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Jak Włączyć Autouzupełnianie W Operze?

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Czesc. Temat moze sie wydac troche banalny :-P, wczoraj przesiadłem się z IE na Opere 9, spodobała mi się, tylko nie moge dojść jak włączyć autouzupełnianie, zeby np. na google w wyszukiwarce ciągle tego samego nie wpisywac. Przejrzalem wszystkie opcje i nic. Ktos wie gdzie się to włącza? :D z gory dzieki i pozdro. ;)

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Skrypt na uzupełnianie, który zapiszesz jako uzupełnianie.js .


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Skrypt również w spoilerze, na wszelki wypadek [; PPC jest samowystarczalne [;

» Naciśnij, żeby pokazać/ukryć tekst oznaczony jako spoiler... «
// ==UserScript==// @name OpS - Opera input suggestion// @author Maxim Volkov // @namespace [url=][/url] // @version 1.0// @description  Provides autocomplete feature for text input fields,//			to all web sites.// @ujs:category browser: enhancements// @ujs:published 2006-01-28 18:27// @ujs:modified 2006-01-28 18:28// @ujs:documentation [url=][/url] // @ujs:download [url=][/url] // @exclude [url=*]*[/url]// @exclude http://**// ==/UserScript==/*  * This script is granted to the Public Domain. *//*	Notes:	To display suggestion list just click inside input or press Ctrl+Shift+Down.	To add current input value to list you should "blur" the input or submit the form.	To see and change list style - search "Style" (be careful about scrolling and so on).		Keyboard shortcuts while editing an text input field:	Show Suggestion List		Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow	Hide Suggestion List		Escape	Show All Suggestions		Ctrl+\	Select Next Suggestion		Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow	Select Previous Suggestion		Ctrl+Shift+Up arrow	Accept Selected Suggestion		Ctrl+Enter	Delete Selected Suggestion		Ctrl+Delete*/document.addEventListener('load', function (){var OpSparent = this;function addEventHandler(domElement, sEvent, fnHandler) {	if (domElement && sEvent && fnHandler)		domElement.addEventListener(sEvent, fnHandler, false);}function OpS(domInput, sInputName, arrValues) {	this._domInput = domInput;	this._sInputName = sInputName;	this._sCurrentInputValue = Utils_String.trim(domInput.value);	this._arrValues = arrValues || [];	this._mapActions = [];	this.setupActions();	this.setupInput();}var Style = {	ListBox: "position:absolute; z-index:7000; overflow:hidden; min-width:180px; max-width:260px; max-height:160px; padding:0 0 18px 0; border:1px solid #000; background:#fff; color:#000",	ScrollBox: "position:relative; overflow:auto; left:0; top:0; width:100%; height:100%; max-height:inherit; margin:0; padding:0",	List: "position:relative; overflow:hidden; width:100%; height:auto; margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none; font:11px Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif",	ListItem: "display:block; position:relative; white-space:nowrap; height:18px; line-height:18px; margin:0; padding:0 3px; cursor:pointer",	Menu: "position:absolute; overflow:hidden; height:18px; margin:0; padding:0; background:#e6e6f2; color:#000; font:10px Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif",	MenuButton: "float:right; width:auto; height:18px; line-height:18px; margin:0; padding:0 6px; cursor:pointer; text-align:center"}with (Style) {	Style.SelectedListItem = ListItem + "; background:#0a246a; color:#fff";	Style.ItemMenu = Menu + "; width:auto";	Style.ListMenu = Menu + "; width:100%";	Style.MenuButtonOver = MenuButton + "; background:#c8c8e0";}var Actions = {	ShowSuggestionList: 1,	HideSuggestionList: 2,	ShowAllSuggestions: 3,	SelectNextSuggestion: 4,	SelectPrevSuggestion: 5,	AcceptSelectedSuggestion: 6,	DeleteSelectedSuggestion: 7,	