquid Nitrogen cooled | EVGA 8800 ULTRA TEK9 3.0 Liquid Nitrogen cooled 980mhz/1200mhz | ASUS Maximus extreme CORSAIR DOMINATOR 1800C7 | SILVERSTONE 1KW | overclocKingpin.com 2. tsan (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 340749.00 - no description 3. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 340749.00 - ASUS Blitz Extreme - DDR3 Cellshocks PC14400 at 944MHz (1888MHz DDR) with Cas 7-6-5-16-1T - DDR Maximizer powering the Ram modules - PSU = hipro-tech 1200Watts - VGA = XFX 8800 Ultra at 1008/1228 - CPU`s LN2 pot by Gorillakos and VGA`s LN2 pot by k|ngp|n ... 1. wuj rysio - 308855 marks - Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 900/979MHz - log files attached 2. marcin255 - 279109 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 870/1050MHz - no description 3. JMKS - 277706 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 685/1175MHz - no description 4. proste71 - 275867 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 850/1020MHz - no description 5. Racuch - 270493 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 837/972MHz - E8400 @ 4707MHz - BFG 8800GT 837/972 6. Lanc - 256692 marks - GeForce 9600 GT @ 783/1150MHz - CPU @ 1.53v, Galaxy 9600GT CM @ WC - vGPU 1.12v (def), vMEM - 2.05v 7. Gemmy - 255558 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 800/1000MHz - BTL Team .org; hmm... 1000x smaller result submitted ;) - JMKS 8. pablopawel - 248141 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 680/950MHz - pablopawel & JMKS, ~1,76V, stock VGA 9. ent - 247222 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 620/1010MHz - by BTL team (Gemmy, Lewy, ent), p5b dlx @ 1066 strap, E6700, OCZ Reaper 8500, 8800GTX, THX to Sirius.pl, Efakto.pl, ExtremeMem.pl, banti & tomcat 10. lama1 - 235514 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 841/1110MHz - no description 11. DEVILEK - 235015 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 780/828MHz - no description 12. Chaos - 231906 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 597/750MHz - no description 13. atomel - 230939 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 901/1118MHz - no description 14. promian - 229201 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 675/1050MHz - E6700@4350MHz, 8800GTX 675/2100MHz - XP SP2 15. 99tomcat - 220672 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 750/995MHz - no description 16. kICU - 217103 marks - GeForce 9600 GT @ 770/1150MHz - no description 17. kszonek - 216534 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTO @ 740/880MHz - Asus P5w64, 2x MSI 7900gto, 2x1gb patriot llk, e6600@4030@wc, topower p3 450w 18. yotomeczek - 213760 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTO @ 700/800MHz - E6600 @ 4100Mhz SLI 7900GTO @ 700/800 19. Sulaco - 205712 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTX @ 705/915MHz - E6600@3807MHz - SLI 7900GTX 705/915 20. GergG - 204822 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 700/1100MHz - no description 21. Raptor - 204324 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 900/1125MHz - no description 22. Sector19 - 201727 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 690/1100MHz - no description 23. raf71 - 193857 marks - GeForce 7900 GTX @ 756/925MHz - no description 24. ZiboDark - 193633 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 650/1050MHz - EVGA 8800GTX 650/2100, E6600 @ 3600, Scythe Infinity 25. - 193633 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 650/1050MHz - EVGA 8800GTX 650/2100, E6600 @ 3600, Scythe Infinity 26. Fisher15 - 191963 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 648/1026MHz - e6400@3480MHz - 8800GTX @ 648/1026 27. LordFury - 191963 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 620/975MHz - no description 28. lucek_lukasz - 191337 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 679/2200MHz - no description 29. dem - 185553 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 650/1000MHz - E6400@ 3600MHz - GeForce 8800GTS@ 650/1000 30. pisarz - 185342 marks - 2x GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 650/800MHz - Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3700MHz | GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 650/800MHz | Asus P5B Deluxe | 2x1GB A-Data 1050MHz @ 4-4-4-4-8 31. beatlover - 184142 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 650/1050MHz - no description 32. dratron - 181314 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 661/1127MHz - no description 33. _BENY_ - 178212 marks - GeForce 8600 GT 256 Mb @ 783/945MHz - no description 34. zwierzak24dg - 177452 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 640/950MHz - no description 35. Yogi311 - 173839 marks - GeForce 9600 GT @ 775/1152MHz - no description 36. Omen - 173746 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 615/940MHz - no description 37. KamilM - 168904 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 650/1030MHz - EVGA 8800GTX KO, stock cooling 38. Kubacki - 166538 marks - GeForce 7900 GT @ 690/850MHz - E6400 @ 3952MHz, RAM 496 5-4-4-4, Asus P5B Deluxe/WiFi, Scythe Infinity 39. ChrisGr - 163274 marks - GeForce 8600 GT (DDR2) @ 880/505MHz - 8600GT 880/1010, E6400 @ 3200, 40. Remix - 154781 marks - GeForce 7900 GT @ 615/760MHz - GF 7900GT @ 512MB 615/760 || C2D E6600 @ 3600MHz 41. Cameleeck - 153499 marks - GeForce 8600 GT 256 Mb @ 870/828MHz - no description 42. Squbii - 151405 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb - Core 2 Duo E6300 @ 2.8GHz, AB9 Pro, 1GB DDR2 800MHz XFX GeForce 8800 GTS 320 MB 43. Niemiec - 150888 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GS @ 600/760MHz - E6300 @ 2800 - 2*7900GS @ 600/1520 44. cristo - 150452 marks - 2x GeForce 8600 GT 256 Mb @ 725/905MHz - no description 45. byBlackBelieve - 143935 marks - GeForce 7900 GS @ 621/832MHz - no description 46. ntt_system - 142841 marks - GeForce 7900 GS @ 620/800MHz - GeForce 7900GS 620/800, E4300 @ 3600, Scythe Infinity 47. hajper - 142353 marks - GeForce 7900 GS @ 650/780MHz - no description 48. dnart - 141268 marks - GeForce 7900 GS @ 660/875MHz - 24h oc level 49. Madness - 139261 marks - Radeon X1950 Pro 256mb @ 637/796MHz - no description 50. RsNeo - 138734 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 600/800MHz - ;-( Aquamark ATI Radeon 9xxx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Johnny Bravo (Bench Tec UK) - 78744.00 - no description 2. Panansas (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 72445.00 - no description 3. |ron (PcXtreme.it OC Team -ITALY-) - 70499.00 - Conroe 6600@290x9 cooled by Ybris K11, 9800XT@550/430 cooler by Ybris K5&Vmodded ... 1. manieq - 48649 marks - Radeon 9800 Pro @ 435/385MHz - no description 2. jonathan - 44480 marks - Radeon 9500 Pro @ 376/311MHz - no description 3. Lanc - 43166 marks - Radeon 9500 @ 390/310MHz - Celeron D 335 @ 3480Mhz - Radeon 9500 390/310 4. M!chalak - 42498 marks - Radeon 9550 @ 675/375MHz - no description 5. Novy - 41661 marks - Radeon 9700 @ 344/320MHz - no description Aquamark ATI Radeon X1xxx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 258527.00 - Core 2 Duo X6800 @ 5436MHz - ATI CrossFire X1950XTX @ 972/1143 - CPU under LN2 (Gorilakos Pot) and VGAs under 2 x esdee's cascades - Rams Powered by DDR Maximizer 2. kyosen (Team OCX) - 242186.00 - X6800@5001MHz - Radeon X1900CF@792/891 3. Gaidin (i4memory.com) - 239744.00 - no description ... 1. Racuch - 150652 marks - Radeon X1900 XT 512mb @ 752/855MHz - E6400 @ 3560Mhz X1900XT @ 752/855 2. kszonek - 143827 marks - Radeon X1950 Pro 256mb @ 729/756MHz - vcore@1,56v vgpu@1,52v vram@2,10v vmch@1,7v vdimm@2,58v vfsb@1,3v, gpu&cpu@wc, hdd samsung sp2004c, 2x1gb Micron D9GMH Crucial Ballistix, topower P3 450W eza, xp sp2 3. Madness - 139261 marks - Radeon X1950 Pro 256mb @ 637/796MHz - no description 4. DEVILEK - 136914 marks - Radeon X1800 GTO @ 735/693MHz - CPU @ AC - GPU @ Chilled water - Team Poland 5. KamilM - 136298 marks - Radeon X1950 XTX @ 680/1030MHz - Sapphire X1950XTX TOXIC Aquamark ATI Radeon X8xx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. mortisboy (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 210383.00 - E8500@5516 - AxeRam 1200@ 580 5-5-5-15 - IX38 QuadGT - 2xATi X850XT@ 580/650 2. giorgos th. (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 169333.00 - no description 3. d]g[ts (OC Forums) - 165055.00 - Core 2 E6400@ 3500MHz 2X X850 XT PE @ 600/630 ... 1. Piit - 91525 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 639/639MHz - x2 3800@2600 2. victor89 - 76537 marks - Radeon X800 GT 128 @ 633/429MHz - no description 3. Karoo - 76433 marks - Radeon X800 XL 512Mb @ 435/550MHz - no description 4. KamilM - 72069 marks - Radeon X800 XT @ 560/580MHz - X800XT 560/580 || AMD Opteron 144 1.8 @ 2.6 5. Miper - 70513 marks - Radeon X700 Pro 256Mb @ 489/536MHz - no description Aquamark Nvidia GeForce 6 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. S_A_V (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 178879.00 - SLI Leadtek+Gigabyte 6800GT @ 486/1228 MHz (Vgpu=1.68V, Vmem=2.05V), Core2Duo E6600 @ 9x449=4043MHz 1.55V, Abit AW9D-MAX (PCI-E@115MHz), 2x512Mb D9GKX @ 898MHz 3-3-3-4 2T 2.65V, PSU Chieftec 620W, cold water @ CPU/GPU's, ForceWare v85.98 (SLI-modded) 2. Matti OC (Crazy-OC Germany) - 176694.00 - no description 3. P.A.S.S.A.T (Crazy-OC Germany) - 175858.00 - no description ... 1. raf71 - 141149 marks - 2x GeForce 6800 128Mb @ 555/650MHz - no description 2. Sector19 - 135046 marks - GeForce 6800 GS (NV42) 256 Mb @ 620/660MHz - Di Session... GFX COld BUG @ 0*C 3. Lanc - 133890 marks - GeForce 6800 GT @ 600/650MHz - no description 4. adrkan - 105058 marks - GeForce 6800 Ultra @ 454/649MHz - Overclock.pl Powered by OCZ 600W SLI 5. mazii - 91376 marks - 2x GeForce 6800 GT @ 410/575MHz - no description Aquamark Nvidia GeForce 7 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. blindfitter (Bench Tec UK) - 265744.00 - no description 2. Dualist (Bench Tec UK) - 256730.00 - no description 3. ncsa (i4memory.com) - 251121.00 - OP1000 / VapoChill LS [AC] stock ... 1. Chaos - 231906 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 597/750MHz - no description 2. kszonek - 216534 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTO @ 740/880MHz - Asus P5w64, 2x MSI 7900gto, 2x1gb patriot llk, e6600@4030@wc, topower p3 450w 3. yotomeczek - 213760 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTO @ 700/800MHz - E6600 @ 4100Mhz SLI 7900GTO @ 700/800 4. Sulaco - 205712 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTX @ 705/915MHz - E6600@3807MHz - SLI 7900GTX 705/915 5. DEVILEK - 203073 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 635/750MHz - Poland OC Team - Poor 6700 under Dry Ice Aquamark Nvidia GeForce 8 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. k|ngp|n (XtremeSystems) - 344264.00 - QX9650@ 5860mhz Dragon F1 Extreme Liquid Nitrogen cooled | EVGA 8800 ULTRA TEK9 3.0 Liquid Nitrogen cooled 980mhz/1200mhz | ASUS Maximus extreme CORSAIR DOMINATOR 1800C7 | SILVERSTONE 1KW | overclocKingpin.com 2. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 340749.00 - ASUS Blitz Extreme - DDR3 Cellshocks PC14400 at 944MHz (1888MHz DDR) with Cas 7-6-5-16-1T - DDR Maximizer powering the Ram modules - PSU = hipro-tech 1200Watts - VGA = XFX 8800 Ultra at 1008/1228 - CPU`s LN2 pot by Gorillakos and VGA`s LN2 pot by k|ngp|n 3. SF3D (Team Finland) - 335610.00 - Foxconn BlackOPS. 9800GX2 - first test on air. ... 1. wuj rysio - 295432 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 642/1120MHz - no description 2. marcin255 - 279109 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 870/1050MHz - no description 3. JMKS - 277706 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 685/1175MHz - no description 4. proste71 - 275867 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 850/1020MHz - no description 5. Racuch - 270493 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 837/972MHz - E8400 @ 4707MHz - BFG 8800GT 837/972 Wygenerowane przez hwbot - http://www.hwbot.org - info@hwbot.org
