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Worms 3D

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Okres n banany juz się konxczy.. ale wciaz mozna je jeszcze spotakac np. na rynku ;) Usuń szybko bo ktos nacisnie na wykrzyknik i będzie lypa ;)Okres n banany juz się konxczy.. ale wciaz mozna je jeszcze spotakac np. na rynku ;) Usuń szybko bo ktos nacisnie na wykrzyknik i będzie lypa ;)

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Mi sięgra całkiem podoba, ale mam 1 DUŻY problem :/ Gra uruchamia mi się w oknie, a nie w Full Screen :/ Jak to naprawić ?


Pozdro - Kamiloss ;] Acha gra wymaga kilkunastu minut przyzwyczajenia :D

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Czesc... mam problem i licze na wasza pomoc.

Otuz gierke sciaglem..... tz. kupilem... zripowaną. Miala 85mb (po zarpakowaniu 500) i byla pozbawiona muzy i filmó (co mi w zupelnosci nie przeszkadza :D) Na XP elegantsko hulala (tez mialem ten porblem z okienkowym trybem... ale to mi nie przeszkadzalo...)


Teraz 2000 se wgralem (bo dostelem orginalne, wiec zainstalowac wypadalo - siwtny imho system) i przy uruchamianiu wyskakuje blad ze brakuje pliku MSVCP71.dll.... ktos wie co to moze byc ?? Dodam ze ripa juz usunolem i zostala tylko rozpakowana wersja....

Lece cos z tym wykombinowac.... najwyzej w wormy nie pogram...




Problem z glowy - pliczek se na googlach znalazlem i wszystko hula!!

Teraz mam pytanko:

Jak da sie przestawic myszke żeby oś pionowa nie byla odwrócona??? (mam nadzieje ze to ktos sqma bo ja bym sam tego nie sqmal, ale inaczej teraz tego pytanie nie wymysle...)

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Jak da sie przestawic myszke żeby oś pionowa nie byla odwrócona??? (mam nadzieje ze to ktos sqma bo ja bym sam tego nie sqmal, ale inaczej teraz tego pytanie nie wymysle...)

Przeczytaj readme...

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Mi launcher nie dziala - nawet zordzialki nie moge w nim zmienis (tz. nie ma to zadnego wplywu na gra ktora zawsze uruchamia sie w 800x600 w oknie.... ale pokombinuje w tymi komendami - dzięki


Podeslal by mi ktos moze configa i ustawiona rozdzialka 1024x768 i z comenda /INVERTMOUSETP by mi launcher jak juz pislame nie dziala.... mail .... thx



OK.... ten problem tez juz sobie rozwiazalem..... teraz to tylko grac!!! :twisted:


A gierka jest ql.... trzyma kilmat + w koncu jakas innowacja w wormsach.

A D-Day tez mnie milo zaskoczylo - normalnie MOH sie chowa :wink:

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Gierka zaj*** ale - jedno ale na moim sprzecie gdy zaczyna sie ruszac komputer grafa prawie staje - to ma az taka lapczywosc na proca/pamiec??

Raczej nie,bo u mnie chodzi idealnie na 1024x768 aax2 afx16 i nic nie scina. Sprobuj reinstalke zrobic.....

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A mi sie gra podoba mocno. Fakt kamera trochu zjezdzona i do sterowania trzeba sie przyzwyczaic, ale potem to juz miod :D. Dawno zadna gra nie przyciagnela mnie na tak dlugo przed monit. Pomysl w sumie oklepany ale milo sobie przypomniec czasy A500 i potyczek z qmplami.

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A ja się sam zdziwiłem, bo u brata na P3 700, GF2 i 128MB smiga sliczniutko na 800x600, wiec w sieci - albo na 2ch na jednym kompie - spox! Potrzeba mi było by tylko 'nfo - jak w multi odblokować levele i broń - tak by7 było jeshcze miodniej! :wink:

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Wyszedł niedawno poprawia ponoć wiele niedorubek nie sprawdziłem jeszcze bo nie moge znalzec ....... i wyskakuje mi No Cd.A patch poprawia


Worms 3D E.U. / AUS

Service Patch 1 (v.1053)

Readme / Release Notes


File size: 54Mb


20th November 2003


Copyright © 2003 Team17 Software Limited. All rights reserved.