SaveNewSuggestion: 8}var Info = {};with (Actions) {	Info[HideSuggestionList] = ["Close", "Close suggestion list (Esc)"];	Info[ShowAllSuggestions] = ["Show all", "Show all suggestions (Ctrl+\\)"];	Info[AcceptSelectedSuggestion] = [null, "Accept suggestion (Ctrl+Enter)"];	Info[DeleteSelectedSuggestion] = ["Del", "Delete suggestion (Ctrl+Del)"];}var Keys = {};with (Actions) {	Keys[ShowSuggestionList] = function(e) {		// Ctrl+Shift+DownArrow		return e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 40;	};	Keys[HideSuggestionList] = function(e) {		// Escape		return e.keyCode == 27;	};	Keys[ShowAllSuggestions] = function(e) {		// Ctrl+\		return e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 92;	};	Keys[SelectNextSuggestion] = function(e) {		// Ctrl+Shift+DownArrow		return e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 40;	};	Keys[SelectPrevSuggestion] = function(e) {		// Ctrl+Shift+UpArrow		return e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 38;	};	Keys[AcceptSelectedSuggestion] = function(e) {		// Ctrl+Enter		return e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 13;	};	Keys[DeleteSelectedSuggestion] = function(e) {		// Ctrl+Delete		return e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 0;	};}var Cfg = {	CookieBaseName: "aftakampl",	CookieMaxBytes: 4000,	// Cookie value format:	// (<input_id>|<input_name>'+'<input_form_name>)'#'<value>'|'<value2>'^'(<another_input_id...	//	InputGlue: "^",	InputNameGlue: "+",	InputNamevaluateueGlue: "#",	InputMultivalueGlue: "|",	CheckForNewInputPeriod: 300 // msecs}OpS.mapInputMultivalue = null;OpS.activeCookie = null;OpS.arrInputs = [];OpS.mapInstances = [];OpS.load = function() {	var arrCookies = document.cookie.split("; ");	var mapInputMultivalue = null;	var nLastCookieNumber = -1;	var sLastCookievaluateue = "";	for (var sCookie, i = 0; sCookie = arrCookies[i]; ++i) {		var nCookieNameEnd = sCookie.indexOf("=");		var sCookieName = sCookie.substr(0, nCookieNameEnd);		if (sCookieName.indexOf(Cfg.CookieBaseName) != 0)			continue;		var nCookieNumber = parseInt(sCookieName.substr(Cfg.CookieBaseName.length));		if (isNaN(nCookieNumber))			continue;		var sCookievaluateue = sCookie.substr(nCookieNameEnd + 1);		if (!sCookievaluateue) {			Utils_Cookie.deleteCookie(sCookieName);			continue;		}		if (nCookieNumber > nLastCookieNumber) {			nLastCookieNumber = nCookieNumber;			sLastCookievaluateue = sCookievaluateue;		}		mapInputMultivalue = Cookie.parseCookievaluateue(sCookievaluateue, mapInputMultivalue);	}	OpS.mapInputMultivalue = mapInputMultivalue || [];	OpS.activeCookie = new Cookie(nLastCookieNumber, sLastCookievaluateue);	OpS.setupInputs();}OpS.setupInputs = function() {	var domInputs = null;	domInputs = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");	if (!domInputs || !domInputs.length)		return;	var arrInputs = OpS.arrInputs;	var bOldInputFound = false;	var arrNewInputs = [];	for (var domInput, i = 0; domInput = domInputs[i]; ++i) {		if (domInput.type == "text") {			var sName = Cookie.getInputUniqueName(domInput);			if (sName) {				arrInputs[arrInputs.length] = domInput;				var arrValues = Cookie.parseInputMultivalue(OpS.mapInputMultivalue[sName]);				OpS.mapInstances[sName] = new OpS(domInput, sName, arrValues);			}		}	}	OpS.view.init();}OpS.prototype.setupInput = function() { with (this) {	var that = this;	addEventHandler(_domInput, "keyup",		function() {			if (!Keys[Actions.AcceptSelectedSuggestion](window.event) &&				that.askValueChanged())				that._mapActions[Actions.ShowSuggestionList]();		});	addEventHandler(_domInput.form, "submit",		function() {			that.askValueChanged();			that._mapActions[Actions.SaveNewSuggestion]();		});	addEventHandler(_domInput, "blur",		function() {			OpS.bCancelInputBlur = false;			// Delay input onblur handler to provide user ability to click inside listbox.			