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Catalyst 3.7 - dziś premiera !!

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Na forum mozemy znaleźć informację od jednego z pracowników ATi, że sterowniki Catalyst 3.7 są już gotowe. Zostaną udostępnione na stronie ATi dziś lub jutro. Należy podchodzić do tej wiadomości jako "raczej" wiarygodna ponieważ pochodzi od człowieka który zajmuje się sterownikami Catalyst. Jednak oczywiście mogą wystąpić jakieś nieoczekiwane okoliczności opóźniające.



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no to wyszly :)


PS. ten topic byl pierwszy odnosnie Cat 3.7 wiec chyba ten ma wieksza racje bytu :P


a co nowego w nich

New Features:  

The CATALYST™ driver now provides a Triple Buffering Option. Enabling Triple Buffering has the potential to increase performance under certain conditions. Please refer to the help file of the feature for additional information. This new feature is located in the OpenGL Compatibility Settings tab.


Performance Improvements:

As with most CATALYST™ releases, the performance has increased in numerous situations. Here are some examples observed in CATALYST™ version 3.7. These include.  

• Pixel Shader processing has been enhanced across all of our DX9 products. As a result, certain PS 2.0 ShaderMark tests are now running as much as 12% faster.  

• Unreal Tournament 2003 performance is up considerably for DX9 products running with Anti-Aliasing enabled. This is due to improvements in the driver code for rendering character shadows. For example, the Anubis botmatch test gains as much as 23%  

• The result of this optimization is also apparent in Dungeon Siege, where gains ranging from 3-10% are observed on our DX9 product line-up, when Anti-Aliasing is enabled. Other game titles may also be improved  

• RADEON 7000 gains as much as 25% in Direct3D titles when running at very high resolution (1600x1200). Aquamark, Comanche 4, Dungeon Siege, Expendable, Giants and Re-Volt all gain approximately 20% at this setting. OpenGL titles are not affected  

• Modest gains of approximately 5% are noticed for our DX8 class of products (RADEON™ 9200, 9000, and 8500) in OpenGL games such as Quake III Arena, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and Serious Sam  

Resolved Game Issues  

This section provides information on game issues that have been resolved in the latest release of CATALYST™.  

• Running MS Links 2003 with Anisotropic filtering and Anti-Aliasing enabled results in vertical and horizontal lines being displayed within the game. This issue is known to occur under Windows XP with a RADEON™ 9700 series card installed  

• Switching the display resolution mode when playing Jedi Knight II or Quake 3 no longer results in display corruption being displayed on the top of the menu screen  

• Unreal Tournament 2003 highlight corruption is no longer seen when the pull down menu bar is used to choose a selection  

• The Windows XP system not responding when attempting to launch IL2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles if the display resolution is set to 1024x768 32bpp is now resolved. This issue was known to occur on the RADEON™ 9700, 9600, and 9500 series of cards  

• The Windows XP operating system no longer stop responding when switching the display resolution from 1280x1024 to 1600x1200 when playing Jedi Knight II  

• Configuring the game NASCAR Racing to 1600x1200 32 bpp under Windows ME with a RADEON™ 9600 series card installed no longer results in the system not responding  

• Selecting the pin camera in the game MS Links 2003 no longer results in the ground not being drawn correctly in the sub window. This issue was known to occur under Windows XP with the RADEON™ 9000 series card installed  

• Playing a multiplayer game in the lost city map in the game Will Rock no longer results in the sky flashing black images. This issue was known to occur under Windows XP with the RADEON™ 9000 series card installed  

• Slow playback of the game Remington Big Buck Trophy Hunt is now resolved. This issue was known to occur under Windows XP with a RADEON™ 9700, 9600 TX or 9500 series card installed  

• Configuring the game NeverWinter Nights with Nice 4 Sample Anti-Aliasing enabled and attempting to launch the game no longer results in the system failing to respond. This issue was known to occur under Windows XP with a RADEON™ 9800 SE or 9500 series card installed  

• Enabling Anti-Aliasing and attempting to take a screen shot results in a corrupt capture when running OpenGL games such as, CounterStrike, Half-Life, Quake III or Medal of Honour: Allied Assault  

• The Tron 2 demo no longer runs slowly on the RADEON™ 7200 and 9000 series  

• Anti-Aliasing support is now available for the game Giants Citizen Kabuto

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3dMark2001SE Catal 3.2 - 8940 pkt

3dMark2001SE Catal 3.7 - 8960 pkt


Quake 3 Promode Catal 3.2 - 144 fps

Quake 3 Promode Catal 3.7 - 147 fps



Uzywalem wczesniej 3.2 bo niby byly najszybsze. Nie mam porowniania do 3.6 niestety. Quake3 Timedemo 1 w 1280x1024 32bit i max detale itp. Pamietam ze kiedys na K6-2 350 i Riva TNT1 Mialem problem by wycisnac 50fps na zoptymalizowanym pod fps configu:)


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ja moge narazie tyle skrobnac, ze Fifa 2003 z wlaczonym Anizo nadal ma bledy (tak jest od Cat 3.5) + walniete menu (czarne tlo, rozmywajace sie pozycje w menu) w TR AoD (na 3.6 to samo, nizszych wersji jzu nie sprawdzalem)

odnosnie TRUFORME juz pisalem, ze kontrola tego zniknela :?

ale naszczescie mozna to wylaczyc np. w Rage3D :)


narazie tyle ;)

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W control panelu od cata 3.7 nie ma ustawiena od truform (przynajmiej u mnie, ale jak widze nie tylko), wiec wy pewnie macie jakies starsze control panele (skoro macie jescze te opcje)...

a co do nowyh cata to ja nie widze zadnej roznicy... narzie (chodz jescze tak doklednie nie testowalem)

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Potestowalem sobie troche q3:

1024.... wszystk max + AFx16 183

1024.... wszystk max bez Af 185


wiec wydaljnos AF w open gl troche wzrosla....( nie pamieta ile bylo przedtem,ale roznica bylo ok 10fps)


Ale co mnie zdziwilo, podkrecalnosc karty sie zmalala - przedtem przy 280mhz lekkie atefakty, a teraz (przy cata 3.7) przy 270 sie prawie nic nie widzi, a przy 250 dopiero znikaja... u was tez tak sie dzieje ??

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W control panelu od cata 3.7 nie ma ustawiena od truform (przynajmiej u mnie, ale jak widze nie tylko), wiec wy pewnie macie jakies starsze control panele (skoro macie jescze te opcje)... 

a co do nowyh cata to ja nie widze zadnej roznicy... narzie (chodz jescze tak doklednie nie testowalem)

Widze, że chyba usuneli to ale na radkach 9100 bo u mnie jest trueform, a był robiony format...

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