Development and Design by Team17 Software Limited.


Published by SEGA Europe Limited.


All Trademarks / Registered Trademarks / Service Marks comprised herein are fully acknowledged.


This product contains software technology licensed from GameSpy Industries, Inc. © 1999-2003 GameSpy Industries, Inc. GameSpy and the "Powered by GameSpy" logo are trademarks of GameSpy Industries, Inc. All rights reserved.


Windows Copyright © 1983-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


InstallShield Copyright © 1996-2001 InstallShield Software Corporation.



Thank you for obtaining the Worms 3D service patch 1, we hope that you find the updates incorporated within it complimentary to your games playing experience. This service patch installation will automatically upgrade your version of Worms 3D from v.1003 to v.1053.


Please ensure that you have downloaded this service patch only from links provided through or an associated official mirror site. Note that we cannot provide any technical support for modified game installations incorporating unofficial third party patches that are obtained from unofficial sources.



This service patch is for E.U. / AUS versions of the game only. It is also highly recommended to backup any previously established save game files prior to any service patch installation.



This readme outlines software installation procedures and program content additions for general improvements and bug fixes within Worms 3D service patch 1.


We would like to thank all Worms 3D customers and community members for their assistance and submitted feedback via the forums / alternative support channels to improve the content that has been provided within this release.


How do I install service patch 1 and update the game?

You must have an original version of the game installed properly on your system to allow service patch 1 to update successfully. Installation is simple, after download just access the file and follow basic instructions for the update procedure. An automated search of your computer system for the Worms 3D installation folder will patch the game if it is required.


Note that if you have modified the game using any non-official third party utilities you may have to reinstall the game prior to adding service patch 1. It is recommended to close down all other active applications before updating. Service patch 1 has incorporated SecuROM copy protection (produced by Sony DADC) and requires the original Worms 3D CD1 after installation to run the game successfully.


I can play the game with no problems why do I really need to get service patch 1?

It is beneficial to keep up to date with the latest game revision. Patching software and updating to service patch 1 improves compatibility with hardware / software configurations and addresses game problems after release. Service patch 1 incorporates bug fixes, general game additions, network improvements and refinements.


If you are happy with your game, it isn't necessary to install service patch 1. However if you are experiencing problems it is highly recommended to perform an update. All players that wish to play via LAN or Wormnet must have the same game version installed on both host and client systems for successful connectivity.


How do I check the Worms 3D version that I have currently installed?

It is quite easy to check what version of the game you are actually running. In order to establish your current game revision and determine if it has patched correctly please perform the following.


* Access the Worms 3D main menu

* Access the options menu

* View the version identification text directly below the schemes menu

* For E.U. / AUS territory the number V.1003 indicates that the game is non-patched

* If your version indicates V.1053 then this is the very latest patch release


I wish to uninstall service patch 1, how do I achieve this?

It is not recommended to uninstall the game by selecting Worms 3D Service Patch 1 from Add/Remove Programs from within the Windows Control Panel. This will remove critical components from the Worms 3D installation folder. If you wish to regress back to a previous version it is recommended to uninstall the game completely and perform a full game reinstall from the installation discs.


Please note that if you have installed the Worms 3D demo after the full release version and subsequently attempt to apply service patch 1 to the full game on your system you may experience problems.


I am experiencing a problem with service patch 1, where may I find more information?

Additional information on game issues may be found on the Worms 3D web site. The official FAQ at incorporates updated articles concerning Worms 3D technical queries.


What's new within the service patch 1?

There are a number of feature additions and fix amendments for service patch 1, the main items that have been addressed are detailed within the following.