Ranking 3DMark06 ---------------------------------------------------- 3DMark 2006 to popularny benchmark służący do pomiaru wydajności karty graficznej. pobierz tutaj Zasady - Nie używaj kilku nicków - Dodawaj tylko wyniki należące do Ciebie - Tylko ustawienia 1280x1024x32bit - Załącz screenshot wyniku lub futuremark compareurl wyniku Wytyczne - Formatuj swój wynik według wzoru: [hwbot] wynik - opis_sprzętu [/hwbot] - Staraj się nie używać skrótów - Formatuj podkręcenie procesora jako 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' lub 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz' - Dozwolone formaty wyników: '12345' lub '12345 3dmarków' lub '12345 marków' - Nie używaj formatowania tekstu (pogrubienie Informacje o bocie Moderatorzy: Sector19, proste71, JMKS, Adelard, DaRoN, JMKS - backup :P Użytkownicy: ChrisGr (brak zespołu) Opcje: odśwież ranking teraz Ranking zespołów - hall of fame pozycja - średnia z top 10 - nazwa zespołu - tygodniowa i miesięczna zmiana pozycji - linki 1. 26738.00 Team OCX - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 2. 26667.90 H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team) - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 3. 25568.90 AwardFabrik - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 4. 24565.50 OC Forums - ~ +6 - strona www - forum 5. 24485.90 i4memory.com - ~ -1 - strona www - forum ... 25. 19708.20 Crazy-OC Germany - ~ -3 - strona www - forum 26. 19509.00 United Team of Poland - ~ -3 - strona www - forum 27. 19357.90 PC Games Hardware - ~ -1 - strona www - forum Ranking użytkowników - hall of fame - więcej 1. giampa-leghorn-giorgioprimo (Memoryextreme Team) - 32513.00 - QX9650 @LN2 cooled by MM pot Rev.3, Cellshock DDR3 1800, 2x ATI 3870X2 BBA version @H2o By OCLabs MB-G3 Video 2. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 32144.00 - PAY DAY - :P, Foxconn BlackOps motherboard - CFx 2x ATI 3870x2 @ 980/1140 - GSKILL Rams PC12800 at Cas 7-6-5-15-1T - hipro-tech 1200Watts PSU 3. No_Name (AwardFabrik) - 31768.00 - AwardFabrik_No_Name powered by Mushkin, QX9650@5720MHz@-110°C-cooled by Otterauge/ Mushkin DDR3@7-6-5-15@1730/ Mushkin 800W PSU Singlerail/ ASUS P5E3-WS/ 2X ATI-Sapphire 3870 X2@1054-1150 GPU Mod @-110°C cooled by Otterauge/ Special THX@ Steffen Eisenstei ... 1. wuj rysio - 22199 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 621/1151MHz - niestety druga karta w tzw. międzyczasie :) zmarzła, i nie udało mi się przywrócić jej do działania na tyle sprawnego, aby pętelka 3D06 poleciała... trudno, nie dziś to jutro :), , w związku z faktem, że posiadałem zapasową Ultrę, oczywiście stockową, wyn 2. DEVILEK - 20854 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 660/1040MHz - Team Poland 88GTX in SLI test 3. Lysyn - 20044 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 743/553MHz - E8500@4247MHz - GeForce 9800 GX2 743/1106 4. Blue - 19688 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 630/1500MHz - Q6600@ 3900MHz - 8800GTX SLI 630/1500/1000 5. marcin255 - 19478 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 860/1100MHz - no description 6. proste71 - 19234 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 866/1060MHz - no description 7. demek - 18758 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3850 @ 770/1074MHz - Q6600@ 3600MHz - 2x HD 3850 PRO 770/1074 8. atomel - 18736 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 901/1150MHz - no description 9. Racuch - 18144 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 885/1026MHz - Q6600@ 4006MHz - 1xBFG 8800 GT 885/1026 10. lama1 - 17955 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 881/1140MHz - no description 11. Chaos - 17782 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 800/900MHz - E6700 @ 4600Mhz - 2x HD2900XT @800/900, Chaos, ryba & masell GDA 2007 12. pmp - 17477 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 810/1161MHz - QX6700 @ 4113Mhz - GeForce 8800Ultra @ 810/1161 13. v3ctor - 17271 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 825/1100MHz - no description 14. Plastek07 - 17058 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 755/1080.50MHz - no description 15. Sulaco - 16800 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 655/1050MHz - E6700 @ 3875MHz - SLI 8800GTX @ 655/1050 16. JMKS - 16373 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 687/1175MHz - no description 17. zwierzak24dg - 16190 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 760/1065MHz - BE QUIET 700W, FSB +0.3V, MCH +0.3V, FSB 420MHz, , Water Cooling:, Pompka - Black Water Silent Pump 12V, CPU Block - Swiftech APOGEE GTX, NB Block - Swiftech MCW30, Reservoir - Swiftech MCRES-MICRO, -1x Black Water Advanced 122 rev. 2.0, -1x Thermaltake 1 18. seba84_2005 - 16073 marks - nieznana karta graficzna - no description 19. Gemmy - 15713 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 804/1000MHz - BTL Team.org 20. Weelkoo - 15588 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 575/900MHz - no description 21. Lexus[HPC] - 15353 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 625/1000MHz - Intel Poland, Galaxy Technology, OCZ, EVGA 22. - 15067 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 1024 Mb @ 726/972MHz - E8400 @ 4,3Ghz 8800GT 726/1944/2200 23. Raptor - 15051 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 650/1050MHz - Q6600 @ 3933Mhz - Geforce 8800 GTX @ 650 / 1050 24. desecznik - 14841 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 700/1000MHz - Q6600 @ 3,6Ghz 8800GT 700/2000 25. lucek_lukasz - 14747 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 670/1050MHz - no description 26. 99tomcat - 14725 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 760/940MHz - zotac 8800gt 760/1840/940 wc cooling e8400 4.5 ghz, dfi blood iron p35, 2x1 gb crucial LanFest @1200 mhz 27. piotrus_pan - 14514 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX - no description 28. rafa - 14231 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 860/819MHz - Q6600 @ 3.6GHz - HD X2900XT @ 860/819 29. Ranken - 13843 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 626/1000MHz - no description 30. xesmar - 13784 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 660/1040MHz - no description 31. KeyJey - 13707 marks - Radeon HD 3870 @ 875/1375MHz - no description 32. DawidNeo - 13687 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 807/1073MHz - no description 33. ZiboDark - 13670 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 626/1000MHz - Geforce 8800 GTX @ 626/1000MHz - Core 2 Duo E6600 4M @ 3.6GHz - 2x1GB OCZ PLATINUM REVISION 2 XP+SP2 34. chr1st - 13643 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 620/1000MHz - Q6600 @ 3245 MHz - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 620/1000 35. Lanc - 13229 marks - GeForce 9600 GT @ 775/1100MHz - fast run, gpu no mods 36. hajper[oc-forum.org] - 13195 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 700/1000MHz - no description 37. Moa - 13097 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 630/1078MHz - http://service.futuremark.com/orb/resultan...mp;UID=12163983 38. dnart - 13036 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 684/945MHz - 24H Setting 39. Master_Chief - 13030 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 640/1120MHz - no description 40. zapomnialem - 12974 marks - nieznana karta graficzna - no description 41. Sylphydray - 12974 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 1024 Mb @ 721/1003MHz - E8400@3600 | 8800 GT 721/1003 42. Aidahow - 12937 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 650/1050MHz - no description 43. tyr8338 - 12741 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 735/1020MHz - no description 44. bolojno2 - 12678 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 700/2000MHz - no description 45. Ziku - 12672 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 874/999MHz - C2D E6600 @ 3480MHz - Radeon HD 2900 XT @ 874/999 46. GergG - 12628 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 695/1052MHz - no description 47. mop231 - 12557 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 750/980MHz - no description 48. 05_03_1992 - 12527 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 675/1071MHz - stock cooling, Asus P5B-e Plus, 2x512 PDP LLK pc6400 49. Fisher15 - 12527 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 621/1026MHz - e6400@3400MHz - 8800GTX @ 621/1026 50. beatlover - 12506 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 650/1050MHz - no description 3Dmark 2006 ATI Radeon 9xxx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. darkzone (crazypc.ro) - 15110.00 - Q6600 @ 3600 MHz, MSI P35Neo2-FR, 2GB DDR2 800, Gigabyte 9800GTX 2. Johnny Bravo (Bench Tec UK) - 1651.00 - no description 3. |ron (PcXtreme.it OC Team -ITALY-) - 1493.00 - Conroe 6600@290x9 cooled by Ybris K11, 9800XT@550/425 cooler by Ybris K5&Vmodded ... 1. berg649ones - 946 marks - Radeon 9700 Pro @ 375/360MHz - no description 2. Sector19 - 899 marks - Radeon 9500 @ 435/345MHz - Venice 3000+ @ 2737Mhz - Radeon 9500 @ 435/345 3. rudesmen - 775 marks - Radeon 9700 @ 354/318MHz - On screen you see 9700 pro, but only BIOS is from Pro 4. manieq - 670 marks - Radeon 9550 @ 675/351MHz - no description 5. M!chalak - 615 marks - Radeon 9550 @ 660/360MHz - AC 3Dmark 2006 ATI Radeon HD 2xxx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 30958.00 - Teasing bench ATI HD 2900XTs in CrossFire at 1300MHz Core and 1030MHz Rams.... 2. max-giampa-giorgioprimo (Memoryextreme Team) - 30662.00 - Qx 9650@5800, ASUS P5E3 WS, 2*1024 Cellshock DDR3 1800, 2* 2900XT, Psu Ultra X3 1600W, cpu pot MM rev3, gpu pot Tek 9 3.0, 80 L LN2, benching table Dimastech MemoryExtreme edition, 3. AndreYang - 29139.00 - This is my first test 2900XT under LN2 . 2900XT 1GB 1100/1050 Tek9 3.0 pots. Retail QX9650 5.8G Dragon F1 pot. Much Thanks k|ngp|n produce so nice pots. ... 1. Chaos - 17782 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 800/900MHz - E6700 @ 4600Mhz - 2x HD2900XT @800/900, Chaos, ryba & masell GDA 2007 2. JMKS - 14397 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 830/970MHz - no description 3. rafa - 14231 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 860/819MHz - Q6600 @ 3.6GHz - HD X2900XT @ 860/819 4. Raptor - 12958 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 851/1067MHz - C2D E6420 @ 3840MHz - Radeon HD 2900 XT @ 851/1067 5. - 12958 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 1024 MB @ 851/1067MHz - C2D E6420 @ 3840MHz - Radeon HD 2900 XT @ 851/1067 3Dmark 2006 ATI Radeon X1xxx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. glenboy (Guru3D) - 14066.00 - x1900xt crossfire @ 739/850 - intel qx6700 @ 3.477 ghz on water @1.5 volts - corsair pc6400 @ ddr1070 4 4 4 12 2. chefnr1 (Techsweden.org) - 14039.00 - no description 3. kyosen (XtremeSystems) - 14022.00 - Conroe E6700 ES @ 4.5G , Radeon X1900CF @ 792/891 ... 1. Worms14 - 11556 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 XTX @ 650/1000MHz - X1950XTX - CF 650/1000mhz - E6600 @ 3600MHz 2. Racuch - 7604 marks - Radeon X1900 XT 512mb @ 747/855MHz - E6400 @ 3600 | X1900XT @747/855 3. chr1st - 7270 marks - Radeon X1950 XTX @ 695/1062MHz - E6600 @ 3600Mhz; X1950XTX @ 695/1062Mhz 4. DEVILEK - 7233 marks - Radeon X1950 XT @ 749/990MHz - DEVILEK - X1950XT 256MB testing with water - Team Poland / XS 3D Mark Team 5. Malik - 7167 marks - Radeon X1900 XTX @ 770/877MHz - A64 Opteron 165 @ 3204 Mhz - Sapphire X1900XTX @ 770/877 3Dmark 2006 ATI Radeon X8xx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. giorgos th. (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 5186.00 - no description 2. Ace123 (PC Apex) - 5109.00 - Core 2 Xeon UP 3220 @ 3.75ghz - 2x radeon x850 xt @ 630/645 3. d]g[ts (OC Forums) - 4719.00 - Core 2 E6400 @ 3302MHz 2x X850 XT PE 602/629 ... 1. - 2809 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 621/621MHz - X800GTO2 @ 621/621MHz - C2D E6600 @ 3,6GHz 2. Madness - 2809 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 621/621MHz - X800GTO2 @ 621/621MHz - C2D E6600 @ 3,6GHz 3. Piit(PurePC.pl) - 2786 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 640/640MHz - no description 4. banti - 2681 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 651/625MHz - x2 3800+ Toledo 3,06GHz, 2x512mb seitec bh6 255 1,5-2-2-0 3,3v, dfi ultra@sli, gto2 650/1250, chieftec 410w; cooled by power-x, cube pro gpu, rekord, atman306 5. GergG - 2369 marks - Radeon X850 XT PE - Radeon X850 XT PE - Athlon XP-M @ 2608MHz 3Dmark 2006 Nvidia GeForce 6 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. sacha35 (Bench Tec UK) - 7073.00 - FX60 @ 3.3ghz-6800gt SLI @ 481/1281 2. Matti OC (Crazy-OC Germany) - 6812.00 - no description 3. S_A_V (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 6661.00 - SLI Leadtek+Gigabyte 6800GT @ 476/1209 MHz (Vgpu=1.68V, Vmem=2.05V), Core2Duo E6600 @ 9x423=3810Hz 1.46V, EVGA 680i SLI (PCI-E@115MHz), 2x512Mb D9GKX @ 846MHz 3-3-3-8 1T 2.50V, PSU Chieftec 620W, cold water @ CPU/GPU's ... 1. mazii - 4690 marks - 2x GeForce 6800 GT @ 410/575MHz - no description 2. Sector19 - 4215 marks - GeForce 6800 GS (NV42) 256 Mb @ 620/670MHz - Di Session... GFX COld BUG @ 0*C 3. adrkan - 3427 marks - GeForce 6800 Ultra @ 432/656MHz - www.overclock.pl , POWERED by OCZ 600W SLI 4. Lanc - 3395 marks - GeForce 6800 128Mb @ 470/650MHz - E6600 @ 3645 (405x9), Leadtek 6800 470/1300 (vgpu 1.54v, vmem 2.3v), Abit IP35-E, 2x1GB Goodram 800 4-4-4-12, CPU & GPU under WC 5. Kosiarz* - 3360 marks - GeForce 6800 GT @ 430/600MHz - no description 3Dmark 2006 Nvidia GeForce 7 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Micutzu (crazypc.ro) - 14182.00 - X6800 @ 4.7Ghz, EVGA 7900GTX SLI @ 850/950 2. No_Name (AwardFabrik) - 14009.00 - 3. beast-usa (The Raptor Pit) - 13949.00 - Geil DDR2 800 Esoteria@945 4-4-4-12 2.05v ... 