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Zawartość dodana przez sarnifix

  1. Xtra:) jesli chodzi o zegar to w niedalekiej przyszlosci ysle, ze bede cos "krecil" pozdrawiam
  2. W historii użycia procesora są pokazane 4 diagramy. Lecą na nich wykresy. Nic więcej nie odczytałem.
  3. W jaki sposób sprawdzić czy program obciąża wszystkie rdzenie? Wszedlem w opcje -> benchmark i wykonal sie test. Rezultat: Compare your results to other computers at Benchmarks - PrimeNet AMD Phenom II X4 B25 Processor CPU speed: 2718.36 MHz, 4 cores CPU features: RDTSC, CMOV, Prefetch, 3DNow!, MMX, SSE, SSE2 L1 cache size: 64 KB L2 cache size: 512 KB, L3 cache size: 6 MB L1 cache line size: 64 bytes L2 cache line size: 64 bytes L1 TLBS: 48 L2 TLBS: 512 Prime95 32-bit version 25.9, RdtscTiming=1 Best time for 768K FFT length: 15.627 ms. Best time for 896K FFT length: 19.083 ms. Best time for 1024K FFT length: 21.773 ms. Best time for 1280K FFT length: 27.540 ms. Best time for 1536K FFT length: 33.012 ms. Best time for 1792K FFT length: 40.267 ms. Best time for 2048K FFT length: 45.694 ms. Best time for 2560K FFT length: 60.317 ms. Best time for 3072K FFT length: 72.298 ms. Best time for 3584K FFT length: 87.477 ms. Best time for 4096K FFT length: 98.459 ms. Best time for 5120K FFT length: 129.915 ms. Best time for 6144K FFT length: 159.802 ms. Best time for 7168K FFT length: 196.953 ms. Best time for 8192K FFT length: 223.988 ms. Timing FFTs using 2 threads. Best time for 768K FFT length: 10.501 ms. Best time for 896K FFT length: 12.849 ms. Best time for 1024K FFT length: 15.521 ms. Best time for 1280K FFT length: 19.008 ms. Best time for 1536K FFT length: 22.876 ms. Best time for 1792K FFT length: 27.668 ms. Best time for 2048K FFT length: 31.754 ms. Best time for 2560K FFT length: 41.683 ms. Best time for 3072K FFT length: 49.450 ms. Best time for 3584K FFT length: 58.836 ms. Best time for 4096K FFT length: 66.187 ms. Best time for 5120K FFT length: 72.588 ms. Best time for 6144K FFT length: 89.017 ms. Best time for 7168K FFT length: 111.676 ms. Best time for 8192K FFT length: 121.304 ms. Timing FFTs using 3 threads. Best time for 768K FFT length: 7.602 ms. Best time for 896K FFT length: 8.800 ms. Best time for 1024K FFT length: 10.224 ms. Best time for 1280K FFT length: 15.939 ms. Best time for 1536K FFT length: 19.417 ms. Best time for 1792K FFT length: 21.920 ms. Best time for 2048K FFT length: 25.133 ms. Best time for 2560K FFT length: 34.328 ms. Best time for 3072K FFT length: 40.750 ms. Best time for 3584K FFT length: 47.289 ms. Best time for 4096K FFT length: 53.945 ms. Best time for 5120K FFT length: 49.928 ms. Best time for 6144K FFT length: 60.757 ms. Best time for 7168K FFT length: 74.007 ms. Best time for 8192K FFT length: 84.489 ms. Timing FFTs using 4 threads. Best time for 768K FFT length: 7.185 ms. Best time for 896K FFT length: 8.490 ms. Best time for 1024K FFT length: 9.674 ms. Best time for 1280K FFT length: 15.921 ms. Best time for 1536K FFT length: 17.880 ms. Best time for 1792K FFT length: 21.197 ms. Best time for 2048K FFT length: 23.460 ms. Best time for 2560K FFT length: 34.748 ms. Best time for 3072K FFT length: 39.054 ms. Best time for 3584K FFT length: 45.006 ms. Best time for 4096K FFT length: 52.103 ms. Best time for 5120K FFT length: 40.750 ms. Best time for 6144K FFT length: 49.260 ms. Best time for 7168K FFT length: 61.525 ms. Best time for 8192K FFT length: 67.186 ms. Best time for 58 bit trial factors: 4.279 ms. Best time for 59 bit trial factors: 4.280 ms. Best time for 60 bit trial factors: 4.306 ms. Best time for 61 bit trial factors: 4.319 ms. Best time for 62 bit trial factors: 4.305 ms. Best time for 63 bit trial factors: 7.925 ms. Best time for 64 bit trial factors: 7.933 ms. Best time for 65 bit trial factors: 7.900 ms. Best time for 66 bit trial factors: 7.863 ms. Best time for 67 bit trial factors: 7.837 ms. Nie wiem czy to cos pomoze..
  4. Testowany przez Prime95 około 3 godziny. Wszystkie kolejne testy przeszedl prawidlowo. Zadnych wykrzaczen. Ustawienia programu sciagniete z Jak testować stabilność Prime95 -
  5. Tak. Działało dobrze ale na x3. O dziwo bios "wstał" i cpu-z pokazuje nastepujacy wynik zmian: 1. Czy po odblokowaniu x4 oraz l3 powinienem zwiekszyc napiecie cpu? 2. Teraz chcialbym sie zajac taktowaniem. Przesylam zdjecia prosto z bios'u. Czy moze mi ktos podpowiedziec jak podniesc taktowanie razem z doborem odpowiedniego napiecia? Pozdrawiam.
  6. Tak zrobiłem i ani system ani bios nie wstaje. Chociaz gdy probowalem tego wczesniej to wszystko poszlo dobrze, ale pozniej Firmware znow zmienilem na Normal. Dioda z plyty nie swieci. Co teraz poczac?:(
  7. Witam. Jestem tu nowy. Mam problem z odblokowaniem 4 rdzenia w Athlonie II x3 425. Płyta to GIGABYTE GA-MA770-US3 rev 2.0. Wgrywalem juz nowe wersje bios'u. Tylko w jednej pokazala mi sie nowa opcja z CPU Core Control (zmienilem na manual) oraz wiersz nizej CPU Core 2 automatycznie ustawiony na enabled. Po restarcie pokazal sie kolejny, mianowicie CPU Core 3 rowniez automatycznie ustawiony na enabled. Nic wiecej. Info na temat procesora: Code Name - Rana Stepping - CACYC AC Dorzucam screeny z cpu-z z zakladmi mainboard i cpu. Dodam jeszcze, ze w zakladce mainboard dziwi mnie fakt, ze rewizja płyty podana jest w zerowej wartosci.
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