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Treść opublikowana przez nvg

  1. yo. mam takiego lapka MSI tylko z prockiem 1,8mhz i jestem zadowolony. Co do karty graf na pokładzie x1270 to ciezko powiedziec czy taka bedzie :) ja tez kupowalem w proline z x1270 a jast x1200 series ( RS690M) ze 128mb ramu ale gierki idą nieźle i mozna nawet połoić w Ut2004 bez przycinek wiekszych :) aha no i vista smiga tez ładnie
  2. hi! posiadam Brisbane g2 (4400+ @2300mhz) i kręce go na 5200+ (2700mhz) bez zmiany napięcia na proca i mnożnika 11,5 x 235 , zastanawiam sie czy lepiej zmienić mnożnik na x9 i ciągnąć fsb czy zostawić 11.5 ?
  3. nvg

    Catalyst 7.12

    u mnie wszystko smiga podobnie jak na 7.11 :) marki ten sam wynik , gry chodza podobnie. ps.kyle - fajny jest co nie :) haha , a pozatym ja znaju paruski ino...
  4. Nowe stery :) Resolved Issues for the Windows Vista Operating System This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst™ Software Suite for Windows Vista. These include: * Call of Duty: Enabling Super AA and CrossFire™ no longer results in the game failing to respond when the player dies. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31110 * Combat Mission: Shock Force Demo v1.02: Setting the ATI left-click compatibility option to off and starting a new battle no longer results in the game failing to respond when clicking the left mouse button on various options within the game. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30492 * Crysis: Momentary corruption is no longer noticed when playing the game. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31094 * Crysis: The ice level is no longer too bright which was making the game nonplayable. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31104 * Dark Messiah, Might and Magic, or Sin Episodes: Too much fog or incorrect fog no longer occurs during game play. This issue was known to occur on systems containing an ATI Radeon™ HD 2x00 series of product. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31101 * El Matador: Shadow corruption is no longer noticed throughout the game. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31099 * Enemy Territory: Quake Wars: Enabling Super AA and soft particles no longer results in corruption being noticed in the main menu and through-out game play. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29942 * FEAR: The slow motion visual effects is now functioning. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31100 * FlightSim X: Playing the game on a system running Windows Vista and containing an ATI Radeon™ HD 2900 series of product no longer results in the shadows being incorrect or failing to appear. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31095 * Google Sketchupno longer fails to pan when AA is enabled on systems containing an ATI Radeon™ X1300/1550/1600 series of product. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30496 * GTA San Andreas: Enabling AA within the game and within the Catalyst™ Control Center no longer results in the game failing to start. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31108 * GTA: San Andreas: Enabling high quality settings within the game no longer results in Vsync loss, no video, or artifact corruption. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31102 * Hellgate: MSAA is now working with the DX10 version of the game. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31105 * Hellgate: Screen flashing or the game failing no longer occurs when attempting to start a multiplayer game on a system running Windows Vista and containing an ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 series of product. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31106 * Infernal: the game no longer fails when attempting to launch a new game. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31096 * Lord of the Rings Return of the King: The game background no longer flashes when CrossFire is enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31098 * Lost Planet: Setting the in-game options to maximum along with AA ste to 2x and AF set to 16x no longer results in corruption being noticed when CrossFiore is enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31090 * Quake 4: Enabling CrossFire™ and setting the in game options to 1600x1200 and AA to 4x no longer results in corruption being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31109 * The Sims 2: Flickering and corruption are no longer noticed in certain areas of the game. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31097 * World in Conflict: Setting the in-game AA option to 4x and running the benchmark no longer results in flickering being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31107 * When running certain OpenGL samples, the ATI Radeon™ graphics adapter now runs at the requested clock values on a CrossFire™ configured system. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28824 * Catalyst™ Control Center: German character are no longer truncated in the ProfileManager Applications tab. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29930 * Connecting a secondary display device to a system containing an ATI Radeon™ x1200/1250/1270 series of product and enabling clone mode or extended desktop mode no longer results in horizontal line corruption being noticed when using a high refresh rate and display resolution. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29933 * Connecting a secondary display device no longer results in the Anisotropic Filtering option being missing for second adapter until the system is rebooted. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30568 * Connecting a secondary display device to a system containing an ATI Radeon™ x1200/1250/1270 series of product and enabling clone mode or extended desktop mode no longer results in horizontal line corruption being noticed when using a high refresh rate and display resolution. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30572 * TV corruption is no longer noticed when using an ATI Radeon™ Xpress 1250 series of product. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30577 * Cyberlink: Playing an h.264 disk no longer results in corruption being noticed on the lower portion of the playback window. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30581 * Playing an HD-DVD title using the Cyberlink player no longer results in corruption or the Windows Vista operating system failing to respond after a short period of playback time. