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ale bylo super

tutaj macie moja relacje w jezyku angielskim(prosze nie zwracac uwagi na bledy gramatyczne):


w skrocie: Zlapalem vinyla z Oceanlab Satellite z autografem Markusa Shulza, oraz zlapalem Promo CD od George Acosta.

I bawilem sie super, dlugo tej imprezy nie zapomne.


I left home abou 1:30

On the way to the park. The weather was soooo bad. It was raining for 10minutes but I couldnt see shit through the windshield. In the coconut grove the weather was much better.

I parked next to the peacock park for $5. Then I went by the stage. 

When I was by the stage I realized that I dont have a sunscreen on me, so sun burned me a "little" bit, also 3 days before I made the same mistake, I didnt put any sunscreen when I went to the beach :/, anyway....

I stood there for a while, some dj was spinning some oldies (80s), after a while, some pop group came out with a guy that look like Justin Timberlake. He performed for like 15 people 

Then I went for a while to see a bed race. It was about 3:00, When suddenly I heard beats around 140bpm I knew It is time to go to the stage. I was right Markus was warming up, for a while I Couldnt feel the music, but about 8minutes later I was in the right mood, to go crazy.

Then I saw a guy with OMFG I DIE shirt with a girl and camera man. They were standing by the left side of the stage, I was in the center. I tried to say Hi (twice at the beginning), but apparently the music was too loud and you couldnt hear me. I came closer (like 10ft away from OMFG I DIE, and I said Bling from tranceaddict? But you couldnt hear me. Thats my story with FLTAs from that party.

The markus was putting right tracks. I was all the time in the center.

You could see that he was enjoying what he was doing, he was smiling and stuff like that.

btw. I think The guy by the fence was on "E" because he was sooo hyper all the time he was going crazy.

Ok when Markus was finishing his first set. He or that little kid, or that girl from 93.1 started throwing stuff to the crowd.

I said to myself I have to grab something, It was my mission. 

I saw two vinyls comming straight to me. I jumped as high as I could and grabbed two of them (btw He only threw 2 vinyls) but one vinyl slipped from my hand, and I lost it(it was Markus - Revolution) the other one I got it.

Then Motorcycle came out (only that girl)

People started moving more than before. 

Then I think some guy came out, then Markus again.

And then Acosta.

According to Acosta. His set was superb. I was going crazy, I was dancing and stuff like that, and I didnt care that I dont know how to dance, I just danced how I could. He threw amazing hard set.

When he dropped some Picotto track at the end (I think iguana) 

My body started trembling (in a good way) my heart synchronized with the beats, and I went nuts  I had a such a great feeling during this track, this track brought back such wondervull memories and a good time that I had in my coutry. I just forgot everyting and fuuuuuckk i cant explain that feeling. My heart synchronized with the beat and i was having such a great feeling. It was a great experience. His set blew me away. btw. I also caught the last cd that was thrown some promo named Lost world. 

I was sooo tired after his set that I knew I will not handle PVD. When Acosta finished his set. He did a live perormance with some guy, but I couldnt stand him, He was acting like he was a highlight of the night WTF????? 



And one girl over there in the orange, she was soooooo hot, and she danced like a pro, she was smiling, I think she was a true trance lover. If I wasnt looking like crap I would talk to her, but since I looked like crap, with all that dirt, my chances were close to 0.


The channel 7 was filming his performance and that guy had to shout, whats up mothafucka WTF was that?????

I knew that they will perform, and after them there will be PVD, so I went back to my home, b/c i was too tired.


ok now my observations and thoughts and others.

I got sooooooooooooooooooooooo dirty from that sand, my white tshirt is black, my legs got black, and my face too. I looked like a shit, but I didnt care, until I was heading back to my car, people looked at me and probably they were saying WTF had happened to that "kid" he looks like some homeless guy LOL, but I didnt care


But you know what I noticed FLTAs were not dancing at all? I looked at them few times and they were just moving their heads. I noticed only once that they moved more. But that girl that was with them she was moving more, she was actually dancing. Obviously camera man couldnt dance as he wanted, but the rest ? Maybe I just didnt see, or they were warming up.

I saw Arturo on the back stage with tshirt Vandit.


I think I had more fun than 93.1 party that at ultra, BUT at ultra I was with like 20 people, and here I was with one, so I dont know, 

both parties were great


I want to say thanks to Markus for a VInyl

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Ja <span style="color:red;">[ciach!]</span>le, jak nie masz nic do dodania to sie qrwa nie odzywaj. Zaloz sobie swoj topic i tam sobie lolkuj cymbale.


ps. TA zapodaj linka z gdzie walneles ten review. (jakos nie mogiem znalezc ;] )

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Kilka rzeczy wartych przeczytania dla ciebie:

Cyt. z regulaminu.


7. Unikać zbaczania z głównego tematu wątku, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem osobistej wymiany zdań (sprawy prywatne należy załatwiać przez PW).


9. Powstrzymywać się od zamieszczania postów nic niewnoszących do dyskusji, np. o treści "lol", "zgadzam się w pełni z przedmówcą", oraz postów będących wyłącznie powtórzeniem informacji podanych już w wątku przez innego uczestnika forum. (...)



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Kilka rzeczy wartych przeczytania dla ciebie:

Cyt. z regulaminu.


7. Unikać zbaczania z głównego tematu wątku, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem osobistej wymiany zdań (sprawy prywatne należy załatwiać przez PW).


9. Powstrzymywać się od zamieszczania postów nic niewnoszących do dyskusji, np. o treści "lol", "zgadzam się w pełni z przedmówcą", oraz postów będących wyłącznie powtórzeniem informacji podanych już w wątku przez innego uczestnika forum. (...)



wow tylko jaki jest temat tego topicu ??? i jak sie do niego ustosunkowac zeby bylo na temat :P bo ja nie wiem ...

no chyba ze na temat jest:

wow ale super impra


eee tam cienka impra :P

Jak dla mnie temat bez sensu nie wnoszacy nic i glosuje aby go zamknac :) albo przeniesc na forum PREZENTACJE bo tam jego miejsce albo najlepiej niech autor stworzy sobie bloga jak juz poprzednicy proponowali ...

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a teraz juz bez zlosliwosci proponuje aby zalozyc oddzielny temat dla technomaniakow gdzie beda mogli opisywac swje przezycia, pisac o nowych albumach itd - rozwiaze to kwestie topicow jak ten gdyz w takim temacie beda mialy jakis sens :)

bylo nawet cos takiego zwiazane z hh ;)

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Jak dla mnie temat bez sensu nie wnoszacy nic i glosuje aby go zamknac :) albo przeniesc na forum PREZENTACJE bo tam jego miejsce albo najlepiej niech autor stworzy sobie bloga jak juz poprzednicy proponowali ...

Co do głosowania to:

[Vote] -> [Yes] ;)

Tak poza tym co to za impreza bez O-Zone :?: ;)


Dobra a teraz tak serio, to szkoda, że w Polsce nie ma takich imprez :? Choć na upartego parę podobnych by się zebrało :)

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co ty chcesz u nas są lepsze impry. idziesz sobie na wiejskie disco gdzie puszczają manieczki a pedałki w białych rękawiczkach i gwizdkami jadą na pigółach :lol: :wink:



PS nie brechtam sie z techno i mu podobnych bo sam nieraz tego posłucham :)

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Właściwie to nie lepiej sobie JoŁ zIoMaLsKiEgO blogaska założyć?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



A tak BTW. chciałbym mieć to co złapałeś tam :) ot tak sobie mieć ;)

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