_Borys Opublikowano 17 Listopada 2004 Zgłoś Opublikowano 17 Listopada 2004 czesc ponizszy program to dopiero kilka funkcji do programu ktory ma utworzyc dwie matryce i pomnozyc pierwsza przez druga. Bylbym bardzo wdzieczny gdyby ktos mogl zucic okiem i napisac czy ponizsze funkcje napisane so poprawnie. #include <iostream>using namespace std;class Matrix{ public: Matrix (); bool Input_1st_matrix_dimensions (); bool Input_values_1st_matrix ( int& Number_of_rows, int &Number_of_columns); bool Input_values_2nd_matrix ( int& Number_of_columns, int &Number_of_rows); void Display (); int Calculate (); private: int Number_of_rows; int Number_of_columns; int matrix_1[10] [10]; int matrix_2[10] [10];};int main (){Matrix m; //if (m.Input_1st_matrix_dimensions () == true ) // { // } }bool Matrix::Input_1st_matrix_dimensions (){ bool rv = true; int number_of_rows = 0; int number_of_columns = 0; cout << " Enter the number of rows for 1st matrix " << endl; cin >> number_of_rows; if (cin.fail () == 0 ) { Number_of_rows = number_of_rows; cout << " Enter the number of columns for 1st matrix " << endl; cin >> number_of_columns; if (cin.fail () == 0 ) { Number_of_columns = number_of_columns; } else { cerr << " ERROR! could not read the input data " << endl; rv = false; } } else { cerr << " ERROR! could not read the input data " << endl; rv = false; }return rv;} bool Matrix::Input_values_2nd_matrix ( int& Number_of_rows, int &Number_of_columns){ bool rv = true; const int number_of_rows = Number_of_columns; const int number_of_columns = number_of_rows; for ( int i = 0; i < Number_of_rows; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; i < number_of_columns; j++ ) { cout << " Enter the values for the first matrix " << endl; cin >> matrix_1[i] [j]; } } return rv;} aha przy kompilowniu wywala mi ten blad /tmp/ccGAkwCN.o(.text+0x129): In function `main':: undefined reference to `Matrix::Matrix()'collect2: ld returned 1 exit status moze wiecie czemu ?? Z gory dziekuje za zainteresownaie pozdrawiam. Cytuj Udostępnij tę odpowiedź Odnośnik do odpowiedzi Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Nargil Opublikowano 17 Listopada 2004 Zgłoś Opublikowano 17 Listopada 2004 Cytat moze wiecie czemu ?? Z gory dziekuje za zainteresownaie pozdrawiam. [php:1:6c39076f25] class Matrix { public: Matrix (); // <--- temu :) [/php:1:6c39076f25] albo to usun albo dodaj: [php:1:6c39076f25] Matrix::Matrix() { } [/php:1:6c39076f25] Cytuj Udostępnij tę odpowiedź Odnośnik do odpowiedzi Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
_Borys Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2004 Zgłoś Opublikowano 18 Listopada 2004 Wielkie dzieki pomoglo :!: Mam jeszcze dwa problemy 1) nie moge napisac funkcji ktora tworzylaby 3a matryce powstala z iloczynu dwuch pierwszych. 2) nie wiem gdzie wszadzic funkcje cin.fail () tak zeby sprawdzala czy wartosci sa zgodne z typem zmiennych int uzywabych w tablicach (macierzach) jak na razie ponizsza czesc programu pozwala na wprowadzenie danych i wyswietlenie tych danych na ekranie [php:1:e0b9fce109] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; class Matrix { public: bool Input_matrix_1st_dimensions (); bool Input_matrix_2nd_dimensions (); int Get_number_of_rows_m1 (); int Get_number_of_columns_m1 (); int Get_number_of_rows_m2 (); int Get_number_of_columns_m2 (); bool Input_values_1st_matrix (int &Number_of_rows_m1, int &Number_of_columns_m1); bool Input_values_2nd_matrix (int &Number_of_rows_m2, int &Number_of_columns_m2); void Display_1st_martrix ( int &Number_of_rows_m1, int &Number_of_columns_m1 ); void Display_2nd_martrix ( int &Number_of_rows_m2, int &Number_of_columns_m2 ); private: int Number_of_rows_m1; int Number_of_columns_m1; int Number_of_rows_m2; int Number_of_columns_m2; int Matrix_1 [22] [22]; int Matrix_2 [22] [22]; int Matrix_3 [22] [22]; }; int main () { Matrix M; if ( M.Input_matrix_1st_dimensions () == true ) { if ( M.Input_matrix_2nd_dimensions () == true) { int number_of_rows_m1 = 0; int number_of_columns_m1 = 0; int number_of_rows_m2 = 0; int number_of_columns_m2 = 0; number_of_rows_m1 = M.Get_number_of_rows_m1 (); number_of_columns_m1 = M.Get_number_of_columns_m1 (); number_of_rows_m2 = M.Get_number_of_rows_m2 (); number_of_columns_m2 = M.Get_number_of_columns_m2 (); if ( M.Input_values_1st_matrix ( number_of_rows_m1, number_of_columns_m1) == true ) { if ( M.Input_values_2nd_matrix (number_of_rows_m2, number_of_columns_m2) == true ) { M.Display_1st_martrix ( number_of_rows_m1, number_of_columns_m1 ); M.Display_2nd_martrix ( number_of_rows_m2 ,number_of_columns_m2 ); } } } } } bool Matrix::Input_matrix_1st_dimensions () { bool rv = true; int number_of_rows = 0; int number_of_columns = 0; cout << " Enter the number of rows for the first matrix" << endl; cin >> number_of_rows; if (cin.fail () == 0 and number_of_rows >= 1 and number_of_rows <= 22) { cout << endl; cout << " Enter the number of columns for the first matrix " << endl; cin >> number_of_columns; if ( cin.fail() ==0 and number_of_columns >= 0 and number_of_columns <= 22) { Number_of_rows_m1 = number_of_rows; Number_of_columns_m1 = number_of_columns; } else { cerr << " Error!! Could not read the number of rows input " << endl; cerr << " Remember the number of columns must be an inteager grater or equal 1 and less than 22" << endl; rv = false; } } else { cerr << " Error!! Could not read the number of columns input " << endl; cerr << " Remember the number of columns must be an inteager grater or equal 1 and less rhan 22 " << endl; rv = false; } return rv; } bool Matrix::Input_matrix_2nd_dimensions () { bool rv = true; int number_of_columns = 0; cout << " Since it is possible to multiply two matrixes only if the number of columns in the first " << endl; cout << " matrix is equal to the number of rows in second. you have to type in the number " << endl; cout << " of columns for the second matrix only " << endl; cout << " Enter the number of columns for the second matrix " << endl; cin >> number_of_columns; if ( cin.fail() ==0 and number_of_columns >= 0 and number_of_columns <= 22) { Number_of_rows_m2 = Number_of_columns_m1; Number_of_columns_m2 = number_of_columns; } else { cerr << " Error!! Could not read the number of rows input " << endl; cerr << " Remember the number of columns must be an inteager grater or equal 1 and less than 22" << endl; rv = false; } return rv; } int Matrix::Get_number_of_rows_m1 () { return Number_of_rows_m1; } int Matrix::Get_number_of_columns_m1 () { return Number_of_columns_m1; } int Matrix::Get_number_of_rows_m2 () { return Number_of_rows_m2; } int Matrix::Get_number_of_columns_m2 () { return Number_of_columns_m2; } bool Matrix::Input_values_1st_matrix (int &Number_of_rows_m1, int &Number_of_columns_m1) { bool rv = true; cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << " Enter the values for first Matrix " << endl; cout << endl; for (int i = 0 ; i < Number_of_rows_m1 ; i ++ ) { for (int j = 0 ; j < Number_of_columns_m1 ; j ++ ) { cout << " Enter the value for the cell in row " << i+1 << " column " << j+1 << endl; cin >> Matrix_1 [j]; } } return rv; } bool Matrix::Input_values_2nd_matrix (int &Number_of_rows_m2, int &Number_of_columns_m2) { bool rv = true; cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << " Enter the values for second Matrix " << endl; cout << endl; for (int i = 0 ; i < Number_of_rows_m2 ; i ++ ) { for (int j = 0 ; j < Number_of_columns_m2 ; j ++ ) { cout << " Enter the value for the cell in row " << i+1 << " column " << j+1 << endl; cin >> Matrix_2 [j]; } } cout << endl; return rv; } void Matrix::Display_1st_martrix ( int &Number_of_rows_m1, int &Number_of_columns_m1 ) { cout << " 1 st Matrix: " << endl; cout << endl; for (int i = 0 ; i < Number_of_rows_m1 ; i ++ ) { cout << " | "; for (int j = 0 ; j < Number_of_columns_m1 ; j ++ ) { cout << setw (5) << Matrix_1 [j] << " | "; } cout << endl; } cout << endl; } void Matrix::Display_2nd_martrix ( int &Number_of_rows_m2, int &Number_of_columns_m2 ) { cout << " Second Matrix : " << endl; cout << endl; for (int i = 0 ; i < Number_of_rows_m2 ; i ++ ) { cout << " | "; for (int j = 0 ; j < Number_of_columns_m2 ; j ++ ) { cout << setw (5) << Matrix_2 [j] << " | "; } cout << endl; } cout << endl; } [/php:1:e0b9fce109] Cytuj Udostępnij tę odpowiedź Odnośnik do odpowiedzi Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...