window.setTimeout(				function() {					if (OpS.bCancelInputBlur)						OpS.bCancelInputBlur = false;					else {						that.askValueChanged();						that._mapActions[Actions.SaveNewSuggestion]();					}				},				100);		});	addEventHandler(_domInput, "keypress",		function() {			var e = window.event;			var mapActions = that._mapActions;			for (eId in mapActions) {				var fnAction = mapActions[eId];				if (!fnAction.enabled())					continue;				var fnIsKeys = Keys[eId];				if (fnIsKeys && fnIsKeys(e))					return fnAction();			}		});	addEventHandler(_domInput, "click",		function() {			that.askValueChanged();			that._mapActions[OpS.view.visible() ?				Actions.HideSuggestionList : Actions.ShowSuggestionList]();		});}}OpS.prototype.setupActions = function() {	var that = this;	function addAction(eActionId, fnAction, fnEnabled) {		fnAction.enabled = fnEnabled || alwaysEnabled;		that._mapActions[eActionId] = fnAction;	}	function alwaysEnabled() { return true; }	function viewIsVisible() { return OpS.view.visible(); }	function updateView(arrValues) {		OpS.view.update(that._domInput, that._mapActions, arrValues);	}	function showView() {		var sValue = that._sCurrentInputValue;		updateView(sValue ?	that.findMatchedValues(sValue) : that._arrValues);	}	function hideView() { updateView(); }	addAction(Actions.ShowSuggestionList,		showView,		function() { return !viewIsVisible(); });	addAction(Actions.HideSuggestionList,		hideView,		viewIsVisible);	addAction(Actions.ShowAllSuggestions,		function() {			updateView(that._arrValues);			return showView;		},		function() { return viewIsVisible() && that._sCurrentInputValue; });	addAction(Actions.SelectNextSuggestion,		function() { OpS.view.selectNextItem(); },		viewIsVisible);	addAction(Actions.SelectPrevSuggestion,		function() { OpS.view.selectPrevItem(); },		viewIsVisible);	addAction(Actions.AcceptSelectedSuggestion,		function() {			var sValue = OpS.view.getSelectedValue();			if (sValue)	{				that._domInput.value = sValue;				that._sCurrentInputValue = sValue;				hideView();			}		},		viewIsVisible);	addAction(Actions.DeleteSelectedSuggestion,		function() {			var sValue = OpS.view.getSelectedValue();			if (that.discardValue(sValue)) {				var fnShowView = that._mapActions[Actions.ShowAllSuggestions].redo;				if (fnShowView)					fnShowView();				else					showView();				that.deletevaluateueFromCookie(escape(sValue));			}		},		viewIsVisible);	addAction(Actions.SaveNewSuggestion,		function() {			var sValue = that._sCurrentInputValue;			if (sValue) {				var sEscValue = escape(sValue);				var nBaseLength = sEscValue.length;				var sEscValue = Cookie.trimInputValueForSave(that._sInputName, sEscValue);				if (sEscValue && sEscValue.length < nBaseLength)					sValue = Utils_String.trim(unescape(sEscValue));				if (that.collectValue(sValue))					that.savevaluateueToCookie(sEscValue);			}			hideView();		});}OpS.prototype.askValueChanged = function() {	var sValue = Utils_String.trim(this._domInput.value);	if (sValue != this._sCurrentInputValue) {		this._sCurrentInputValue = sValue;		return true;	}	return false;}OpS.prototype.findMatchedValues = function(sPattern) {	if (!sPattern)		return;	var arrMatches = [];	var arrValues = this._arrValues;	for (var sValue, i = 0; sValue = arrValues[i]; ++i)		if (sValue.indexOf(sPattern) == 0)			arrMatches[arrMatches.length] = sValue;		else if (arrMatches.length)			break;	return arrMatches;}OpS.prototype.collectValue = function(sValue) {	if (!sValue)		return;	var arrValues = this._arrValues;	for (i in arrValues)		if (sValue == arrValues[i])			return false;	arrValues[arrValues.length] = sValue;	arrValues.sort();	return true;}OpS.prototype.discardValue = function(sValue) {	var arrValues = this._arrValues;	for (i in arrValues)		if (sValue == arrValues[i])			return