1. PurePC - 12459 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTX @ 690/840MHz - X6800ES @ 4880MHz - 7900GTX SLI 690/840 2. kszonek - 12399 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTO @ 740/900MHz - Asus P5w64, 2x MSI 7900gto, 2x1gb patriot llk, e6600@3853@wc, topower p3 450w 3. yotomeczek - 12367 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTO @ 774/918MHz - Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3657 MHz | SLI 7900 GTO @ 774/1836 MHz 4. sobih - 12039 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 645/821MHz - QX6700 @ 4345Mhz - GeForce 7950 gx2 @ 645/821 5. Sulaco - 11523 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTX @ 705/915MHz - E6600 @ 3810MHz | SLI 7900 GTX @ 705/915 MHz 3Dmark 2006 Nvidia GeForce 8 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. k|ngp|n (XtremeSystems) - 30797.00 - EVGA 790iULTRA + Yorkfield QUAD Dragon F1 eXtreme LN2 cooled | EVGA 8800GTS SLI | CORSAIR DOMINATOR 1800C7 | SIVLERSTONE 1200W | overclocKingpin.com , Edit , EVGA 790iULTRA + Yorkfield QUAD Dragon F1 eXtreme LN2 cooled | EVGA 8800GTS SLI | CORSAIR DOMINAT 2. No_Name (AwardFabrik) - 29422.00 - Setup: QX9650@5580MHz, 8800GTS Ultimate FX @ 1110/1100, Mushkin XP2 6400@1200 4-3-3-10, 800Watt PSU Mushkin, XFX 780 SLI Mainboard only vCore mod, cpu-cooling= LN2, graphic-cooling= LN2, container made by my friend otterauge. Special THX! Very nice work! 3. SF3D (Team Finland) - 28915.00 - Foxconn BlackOPS. 9800GX2 First test on stock cooling. ... 1. wuj rysio - 22199 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 621/1151MHz - niestety druga karta w tzw. międzyczasie :) zmarzła, i nie udało mi się przywrócić jej do działania na tyle sprawnego, aby pętelka 3D06 poleciała... trudno, nie dziś to jutro :), , w związku z faktem, że posiadałem zapasową Ultrę, oczywiście stockową, wyn 2. DEVILEK - 20854 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 660/1040MHz - Team Poland 88GTX in SLI test 3. Lysyn - 20044 marks - GeForce 9800 GX2 @ 743/553MHz - E8500@4247MHz - GeForce 9800 GX2 743/1106 4. Blue - 19688 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 630/1500MHz - Q6600@ 3900MHz - 8800GTX SLI 630/1500/1000 5. marcin255 - 19478 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 860/1100MHz - no description Wygenerowane przez hwbot - http://www.hwbot.org - info@hwbot.org
Ranking 3DMark03 ---------------------------------------------------- 3DMark 2003 to popularny benchmark służący do pomiaru wydajności karty graficznej. pobierz tutaj Zasady - Nie używaj kilku nicków - Dodawaj tylko wyniki należące do Ciebie - Tylko ustawienia 1024x768x32bit - Załącz screenshot wyniku lub futuremark compareurl wyniku Wytyczne - Formatuj swój wynik według wzoru: [hwbot] wynik - opis_sprzętu [/hwbot] - Staraj się nie używać skrótów - Formatuj podkręcenie procesora jako 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' lub 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz' - Dozwolone formaty wyników: '12345' lub '12345 3dmarków' lub '12345 marków' - Nie używaj formatowania tekstu (pogrubienie Informacje o bocie Moderatorzy: Sector19, proste71, JMKS, Adelard, DaRoN, JMKS - backup :P Użytkownicy: MaSell (Team OCX), ChrisGr (brak zespołu) Opcje: odśwież ranking teraz Ranking zespołów - hall of fame pozycja - średnia z top 10 - nazwa zespołu - tygodniowa i miesięczna zmiana pozycji - linki 1. 101579.20 H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team) - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 2. 95388.60 Team OCX - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 3. 94943.40 OC Forums - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 4. 92269.90 AwardFabrik - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 5. 88744.00 i4memory.com - ~ ~ - strona www - forum ... 24. 63732.60 OcTeamDenmark - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 25. 63328.30 United Team of Poland - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 26. 62920.80 Techsweden.org - ~ ~ - strona www - forum Ranking użytkowników - hall of fame - więcej 1. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 133035.00 - PAY DAY - :P, Foxconn BlackOps motherboard - CFx 2x ATI 3870x2 @ 990/1150 - GSKILL Rams PC12800 at Cas 7-6-5-15-1T - hipro-tech 1200Watts PSU 2. gprhellas (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 133015.00 - ->UPDATE<- Thanks to Samino-hipro5 for the Foxconn BlackOps Mobo - My QX9650 @ 5802MHz on LN2 - VGA = 2x HD3870x2 default heatsink @ 990/1150 - PSU = 1200Watts hipro-tech - Powered by oktabit.gr 3. No_Name (AwardFabrik) - 131826.00 - I cant upload the score! AwardFabrik No_Name powered by Mushkin, QX9650@5740MHz@-110°C-cooled by Otterauge/ Mushkin DDR3@7-6-5-15@1760/ Mushkin 800W PSU Singlerail/ ASUS P5E3-WS/ 2X ATI-Sapphire 3870 X2@1066-1150 GPU Mod @-110°C cooled by Otterauge/ Speci ... 1. wuj rysio - 76898 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 810/1151MHz - no description 2. Sulaco - 69281 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 655/1050MHz - E6700 @ 3875MHz - SLI 8800GTX @ 655/1050 3. Malik - 69280 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 635/1015MHz - no description 4. DEVILEK - 65799 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 800/828MHz - Devilek - with Vanilla AW9 + vtt + mch booster + vcore mod's. Testing CF 2900XT overclocking on air. 5. Lexus[HPC] - 63539 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 625/1000MHz - Intel Poland, Galaxy Technology, OCZ, EVGA 6. demek - 63439 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3850 @ 730/1054MHz - Q6600 @ 3600 MHz - 2x HD 3850 PRO 730/1054 7. Chaos - 59218 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 800/900MHz - E6700 @ 4600Mhz - 2x HD2900XT @800/900, Chaos, ryba & masell GDA 2007 8. Weelkoo - 57605 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 575/900MHz - no description 9. proste71 - 54483 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 846/1043MHz - no description 10. zwierzak24dg - 53741 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 650/950MHz - no description 11. marcin255 - 53722 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 860/1050MHz - no description 12. Racuch - 52569 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 836/971MHz - E8400 @ 4610MHz - 8800 GT @ 836/971 13. atomel - 52356 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 896/1118MHz - no description 14. JMKS - 51388 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 687/1175MHz - no description 15. lama1 - 49503 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 856/1104MHz - no description 16. PurePC - 49329 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTX @ 690/840MHz - X6800ES @ 4958MHz - 7900GTX SLI 690/840 17. kszonek - 47940 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTO @ 721/855MHz - Asus P5w64, 2x MSI 7900gto, 2x1gb patriot llk, e6600@4006@wc, topower p3 450w 18. bryce - 47916 marks - nieznana karta graficzna - quick run 19. yotomeczek - 47246 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTO @ 750/880MHz - Conroe E6600 @ 3600MHz - SLI 2x7900GTO @ 750/1760 20. Raptor - 47236 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 650/1050MHz - Q6600 @ 3933Mhz - Geforce 8800 GTX @ 650 / 1050 21. Master_Chief - 46414 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 640/1120MHz - no description 22. 99tomcat - 46031 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 760/940MHz - zotac 8800gt 760/1840/940 wc cooling e8400 4.5 ghz, dfi blood iron p35, 2x1 gb crucial LanFest @1200 mhz 23. lucek_lukasz - 45543 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 685/2200MHz - no description 24. horac - 45232 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 657/1000MHz - E6420 @ 3520MHz - 8800GTX @ 657/1000 25. - 43773 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 1024 MB @ 863/1064MHz - C2D E6420 @ 3800MHz - Radeon HD 2900 XT @ 863/1064 26. Lanc - 43067 marks - GeForce 9600 GT @ 775/1150MHz - CPU @ 1.53v, Galaxy 9600GT CM @ WC - vGPU 1.12v (def), vMEM - 2.05v 27. Fisher15 - 42971 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 621/1026MHz - e6400@3400MHz - 8800GTX @ 621/1026 28. rafa - 42517 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 860/819MHz - Q6600 @ 3.4GHz - HD X2900XT @ 860/819 29. GergG - 42344 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 690/1060MHz - no description 30. promian - 42326 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 660/1030MHz - ATI 2900 XT to nie 8800 GTX... sorry ;p 31. Sector19 - 41905 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 690/1100MHz - no description 32. Dimek - 41685 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 684/1080MHz - C2D E6600 @3500MHz - 8800GTS @684/1080 33. Plastek07 - 41660 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 720/1053MHz - no description 34. Świder - 41377 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 620/720MHz - x6800es @ 4180MHz - 7950gx2 @ 620/720 | Asus P5B DLX | 4x512 Patriot LLK | Team PurePC.pl 35. Opson - 41237 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 630/970MHz - no description 36. pisarz - 41167 marks - 2x GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 625/790MHz - Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3700MHz | GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 625/790 | Asus P5B Deluxe | 2x1GB A-Data @ 1038MHz @ 4-4-4-4-8 37. pavkin - 41057 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 864/1049MHz - no description 38. desecznik - 40920 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 660/950MHz - no description 39. Cwaniak666 - 40467 marks - Radeon HD 2900 Pro 512 MB-256 Bit @ 820/1100MHz - no description 40. Ranken - 40312 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 626/1000MHz - no description 41. dratron - 39809 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 661/1127MHz - no description 42. Lysyn - 39735 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 587/740MHz - E6600 @ 3574 MHz - GeForce 7950 GX2 Gigabyte 1GB 587/740 43. Yogi311 - 39564 marks - GeForce 9600 GT @ 778/1150MHz - no description 44. ZiboDark - 39451 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 626/1000MHz - Geforce 8800 GTX @626/1000MHz - Core 2 Duo E6600 4M @3.6GHz - 2x1GB OCZ PLATINUM REVISION 2 XP+SP2 45. beatlover - 39375 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 650/1050MHz - no description 46. KeyJey - 39063 marks - Radeon HD 3870 @ 870/1370MHz - no description 47. vicek - 38446 marks - Radeon HD 3870 @ 845/1301MHz - My nub score :P 48. Rav85 - 38433 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 660/1000MHz - E4300 @ 3,33Ghz | Geforce 8800 GTS 640 MB @ 660/2000 49. chemiczny_ali - 38395 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 621/999MHz - E6600 @ 3700MHz | Geforce 8800 GTS 320 MB @ 621/999 50. LordFury - 38186 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 620/975MHz - no description 3Dmark 2003 ATI Radeon 9xxx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Johnny Bravo (Bench Tec UK) - 10864.00 - no description 2. |ron (PcXtreme.it OC Team -ITALY-) - 10834.00 - Conroe 6600@290x9 cooled by Ybris K11, 9800XT@550/425 cooler by Ybris K5&Vmodded 3. macci (Team Finland) - 10008.00 - The First Ever 10k in 3DMark03, dualcascade cooling + Fresh Finnish air ... 1. KrOOliK - 8636 marks - Radeon 9800 Pro @ 483/419.50MHz - no description 2. Chaos - 8020 marks - Radeon 9800 XT @ 484/464.50MHz - no description 3. Adkinson - 7758 marks - Radeon 9800 Pro @ 473/398MHz - no vmods, bios from the r9800Xxt, w/c 4. Tolokan_PL - 7756 marks - Radeon 9800 Pro @ 480/387.50MHz - maybe now?:) 5. Madness - 7709 marks - Radeon 9800 Pro @ 465/400MHz - Radeon 9800Pro @ 465/400Mhz - A64 3000+ @ 2.92GHz 3Dmark 2003 ATI Radeon HD 2xxx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. max-giampa-giorgioprimo (Memoryextreme Team) - 96148.00 - Setup:, Qx 9650 1,88V Ln2 -120°, P5E3WS-PRO v-core mod, 2*1024 CellShock pc 14400, GeCube + His HD2900XT 1,45V Ln2 -140°, Ultra X3 1600W, EnzoTech SNBW SLI, cpu pot MM rev 3, gpu pot's Tek-9 3.0, Benching table DimasTech 2. mickeymouse (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 94489.00 - no description 3. Gautam (OC Forums) - 89597.00 - no description ... 1. DEVILEK - 65799 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 800/828MHz - Devilek - with Vanilla AW9 + vtt + mch booster + vcore mod's. Testing CF 2900XT overclocking on air. 2. Chaos - 59218 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 800/900MHz - E6700 @ 4600Mhz - 2x HD2900XT @800/900, Chaos, ryba & masell GDA 2007 3. Raptor - 43773 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 863/1064MHz - C2D E6420 @ 3800MHz - Radeon HD 2900 XT @ 863/1064 4. - 43773 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 1024 MB @ 863/1064MHz - C2D E6420 @ 3800MHz - Radeon HD 2900 XT @ 863/1064 5. rafa - 42517 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 860/819MHz - Q6600 @ 3.4GHz - HD X2900XT @ 860/819 3Dmark 2003 ATI Radeon X1xxx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Joe Camel (OC Forums) - 47397.00 - x6800 @ 4600MHz, 2x x1900 @ 830/931 2. kyosen (Team OCX) - 45360.00 - X6800@5001MHz - Radeon X1900CF@792/891 3. Thickbrit (Bench Tec UK) - 45073.00 - Core 2 duo x6800 @ 4516mhz, 2 x radeon X1900 xtx 512mb 810/900 ... 