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30585 * Enabling extended desktop mode and dragging the media player window between the desktops no longer results in the playback stopping. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30586 * Setting the frame buffer size to 256mb in the CMOS setup no longer results in the ATI graphics driver failing to be installed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31089 * The display no longer become white when resuming from an S4 state. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31091 * The display no longer becomes white for several seconds before entering hibernation mode. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31092 * Setting the display device to 1600x1200 75Hz no longer results in the HD DVD playback window appearing blank. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29936 * TV corruption is no longer noticed when using an ATI Radeon™ Xpress 1250 series of product. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30577 * A black screen is no longer displayed at the DVD menu when using WinDVD8 to play a DVD title with DXVA enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30488 * Rotating the display device when playing a DVD using the WinDVD player no longer results in the display going blank. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31093 * Connecting a display device via Component Video as the primary display device and a DFP as a secondary display device no longer results in extended desktop mode failing to be applied. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30494 * Cyberlink: Playing an h.264 disk no longer results in corruption being noticed on the lower portion of the playback window. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30581 * Disabling CrossFire™ no longer results in a secondary display device being out of range on the secondary ASIC. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31103 * Installing two Radeon™ HD 2400 series of products into one system no longer results in the AA filter box failing to become greyed out when enabling CrossFire™ and setting AA to 8x. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31111 * Playing an HD-DVD title using the Cyberlink player no longer results in corruption or the Windows Vista operating system failing to respond after a short period of playback time. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30585 * Setting the display resolution to either 1776x1024 or 1920x1024 30i no longer results in the display devices failing to resume from an S3 state. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29944 * The Cyberlink player no longer fails after playing interlaced VC1 video for a short period of time. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31112 * Dithering is no longer noticed with MPEG2 playback. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31113 * Enabling extended desktop mode and dragging the media player window between the desktops no longer results in the playback stopping. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30586 Resolved Issues for the Windows XP Operating System This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst™ Software Suite for Windows XP. These include: * Call of Juarez: Enabling Super AA and CrossFire™ no longer results in corruption being noticed when playing the game. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30592 * DIRT: Launching DIRT with CrossFire™ enabled no longer results in the application failing to launch and an error message being displayed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29554 * Enemy Territory Quake Wars: Flickering is no longer noticed when SuperAA is enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31136 * Enemy Territory Quake Wars: Setting the in-game options to 2560x1600 and soft particles, along with AA to 8x in the Catalyst™ Control Center no longer results in corruption being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31135 * Globe 2.1: Corruption is no longer noticed during the introduction video when CrossFire™ is enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31140 * Loki demo: Launching the demo no longer results in the introduction movie failing to display. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31117 * STALKER: Flickering is no longer noticed when playing the game with AA set to 4x and full dynamic lighting is enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30593 * STALKER: The operating system no longer fails when attempting to play the game with CrossFire™ enabled and all in-game options set to maximum. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31131 * HD Audio is now working when setting the desktop resolution to 640x480@60Hz under the Windows XP operating system. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30588 * Enabling CrossFire™ and entering hibernation mode no longer results in the Windows XP operating system failing when attempting to resume from hibernation mode. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30590 * Hot un-plugging the DFP display device when clone mode is enable no longer results in the DFP display device still appearing in the Catalyst™ Control Center. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31114 * HD-DVD content is no longer blocked over native HDMI when using the cyberlink player. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30596 * Connecting an HDMI display device as the secondary display no longer results in extended desktop mode failing when attempting to apply it. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30589 * Entering hibernation mode under Windows XP no longer results in the operating system hanging when attempting to resume from hibernation mode. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31115 * CrossFire™ no longer fails to become disabled when hot unplugging the display device from the interlink dongle. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31116 * Connecting a Dell 30" LDC display device to an ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 series of product no longer results in flashing or no display image. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30545 * The 2D and 3D gamma no longer appears different when using the gamma calibration tool. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29945 * Playing the online game TianLongBaBu for an extended period of time (2 hours or more) on a system containing an ATI Radeon™ HD2400 or HD2600 no longer results in the operating system failing to respond. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30542 * Rotating the display device and running a directX9 sample in full-screen mode no longer results in corruption being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31118 * Disabling CrossFire™ no longer results in the Windows XP operating system rebooting. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31132 * Connecting a single display device to a secondary graphics adapter no longer results in extended desktop mode being applied. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30538 * Disconnecting display device no longer results in the ability to enable the dis-connected display device within the Catalyst™ Control Center in a CrossFire™ configured system. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31133 * Connecting a TV as the primary display device and setting the signal format to any PAL mode no longer results in corruption being noticed on the secondary display device when playing a media file using WinAmp or WinDVD. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31134 * The Enable ATI Overdrive clocks for 3D applications only checkbox is now checked and grayed out when the OverDrive option in the Catalyst™ Control Center is unlocked. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30600 * Corruption is no longer noticed when enabling Theater mode and enabling clone mode. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30546 * Dragging the WinDVD player from the primary display to the secondary display no longer results in the player failing to respond. Further, closing the WinDVD player using the Task Manager may result in the operating system failing to respond. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29955 * With some h.264 titles that have MPEG2 intros, playback no longer switches from hardware accelerated to software once the introductory content is finished. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28517 * On certain products, dragging player window from primary to secondary display no longer results in hardware acceleration being disabled which resulted in the CPU usage increasing. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28516 * DXVA is now in use when play H264/VC1 HD content on systems containing an ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 series of product. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31137 * Enabling tiling on the secondary display device when Overlay Theater Mode is enable no longer result in corruption being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31138 * Corruption is no longer noticed on the secondary display device when Overlay Theater Mode is enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31139 * Enabling clone mode no longer results in corruption being noticed on both display devices when Overlay Theater mode is enabled and the 3D screen saver becomes active. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31141 Resolved Issues for the Windows XP Professional x64 Edition This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst™ Software Suite for Windows XP Professional x64 Edition operating system. These include * Prey: Corruption is no longer noticed when a player's face is two toned. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31142 * Catalyst™ Control Center->OverDrive: The Windows XP Professional x64 Edition operating system no longer fails to resume from sleep mode when the ATI OverDrive page is active. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31143 Known Issues Under the Windows Vista Operating System This section provides information on known issues associated with the ATI Catalyst™. These include: * City of Heroes: Attempting to play the game on a system with a dual link panel connected to it may result in the Windows Vista operating system failing to respond. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28495 * Half-Life 2: Episode 2: Playing the game on a system containing an ATI Radeon™ HD 3800 series of product no longer results in the game failing to the desktop when CrossFire™ is enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30753 * Lost Planet: Setting AA to either 4x or 8x may result in the game failing to respond. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28492 * Oblivion: Flickering may be noticed when first making a move if the in-game settings are set to maximum, CrossFire™ is enabled and AF is set to 16x. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31152 * Oblivion: The game may fail or display corruption may be noticed when the game is minimized to desktop and then restored. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31151 * Unreal Tournament 3: The game may intermittently fail to launch when a map has texture detail set to maximum. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31189 * World In Conflict: The game may fail to the Windows desktop when the display resolution is set to 1280x768 and AF is set to 16x. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30752 * Resuming from an S3 state may result in a longer than expected time for the Windows Vista operating system to resume. Further details can be found in topic number 737-25798 * Catalyst™ Control Center->OverDrive™: The OverDrive™ setting are not retained for individual accounts. Further details can be found in topic number 737-25805 * The Record function currently fails to work when using an ATI All-In-Wonder™ X1300 and time shifting is enabled. Further information can be found in topic number 737-22014 * A green or black screen may be displayed when configuring MCE to ATSC mode. Further details can be found in topic number 737-27622 * The 3D aspect may appear blank when launching a second instance of the Catalyst™ Control Center™. This issue may also be experienced under the Windows XP operating system. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28482 * The Catalyst™ Control Center version number may fail to be updated after the installation of a newer Catalyst™ Control Center. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28493 * Dragging player window to secondary display while playing back HD content and moving it back to primary may result in blank player window. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28496 * Connecting a secondary display device and enabling CrossFire™, followed by disabling CrossFire™ no longer results in CrossFire™ pages in the Catalyst™ Control Center showing that it is enabled. Further information on this issue may be found in topic number 737-28845 * The Catalyst™ Control Center version number may fail to be updated after the installation of a newer Catalyst™ Control Center. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28493 * Performing an express install of the Catalyst™ Control Center may result in an error message being displayed when rebooting the system. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29532 * A black window may be displayed when attempting to play a DVD title using WinDVD 7 when Overlay Theater Mode and clone mode is enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29539 * Enabling extended desktop mode and setting the display resolution to 1280x800 or higher, followed by playing an HD-DVD using PowerDVD, may results in the HD-DVD title failing to play. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29547 * Creating a secondary user account and switching from the secondary user account to the primary user account may result in CrossFire™ failing to be enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28786 * The color depth may change to 8 bpp when enabling or disabling CrossFire™ for the first time. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29940 * The Catalyst™ Control Center version number may fail to be updated after the installation of a newer Catalyst™ Control Center. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28493 * Frame flipping may occur while playing certain VC-1 content titles. Further details can be found in topic number 737-27804 * Rebooting the operating system after changing the skin to any available option other than system skin may result in the Catalyst™ Control Center menu options no longer being visible. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30569 * The Catalyst™ Control Center menu option may fail to function when changing the skin from system skin to any other available skin. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30570 * Installing the WDM driver on systems containing an ATI TV Tuner product and an ATI graphics adapter may result in the WDM driver failing to install. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30571 * Connecting a secondary display device using the HDMI connector and enabling either clone mode or extended desktop mode may result in the WinDVD 7 player playing in a windowed mode on both display devices when Overlay Theater Mode is enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30579 * The color depth may change to 8 bpp when enabling or disabling CrossFire™ for the first time. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30583 * The Windows Vista operating system may fail to respond when running the Auto-tune utility found in the Catalyst™ Control Center OverDrive™ option. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30584 * Connecting a secondary display device to a system containing an ATI Radeon™ x1200/1250/1270 series of product and enabling clone mode or extended desktop mode may result in horizontal line corruption being noticed when using a high refresh rate and display resolution. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31144 * Using the hot-key function to switch between various display scenarios may result in the HDMI display device displaying a blank screen. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31145 * The secondary HDMI Display may turn off when resuming from an S1 hibernation with an HDMI display connected. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31146 * Connecting a secondary display device using the HDMI connector and enabling either clone mode or extended desktop mode may result in the WinDVD 7 player playing in a windowed mode on both display devices when Overlay Theater Mode is enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30579 * Resuming from hibernation mode with HDMI display connected may result in a black screen with only a mouse cursor being displayed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31149 * Setting the desktop resolution to 1600x1200 or greater may result in green pixel corruption being noticed when playing certain games. This issue maybe noticed when using a system running Windows Vista and containing an ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 or HD 2400 series of product. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31150 * The color depth may change to 8 bpp when enabling or disabling CrossFire™ for the first time. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30583 * Enabling extended desktop mode and setting the display resolution to 1280x800 or higher, followed by playing an HD-DVD using PowerDVD, may results in the HD-DVD title failing to play. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29547 * Dragging the player window to a secondary display while playing back HD content and moving it back to primary may result in blank player window. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28496 * Frame flipping may occur while playing certain VC-1 content titles. Further details can be found in topic number 737-27804 * Attempting to play the HD-DVD title Harsh Verdana, School for Scoundrels using the Cyberlink player may result in block corruption being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31155 * Connecting a secondary display device and enabling clone mode may result in the inability of changing the display configuration when resuming from an S4 state. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31157 * The OverDrive page may be grayed out and the GPU and memory clocks as may be displayed as 000 after enabling CrossFire™ on systems containing and ATI Radeon™ X1900 CrossFire™ Edition and running Windows Vista (64 bit version). Further details can be found in topic number 737-31161 * Enabling CrossFire™ on a system containing an ATI Radeon™ X1900 CrossFire™ Edition product may result in the Windows Vista (64 bit version) failing. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31163 * Connecting an HDMI display device as the primary and setting the display resolution to 1280x1024 may result in an error message when attempting to personalize the display settings. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31165 Known Issues Under the Windows XP Operating System The following section provides a summary of open issues in the latest version of Catalyst™. These include: * Call of Juarez: Setting the game level with Optimal Quality and high in-game settings may result in the game level being blank. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30591 * City of Heroes: A fatal error message may be displayed when exiting the game and attempting to launch the Catalyst™ Control Center™ in Advanced mode. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28514 * Enemy Territory: Quake Wars may have corruption on the water and sky after increasing the game resolution. Restarting the game at that higher resolution or issuing reloadImages command in the game console corrects the corruption. This issue only impacts graphics cards up to the ATI Radeon™ X850. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29947 * Lost Planet: Setting AA to either 4x or 8x may intermittently result in the game failing to respond. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28492 * Star Wars Battlefront 2: Setting the in-game options as follows: Overall Quality to High, View Distance to 99, LOD Distance to 99 and Anti-Aliasing to 6x may result in the game's loading bar reaching the end but the game failing to start. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29946 * Enabling CrossFire™ may result in display corruption being noticed when playing a DVD or media clip using either WinDVD 7, Windows Media Player or PowerDVD 6. Further details can be found in topic number 737-22806 * Catalyst™ Control Center->OverDrive™: The OverDrive™ setting are not retained for individual accounts. This issue may also be experienced under the Windows Vista operating system. Further details can be found in topic number 737-25805 * Connecting two display devices to an ATI Radeon™ X1600 series product may result in the device manager failing to detect the secondary display device. Further information may be found in topic number 737-21266 * Installing the HDMI audio driver and the VIA audio chipset driver may results in a compatibility issue being noticed and a yellow exclamation mark showing up in the Sound, Video and Game Controllers. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28833 * Installing the Catalyst™ Control Center on a previously installed version may results in a warning message that the setup is installing over an earlier version, and that the previous version needs to be uninstalled before installing a more current version, resulting in the Catalyst™ Control Center failing to be installed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28513 * Performing a fast user switch when running overfly.exe in Overlay Theater Mode may result in overfly.exe failing when switching back. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29951 * Catalyst™ Control Center: Configuring a system with multi-adapters may result in an error message being displayed when running the Test Custom Clocks. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29953 * Connecting a CRT display device as the secondary display and playing a Blu-ray DVD using a Cyberlink player may result in no video playback if extended desktop mode is enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30587 * Connecting a Dual Link Panel to the on-board DVI port, followed by hot plugging a DVI display to the add-on DVI card may result in clone mode becoming disabled when rebooting the machine and the secondary display device remaining blank. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31166 * The movement of pictures may not appear smooth under Excel (Office2007) when the color depth is set to 16bpp. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31167 * The Catalyst Control Center menu option may fail to function when changing the skin from system skin to any other available skin. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30570 * The 3D aspect may appear blank when launching a second instance of the Catalyst™ Control Center. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28482 * Performing an express install of the Catalyst™ Control Center may result in an error message being displayed when rebooting the system. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29532 * The AVIVO TV controls are not available under the Windows Media Center Edition operating system. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31170 * Setting the display resolution to 1440x900 or lower may result in corruption being noticed when playing a DVD title. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31168 * The scaling function may fail under certain resolutions in the Catalyst™ Control Center. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31169 * Setting the desktop resolution to 1280x1024 and using PowerDVD to play an HD-DVD or Blu-ray title may result in corruption being noticed when using an ATI Radeon™ HD 2400 series of product. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31171 * On certain products, changing display resolution while playing back High Definition content may results in instability. It is recommended to set appropriate resolution while playback is stopped. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31172 * Cyberlink: Playing a DVD title on a system containing an ATI Radeon™ HD 2400 series may result in corruption being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31173 * Connecting a CRT display device as the secondary display and playing a Blu-ray DVD using a Cyberlink player may result in no video playback if extended desktop mode is enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-30587 * The floppy drive may fail to read or write under Vista on Dell XPS410 system. Further details can be found in topic number 737-31148 Known Issues Under the Windows XP Professional x64 Edition The following section provides a summary of open issues in the latest version of Catalyst™. These include: * FAR CRY: Playing the game on a system running either the Windows XP Professional x64 Edition or Windows XP operating system may result in corruption being noticed when using an ATI Radeon™ Xpress 1200 series of products. Further information can be found in topic number 737-23452 * Running an OpenGL application and attempting to rotate the desktop may result in corruption being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29556 * The Record function currently fails to work when using an ATI All-In-Wonder™ X1300 and time shifting is enabled. Further information can be found in topic number 737-22014 * Running an OpenGL application and attempting to rotate the desktop may result in corruption being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-29556 dali nowe stery ale na godzinę 0:00 przy próbie zassania targają sie7.11 ......może problem już naprawili
  5. nvg