arrValues.splice(i, 1);	return false;}OpS.prototype.savevaluateueToCookie = function(sValue) {	var bAdditionDone = false;	if (OpS.activeCookie)		bAdditionDone = OpS.activeCookie.addInputValue(this._sInputName, sValue);	if (!bAdditionDone)	{		OpS.activeCookie = new Cookie();		bAdditionDone = OpS.activeCookie.addInputValue(this._sInputName, sValue);	}	if (bAdditionDone);}OpS.prototype.deletevaluateueFromCookie = function(sValue) {	if (OpS.activeCookie.deleteInputValue(this._sInputName, sValue)) {;		return;	}	var sCookies = document.cookie;	var nActiveCookieNumber = Cookie.nSystemNumber;	for (var i = nActiveCookieNumber - 1; i >= 0; --i)	{		var sCookieName = Cfg.CookieBaseName + i;		var nCookiePos = sCookies.indexOf(sCookieName + "=");		if (nCookiePos == -1)			continue;		var nCookievaluateuePos = nCookiePos + sCookieName.length + 1;		var nCookieEndPos = sCookies.indexOf(";", nCookievaluateuePos);		if (nCookieEndPos == -1)			nCookieEndPos = sCookies.length;		var sCookievaluateue = sCookies.substr(nCookievaluateuePos, nCookieEndPos - nCookievaluateuePos);		var cookie = new Cookie(i, sCookievaluateue);		if (cookie.deleteInputValue(this._sInputName, sValue)) {;			break;		}	}	Cookie.nSystemNumber = nActiveCookieNumber;}OpS.view = {	init: function() {		var that = this;		this._domInput = null;		this._mapActions = null;		this._arrSuggestions = null;		this._arrListItems = null;		this._nSelectedIndex = -1;		this._arrMenuButtons = [];		var domListBox = document.createElement("DIV"); = Style.ListBox; = "none";		domListBox.onmousedown = function() {			OpS.bCancelInputBlur = true;			Utils_Dom.focusTextInput(that._domInput);		};		var domScrollBox = document.createElement("DIV"); = Style.ScrollBox;		var domList = document.createElement("UL"); = Style.List;		var domListItem = document.createElement("LI");		domListItem.title = Info[Actions.AcceptSelectedSuggestion][1]; = Style.ListItem;		// Used as marker to determine if item is too long.		var domListItemEnd = document.createElement("SPAN");		domListItemEnd.innerText = " "; = "margin:0; padding:0";		var domListMenu = document.createElement("DIV"); = Style.ListMenu;		domListMenu.appendChild(this.createMenuButton(Actions.HideSuggestionList));		domListMenu.appendChild(this.createMenuButton(Actions.ShowAllSuggestions, true));		var domItemMenu = document.createElement("DIV"); = Style.ItemMenu; = "none";		domItemMenu.appendChild(this.createMenuButton(Actions.DeleteSelectedSuggestion));		domItemMenu.onmouseout = function()	{			var target = window.event.toElement;			if (!target || target.parentElement != that._domListBox)				that.selectItemByIndex(-1);		};		this._domListItem = domListItem;		this._domListItemEnd = domListItemEnd;		this._domItemMenu = domListItem.appendChild(domItemMenu);		this._domList = domScrollBox.appendChild(domList);		this._domScrollBox = domListBox.appendChild(domScrollBox);		this._domListMenu = domListBox.appendChild(domListMenu);		this._domListBox = document.documentElement.appendChild(domListBox);	},	createMenuButton: function(eActionId, bUndoable) {		var that = this;		var fnDo = null;		var fnUndo = null;		var bUndo = false;		function doAction() {			var fnAction = bUndo ? fnUndo : fnDo;			if (typeof fnAction == "function") {				if (bUndoable) {					bUndo = !bUndo;					doAction.redo = fnAction;				}				fnUndo = fnAction();			}		}		var domButton = document.createElement("DIV");		domButton.innerText = Info[eActionId][0];		domButton.title = Info[eActionId][1];		if (bUndoable) {			domButton.onReset = function() {				bUndo = false;				doAction.redo = null;				var fnAction = that._mapActions && that._mapActions[eActionId];				if (fnAction && fnAction.fnOriginalAction)					that._mapActions[eActionId] = fnAction.fnOriginalAction;			};		}		domButton.onUpdate = function() {			fnDo = that._mapActions[eActionId];			