1. Worms14 - 37041 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 XTX @ 650/1000MHz - X1950XTX - CF 650/1000mhz - E6600 @ 3600MHz 2. Gemmy - 27100 marks - Radeon X1950 XT @ 749/954MHz - by BTL team! 3. DEVILEK - 25114 marks - Radeon X1950 XT @ 749/990MHz - DEVILEK - X1950XT 256MB testing with water - Team Poland / XS 3D Mark Team 4. KamilM - 23931 marks - Radeon X1950 XTX @ 680/1030MHz - Sapphire X1950XTX TOXIC 5. kszonek - 22938 marks - Radeon X1950 Pro 256mb @ 729/783MHz - vcore@1,56v vgpu@1,52v vram@2,10v vmch@1,7v vdimm@2,58v vfsb@1,3v, gpu&cpu@wc, hdd samsung sp2004c, 2x1gb Micron D9GMH Crucial Bllistix, topower P3 450W eza, xp sp2 3Dmark 2003 ATI Radeon X8xx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. giorgos th. (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 28331.00 - no description 2. Ace123 (PC Apex) - 28123.00 - Core 2 Xeon UP 3220 @ 3.75ghz - 2x radeon x850 xt @ 630/645 3. d]g[ts (OC Forums) - 27264.00 - E6400 @ 3493MHz, 2x X850 XT PE @ 602/629 ... 1. - 18158 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 624/618MHz - X800GTO2 @ 624/618Mhz - C2DE6600 @ 3.2GHz 2. Madness - 18158 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 624/618MHz - X800GTO2 @ 624/618Mhz - C2DE6600 @ 3.2GHz 3. KamilM - 16469 marks - Radeon X800 XT @ 560/560MHz - 4. banti - 16240 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 581/622MHz - no description 5. piit - 15381 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 639/639MHz - X2 3800@2500 3Dmark 2003 Nvidia GeForce 5 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Big_Sam (Russian Overs-Overclockers.ru) - 9616.00 - P4_3.4E@4.442/FSB=261||Mem1:1/2.5/3/4/5/Vddr=3.2V||AopenFX5900XT/GPU702/Mem1071/Vgpu=1.82/Vmem=3.0V||CPU+GPU=phase_change_cooling=-38. 2. macci (Team Finland) - 8698.00 - R404 cooled GPU, CPU aircooled 3. OPPAINTER (XtremeSystems) - 8604.00 - 3.2 P4 @ 265x16=4248MHz,, with 1.725V,,,, Kingston HyperX 3500x2,, Dual Channel,,5-2-2Cas2,, 2.9V,,, BFG FX5900 Ultra at 659/1013 cooled with VapoChill,,,Prometeia Mach II Cooling provided by Chip-Con and ** www.xtwerkz.com ** ... 1. _XP_ - 7405 marks - GeForce FX 5900 XT @ 500/910MHz - the videocard is biosmod 2. surix - 6848 marks - GeForce FX 5900 XT @ 490/460MHz - no description 3. banti - 6676 marks - GeForce FX 5900 XT @ 490/445MHz - ASRock... 4. pietach - 6636 marks - GeForce FX 5900 @ 520/440MHz - P4 2600MHz @ 3000MHz FX 5900XT @ 520/880 5. v.e.n.o.m - 6309 marks - GeForce FX 5900 XT @ 475/435MHz - Sempron64 2800+ @2400Mhz - Leadtek 5900XT @475/870 3Dmark 2003 Nvidia GeForce 6 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. S_A_V (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 31089.00 - SLI Leadtek+Gigabyte 6800GT @ 473/1204 MHz (Vgpu=1.68V, Vmem=2.05V), Core2Duo E6600 @ 9x445=4005MHz 1.55V, Abit AW9D-MAX (PCI-E@115MHz), 2x512Mb D9GKX @ 890MHz 3-3-3-4 2T 2.65V, PSU Chieftec 620W, cold water @ CPU/GPU's, ForceWare v85.98 (SLI-modded) 2. OPPAINTER (XtremeSystems) - 29504.00 - AMD S939 FX-55@ 251x14= 3514MHz,,, MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum/SLI,,, 2x512Mb OCZ VX at 251MHz 2-2-2-5,,, 2xMSI NX6800GT cards at 577/1260, 6800s cooled by my -45C PC ICE Dual Evap SLI Cascade,,, FX-55 cooled by my PC ICE Cascade,,, Arctic Silver Ceramique ther 3. PcCI2iminal (XtremeSystems) - 29356.00 - ... 1. DEVILEK - 25092 marks - 2x GeForce 6800 GS (NV42) 256 Mb @ 540/635MHz - AMD Athlon 64 3000+@2906MHz - 2 x 6800GS 540/1270 2. mazii - 22463 marks - 2x GeForce 6800 GT @ 410/575MHz - no description 3. Sector19 - 19886 marks - GeForce 6800 GS (NV42) 256 Mb @ 615/670MHz - Di Session... GFX COld BUG @ 0*C 4. viktorpl - 16380 marks - GeForce 6600 GT Duo @ 545/619MHz - no description 5. Lanc - 16127 marks - GeForce 6800 128Mb @ 470/650MHz - E6600 @ 3645 (405x9), Leadtek 6800 470/1300 (vgpu 1.54v, vmem 2.3v), Abit IP35-E, 2x1GB Goodram 800 4-4-4-12, CPU & GPU under WC ;] 3Dmark 2003 Nvidia GeForce 7 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. webwilli (OCWorkbase.com) - 77000.00 - Core2Duo E6600@3,200 GHz - 2 x 1024 MB Cellshock DDR3 800 MHz @ 8-7-6-21 - Zotac/XFX 8800 GTS 512 800/1100 MHz Forceware 174.20 2. Micutzu (crazypc.ro) - 56570.00 - X6800 @ 4.75Ghz on LN2, EVGA 7900GTX SLI @ 880/980 3. zbogi (OC-Lab2) - 52857.00 - 2x7950GT(SLI)@820/880 - DICE | C2D E6600@4408MHz, 1.80v | | Crucial 2x512MB DDR2800@980 4-4-4-8 | P5W64 | DICE ... 1. PurePC - 49329 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTX @ 690/840MHz - X6800ES @ 4958MHz - 7900GTX SLI 690/840 2. kszonek - 47940 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTO @ 721/855MHz - Asus P5w64, 2x MSI 7900gto, 2x1gb patriot llk, e6600@4006@wc, topower p3 450w 3. yotomeczek - 47246 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTO @ 750/880MHz - Conroe E6600 @ 3600MHz - SLI 2x7900GTO @ 750/1760 4. Sulaco - 46286 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTX @ 705/915MHz - E6600 @ 3750MHz - SLI 7900GTX @ 705/915 5. Chaos - 43380 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 603/755MHz - no description 3Dmark 2003 Nvidia GeForce 8 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. No_Name (AwardFabrik) - 116253.00 - Setup: QX9650@5333MHz, 3x 8800Ultra @ 930/1200, Mushkin XP2 6400@1200 4-3-3-10, 1200Watt PSU PCPC, XFX 780 SLI Mainboard only vCore mod, cpu-cooling= LN2, graphic-cooling= LN2, container made by my friend otterauge. Special THX! Very nice work!, , Thanks 2. Sampsa (Team Finland) - 103888.00 - Cannot currently make the project public, I'll try to reupload it 3. CornerJack (OverCleX) - 102491.00 - QX9650 4.95GHz (14x354) | DDR2 424MHz 3-3-3-4 | Triple SLI eVGA Ultra BlackPearl 706/1205MHz | Silverstone OP1200 | Cascade by Skirms_fr, This project can not be published on orb :/ ... 1. wuj rysio - 76898 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 810/1151MHz - no description 2. Sulaco - 69281 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 655/1050MHz - E6700 @ 3875MHz - SLI 8800GTX @ 655/1050 3. Malik - 69280 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 635/1015MHz - no description 4. Lexus[HPC] - 63539 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 625/1000MHz - Intel Poland, Galaxy Technology, OCZ, EVGA 5. DEVILEK - 59676 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 684/1107MHz - Conroe X6800 [water] - Asus P5NE-SLI [stock] - Dual EVGA 8800GTS [vgpu+vmem air cooling] Wygenerowane przez hwbot - http://www.hwbot.org - info@hwbot.org
Ranking 3DMark01 ---------------------------------------------------- 3DMark 2001 to popularny benchmark służący do pomiaru wydajności karty graficznej/procesora. pobierz tutaj Zasady - Nie używaj kilku nicków - Dodawaj tylko wyniki należące do Ciebie - Tylko ustawienia 1024x768x32bit - Załącz screenshot wyniku lub futuremark compareurl wyniku Wytyczne - Formatuj swój wynik według wzoru: [hwbot] wynik - opis_sprzętu [/hwbot] - Staraj się nie używać skrótów - Formatuj podkręcenie procesora jako 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' lub 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz' - Dozwolone formaty wyników: '12345' lub '12345 3dmarków' lub '12345 marków' - Nie używaj formatowania tekstu (pogrubienie Informacje o bocie Moderatorzy: Sector19, proste71, Adelard, JMKS, DaRoN, JMKS - backup :P Użytkownicy: MaSell (Team OCX) Opcje: odśwież ranking teraz Ranking zespołów - hall of fame pozycja - średnia z top 10 - nazwa zespołu - tygodniowa i miesięczna zmiana pozycji - linki 1. 95768.60 H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team) - ~ +1 - strona www - forum 2. 93993.00 Team OCX - ~ -1 - strona www - forum 3. 92784.50 XtremeSystems - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 4. 91506.10 AwardFabrik - ~ +1 - strona www - forum 5. 90087.40 i4memory.com - ~ +1 - strona www - forum ... 13. 83177.60 JMax-Hardware - ~ -3 - strona www - forum 14. 82186.70 United Team of Poland - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 15. 81803.10 crazypc.ro - ~ +5 - strona www - forum Ranking użytkowników - hall of fame - więcej 1. k|ngp|n (XtremeSystems) - 116005.00 - Benching with FUGGER vegas 08' | QX9650 Dragon F1 eXtreme LN2 cooled | 2X EVGA 8800 ULTRA SLI TEK-9 3.0 LN2 cooled | EVGA 780iSLI | CORSAIR DOMINATOR 10000C5 | ENERMAX GALAXY 1200W | overclocKingpin.com | 2. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 107758.00 - SINGLE XFX 8800 Ultra @ 1024MHz core and 1238MHz rams - PSU = 1200Watts hipro-tech - Rams = CellShock PC14400 at 961MHz (1922MHz DDR) and Cas 7-6-6-6-16-1T powered by a DDR Maximizer - CPU LN2 Pot by Gorillakos and GPU LN2 Pot Tek-9 by k|ngp|n 3. max-giampa-giorgioprimo (Memoryextreme Team) - 107048.00 - Setup:, Qx 9650 1,88V Ln2 -120°, P5E3WS-PRO v-core mod, 2*1024 CellShock pc 14400, GeCube + His HD2900XT 1,45V Ln2 -140°, Ultra X3 1600W, EnzoTech SNBW SLI, cpu pot MM rev 3, gpu pot's Tek-9 3.0, Benching Table DimasTech ... 1. Racuch - 88603 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 256 Mb @ 837/972MHz - E8400 @ 4707MHz - BFG 8800GT 837/972 2. DEVILEK - 88340 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 802/1080MHz - OC Team Poland at Wroclaw 2007 benching 3. JMKS - 84465 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 687/1175MHz - no description 4. ryba (PurePC.pl) - 84447 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 745/1000MHz - thx czesl4f, Janio, Kasia, MaSell, Mixer, Sabath, soul and Extrememem 5. Gemmy - 82705 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 800/1000MHz - BTL Team.org 6. wuj rysio - 81336 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 810/1152MHz - no description 7. ent - 78801 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 620/1020MHz - 6700@4920, 8800GTX @ 620/1020 for GT 1-3, @610/1010 for Nature, P5B deluxe @ 1066 strap, OCZ Reaper @ 492 4-4-4-4, THX for Sirius.pl, Efakto.pl, ExtremeMem.pl, banti & tomcat 8. Malik - 78089 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 665/1040MHz - no description 9. pablopawel - 77702 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 670/919MHz - pablopawel & JMKS, 1,76V, stock VGA 10. Chaos - 77379 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 800/900MHz - E6700 @ 4600Mhz - 2x HD2900XT @800/900, Chaos, ryba & masell GDA 2007 11. proste71 - 73856 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 855/1090MHz - no description 12. marcin255 - 73698 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 870/1100MHz - GeForce 8800GTS 512 MB @ 870/1100 ,C2D E 6600 @3,95 GHz 13. ryba - 73683 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 820/1150MHz - thx for Sector19, Lanc, Devilek, eMJot, Janio, Soker 14. atomel - 72670 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 813/1103MHz - no description 15. 99tomcat - 70983 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 747/977MHz - no description 16. Raptor - 70687 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 650/1050MHz - Q6600 @ 3933Mhz - Geforce 8800 GTX @ 650 / 1050 17. - 69976 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 1024 MB @ 863/1064MHz - C2D E6420 @ 3864MHz - Radeon HD 2900 XT @ 863/1064 18. kszonek - 69643 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTO @ 747/905MHz - Asus P5w64, 2x MSI 7900gto, 2x1gb patriot llk, e6600@4022@wc, topower p3 450w 19. Lexus[HPC] - 67996 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 625/1000MHz - Intel Poland, Galaxy Technology, OCZ, EVGA 20. Hausner - 66591 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 649/947MHz - no description 21. Ranken - 65343 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 626/1000MHz - no description 22. Świder - 65302 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 600/700MHz - x6800es @ 4180MHz - 7950gx2 @ 600/700 | Asus P5B DLX | 4x512 Patriot LLK | Team PurePC.pl 23. promian - 64404 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 660/1030MHz - Single GTX better than GTX in SLI... 24. GergG - 63950 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 685/1070MHz - GeForce 8800GTS not moded :D 25. ZiboDark - 63580 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 626/1000MHz - Geforce 8800 GTX @ 626/1000MHz - Core 2 Duo E6600 4M @ 3.6GHz - 2x1GB OCZ PLATINUM REVISION 2 XP+SP2 26. zwierzak24dg - 63376 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 645/1050MHz - no description 27. demek - 63227 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3850 @ 730/1054MHz - Q6600 @ 3600MHz - 2x HD 3850 PRO 730/1054 28. Weelkoo (FrazPC.PL) - 62859 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 626/1000MHz - OCZ, Gigabyte & FrazPC 29. Sector19 - 62737 marks - GeForce 7900 GS @ 750/950MHz - no description 30. chemiczny_ali - 62480 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 621/999MHz - E6600 @ 3800MHz | Geforce 8800 GTS 320 MB @ 621/999 31. rafa - 62423 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 793/819MHz - Q6600 @ 3.6MHz - HD 2900XT 793/819 32. Dimek - 62244 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 684/1080MHz - C2D E6600 @3500MHz - 8800GTS @684/1080 33. Sulaco - 61884 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTX @ 705/915MHz - E6600 @ 3807MHz - SLI 7900GTX 705/915 34. OC Team - 60627 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTX - E6600 @ 3717MHz - 2 x 7900GTX 35. LordFury - 59972 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 620/975MHz - no description 36. Worms14 - 59305 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 XTX @ 650/1000MHz - X1950XTX - CF 650/1000mhz - E6600 @ 3600MHz 37. desecznik - 59301 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 650/1000MHz - no description 38. atom3k - 59113 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 615/865MHz - E6600 @ 3600MHz - 8800GTS BFG 615/865 39. dratron - 57763 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 661/1127MHz - no description 40. KamilM - 57633 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 650/1030MHz - EVGA 8800GTX stock cooling, no mod 41. beatlover - 57317 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 640/1050MHz - no description 42. FiDO - 57157 marks - GeForce 7600 GS DDR3 @ 870/435MHz - Słonik Team :), Cooling by ryba 43. Xtreme Addict - 56855 marks - Radeon X1800 GTO @ 780/815MHz - E6600 @ 3,64ghz, Sapphire X1800 GTO (pipeline), Geil Ultra 2x1 GB POLAND Xtreme Overclocking :) 44. yotomeczek - 55988 marks - 2x GeForce 7600 GS DDR3 @ 655/427.50MHz - Conroe E6600 @ 3692 MHz SLI 7600GS @ 655 GPU / 855 Mem 45. caperon - 55595 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 625/1003MHz - no description 46. Weelkoo - 55228 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 590/775MHz - E6700 @ 3520MHz - GeForce 7950GX2 @ 590/775MHz 47. Fisher15 - 55184 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 621/1026MHz - E6400@ 3400 MHz - GeForce 8800GTX 621/1026 48. mib - 55061 marks - Radeon X1950 Pro 256mb @ 709/742MHz - e6600 Asus P5W64pro X1950pro (volt mods@gpu, memory) 49. Matiz - 54583 marks - 2x GeForce 7300 GT DDR3 @ 690/820MHz - Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3690MHz - SLI Galaxy 7300GT @ 690/1640MHz 50. RoKFoR - 54512 marks - GeForce 8600 GT 256 Mb @ 730/1100MHz - no description 3Dmark 2001 ATI Radeon 9xxx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. |ron (PcOverclock.net Team) - 34338.00 - Motherboard Vmodded (Pencil mod Vagp/Vnorth), Cpu cooled by Ybris K11, vga@dyce with Manny's Dyce Alu Pot., Vga Fullmodded, vgpu 2,1v/vddr3,0v. 2. Bwanasoft (Crazy-OC Germany) - 32794.00 - no description 3. Fosco (XtremeSystems) - 31884.00 - FX55 claw @ 3256mhz @ Mach2 - 9800pro @ 576\418 @ Mach2 ... 1. Hausner - 26119 marks - Radeon 9800 Pro @ 505/390MHz - 2. - 26022 marks - Radeon 9800 Pro @ 460/400MHz - Radeon 9800Pro @ 460/400MHz - A64 @ 2.9GHz 3. Madness - 26022 marks - Radeon 9800 Pro @ 460/400MHz - Radeon 9800Pro @ 460/400MHz - A64 @ 2.9GHz 4. Chaos - 24809 marks - Radeon 9800 XT @ 481/405MHz - 9800pro@xt bios 5. Sector19 - 24117 marks - Radeon 9500 @ 427/340MHz - Venice 3000+ @ 2740Mhz - Radeon 9500 @ 427/340 3Dmark 2001 ATI Radeon HD 2xxx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. max-giampa-giorgioprimo (Memoryextreme Team) - 107048.00 - Setup:, Qx 9650 1,88V Ln2 -120°, P5E3WS-PRO v-core mod, 2*1024 CellShock pc 14400, GeCube + His HD2900XT 1,45V Ln2 -140°, Ultra X3 1600W, EnzoTech SNBW SLI, cpu pot MM rev 3, gpu pot's Tek-9 3.0, Benching Table DimasTech 2. mickeymouse (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 103054.00 - no description 3. pedrorocha (XtremeSystems) - 100642.00 - CPU Cooled by the Mini-Cascade (-85) | ATI's 2900 Stock Coolers no mods ... 1. DEVILEK - 80261 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 743/825MHz - no description 2. Chaos - 77379 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 800/900MHz - E6700 @ 4600Mhz - 2x HD2900XT @800/900, Chaos, ryba & masell GDA 2007 3. - 69976 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 1024 MB @ 863/1064MHz - C2D E6420 @ 3864MHz - Radeon HD 2900 XT @ 863/1064 4. Raptor - 69976 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 1024 MB @ 863/1064MHz - Radeon HD 2900 XT @ 863/2128 - C2D E6420 @ 3864MHz 5. rafa - 62423 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 793/819MHz - Q6600 @ 3.6MHz - HD 2900XT 793/819 3Dmark 2001 ATI Radeon X1xxx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 94562.00 - Intel Core 2 Duo X6800 Conroe @ 5437MHz - under LN2 cooling (Gorilakos Pot) - X1950 CrossFire @ 990/1143 under esdee's cascades - DDR Maximizer for the Rams 2. Kinc (NordicHardware OC Team) - 90702.00 - X6800 @ 5104MHz (liquid nitrogen at -130°C) ASUS P5B Deluxe Corsair C3 6400 1:1, 3-3-3-12 @ 2.85v PowerColor X1950XTX CrossFire 882/1143MHz PSU: Cooltek 600W |more info@http://www.nordichardware.com/news,4747.html 3. crotale (NordicHardware OC Team) - 89120.00 - Kinc + crotale :: Nordichardware.com :: X1950 Crossfire ... 1. Gemmy - 68970 marks - Radeon X1950 XT @ 749/954MHz - by BTL team! 2. kszonek - 62234 marks - Radeon X1800 GTO @ 810/819MHz - E6600 @ 3950MHz @ 1,66v - X1800gto @ 810/819 gpu@1,6v mem@2.2v, cpu&gpu@WC, tagan 580 easycon 3. Racuch - 60901 marks - Radeon X1900 XT 512mb - E6600 @ 4005MHz - X1900XT 744 @ 882 4. DEVILEK - 59568 marks - Radeon X1950 XT @ 749/990MHz - DEVILEK - X1950XT 256MB testing with water - Team Poland / XS 3D Mark Team 5. Worms14 - 59305 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 XTX @ 650/1000MHz - X1950XTX - CF 650/1000mhz - E6600 @ 3600MHz 3Dmark 2001 ATI Radeon X8xx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Blind (OC-Team.Be) - 59100.00 - cpu coold by cascade / gfx with modded mach2 by jort 2. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 58522.00 - no description 3. |ron (PcOverclock.net Team) - 57432.00 - www.pcoverclock.net ... 1. Madness - 46958 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 602/621MHz - Radeon X800GTO2 @ 602/621 - C2D E6600 @ 3200MHz 2. - 46958 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 602/621MHz - Radeon X800GTO2 @ 602/621 - C2D E6600 @ 3200MHz 3. wampir - 42580 marks - Radeon X800 GTO @ 400/500MHz - E6600 @ 3424Mhz - X800GTO@16p 400/500@565/565Mhz 4. Opson - 41717 marks - Radeon X800 XL @ 450/560MHz - no description 5. Mardok - 41031 marks - Radeon X800 Pro @ 567/567MHz - E6600 @ 3204MHz - X800Pro 12p 567/567 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia GeForce 2 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. nethaker (United Team of Poland) - 7489.00 - no description 2. AragornPL (United Team of Poland) - 7453.00 - E4300 @ 2.72 GHz - GeForce2 Ultra @ 338/515 3. Sector19 (United Team of Poland) - 7445.00 - no description ... 1. nethaker - 7489 marks - GeForce2 Ti @ 330/240.50MHz - no description 2. AragornPL - 7453 marks - GeForce2 Ultra @ 338/257.50MHz - E4300 @ 2.72 GHz - GeForce2 Ultra @ 338/515 3. Sector19 - 7445 marks - GeForce2 Ti @ 300/279MHz - no description 4. Spookie - 5834 marks - GeForce2 Pro @ 240/440MHz - no description 5. Opson - 5448 marks - GeForce2 Pro @ 245/450MHz - no description 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia GeForce 4 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Johnny Bravo (Bench Tec UK) - 23675.00 - x6800 @ 3.9GHz AsRock, 4CoreDual-VSTA FSB@300, 2x512MB Corsair 8000UL@300 3-2-2-5, Gainward Ti4800se GPU@390 MEM@710. CPU under water gpu under phase. Card has really bad memory :( 2. spliffs (Futuremark Forums) - 23227.00 - no description 3. Highland3r (Bench Tec UK) - 22573.00 - #Watercooled CPU (Maze 3) Gray Mole modded Vapo PE on GPU (~-34 Evap) ... 1. hary - 18428 marks - GeForce4 Ti 4200 64 @ 351/337.50MHz - Thx for ent (forum.purepc.pl) 2. Dmn - 17990 marks - GeForce4 Ti 4400 @ 330/355MHz - no description 3. Sector19 - 17928 marks - GeForce4 Ti 4200 128 @ 306/330.50MHz - Venice 3000+ @ 2646Mhz - GeForce4 Ti 4200 128 @ 306/661 4. Kean - 15130 marks - GeForce4 Ti 4200-8x @ 300/300MHz - no description 5. ReaspowN - 13848 marks - GeForce4 Ti 4200 128 @ 340/340MHz - A64 3000+@2403MHz - Geforce 4 Ti4200 @ 340/680 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia GeForce 5 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Paulo Jorge (Techzonept) - 30441.00 - E6600 @ 2989 - MSI FX 5900XT 530@415 2. mache (crazypc.ro) - 28051.00 - Pentium M 740@11x257 Twinmos@205 2-2-2-5 XpertVision FX5900XT@580/866 3. ALT-F13 (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 27882.00 - no description ... 1. banti - 22163 marks - GeForce FX 5900 XT @ 490/445MHz - ASRock... 2. Opson - 21118 marks - GeForce FX 5900 Ultra @ 450/475MHz - no description 3. wisnia666 - 16870 marks - GeForce FX 5900 - Sempron 3000+ @ 2749 - GeForce Fx 5900xt 4. pietach - 16618 marks - GeForce FX 5900 XT @ 530/438.50MHz - AMD Athlon 1700+ @ 2400MHz (12x200 1.95V) WC Cooling 5. jonathan - 14221 marks - GeForce FX 5700 LE @ 462/306MHz - no description 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia GeForce 6 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. S_A_V (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 59594.00 - SLI Leadtek+Gigabyte 6800GT @ 480/1228 MHz (Vgpu=1.68V, Vmem=2.05V), Core2Duo E6600 @ 9x449=4043MHz 1.55V, Abit AW9D-MAX (PCI-E@115MHz), 2x512Mb D9GKX @ 898MHz 3-3-3-4 2T 2.65V, PSU Chieftec 620W, cold water @ CPU/GPU's, ForceWare v85.98 (SLI-modded) 2. conman (Techsweden.org) - 57595.00 - no description 3. PcCI2iminal (XtremeSystems) - 57449.00 - ... 1. Lanc - 52016 marks - GeForce 6800 GT @ 600/650MHz - no description 2. Sector19 - 51660 marks - GeForce 6800 GS (NV42) @ 620/660MHz - Di Session... GFX COld BUG @ 0*C 3. ryba (PurePC.pl) - 42055 marks - GeForce 6600 GT PCI-e @ 760/550MHz - thx for MaSell 4. adrkan - 38153 marks - GeForce 6800 Ultra @ 443/648MHz - www.overclock.pl Powered by OCZ 600W SLI 5. kryl - 32388 marks - GeForce 6600 GT PCI-e @ 600/600MHz - no description 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia GeForce 7 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Micutzu (crazypc.ro) - 84010.00 - X6800 @ 4.9Ghz on LN2, EVGA 7900GTX SLI @ 910/1080 2. ncsa (i4memory.com) - 78855.00 - OP1000 / VapoChill LS [AC] stock 3. sson74 (XtremeSystems) - 78291.00 - X6800 @ 4956MHz Jinu117 Cascade, 7950GX2 715/800MHz , air ... 1. ryba (PurePC.pl) - 78076 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTX @ 690/840MHz - no description 2. Chaos - 73674 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 603/755MHz - no description 3. kszonek - 69643 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTO @ 747/905MHz - Asus P5w64, 2x MSI 7900gto, 2x1gb patriot llk, e6600@4022@wc, topower p3 450w 4. DEVILEK - 66788 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GS @ 600/800MHz - no description 5. Świder - 65302 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 600/700MHz - x6800es @ 4180MHz - 7950gx2 @ 600/700 | Asus P5B DLX | 4x512 Patriot LLK | Team PurePC.pl 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia GeForce 8 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. k|ngp|n (XtremeSystems) - 116005.00 - Benching with FUGGER vegas 08' | QX9650 Dragon F1 eXtreme LN2 cooled | 2X EVGA 8800 ULTRA SLI TEK-9 3.0 LN2 cooled | EVGA 780iSLI | CORSAIR DOMINATOR 10000C5 | ENERMAX GALAXY 1200W | overclocKingpin.com | 2. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 107758.00 - SINGLE XFX 8800 Ultra @ 1024MHz core and 1238MHz rams - PSU = 1200Watts hipro-tech - Rams = CellShock PC14400 at 961MHz (1922MHz DDR) and Cas 7-6-6-6-16-1T powered by a DDR Maximizer - CPU LN2 Pot by Gorillakos and GPU LN2 Pot Tek-9 by k|ngp|n 3. No_Name (AwardFabrik) - 106785.00 - Setup: QX9650@5600MHz, 8800GTS Ultimate FX @ 1109/1080, Mushkin XP2 6400@1100 4-3-3-10, 800Watt PSU Mushkin, XFX 780 SLI Mainboard only vCore mod, cpu-cooling= LN2, graphic-cooling= LN2, container made by my friend otterauge. Special THX! Very nice work! ... 1. Racuch - 88603 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 256 Mb @ 837/972MHz - E8400 @ 4707MHz - BFG 8800GT 837/972 2. DEVILEK - 88340 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 802/1080MHz - OC Team Poland at Wroclaw 2007 benching 3. JMKS - 84465 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 687/1175MHz - no description 4. ryba (PurePC.pl) - 84447 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 745/1000MHz - thx czesl4f, Janio, Kasia, MaSell, Mixer, Sabath, soul and Extrememem 5. Gemmy - 82705 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 800/1000MHz - BTL Team.org 3Dmark 2001 Nvidia Riva subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Savage666 (www.rusoftware.ru) - 2590.00 - no description 2. rudesmen (United Team of Poland) - 2583.00 - 3. michaelnm (Team MXS ModLabs.net) - 2451.00 - no description ... 1. rudesmen - 2583 marks - Riva TNT2 Ultra @ 183/221MHz - 2. manieq - 2379 marks - Riva TNT2 Pro @ 146/186MHz - no description 3. Opson - 1730 marks - Riva TNT2 Pro @ 175/175MHz - no description 4. pako997 - 1610 marks - Riva TNT2 M64 @ 165/130MHz - S64 3000@2600 ; Mem 236 2,5-3-3-7 5. Miper - 1415 marks - Riva TNT2 M64 @ 170/180MHz - Athlon XP 2000+ @ 1.85GHz | Riva TNT2 m64 @ 170/180 Wygenerowane przez hwbot - http://www.hwbot.org - info@hwbot.org
