shakur_45 Opublikowano 5 Listopada 2007 Zgłoś Opublikowano 5 Listopada 2007 czy ktos pamieta ile wynosi clo z usa do kanady na produkty elektroniczne ? ja juz zapomnialem, a ciezko byloby to znalezc :) Cytuj Udostępnij tę odpowiedź Odnośnik do odpowiedzi Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
djsilence Opublikowano 5 Listopada 2007 Zgłoś Opublikowano 5 Listopada 2007 (edytowane) a jednak nie tak ciezko :D Ponizej masz troche info ogolnego, a tutaj mozesz sie dowiedziec szczegolow w wielkim skrocie - najprawdopodobniej 7% » Naciśnij, żeby pokazać/ukryć tekst oznaczony jako spoiler... « What does the exporter have to do? The person sending the mail to be the exporter. And the person receiving the mail to be considered as the importer. Exporters have to complete a written declaration and attach it to the mail item they are sending to Canada. Countries that participate in the Universal Postal Convention use a standard customs declaration form. More than 100 countries, including Canada, support this convention. The convention states that exporters must attach a standard customs declaration form to all items they ship by mail. In this declaration the exporter must accurately describe the goods, state their origin, and report their value. A false or incomplete declaration could result in unnecessary delays in processing your shipment, and delivery or in enforcement action by the CCRA. What mail/shipment items are duty- and/or tax-free to canada? You don't have to pay duties and taxes if your mail item is: * a gift worth $60 or less; or * worth $20 or less. Mail items that are gifts worth $60 or less A gift sent by a friend or family member abroad to a person in Canada is exempt from duties and taxes as long as the gift is worth $60 or less. Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and advertising material do not qualify for the gift exemption. The declaration should clearly identify the goods as a gift, and should include a gift card or tag to avoid any misunderstanding. For gifts worth more than $60, you have to pay duties and taxes on the amount over the $60 exemption. For example, if you receive a gift from overseas worth $100, only $60 of the gift's value qualifies for the gift exemption. You will have to pay duties and taxes on the remaining portion of the value, in this case $40. Mail items worth $20 or less If the goods you import by mail are worth $20 or less, they are duty- and/or tax-free. The following goods do not qualify for this exemption: * alcoholic beverages, cigars, cigarettes, and manufactured tobacco; * books, periodicals, or magazines, if the publisher should be registered for goods and services tax but is not; and * goods you ordered or bought from a Canadian retailer or intermediary, but which were mailed directly to you from outside Canada. When you import goods worth more than $20 that do not qualify for the gift exemption, you have to pay duties and taxes on the entire value. You cannot combine the $60 gift exemption and the $20 exemption for the same goods. What duties and taxes do you have to pay? Duties We calculate any duties owing based on the value of the goods in Canadian funds. The duty rates vary according to the type of goods you are importing and the country they came from or were made in. Depending on the goods or their value, some other taxes may apply, such as excise duty or excise tax on luxury items like jewellery. Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), duties on various goods imported from the United States and Mexico have been either reduced or eliminated. The NAFTA rates apply when the goods you are importing are made in the U.S. or Mexico. Goods and services tax (GST) You have to pay GST on most goods you import into Canada. This is to make sure the imported goods are taxed in the same way as those sold or provided in Canada. We calculate GST on the mail item's duty-paid value. This is the total value converted to Canadian funds, plus any duties that apply. Harmonized sales tax (HST) The federal government has entered into agreements with certain provinces to collect HST at a rate of 15%. If you live in a participating province, you will have to pay HST instead of GST. We calculate HST the same way as GST. The tax you pay is based on the mail item's duty-paid value. You do not have to pay the provincial part of the HST (i.e., 8%) on books at the time you import them. However, you will have to pay the remaining tax (i.e., 7%) if the publisher has not already collected it from you. Provincial sales tax (PST) and tobacco tax We collect PST and provincial tobacco tax on behalf of the provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, Manitoba, and Quebec. For British Columbia, we collect PST on all goods that are taxable under the province's tax base. Examples of goods exempt from PST are books, children's footwear, and children's clothing. For Ontario, we collect PST on all goods that are taxable under the province's tax base. Examples of goods exempt from PST are books, footwear under $30 and children's clothing. For Manitoba, we collect PST on all items except books, footwear, and clothing. For Quebec, we collect PST on all items except books. PST and tobacco tax vary according to the provincial tax rate. The $5 handling fee Canada Post provides us with the necessary information and prints the forms so that we can release goods to them. In addition, they collect the duties and taxes owing and send them to us. To cover Canada Post's cost for performing these services on your behalf, you have