var bEnabled = fnDo && fnDo.enabled();			if (bEnabled) {				if (bUndoable) {					if (fnDo.fnOriginalAction)						fnDo = fnDo.fnOriginalAction;					else {						doAction.enabled = fnDo.enabled;						doAction.fnOriginalAction = fnDo;						that._mapActions[eActionId] = doAction;					}				} = bUndo ? Style.MenuButtonOver : Style.MenuButton;			}			else if (bUndoable)				this.onReset(); = bEnabled ? "block" : "none";		};		domButton.onmouseover = function() {			if (!bUndo) = Style.MenuButtonOver;		};		domButton.onmouseout = function() {			if (!bUndo) = Style.MenuButton;		};		domButton.onmousedown = function() {			OpS.bCancelInputBlur = true;			Utils_Dom.focusTextInput(that._domInput);			window.event.cancelBubble = true;			doAction();		}		this._arrMenuButtons[this._arrMenuButtons.length] = domButton;		return domButton;	},	addListItem: function(sItemText, nItemIndex) {		var that = this;		var domItem = this._domListItem.cloneNode(false);		domItem.innerText = sItemText;		domItem.value = nItemIndex;		var mapHandlers = this._mapItemHandlers = this._mapItemHandlers || {			onmouseover: function() {				that.selectItemByIndex(parseInt(this.value));			},			onmouseout: function() {				var target = window.event.toElement;				if (!target || target.parentElement != that._domItemMenu)					that.selectItemByIndex(-1);			},			onmousedown: function() {				that._mapActions[Actions.AcceptSelectedSuggestion]();			}		};		for (i in mapHandlers)			domItem[i] = mapHandlers[i];		this._arrListItems[this._arrListItems.length] = this._domList.appendChild(domItem);	},	visible: function() { return != "none"; },	update: function(domInput, mapActions, arrSuggestions) { with (this) {		var domListBoxStyle =;		domListBoxStyle.display = "none";		if (!domInput || !mapActions || !arrSuggestions || !arrSuggestions.length) {			for (var domButton, i = 0; domButton = _arrMenuButtons[i]; ++i)				if (domButton.onReset)					domButton.onReset();			return;		}		_domInput = domInput;		_mapActions = mapActions;		_arrSuggestions = arrSuggestions;		_nSelectedIndex = -1;		_arrListItems = [];		_domList.innerHTML = "";		for (i in _arrSuggestions)			addListItem(_arrSuggestions[i], i);		_domScrollBox.scrollTop = 0;		var inputOffset = Utils_Dom.findGlobalOffset(_domInput);		var nInputHeight = _domInput.offsetHeight;		// Fix input extra large height in Opera9 tp1.		//		if (Utils_Dom.AgentIsOp9)			nInputHeight -= 6; = inputOffset.nTop + nInputHeight;		domListBoxStyle.left = inputOffset.nLeft;		domListBoxStyle.display = "block";		var domListMenuStyle =; = "none";		domListMenuStyle.display = "none";		for (var domButton, i = 0; domButton = _arrMenuButtons[i]; ++i)			if (domButton.onUpdate)				domButton.onUpdate();		domListMenuStyle.display = "block";	}},	selectNextItem: function() { with (this) {		if (_nSelectedIndex < _arrListItems.length - 1)			selectItemByIndex(_nSelectedIndex + 1);	}},	selectPrevItem: function() { with (this) {		if (_nSelectedIndex > 0)			selectItemByIndex(_nSelectedIndex - 1);	}},	selectItemByIndex: function(nIndex) { with (this) {		if (nIndex == _nSelectedIndex)			return;		var domMenuStyle =;		domMenuStyle.display = "none";		var domSelectedItem = _arrListItems[_nSelectedIndex];		if (domSelectedItem) = Style.ListItem;		var domItem = _arrListItems[nIndex];		if (domItem) { = Style.SelectedListItem;			var nOverlap = _domList.offsetTop + domItem.offsetTop - _domScrollBox.scrollTop;			var nOverlapTo = 0;			if (nOverlap <= 0)				nOverlapTo = -1;			if (!nOverlapTo) {				nOverlap += domItem.offsetHeight - _domScrollBox.offsetHeight;				if (nOverlap >= 0)					nOverlapTo = 1;			}			if (nOverlapTo)				_domScrollBox.scrollTop += nOverlap;			domItem.appendChild(_domItemMenu); = 0;			domMenuStyle.right = 0;			domMenuStyle.display = "block";			if (!domItem._bTooLong) {				domItem.appendChild(_domListItemEnd);				