Ranking 3DMark05 ---------------------------------------------------- 3DMark 2005 to popularny benchmark służący do pomiaru wydajności karty graficznej. pobierz tutaj Zasady - Nie używaj kilku nicków - Dodawaj tylko wyniki należące do Ciebie - Tylko ustawienia 1024x768x32bit - Załącz screenshot wyniku lub futuremark compareurl wyniku Wytyczne - Formatuj swój wynik według wzoru: [hwbot] wynik - opis_sprzętu [/hwbot] - Staraj się nie używać skrótów - Formatuj podkręcenie procesora jako 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' lub 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz' - Dozwolone formaty wyników: '12345' lub '12345 3dmarków' lub '12345 marków' - Nie używaj formatowania tekstu (pogrubienie Informacje o bocie Moderatorzy: Sector19, proste71, JMKS, Adelard, DaRoN, JMKS - backup :P Użytkownicy: MaSell (Team OCX), ryba (PurePC.pl) (Team OCX), ChrisGr (brak zespołu) Opcje: odśwież ranking teraz Ranking zespołów - hall of fame pozycja - średnia z top 10 - nazwa zespołu - tygodniowa i miesięczna zmiana pozycji - linki 1. 35276.80 Team OCX - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 2. 34445.60 H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team) - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 3. 33417.80 AwardFabrik - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 4. 32555.10 OutOfSpecs.Gr - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 5. 31963.10 i4memory.com - ~ ~ - strona www - forum ... 15. 28291.90 OC-Lab2 - ~ ~ - strona www 16. 28042.90 United Team of Poland - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 17. 27838.60 PcXtreme.it OC Team -ITALY- - ~ ~ - strona www Ranking użytkowników - hall of fame - więcej 1. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 39611.00 - PAY DAY - :P, Foxconn BlackOps motherboard - CFx 2x ATI 3870x2 @ 980/1140 - GSKILL Rams PC12800 at Cas 7-6-5-15-1T - hipro-tech 1200Watts PSU , 2. max-giampa-giorgioprimo (Memoryextreme Team) - 39133.00 - , Qx 9650@5800, ASUS P5E3 WS, 2*1024 Cellshock DDR3 1800, 2* 2900XT, Psu Ultra X3 1600W, cpu pot MM rev3, gpu pot Tek 9 3.0, 80 L LN2, benching table Dimastech MemoryExtreme edition 3. k|ngp|n (XtremeSystems) - 39016.00 - EVGA 790iULTRA + Yorkfield QUAD Dragon F1 eXtreme LN2 cooled | EVGA 8800GTS SLI | CORSAIR DOMINATOR 1800C7 | SIVLERSTONE 1200W | overclocKingpin.com , ... 1. wuj rysio - 33775 marks - Radeon HD 3870 X2 @ 900/979MHz - no description 2. DEVILEK - 28621 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 743/825MHz - no description 3. marcin255 - 28401 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 860/1050MHz - no description 4. proste71 - 28180 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 865/1045MHz - no description 5. Racuch - 28167 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 836/971MHz - E8400 @ 4610Mhz - BFG 8800 GT @ 836 / 971 6. Chaos - 28061 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 800/900MHz - E6700 @ 4600Mhz - 2x HD2900XT @800/900, Chaos, ryba & masell GDA 2007 7. Gemmy - 26983 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 840/1020MHz - BTL Team .org 8. JMKS - 26548 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 860/1000MHz - no description 9. atomel - 25870 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 900/1118MHz - no description 10. 99tomcat - 25823 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 760/940MHz - zotac 8800gt 760/1840/940 wc cooling e8400 4.5 ghz, dfi blood iron p35, 2x1 gb crucial LanFest @1200 mhz 11. Lanc - 25629 marks - GeForce 9600 GT @ 775/1150MHz - CPU @ 1.53v, Galaxy 9600GT CM @ WC - vGPU 1.12v (def), vMEM - 2.05v 12. lama1 - 25381 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 856/1156MHz - no description 13. Malik - 24117 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 625/1010MHz - no description 14. Sulaco - 23811 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 650/1050MHz - E6700 @ 3825MHz - SLI 8800GTX @ 650/1050 15. demek - 23720 marks - 2x Radeon HD 3850 @ 730/1024MHz - Q6600 @ 3600 MHz - 2x HD 3850 PRO 730/1024 16. Pewin - 23588 marks - Radeon HD 3870 @ 958/1178MHz - E8200 @ 3,9Ghz - HD3870 @958/1178, 17. v3ctor - 23404 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 825/1100MHz - no description 18. Raptor - 23143 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 866/1066MHz - C2D E6420 @ 3840MHz - Radeon HD 2900 XT @ 866/1066 19. - 23143 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 1024 MB @ 866/1066MHz - C2D E6420 @ 3840MHz - Radeon HD 2900 XT @ 866/1066 20. kICU - 22850 marks - GeForce 9600 GT @ 760/1140MHz - no description 21. pablopawel - 22292 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 665/916MHz - pablopawel & JMKS, ~1,76V, stock VGA 22. Lexus[HPC] - 21955 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 625/1000MHz - Intel Poland, Galaxy Technology, OCZ, EVGA 23. kszonek - 21542 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTO @ 720/850MHz - Asus P5w64, 2x MSI 7900gto, 2x1gb patriot llk, e6600@4006@wc, topower p3 450w 24. desecznik - 21314 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 700/1000MHz - no description 25. rafa - 21159 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 860/819MHz - Q6600 @ 3.4 MHz - HD X2900XT @ 860/819 26. Worms14 - 20737 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 XTX @ 650/1000MHz - X1950XTX - CF 650/1000mhz - E6600 @ 3600MHz 27. GergG - 20736 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 690/1075MHz - no description 28. Cwaniak666 - 20683 marks - Radeon HD 2900 Pro 512 MB-256 Bit @ 820/1100MHz - no description 29. sobih - 20478 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 645/821MHz - QX6700@4365 - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 645/821 30. zwierzak24dg - 20361 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 645/1050MHz - no description 31. pavkin - 20297 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 864/1048MHz - no description 32. Master_Chief - 20258 marks - GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 640/1120MHz - no description 33. Sector19 - 20220 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 690/1100MHz - no description 34. Ranken - 20132 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 626/1000MHz - no description 35. dem - 20083 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 685/1030MHz - C2D E6400@3682MHz - Geforce 8800 GTS 320Mb @ 685 / 1030 36. promian - 20041 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 660/1030MHz - E6700@3540MHz, 8800GTX 660/2060 37. Dimek - 19992 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 684/1107MHz - C2D E6600 @3500MHz - 8800GTS @684/1107 38. Lysyn - 19882 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 651/1006MHz - E6600 @ 3555Mhz - 8800GTX 651/1006 39. lucek_lukasz - 19855 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 685/2200MHz - no description 40. ZiboDark - 19527 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 626/1000MHz - Geforce 8800 GTX @ 626/1000MHz - Core 2 Duo E6600 4M @ 3.6GHz 41. Fisher15 - 19489 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 621/1026MHz - e6400@3400MHz - 8800GTX @ 621/1026 42. chemiczny_ali - 19433 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 621/999MHz - E6600 @ 3800MHz | Geforce 8800 GTS 320 MB @ 621/999 43. LordFury - 19289 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 320 Mb @ 620/975MHz - no description 44. Yogi311 - 18989 marks - GeForce 9600 GT @ 775/1152MHz - no description 45. KeyJey - 18892 marks - Radeon HD 3870 @ 875/1375MHz - no description 46. playground - 18850 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 640/1820MHz - c2d e6600 @ 3500 || 8800 GTS 640MB G80 @ 640/1820 47. pisarz - 18823 marks - 2x GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 630/800MHz - Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3700MHz | GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 630/800 | Asus P5B Deluxe | 2x1GB A-Data @ 1038MHz @ 4-4-4-4-8 48. KamilM - 18673 marks - GeForce 8800 GTX @ 650/1030MHz - EVGA 8800GTX KO, stock cooling, no mod 49. dratron - 18665 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 640 Mb @ 661/1127MHz - no description 50. Weelkoo (FrazPC.PL) - 18516 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2600 XT GDDR4 @ 850/1150MHz - no description 3Dmark 2005 ATI Radeon 9xxx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. |ron (PcXtreme.it OC Team -ITALY-) - 4793.00 - Conroe 6600@290x9 cooled by Ybris K11, 9800XT@535/418 cooler by Ybris K5&Vmodded 2. Johnny Bravo (Bench Tec UK) - 4633.00 - no description 3. Bwanasoft (Crazy-OC Germany) - 4409.00 - no description ... 1. Director - 3193 marks - Radeon 9800 SE @ 430/312MHz - Radeon 9800SE@430/312 - Athlon XP 2500+@2573MHz 2. - 3193 marks - Radeon 9800 SE @ 430/312MHz - Radeon 9800SE@430/312 - Athlon XP 2500+@2573MHz 3. Sector19 - 3187 marks - Radeon 9500 @ 427/331MHz - Venice 3000+ @ 2680Mhz - Radeon 9500 @ 427/331 4. Chaos - 3159 marks - Radeon 9800 XT @ 490/414MHz - 9800pro@xt bios ;] 5. berg649ones - 3110 marks - Radeon 9700 Pro @ 375/360MHz - no description 3Dmark 2005 ATI Radeon HD 2xxx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. max-giampa-giorgioprimo (Memoryextreme Team) - 39133.00 - , Qx 9650@5800, ASUS P5E3 WS, 2*1024 Cellshock DDR3 1800, 2* 2900XT, Psu Ultra X3 1600W, cpu pot MM rev3, gpu pot Tek 9 3.0, 80 L LN2, benching table Dimastech MemoryExtreme edition 2. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 37929.00 - Yorkfield 3GHz @ 5708MHz (475.7MHz fsb) - CrossFire ASUS HD2900XT @ 1160/950 - CellShocks DDR3 PC14400 @ 951MHz (1902MHz DDR) at Cas 7-6-4-5-15-1T Powered by a DDR Maximizer - CPU's LN2 Pot by Gorillakos - VGA's LN2 Pots Tek-9 Ver.3 by k|ngp|n 3. mickeymouse (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 37838.00 - no description ... 1. DEVILEK - 28621 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 743/825MHz - no description 2. Chaos - 28061 marks - 2x Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 800/900MHz - E6700 @ 4600Mhz - 2x HD2900XT @800/900, Chaos, ryba & masell GDA 2007 3. JMKS - 26548 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 860/1000MHz - no description 4. Raptor - 23143 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 512 MB @ 866/1066MHz - C2D E6420 @ 3840MHz - Radeon HD 2900 XT @ 866/1066 5. - 23143 marks - Radeon HD 2900 XT 1024 MB @ 866/1066MHz - C2D E6420 @ 3840MHz - Radeon HD 2900 XT @ 866/1066 3Dmark 2005 ATI Radeon X1xxx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 29882.00 - Core 2 Duo Conroe X6800 @ 5406MHz - ATI CrossFire X1950XTX @ 972/1143 - CPU under LN2 and VGAs under 2 x esdee's cascades - Rams Powered by DDR Maximizer 2. Memoryextreme Team (Memoryextreme Team) - 26972.00 - Conroe Xe ES, Asus P5W-DH ( v-core v-dimm-v-mch-vfsb ), 2* 1024 TeamGroup Extreem pc6400, Sapphire X1900 Master & Powercolor X1900XTX ( no mods ), PC Power&Cooling Turbocool 1 KW, OCLabs Block LN2DI, TL4E dry ice/ln2, CPU@LN2 GPU@CO2 3. kyosen (Team OCX) - 26295.00 - X6800@5001MHz - Radeon X1900CF@792/891 ... 1. Worms14 - 20737 marks - 2x Radeon X1950 XTX @ 650/1000MHz - X1950XTX - CF 650/1000mhz - E6600 @ 3600MHz 2. Racuch - 15355 marks - Radeon X1900 XTX @ 752/855MHz - C2D 6400 @ 3.56Ghz - X1900XTX @ 752/855 3. DEVILEK - 14440 marks - Radeon X1950 XT @ 715/900MHz - DEVILEK - X1950XT 256MB testing with water - Team Poland / XS 3D Mark Team 4. Malik - 14334 marks - Radeon X1900 XTX @ 770/877MHz - Opteron 165 @ 3.2Ghz - X1900XTX @ 770/877 5. chr1st - 14117 marks - Radeon X1950 XTX @ 695/1062MHz - E6600 @ 3600Mhz; X1950XTX @ 695/1062Mhz 3Dmark 2005 ATI Radeon X8xx subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Ace123 (PC Apex) - 14145.00 - Core 2 Xeon UP 3220 @ 3.75ghz - 2x radeon x850 xt @ 630/645 2. d]g[ts (OC Forums) - 14014.00 - E6400 @ 3501MHz, 2X X850 XT PE @ 602/629 3. andw7 (Hardware Upgrade Italy) - 13302.00 - no description ... 1. Madness - 7964 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 618/634MHz - X800GTO2@618/634 - C2D E6600@3,2GHz 2. - 7964 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 618/634MHz - X800GTO2@618/634 - C2D E6600@3,2GHz 3. piit - 7736 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 639/639MHz - X2 3800 @2500 & GTO2 4. KamilM - 7597 marks - Radeon X800 XT @ 560/560MHz - 5. banti - 7523 marks - Radeon X800 GTO2 @ 651/624MHz - x2 3800+ Toledo 3,06GHz, 2x512mb seitec bh6 255 1,5-2-2-0 3,3v, dfi ultra@sli, gto2 650/1250, chieftec 410w; cooled by power-x, cube pro gpu, rekord, atman306 3Dmark 2005 Nvidia GeForce 6 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. OPPAINTER (XtremeSystems) - 13881.00 - AMD S939 FX-55@ 252x14= 3529MHz,,, MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum/SLI,,, 2x512Mb OCZ VX at 252MHz 2-2-2-5,,, 2xMSI NX6800GT cards at 583/1287, 6800s cooled by my -45C PC ICE Dual Evap SLI Cascade,,, FX-55 cooled by my PC ICE Cascade,,, Arctic Silver Ceramique ther 2. sacha35 (Bench Tec UK) - 13801.00 - FX-60 @3.3GHz- 6800GT- sli - 472/1312 3. Matti OC (Crazy-OC Germany) - 13775.00 - ... 