    X 1950 Już W Ofercie

    Regulacja w Riva tunerze na powercolorze nie działa , zresztą nie działa na żadnym sofcie Jak nie jak tak...mam powercolora x1950pro i regulacja działa w rivatunerze bez problemowo !!!!
  6. thx za info , wciągne wiec x1950 pro lub Gt :) zobaczę jak z siankiem będę stał ... pozdrawiam
  7. w taki razie co lepiej ? 2600xt czy x1950 ?
  8. czy opłaca sie kupowac cos pod AGP jak dla mnie lepszego od x800gto (16pp) na athlonie xp 2800+ ? czy x1950 albo 2600xt bedzie sporo wydajniejsza niz moje poczcive x800 ?
  9. u mnie na x800gto cat7.9 - 7.10 instaluja sie ładnie lecz wywalają sie przy odpaleniu byle jakiej gierki :( zostałem przy 7.6
  10. nvg

    ATI Radeon X800 GTO cz. II

    hi...mam pytanko ! posiadam saphhire x800gto 256ram Agp.Potoki odblokowane...Pomyslalem ze sprawdze Oc i hmm...rdzen na 480 freez na 460 idzie bez artów....pamieciami sie nie bawiłem :) Czy to dobry wynik ? czy lipa ?
  11. Mam takie pytanko - Czy opłaca sie wciskać w MB SB128 CT4700 gdzie jest już zintegrowana karta ALC655 ? Czy jakość dźwięku z SB bedzie lepsza ?? Czy całkowicie olać SB ? Z góry wielkie Thx za info.
  12. nvg

    Radeon 9550 Cz. I

    Ja posiadam Hisa na pamieciach 5ns..Kreci sie bardzo dobrze 420/540 i jest całkiem zimniutki.
  13. nvg

    Metal, rock, gotyk i pochodne

    ja jeszcze polece: Haggard - Awaking The Centuries (1999) Haggard - Eppur si muove (2004) Kamelot - Epica (2003) Angra- Temple Of Shadows (2004) i majkela dżeksona bardzo fajny klimacik :D
  14. nvg