if (_domListItemEnd.offsetLeft > domItem.offsetWidth - _domItemMenu.offsetWidth) {					domItem.title = _arrSuggestions[nIndex];					domItem._bTooLong = true;				}			}		}		_nSelectedIndex = nIndex;	}},	getSelectedValue: function() { with (this) {		if (_arrSuggestions && _nSelectedIndex >= 0)			return _arrSuggestions[_nSelectedIndex];	}}}//~ OpS.view objectfunction Cookie(nSystemNumber, sValue) {	if (!isNaN(nSystemNumber) && nSystemNumber >= 0)		Cookie.nSystemNumber = nSystemNumber;	else		Cookie.nSystemNumber += 1;	var mapInputMultivalue = null;	var nFreeBytes = Cfg.CookieMaxBytes;	if (sValue && sValue.length) {		mapInputMultivalue = Cookie.parseCookievaluateue(sValue);		nFreeBytes -= sValue.length;	}	this._sName = Cfg.CookieBaseName + Cookie.nSystemNumber;	this._mapInputMultivalue = mapInputMultivalue || [];	this._nFreeBytes = nFreeBytes;}Cookie.nSystemNumber = -1;Cookie.getInputUniqueName = function(domInput) {	var sName =;	if (sName)		return sName;	sName = + Cfg.InputNameGlue;	var form = domInput.form;	if (form)		sName +=;	return sName;}Cookie.parseCookievaluateue = function(sValue, mapInputMultivalue) {	mapInputMultivalue = mapInputMultivalue || [];	var arrInputs = sValue.split(Cfg.InputGlue);	for (var sInput, i = 0; sInput = arrInputs[i]; ++i)	{		var nInputNameEnd = sInput.indexOf(Cfg.InputNamevaluateueGlue);		var sInputName = sInput.substr(0, nInputNameEnd);		var sMultivalue = sInput.substr(nInputNameEnd + 1);		var sOldMultivalue = mapInputMultivalue[sInputName];		mapInputMultivalue[sInputName] = sOldMultivalue ?			sOldMultivalue + Cfg.InputMultivalueGlue + sMultivalue : sMultivalue;	}	return mapInputMultivalue;}Cookie.parseInputMultivalue = function(sMultivalue) {	if (!sMultivalue || !sMultivalue.length)		return [];	var arrValues = sMultivalue.split(Cfg.InputMultivalueGlue);	for (i in arrValues)		arrValues[i] = unescape(arrValues[i]);	arrValues.sort();	return arrValues;}Cookie.trimInputValueForSave = function(sInputName, sInputValue) {	if (!sInputName || !sInputValue)		return;	var nInputLength = sInputName.length + Cfg.InputNamevaluateueGlue.length + sInputValue.length;	if (nInputLength <= Cfg.CookieMaxBytes)		return sInputValue;	var nTruncatedLength = nInputLength - Cfg.CookieMaxBytes;	if (nTruncatedLength >= sInputValue.length)		return "";	sInputValue = sInputValue.substr(0, sInputValue.length - nTruncatedLength);	// Discard last broken %uXXXX or %XX character code.	//	var nBrokenCodePos = sInputValue.indexOf("%", sInputValue.length - 5);	if (nBrokenCodePos != -1)		sInputValue = sInputValue.substr(0, nBrokenCodePos);	return sInputValue;}Cookie.prototype.addInputValue = function(sInputName, sInputValue) { with (this) {	var sMultivalue = _mapInputMultivalue[sInputName];	if (sMultivalue) {		var nValueLength = Cfg.InputMultivalueGlue.length + sInputValue.length;		if (nValueLength > _nFreeBytes)			return false;		_mapInputMultivalue[sInputName] = sMultivalue + Cfg.InputMultivalueGlue + sInputValue;		_nFreeBytes -= nValueLength;	}	else {		var nInputLength = sInputName.length + Cfg.InputNamevaluateueGlue.length + sInputValue.length;		if (_nFreeBytes >= Cfg.CookieMaxBytes) {			if (nInputLength > _nFreeBytes)				return false;		}		else {			nInputLength += Cfg.InputGlue.length;			if (nInputLength > _nFreeBytes)				return false;		}		_mapInputMultivalue[sInputName] = sInputValue;		_nFreeBytes -= nInputLength;	}	return true;}}Cookie.prototype.deleteInputValue = function(sInputName, sInputValue) {	if (!sInputName || !sInputValue)		return;	var mapInputMultivalue = this._mapInputMultivalue;	var sMultivalue = mapInputMultivalue[sInputName];	if (!sMultivalue)		return false;	if (sMultivalue == sInputValue)	{		delete mapInputMultivalue[sInputName];		return true;	}	var sNewMultivalue = sMultivalue.replace(sInputValue + Cfg.InputMultivalueGlue, "");