1. Sulaco - 11264 marks - 2x GeForce 6800 Ultra @ 460/650MHz - A64 3200+ @ 2600MHz - 6800Ultra SLI @ 460/650 2. mazii - 10696 marks - 2x GeForce 6800 GT @ 420/560MHz - no description 3. Sector19 - 8178 marks - GeForce 6800 GS (NV42) 256 Mb @ 620/660MHz - Di Session... GFX COld BUG @ 0*C 4. DEVILEK - 8001 marks - 2x GeForce 6800 LE Pci-e @ 324/401.50MHz - Asus A8N-SLI - Winfast 6800LE 256MB SLI - Venice@3GHz - 2 x 256MB Corsair BH5 - Huntkey 350W 5. sideband - 7594 marks - GeForce 6800 GS (NV42) 256 Mb @ 643/675MHz - no description 3Dmark 2005 Nvidia GeForce 7 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Micutzu (crazypc.ro) - 24467.00 - X6800 @ 4.7Ghz on LN2, EVGA 7900GTX SLI @ 850/950 2. zbogi (OC-Lab2) - 23962.00 - 2xAsus 7950GT (SLI) @ 825/889 DICE, E6600@4450MHz DICE 3. morgado (Team OCX) - 23293.00 - x6800 @ 4360 - 7900GTX SLI @ 793/909 ... 1. kszonek - 21542 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTO @ 720/850MHz - Asus P5w64, 2x MSI 7900gto, 2x1gb patriot llk, e6600@4006@wc, topower p3 450w 2. sobih - 20478 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 645/821MHz - QX6700@4365 - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 645/821 3. Sulaco - 20158 marks - 2x GeForce 7900 GTX @ 705/915MHz - E6600 @ 3807MHz - SLI 7900GTX @ 705/915 4. Chaos - 19768 marks - GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 603/755MHz - no description 5. pisarz - 18823 marks - 2x GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 630/800MHz - Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3700MHz | GeForce 7950 GX2 @ 630/800 | Asus P5B Deluxe | 2x1GB A-Data @ 1038MHz @ 4-4-4-4-8 3Dmark 2005 Nvidia GeForce 8 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. k|ngp|n (XtremeSystems) - 39016.00 - EVGA 790iULTRA + Yorkfield QUAD Dragon F1 eXtreme LN2 cooled | EVGA 8800GTS SLI | CORSAIR DOMINATOR 1800C7 | SIVLERSTONE 1200W | overclocKingpin.com , 2. No_Name (AwardFabrik) - 36719.00 - AwardFabrik No_Name powered by Mushkin! , QX9650@5800MHz@-120°C-cooled by Otterauge/ Mushkin DDR3@7-6-5-15@1800/ Mushkin 800W PSU Singlerail/ ASUS Striker 790/ 9800GX2@776-1101 on Air/ Special THX@ Steffen Eisenstein and Otterauge! Please visit: www.award 3. mickeymouse (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 35519.00 - no description ... 1. marcin255 - 28401 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 860/1050MHz - no description 2. DEVILEK - 28278 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 GTX @ 750/1050MHz - Team Poland 88GTX in SLI test 3. proste71 - 28180 marks - GeForce 8800 GTS 512 Mb @ 865/1045MHz - no description 4. Racuch - 28167 marks - GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb @ 836/971MHz - E8400 @ 4610Mhz - BFG 8800 GT @ 836 / 971 5. wuj rysio - 27614 marks - 2x GeForce 8800 Ultra @ 810/1151MHz - ... Wygenerowane przez hwbot - http://www.hwbot.org - info@hwbot.org
Ranking SuperPi ---------------------------------------------------- SuperPi to prosty i szybki sposób do pomiaru wydajności procesora/systemu. pobierz tutaj Zasady - Nie używaj kilku nicków - Dodawaj tylko wyniki należące do Ciebie - Tylko próbka 1M - Załącz screenshot wyniku Wytyczne - Formatuj swój wynik według wzoru: [hwbot] wynik - opis_sprzętu [/hwbot] - Staraj się nie używać skrótów - Formatuj podkręcenie procesora jako 'A64 3200+ @ 2850Mhz' lub 'A64 3200+ @ 2.85Ghz' - Dozwolone formaty wyników: '120.34' lub '120.34s' lub '120.34sek' - Nie używaj formatowania tekstu (pogrubienie Informacje o bocie Moderatorzy: Sector19, Adelard, JMKS, DaRoN, JMKS - backup :P, proste71 Użytkownicy: ChrisGr (brak zespołu), ryba (PurePC.pl) (Team OCX), MaSell (Team OCX) Opcje: odśwież ranking teraz Ranking zespołów - hall of fame pozycja - średnia z top 10 - nazwa zespołu - tygodniowa i miesięczna zmiana pozycji - linki 1. 7.95 Team OCX - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 2. 8.22 H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team) - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 3. 8.36 AwardFabrik - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 4. 8.51 i4memory.com - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 5. 8.68 OutOfSpecs.Gr - ~ ~ - strona www - forum ... 15. 9.17 Team Finland - ~ ~ - strona www 16. 9.36 United Team of Poland - ~ ~ - strona www - forum 17. 9.39 crazypc.ro - ~ ~ - strona www - forum Ranking użytkowników - hall of fame - więcej 1. No_Name (AwardFabrik) - 7.44 - AwardFabrik_No_Name powered by Mushkin! setup: CPU:QX9650@6122MHz@13x470@LN2@-135°C, Pott by Otterauge, RAM:Mushkin Redline DDR2 @1176@4-4-4-12, PSU: Mushkin 800W, Mainboard: Asus P5K, Grafik: 3D Blaster Banshee. please visit www.awardfabrik.de ;-), 2. coolaler (Team OCX) - 7.45 - QX9650@6058 Mhz - LN2 3. k|ngp|n (XtremeSystems) - 7.56 - F1 eXtreme POWA :) ... 1. wuj rysio - 8.39 sec - Core 2 QX9770 (3.2Ghz)@5503MHz - no description 2. Lanc - 8.42 sec - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@5532MHz - E8400 Q743, Asus Commando (R.I.P.), Crucial Ballistix PC5300., vCPU 1.8v, VTT 1.4v, NB 1.9v, vMEM - 2.75v. 3. JMKS - 8.86 sec - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@5094MHz - no description 4. proste71 - 9.48 sec - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4860MHz - no description 5. Gemmy - 9.55 sec - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5320MHz - By BTL Team! 6. Racuch - 9.59 sec - nieznany procesor - Intel E8400 4824MHz 536x9 DFI LP P35 T2R 7. marcin255 - 9.64 sec - Core 2 QX9650 (3.00Ghz)@4800MHz - no description 8. - 9.69 sec - nieznany procesor - Intel E8400 4908MHz 545x9 DFI LP P35 T2R 9. cavarr - 9.8 sec - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4716MHz - Intel E8400@4716MHz 524x9 ASUS P5K PRO; Goodram PRO 4x1GB; AC- Xigmatek HDT-S1283 10. 99tomcat - 9.92 sec - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4658MHz - no description 11. pmp - 9.92 sec - Core 2 QX6850 (3.00Ghz)@5091MHz - no description 12. Kean - 9.97 sec - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4641MHz - MSI P35 Neo2, E8400, Crucial 10th AE, Water Cooling (radiator outdoor with 2*C) 13. DEVILEK - 10 sec - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5140MHz - OC Team Poland - ABIT Quad GT - 2 x 1GB GoodRam Pro 800MHz - Dual stage rotary cascade 14. pablopawel - 10.11 sec - Core 2 E6850 (3.0Ghz)@5004MHz - pablopawel & JMKS, ~1,8V. 5GHz benchable with DI :) 15. PurePC - 10.28 sec - Core 2 X6800 (2.93Ghz)@5061MHz - X6800ES @ 5061MHz - Asus P5W DH DLX 16. yotomeczek - 10.44 sec - Xeon 3070@4880MHz - no description 17. skwiatek-hard-pc.pl - 10.46 sec - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4610MHz - no description 18. promian - 10.75 sec - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4730MHz - E6700@4730MHz by promian and JMKS - cooled by piotres cascade (-105c) 19. Fisher15 - 10.81 sec - Core 2 E8200 (2.67Ghz)@4320MHz - no description 20. Świder - 10.95 sec - Core 2 X6800 (2.93Ghz)@4729MHz - x6800es @ 4729MHz | Asus P5B DLX | 4x512 Patriot LLK | Team PurePC.pl 21. McDracullo - 11.08 sec - Core 2 E8200 (2.67Ghz)@4200MHz - no description 22. majkel84 - 11.2 sec - Core 2 X6800 (2.93Ghz)@4688MHz - Intel Core 2 Duo X6800ES 4688MHz 426x11 | EVGA 680 SLI | DI |Team Overclock.pl 23. piotres - 11.28 sec - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4620MHz - E6700 @ 4620MHz Cascade -105*C by piotres - Gigabyte DS4 24. meeron - 11.5 sec - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@4373MHz - no description 25. Madness - 11.66 sec - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4320MHz - no description 26. FiDO - 11.67 sec - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@4925MHz - Słonik Team :), Cooling by ryba 27. lama1 - 11.75 sec - Xeon 3230@4278MHz - no description 28. Ricci - 11.91 sec - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4278MHz - E6600@4278MHz FC Riccilightchill-DFI Infinity P965-S Dark 29. atomel - 11.98 sec - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4248MHz - no description 30. wampir - 12.17 sec - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4147MHz - Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 4147 MHz - Asus P5B Deluxe 31. jumson - 12.17 sec - Core 2 E4400 (2.0Ghz)@4680MHz - E4400 @ 1,9V, Asus Commando + VDroop, Vcore mod, OCZ Reaper 468MHz 3-4-4-4 by extrememem.pl, Dry Ice, jumson & JMKS= J TEAM 32. Raptor - 12.3 sec - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4145MHz - no description 33. czesl4f - 12.3 sec - Core 2 E4500 (2.2Ghz)@4646MHz - no description 34. Andiw - 12.33 sec - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@4171.90MHz - no description 35. jacekcz - 12.48 sec - Core 2 E6850 (3.0Ghz)@4140MHz - no description 36. genghiskhan - 12.5 sec - Core 2 E6420 (2.13Ghz)@4080MHz - 37. _BENY_ - 12.5 sec - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@4097MHz - no description 38. kICU - 12.59 sec - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@4080MHz - no description 39. RoKFoR - 12.63 sec - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@3998.20MHz - no description 40. Malik - 12.63 sec - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4040MHz - E6600 @ 4040MHz WC - EVGA n680i 41. Sylphydray - 12.64 sec - nieznany procesor - Intel Core 2 Duo E8400@3,69Ghz || 2x1024MB OCZ Platinum Rev 2 DDR2 @487Mhz CL5 || Asus P5KC 42. Drejfus - 12.7 sec - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4005MHz - Intel Core 2 quad E6600 @4005MHz 445x9| ASUS P5k Premium 43. Drejfus (SiadamKucam) - 12.7 sec - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4005MHz - no description 44. grandzu - 12.7 sec - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@4000MHz - no description 45. Opson - 12.74 sec - Core 2 E6320 (1.86Ghz)@3955MHz - no description 46. rafa - 12.78 sec - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@3960MHz - Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 3960MHz IP35pro 47. lucek_lukasz - 12.8 sec - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@4005MHz - no description 48. LordFury - 12.81 sec - Core 2 E6400 (2.13Ghz)@4444MHz - E6400 L629Bxxx + P5K Deluxe + OCZ Reaper,, CPU by LordFury, cooling by Ryba (thx!) 49. jarogniew - 12.81 sec - Core 2 E6750 (2.67Ghz)@4000MHz - no description 50. OC Team - 12.89 sec - Core 2 E6600 (2.4Ghz)@3960MHz - E6600@3960MHz SuperPi Athlon subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. boblemagnifique (OverClocking-Masters) - 60.00 - 2. Bwanasoft (Crazy-OC Germany) - 62.45 - no description 3. Turrican (Team OCX) - 62.67 - Athlon "T-Bird" 1400 @ 205x8=1640, 2x256MB Old BH-5 @ 205 2.0-2-2-5 1T, , Epox 8RDA6+ Pro, , air-cooling, ... 1. GergG - 79.58 sec - Athlon 1000Mhz (fsb133)@1281.40MHz - Epox 8RDA3I ; Athlon 1000C fsb 133 stock ; 256Mb Elixir 466 + 1 GB Kingston HyperX 400 2. KvaNfield - 92.28 sec - Athlon 1400Mhz (fsb133)@1616MHz - no description 3. s_noopy - 92.89 sec - Athlon 1000Mhz (fsb133)@1219MHz - no description 4. - 92.89 sec - Athlon 1000Mhz (fsb133)@1220MHz - AMD Athlon 1000Mhz (fsb133)@1220MHz (163x7,5) - 163 MHz 2;2;2;6 1T Single 5. LukasboSs - 99.39 sec - Athlon 900Mhz (socket)@1000MHz - no description SuperPi Athlon 64 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. High Octane (crazypc.ro) - 19.16 - E4300 @ 3000MHz, MSI P6N SLI-Fi @ PSB 333, 2*1GB DDR2 800MHz 4-4-4-12 2. EyEDoL (crazypc.ro) - 19.20 - E4300 @ 3000 MHz, 2x1024 UMAX DDR2-667 @ 667 4-4-4-12 3. DAZEB (Vmodtech.com, Thailand) - 21.20 - no description ... 1. hary - 22.06 sec - Athlon 64 LE-1600@3654MHz - no description 2. svende - 23.92 sec - Athlon 64 LE-1640@3519MHz - Pentagram Karakorum 3. Gemmy - 24.72 sec - Athlon 64 3000+ Venice s939@3446MHz - no description 4. LukasboSs - 24.86 sec - Athlon 64 3700+ San Diego@3355MHz - no description 5. kooboos - 25 sec - Athlon 64 3700+ Clawhammer@3360MHz - A64 3700+ San Diego @ 3360MHz (WC) || 2x512mb bh5 utt@240mhz (AC) SuperPi Athlon 64 X2 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. Yz250 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 12.22 - Core 2 Duo Conroe - X6800 @ 4200Mhz -Asus P5W DH - hipro5 DDR-MAXIMIZER - water cooling 2. MaSell (Team OCX) - 20.22 - no description 3. Pepek - ClockMeUp! (United Team of Poland) - 20.47 - ADX6400IAA6CZ S/N:1751272H70275 CCB8F 0730DPMW Vcpu: 1,75 Vram: 2,5 temp. -25C, ... 1. Pepek - ClockMeUp! - 20.47 sec - Athlon 64 6400+ X2@4117MHz - ADX6400IAA6CZ S/N:1751272H70275 CCB8F 0730DPMW Vcpu: 1,75 Vram: 2,5 temp. -25C, 2. MILANS - 22.44 sec - Athlon 64 6000+ X2@3718MHz - no description 3. michu - 22.89 sec - Athlon 64 5200+ X2 Windsor@3611MHz - Scythe Infinity ;) 4. michu (oc-forum.org) - 22.98 sec - Athlon 64 5200+ X2 Windsor@3620.60MHz - AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ Windsor F3 @ 1,525V + AC Freezer 64 PRO, 2x1GB GoodRAM PRO 900 (Micron D9GMH) @ 2,3V, Abit KN9 5. svende - 23.2 sec - Athlon 64 6000+ X2@3630MHz - Pentagram Karakorum SuperPi Athlon XP subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. matose (crazypc.ro) - 35.48 - no description 2. Endre (OC team Norway) - 35.99 - no description 3. Jaan (Team Estonia) - 35.99 - locked Barton 2500+, Zalman 7000B, DFI NF2 Ultra, 2x256MB BH5@251MHz, 2M @same hardware: http://www.oc.pri.ee/screens/2500+@2767MHz-SPi2M-80sec.png ... 