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odnośnie VCORE OFFSET dla r3e:
Source: Tweaktown
moje pytanie:
I would like to know when the dynamic vid (vcore offset) will be available for r3e. is there any problem to add it?
Informacja od Wsparcia Technicznego
"Regarding the offset vCore question, as of right nowwe have no plans of implementing this option. We asked a lot of users about their thoughts on having vCore offset andwe did not get a lot of feedback. We didget feedback from the extreme community and most said that they did not utilizedynamic VID, and that they are more concerned with maintaining a moreconsistent voltage using absolute vCore. However, we do have 2 options for load-line calibration (50% and 100%)to give users more voltage control. Soas of right now vCore offset will only be implemented in our mainstream boardas well as the upcoming Rampage III Formula."