    Metal, rock, gotyk i pochodne

    a oto moje ulubione kapeli: lżej grające :D : Rhapsody Avanstasia hammerfall Hellowen Raning wild Bad Religion no/fx slayer testament Tiamat Anathema Theatre of tragedy Therion Paradise lost Marylka Rodowicz :D moje sieczki: Death Napalm Death Suffocation Cannibal Courpse Impetigo Grave Carcass ( 1 płytka) :D Morbid Angel Opeth dużo by tu jeszcze wyminieć mozna by ( fajne zdanie) pozdrawiam
  15. nvg

    Radeon 9550 Cz. I

    mam pytanko :D mam his'a 128/128 5ns pamiec leci na 540 a rdzen na 420 ( dalej nie probowalem) ---> czy na standardowym chlodzeniu (iFan) jest ryzyko spalenie Gpu czy lepiej obnizyc np. do 375 a krecic dalej np. po zainstalowaniu coolera z p3 ?
  16. 1.) Newerwinter Night 2).) Kotor 3.) Diablo 2 4.) Sacred :D
  17. nvg

    Radeon 9550 Cz. I

    harryt: Doszła wielkie dzieki jeszcze raz :D
  18. :) jak dla mnie TEENAGENT na Amisi ( czasami powalone zagadki ) i Misja Harolda :D
  19. nvg

    Radeon 9550 Cz. I

    pawlospc: powerstrip'em :D
  20. nvg

    Painkiller: Battle out of Hell

    hi.Tak sie fajnie sklada ze znam pare osob z ekipy tej gierki.pytalem sie czemu niezrobia czegos takiego jak hl2 bo grafika i fizyka jest na wysokim poziomie.odp byla szybciutka ----> malo osob w teamie i na polskie realia - czemu sie nie dziwie out of money...a szkoda :(
  21. nvg

    Radeon 9550 Cz. I

    ja mam omegi na catalyst 4.12beta i krecic nimi nie moge,jedynie powerstripem ale tylko do 333/520 a jak dalej krecic karte tego nie wiem :(
  22. nvg

    Radeon 9550 Cz. I

    mam Hisa 9550 128mb 5ns. Testowalem ile da sie wyciagnac i w ATI Tray Tools dolecialem do gpu 450 i dalej krecil wiec przerwalem a ram przerwalem przy 540 ( malo czasu mialem ). Po powroce do chaty stwierdzilem ze zobacze jaki przyrost wydajnosci bede mial w 3dmarku i tu zonk...Karte da sie tylko krecic w powerstripie i max moge ustawic gpu 333 a ram 520 prubowalem innymi programami i po odpaleniu jakiejs aplikacji wykozystujacej 3d wywala mi ustawienia standardowe czyli 250/400 jedynie powerstrip nie wywala :( ale 333/520 to nieduzo.ATI Tray Tools krecil gpu okolo 30minut w riva tuner poatrzylem w wykresie czy kreci naprawde czy sobie jaja robi i krecil :) sprawdzalem takze czy karta sie grzeje i Ifan letni a ramik takze 333/520 po graniu okolo 2h nic sie nie grzeje.Ogolnie jestem bardzo zadowlony z tej karty a 5ns na ramie (hynix'y) zachowuja sie jakby byly 4ns.jak ktos wie jak ominac blokade w powerstripie to bede z gory wdzieczny.Aha zasilacz noname 350 :D
  23. Miałem ten sam problem :) wystarczy manualnie ustawic zworki na plycie glownej i bedzie dzialalo.Jak nie wiesz jak to zrobic to zerknij do instrukcji od plyty.Krok po kroku jest opisane co i gdzie wcisnac.Na koniec trzeba tylko bedzie ustawic mnoznik i po sprawie :)
  24. Napewno malo ramu,pozatym przeinstaluj winde i pobaw sie sterami do gfx
  25. nvg


    DoThAn -----> :D tak to jest jak sie wklada zasilacz ze starego kompa...niedos ze zjaral plyte to i kolegow z plyty zawalal na ognisko :) tylko procek i ram nie poszli :twisted:
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