1. xtremich - 37.31 sec - Athlon XP 2500+ Barton@2640MHz - nf7 rev 2.0, hynix d43 2x256mb@490mhz cl2.5, water coling cold water white ice 2. ClockMeUp! - 37.81 sec - Athlon XP 2600+ Thoroughbred@2817.50MHz - our first DI session | NARMER&PEPEK | Epox 8RDA3+@2V-air; AthlonXP2600+TB AIUHB0313 Batch0091@2.075Vmax-DI; 2x512 BallistiX PC3200@2.8V 3. DaRoN - 39.51 sec - Athlon XP 1700+ Thoroughbred@2519MHz - no description 4. NIUTI - 39.63 sec - Athlon XP 1700+ Thoroughbred - XP 1700+@2695 5. pietach - 40.16 sec - Athlon XP 2500+ Barton@2586MHz - Athlon XP 2200+ Thorton @ Barton 512kb L2 SuperPi Athlon XP-M subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. ryba (Team OCX) - 31.95 - Athlon XP Barton 2600+ @ 3301MHz Abit NF7 2. sobih (United Team of Poland) - 32.39 - Athlon XP-M Barton 2500+ @ 3305 MHz/ cascade by piotres R290/R744 3. masterchorch (OCCC.de) - 32.88 - no description ... 1. sobih - 32.39 sec - Athlon XP-M 2500+@3305MHz - Athlon XP-M Barton 2500+ @ 3305 MHz/ cascade by piotres R290/R744 2. odbytorq - 37.63 sec - Athlon XP-M 2400+ Barton@2784MHz - forgot to get values in clockgen and clockgen window is empty :) bad luck 3. Dzidaziom - 38.95 sec - Athlon XP-M 2500+@2708MHz - Taki ot skromny wynik :) 4. janio - 39.08 sec - Athlon XP-M 2800+ - AXP-M 2800+/AN7 non-moded/Hynix D43@2.8V/Air Cooling 5. Sector19 - 40.07 sec - Athlon XP-M 2000+ Thoroughbred@2519MHz - XP 2000+ @ 2519MHz (265x9,5) Vitesta TCCD 3-3-3-11 T1 (1:1) SuperPi Core 2 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. splmann (O.C. Team Switzerland) - 13.33 - no description 2. redratamd (OverCleX) - 14.38 - no description 3. Mayk (Russian Overs-Overclockers.ru) - 15.27 - no description ... 1. pchack - 16.79 sec - Celeron LGA775 430@4049MHz - no description 2. Lanc - 17.41 sec - Celeron LGA775 E1200@3936MHz - no description 3. JMKS - 18.25 sec - Celeron LGA775 420@3532MHz - no description 4. Ricci - 18.5 sec - Celeron LGA775 420@3408MHz - no description 5. Puma(PL) - 19.44 sec - Celeron LGA775 420@3519MHz - no description SuperPi Core 2 Duo subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. monteboy (AwardFabrik) - 7.83 - no description 2. hey (Turkiye Overclock Birliği) - 7.94 - no description 3. joe_cool (Team OCX) - 7.94 - no description ... 1. Lanc - 8.42 sec - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@5532MHz - E8400 Q743, Asus Commando (R.I.P.), Crucial Ballistix PC5300., vCPU 1.8v, VTT 1.4v, NB 1.9v, vMEM - 2.75v. 2. proste71 - 9.48 sec - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4860MHz - no description 3. Gemmy - 9.55 sec - Core 2 E6700 (2.66Ghz)@5320MHz - By BTL Team! 4. Racuch - 9.67 sec - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz) - Intel E8400 4807MHz 527x9 DFI LP P35 T2R 5. cavarr - 9.8 sec - Core 2 E8400 (3.0Ghz)@4716MHz - Intel E8400@4716MHz 524x9 ASUS P5K PRO; Goodram PRO 4x1GB; AC- Xigmatek HDT-S1283 SuperPi Core 2 Quad subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. tsan (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 7.78 - no description 2. zbogi (OC-Lab2) - 7.84 - pic of the system http://img85.imageshack.us/my.php?image=slika1rv8.jpg 3. Rol-Co (D-Most) - 7.86 - no description ... 1. wuj rysio - 8.39 sec - Core 2 QX9770 (3.2Ghz)@5503MHz - no description 2. pmp - 9.92 sec - Core 2 QX6850 (3.00Ghz)@5091MHz - no description 3. JMKS - 9.94 sec - Core 2 QX6850 (3.00Ghz)@5161MHz - Veeery poor performance this time but sub10 anyway :), first attemp to bench with LN2 was too hard for me ;) 4. atomel - 11.98 sec - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4248MHz - no description 5. Raptor - 12.3 sec - Core 2 Q6600 (2.4Ghz)@4145MHz - no description SuperPi Duron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. piotres (United Team of Poland) - 37.36 - Duron 1800 Mhz @ 3013 MHz/ phase-change "Orange-Ice" by piotres 2. Lucaman (HwMania-OC-Team - HwMania.org) - 43.00 - duron 1400 dfi infinity corsair bh6 FULL AIR 3. GergG (United Team of Poland) - 45.50 - Duron 1800 ; Epox 8RDA3I ; 256Mb Elixir 466 + 1Gb Kingston HyperX 400 ... 1. piotres - 37.36 sec - Duron 1.8ghz@3013MHz - Duron 1800 Mhz @ 3013 MHz/ phase-change "Orange-Ice" by piotres 2. GergG - 45.5 sec - Duron 1.8ghz@2441.50MHz - Duron 1800 ; Epox 8RDA3I ; 256Mb Elixir 466 + 1Gb Kingston HyperX 400 3. SzPeCu&MasterOver(ocsystems-TEAM) - 48.99 sec - Duron 1.8ghz@2446MHz - www.ocsystems.cba.pl 4. HucK - 53 sec - Duron 1.8ghz@2300MHz - Duron 1800 @ 2300MHz - 2X256MB Goodram+No Name 333 - Daremny wiatraczek+otwarte okno 5. Pecetowiec - 55.02 sec - Duron 1.8ghz@2116MHz - AMD Duron 1800@2116 MHz, 2x512 MB Twinmos 2-2-2-6 dual channel, Epox 8RDA3I SuperPi Opteron .09 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. s7e9h3n - 21.98 - no description 2. gianni-gt (O.C. Team Switzerland) - 22.50 - Opteron 156 @ 3701Mhz 1.728V, BH5 @ 264Mhz 2-2-2-5 3.53V, DICE 3. knopflerbruce (OC team Norway) - 22.54 - no description ... 1. MILANS - 23.73 sec - Opteron 1210@3494.40MHz - no description 2. Ricci - 25.44 sec - Opteron 150 .09@3192MHz - Opteron 150 @ 3192 MHz FC Riccilightchill 3. xtremich - 25.52 sec - Opteron 144 .09@3242MHz - Dfi lp nf4 ultra-d, patriot xblk 2x512mb, water cooling white ice:d 4. myrddin669 - 25.66 sec - Opteron 146 .09@3208MHz - Opteron 146 @ 3208 MHz/ 1,520V - aircooling 5. janek [oc-forum.org] - 26.06 sec - Opteron 165 .09@3222MHz - no description SuperPi Pentium 2 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 170.95 - SS 2.5v 2. Febril (Syndrome-OC) - 181.40 - 3. Turrican (Team OCX) - 184.28 - Abit BP6, 2x128MB Kingston/Hyundai PC 133 2.0-2-2 ... 1. kszonek - 203.14 sec - Pentium 2 Celeron 500Mhz s370@600MHz - no description 2. Oskaliber - 217.52 sec - Pentium 2 Celeron 466Mhz s370@588MHz - no description 3. manieq - 237.56 sec - Pentium 2 Celeron 500Mhz s370@625MHz - no description 4. daisycutter - 248.54 sec - Pentium 2 Celeron 500Mhz s370 - no description 5. genghiskhan - 261.1 sec - Pentium 2 Celeron 300A Mhz slot1@471MHz - air cooling abit be6-2 SuperPi Pentium 3 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 70.61 - no description 2. sparkY1000 (Bench Tec UK) - 83.08 - no description 3. onni (Team Estonia) - 95.86 - no description ... 1. Ricci - 101.68 sec - Pentium 3 1.0Ghz Coppermine s370@1214MHz - no description 2. Kean - 119.73 sec - Pentium 3 800Mhz@960MHz - no description 3. buuren - 123.17 sec - Pentium 3 750Mhz@1083MHz - no description 4. kszonek - 133.89 sec - Pentium 3 600Mhz s370@840MHz - no description 5. nethaker - 138 sec - Pentium 3 700Mhz@980MHz - no description SuperPi Pentium 3 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. GraduS (Z.O.T.) - 80.54 - no description 2. sparkY1000 (Bench Tec UK) - 85.21 - no description 3. Alexandeer (Z.O.T.) - 86.82 - ... 1. rosolini - 96 sec - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.3Ghz@1781MHz - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.3Ghz @ 1781Mhz 2. Ricci - 97.87 sec - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.2Ghz@1560MHz - no description 3. Kean - 100.11 sec - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.0A Ghz Tualatin@1420MHz - no description 4. szpecu&masterover - 107.44 sec - Pentium 3 Celeron 1.0A Ghz Tualatin@1333MHz - www.ocsystems.org 5. kszonek - 107.85 sec - Pentium 3 Celeron 800Mhz@1200MHz - no description SuperPi Pentium 4 Celeron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. TaPaKaH (Team OCX) - 18.34 - no description 2. DeDaL (Topmods.NET & X-MoDDers) - 18.42 - no description 3. 99tomcat (United Team of Poland) - 19.06 - Celeron 352 @ 7674.5 Mhz || ln2 party by Gemmy&ent ... 1. 99tomcat - 19.06 sec - Celeron LGA775 352@7674.50MHz - Celeron 352 @ 7674.5 Mhz || ln2 party by Gemmy&ent 2. ent - 23.06 sec - Celeron LGA775 352@6450MHz - Celeron 352 || cooled by ryba's cascade 3. majkel84 - 23.17 sec - Celeron LGA775 352@6402MHz - Celeron 352 @ 6402MHz - Asus P5B Deluxe 4. czesl4f - 25.17 sec - Celeron LGA775 347@6098MHz - no description 5. wisnia666 - 27.3 sec - Celeron LGA775 352@5309MHz - Celeron 352 @ 5309 MHz SuperPi Pentium 4 Dual Core subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. TaPaKaH (Team OCX) - 19.92 - no description 2. DeDaL (Topmods.NET & X-MoDDers) - 20.23 - no description 3. Glavir (Russian Overs-Overclockers.ru) - 20.84 - no description ... 1. KvaNfield - 23.33 sec - Pentium 4 'D' 930@5616MHz - Intel Pentium 4 'D' 930@5616MHz || Asus P5WD2 || Corsair XMS 5400 C4 + PDP Patriot Dual LLK 800MHz || made with genghiskhan 2. Kean - 23.97 sec - Pentium 4 'D' 920@5348MHz - no description 3. - 24.27 sec - Pentium 4 'D' 930@5406MHz - Pentium D930@5406MHz (360x15) - 450MHz 4;4;5;14 Dual 4. yotomeczek - 24.38 sec - Pentium 4 'D' 925@5251MHz - SS 5. bryce - 24.62 sec - Pentium 4 'D' 920@5317MHz - Bryce&Jarogniew, No moded(!) Asus p5b + Buffalo FireStix FSX800D2C-K2G powered by Tagan 700W., Dry Ice cooled. SuperPi Pentium 4 s478 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. gprhellas (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 21.17 - P4 650 Prescott @ 6176.6MHz - on HOSTERs cascade - DDR Max-zer 2. TASOS (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 25.99 - Prometeia MACH-I R404 cooling, Winbond BH-5 @ Cas 2-2-2-5, P4 3.2E - SL7PN - E0 stepping 3. @@RON (AwardFabrik) - 27.00 - Intel Pentium 4 3,4E GHz E0 Stepping @ 4216 MHz | Asus P4P800 SE | Zalman CNPS 7700 Cu ... 1. pipanol - 31.38 sec - Pentium 4 3.2Ghz Prescott@4400MHz - no description 2. pipanol-pl - 31.38 sec - Pentium 4 3.2Ghz Prescott@4400MHz - P4 Prescott 3.2E @ 4.4GHz s478 3. Kosiarz* - 32.38 sec - Pentium 4 3.2Ghz Prescott@4149MHz - Abit IC7, 2x512MB Crucial Ballistix Z505 DDR 500@518 (259 MHz) 2,5-3-3-5, WC... :) 4. Techno_Boy - 33.89 sec - Pentium 4 2.4Ghz Prescott@4252MHz - P4 2.4GHz Prescott @ 4252MHz 5. surix - 34.28 sec - Pentium 4 3.0Ghz Prescott@3900MHz - no description SuperPi Pentium 4 s775 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. ThuG OC Team Italy (PcXtreme.it OC Team -ITALY-) - 17.02 - no description 2. TaPaKaH (Team OCX) - 17.22 - no description 3. Tom Holck (XtremeSystems) - 17.99 - P4.670 3.80Ghz @ 7.21Ghz ... 1. Sector19 - 20.58 sec - Pentium 4 631@6288.80MHz - Thx ryba... 2. DEVILEK - 21.09 sec - Pentium 4 631@6203MHz - P4 631 + EVGA 680i + cascade 3. Matiz - 22.19 sec - Pentium 4 631@5931.70MHz - P4 631 3GHz@5931.7MHz 4. kszonek - 23.75 sec - Pentium 4 641@5510MHz - Prometeia Mach II 5. demek - 26.67 sec - Pentium 4 630@5060MHz - P4 630 @ 5060 MHz LightFC SuperPi Pentium M subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. hipro5 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 18.30 - DOTHAN 780ES @ 4180MHz - LN2 , P4C800E-D+CT479 Adapter 2x256MB BH-6 2. sang (crazypc.ro) - 19.38 - Pentium M 780 on LN2 3. Yz250 (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 19.42 - Pentium M Duo Core T2600 (2.16Ghz)@3148Mhz-Aopen i975Xa-3-2-2-1 tim. ... 1. yotomeczek - 20.64 sec - Pentium M 770@3680MHz - Dothan M780 @ 3680 MHz 2. Soker - 26.22 sec - Pentium M 730@2808MHz - Pentium M 730 1600 MHz @ 2808 MHz 1,53V AC 3. micro133 - 27.3 sec - Pentium M 740@2925MHz - Dothan M740 1733@2925 AC 4. Opson - 31.98 sec - Pentium M 750@2300MHz - no description 5. kucyk - 32.13 sec - Pentium M 760@2404MHz - Dothan M760 @ 2404 MHz // Acer 1694WLMi [; SuperPi Pentium M Celeron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. TASOS (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) - 20.21 - no description 2. lunatic@98 (Crazy-OC Germany) - 21.22 - no description 3. Thraxz (Overclock.net) - 23.15 - no description ... 1. Narmer - ClockMeUp! - 35.25 sec - Pentium M 530 Celeron Conroe - AMDPATRYK | Acer Extensa 5220 2. GergG - 36.17 sec - Pentium M 440 Celeron@1862.10MHz - ACER ASPIRE 3694 WLMi 3. proste71 - 38.88 sec - Pentium M 430 Celeron - no description 4. Adam83 - 39.98 sec - Pentium M 430 Celeron - no description 5. grayman - 41.3 sec - Pentium M 420 Celeron@1596MHz - no description SuperPi Sempron subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. placid (placido-oc) - 26.47 - dgn TForce pinjaman 2. AndreyKV (Russian Overs-Overclockers.ru) - 26.61 - no description 3. exzato (OverclockZone-Thailand) - 27.45 - no description ... 1. mancekm - 42.33 sec - Sempron 2600+ (Athlon XP)@2490MHz - Special thanks for ZonkMp3 2. GergG - 44.39 sec - Sempron 2400+@2299MHz - Epox 8RDA3I ; Sempron 2400 ; 256MB Elixir 466 + 1Gb Kingston HyperX 400 3. -=drake=- - 44.61 sec - Sempron 2500+ (Athlon XP)@2367MHz - Sempron 2500+@2367 mhz 4. Chlebu - 44.72 sec - Sempron 2400+@2297MHz - no description 5. cyRq - 46.38 sec - Sempron 2800+ (Athlon XP)@2308.10MHz - no description SuperPi Sempron 64 subranking - hall of fame - statystyki wydajności - więcej 1. placid (placido-oc) - 26.53 - :-) not too xtreme 2. MaSell (Team OCX) - 26.73 - Thx for PBA and Przemek2f 3. teat (United Team of Poland) - 27.11 - no description ... 1. teat - 27.11 sec - Sempron 3000+ Manila@3087MHz - no description 2. buuren - 27.52 sec - Sempron 3000+ Manila@3075MHz - no description 3. hary - 27.74 sec - Sempron 3000+ Manila@2930MHz - no description 4. dszywala - 27.79 sec - Sempron 3000+ Palermo s939@3126MHz - no description 5. Fox - 28.05 sec - Sempron 3000+ Palermo s939@3201MHz - no description Wygenerowane przez hwbot - http://www.hwbot.org - info@hwbot.org