to pay a $5 handling fee. If your mail item is duty- and/or tax-free, you do not have to pay the fee. How do you pay the duties and taxes you owe? Canada Post officials will collect the total amount owing - duties, taxes, and handling fee -: before they release your mail to you. The declaration that the exporter completes must accurately describe the contents of the mail item. To verify the declaration, an officer may open a mail item to ensure the contents match the description given. If there is no declaration attached, or if the declaration is incomplete, customs officers will open the item to determine the nature of the goods. All mail items that customs officers open are clearly marked as "opened by customs." Duty and tax owing on mail We enter the description and the value of the goods that we get from the declaration into our automated system. The system will automatically calculate any duties and taxes owing and print this information on Form E14, Customs Postal Import Form. This form contains the following information: * your name and address; * the tariff classification and description of the goods; * the value in Canadian funds; * any duties and excise tax owing; * any goods and services tax or harmonized sales tax owing; * any provincial sales tax or tobacco tax owing if we collect the tax on behalf of the province; and * the $5 handling fee. If there is no declaration, we will open the parcel to determine its contents and their value, and enter this information into our automated system. What is a non-mailable item? Non-mailable items are goods that could potentially endanger postal employees, or soil or damage mail or equipment. Examples of non-mailable items include: * intoxicating liquors (see the following section for details); * aerosol cans; * flammable items; * corrosive substances; and * matches (except safety matches in containers approved by Canada Post). Customs officers will remove any non-mailable items they find and return them to Canada Post. We will advise you in writing of our action. For more information on non-mailable items, please contact your post office. What items cannot be imported to Canada? You cannot import items such as: * pornography; * obscene and seditious material; * illegal drugs; * prohibited weapons (see details in the next section); and * endangered animals, including their parts and any products made from their fur, skin, feathers, and bone. When a mail item contains goods that cannot be imported into Canada, we detain and dispose of the goods according to the law that applies. When a mail item contains both goods that can be imported and goods that cannot, we remove the goods that are not allowed, repack the rest of the goods, and process the repackaged mail item in the regular manner. We include a letter in the package that explains why we removed some of the goods. Ontario 15% Quebec 7% Manitoba 7% Saskatchewan 7% Alberta 7% British Columbia 7% Prince Edward Island 7% Nova Scotia 15% Newfoundland 15% New Brunswick 15% Yukon Territory 7% Nunavut 7% North West Territories 7% Edytowane 5 Listopada 2007 przez djsilence Cytuj Udostępnij tę odpowiedź Odnośnik do odpowiedzi Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
komisarz Opublikowano 6 Listopada 2007 Zgłoś Opublikowano 6 Listopada 2007 w wielkim skrocie - najprawdopodobniej 7% No to bym sie zdziwil, gdyby to byla prawda... Cytuj Udostępnij tę odpowiedź Odnośnik do odpowiedzi Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
djsilence Opublikowano 6 Listopada 2007 Zgłoś Opublikowano 6 Listopada 2007 Under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), duties on various goods imported from the United States and Mexico have been either reduced or eliminated. The NAFTA rates apply when the goods you are importing are made in the U.S. or Mexico. a jak wiemy wiekszość eletroniki pochodzi z azji. poza tym NAFTA to bajka. W Usa i tak dochodzi jeszcze Sales Tax nawet wewnątrz US, Mało tego, nawet jeśli wysyłasz pomiędzy stanami - masz dodatkowy podatek. Poczytałem w necie zanim spostowałem to 7%. Tak ludzie płacą za aparaty, Ipody itp elektroniczne rzeczy. Kanadyjczycy mogą teraz szczerzyć zęby do wiecznie wywyższających się amerykanów, że CAD jest wart więcej niż $ (93 CAD = 100$). Cytuj Udostępnij tę odpowiedź Odnośnik do odpowiedzi Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
shakur_45 Opublikowano 9 Listopada 2007 Zgłoś Opublikowano 9 Listopada 2007 dzieki za informacje, a czy ktos orientuje sie czy jest tanszy sposob niz western union na przesylanie dolarow (US) na konto zagraniczne ? Cytuj Udostępnij tę odpowiedź Odnośnik do odpowiedzi Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
hans00 Opublikowano 9 Listopada 2007 Zgłoś Opublikowano 9 Listopada 2007 Paypal, moneybookers lub xoom. Cytuj Udostępnij tę odpowiedź Odnośnik do odpowiedzi Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
shakur_45 Opublikowano 13 Listopada 2007 Zgłoś Opublikowano 13 Listopada 2007 a czy te serwisy przypadkiem nie przeliczja zlotkowek na dolary ( z karty kredytowej ), bo mi chodzi o miejsce do ktorego moge pojsc i wplacic dolary, bo takowe posiadam, nie interesuje mnie placenie jak na ebay przez paypal, gdzie zlotowki przeliczane sa na dolary Cytuj Udostępnij tę odpowiedź Odnośnik do odpowiedzi Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
Camis Opublikowano 16 Listopada 2007 Zgłoś Opublikowano 16 Listopada 2007 konto walutowe i przelew ? w bzwbk np. Cytuj Udostępnij tę odpowiedź Odnośnik do odpowiedzi Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...