Game feature additions

* Improved Pigeon AI as it will now explode on target instead of periodically flying away


Game fix amendments

* Added successful deletion of user-defined schemes

* Enhanced Unicode support under XP for localised systems text input

* Allows successful passing of predefined landscapes over rounds in multiplayer games

* Addressed other minor reported issues


Network feature additions

* Implemented direct hosting and joining from the GameSpy Arcade application

* Reporting transferred to GameSpy Stats server for completed Am, Pro and Elite games

* Online game community rankings will be eventually featured on

* Fully implemented front end anonymous chat support with /anon command

* Number of players in and maximum allowed within individual games are displayed

* Full games are automatically removed from the game list and are no longer displayed

* Last successful GameSpy profile will be the default selection on the login screen

* Group rooms are now sorted alphabetically, highlighting leagues first

* Removed player entry and exit state messaging within room chat

* Decreased viewable font size for player, game and chat lists to display more information

* Incorporated a refresh button within the league group screen, allowing a manual refresh between periodic list updates (displays after lists have been received initially)


Network fix amendments

* Enhanced GameSpy connection and general stability

* Included fire-on-a-wall cannot join icon only when local client and host are firewalled

* Improved front end updating and freezing as HTTP requests are now asynchronous

* Incorporated more translated text for German, French, Italian and Spanish

* Message of the day is now only requested once

* Included prevention of network busy lock outs

* Streamlined communication to GameSpy servers

* Enhanced level of exact definition for displayed network errors

* Improved handling detection for local player extreme traffic within front end chat system

* Added acceptance of spacing in GameSpy nicknames represented by an underscore (_)

* Allowance of multiple GameSpy logins, depicted as nick {number of duplicates}

* Included prevention of client exit to desktop when the host quits a game in progress

* Incorporated prevention of duplicate teams being added to the roster in certain situations

* Included player return to Wormnet login screen if disconnected from the GameSpy server

* Addressed failure to pass team special weapon to other players

* Improved cheat prevention methods for player quitting

* Incorporated a greater degree of hacking prevention

* Improved prevention of player text entry flooding

* Addressed re-listing of Wormnet groups

* Improved server timeout handling

* Addressed other minor reported issues


A śćiągnąc go mozna z tąd


1 Link


2 Link

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Pierwsza seria gier, której mam ochotę kupować następne części! Co prawda nie miałemokazji grać w tą część, ale czytałem na jej temat wielerecenzji. Jeśli ktos wie,gdzie mogę kupić oryginalne worms: oblężenie lub Worms4: rozwałka proszę pisać maile do :lol2:

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Witaj Matios! :)



Jeśli chcesz kupić gre to chyba w empiku albo jakimś sklepie internetowym albo na allegro.

Oto adresy:


Drugi :) :-P :P



A tak pozatym poszukaj na forum było coś o sklepach internetowych...

Tzn. linki były!

Edytowane przez Black Jack
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Pomocy  :( nie mogę się zalogować w wormnet, bo mam jakiś zły email a wpisuje z poczty o2. Może jest potrzebny z tego gamespy co tam widać w lewym górnym rogu przy logowaniu na wormnecie, jeśli tak, nadeślijcie nick na stronę do rejestracji. Proszę.







@down Skleiłem, rozczytasz się? Kumasz?

Edytowane przez Darude

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Pomocy  :( nie moge sie zalogowac w wormnet, bo mam jakis zly email a wpisuje z o2. Może jest potrzebny z gamespy, jeśli tak, nadeślijcie nick na strone do rejestracji. plis.


Sklec zdanie poprawnie to moze ktos bedzie skory Tobie pomoc. W tej chwili nawet jak bym chcial to nie rozumiem drugiego zdania.

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Pomocy  :( nie mogę się zalogować w wormnet, bo mam jakiś zły email a wpisuje z poczty o2. Może jest potrzebny z tego gamespy co tam widać w lewym górnym rogu przy logowaniu na wormnecie, jeśli tak, nadeślijcie nick na stronę do rejestracji. Proszę.





@down Skleiłem, rozczytasz się? Kumasz?

Było skleć, a nie sklej :)

Podaj adres strony gdzie chcesz się zalogować.

Edytowane przez hot_lopez

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Było skleć, a nie sklej :)

Podaj adres strony gdzie chcesz się zalogować.

Po 1. JA NIE MAM ADRESU wiem że to tylko Gamespy ID i chce tam się dostać... No bo podaje adres mojej poczty - błędny bo nie z Gamespy ID... O CO BIEGA.

Po 2. I co z tego że tak było...

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