if (sNewMultivalue.length != sMultivalue.length) {

mapInputMultivalue[sInputName] = sNewMultivalue;

return true;



sNewMultivalue = sMultivalue.replace(Cfg.InputMultivalueGlue + sInputValue, "");

if (sNewMultivalue.length != sMultivalue.length) {

mapInputMultivalue[sInputName] = sNewMultivalue;

return true;



return false;

} = function() {

var mapInputMultivalue = this._mapInputMultivalue;

var sCookievaluateue = "";


for (i in mapInputMultivalue) {

if (sCookievaluateue)

sCookievaluateue += Cfg.InputGlue;


sCookievaluateue += i + Cfg.InputNamevaluateueGlue + mapInputMu

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Możesz dodać zawartość już teraz a zarejestrować się później. Jeśli posiadasz już konto, zaloguj się aby dodać zawartość za jego pomocą.

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×   Wklejono zawartość z formatowaniem.   Przywróć formatowanie

  Dozwolonych jest tylko 75 emoji.

×   Odnośnik został automatycznie osadzony.   Przywróć wyświetlanie jako odnośnik

×   Przywrócono poprzednią zawartość.   Wyczyść edytor

×   Nie możesz bezpośrednio wkleić grafiki. Dodaj lub załącz grafiki z adresu URL.


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