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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl / Clear Sky / Call of Pripyat / Heart of Chornobyl - Temat zbiorczy

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Czy ktoś z Was stawia czasem serwa na Hamachi?, bo z tych co znalazłem to albo są pełne, albo lag jest taki, że strzelam 15s po wciśnięciu myszy Oo

W ogóle z tym lagiem jest jakaś dziwna jazda.

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Następna ciekawostka ode mnie ... mam nadzieje, że rozmowa o grafie się skończy :P



Dotyczy liczby i rodzaju skafandrów, armorów itp. Mogę powiedzieć, że byłem pod wrażeniem jak to zobaczyłem. To może nawet z tes4:oblivion'em konkurować ;)

Czytacie na własną odpowiedzialność ;)


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  • Bandit jacket

    Traditional outfit of a bandit - a leather jacket with kevlar elements. Provides protection highly insufficient for the Zone's severe conditions.

  • Mail jacket

    Common weak bandit body armor with mail plates sewn in its backing. Almost everyone can do it, but not everyone by far will have enough patience to.

  • PSZ-9d Duty Armor

    Produced by one of Kiev's defence research institutes and commissioned by the Duty faction. It is as simple and reliable as the standard PSZ-9 model, but due to the new materials, it provides good protection from various harmful impacts, including firearm damage. The vest still needs some work because it has no breathing protection system

  • Hunter PSZ-9d

    Duty armor suit with enhanced parameters of protection against bites and cuts

  • PSZ-9Md Universal Protection

    A wonderful protective suit for the Zone. Stalkers appreciate it because it combines excellent anomaly-proof and bullet-proof qualities. It includes the PSZ-9d suit, a closed cycle breathing system and an integrated system of anomalous field suppression. It provides quality bullet and splinter protection

  • SSP-99 Ecologist

    A SSP-99 chemical protection suit specially designed for the Zone conditions. It is used by scientific expeditions and the eco-stalkers who cooperate with them. It has an integrated air-filtering and air-conditioning system. It is heat and electricity resistant, provides good protection from radiation and biological anomalies. It is resistant to chemically aggressive environments. It is not designed for combat, so it provides neither bullet, nor splinter protection

  • Exoskeleton

    A military exoskeleton prototype. It never went into serial production, because of extreme cost and some design flaws. It is however produced in small batches in small illegal factories outside of Ukraine. This is a third generation exoskeleton. The design defects which used to decrease its mobility were eliminated and the armor was reinforced. It provides excellent bullet and splinter protection. It has a low level of anomaly protection

  • Merc suit

    Stalker suit from the Merc faction. Its design is based on the suit used by the special forces of the Western armies. Due to a special treatment of the fabric, the armor has a strengthened stability during the physical movement of its plates. Its protective properties are slightly better then those of the PSZ-7 military bulletproof suits

  • Reinforced suit - Merc suit

    There is chain mail sown into the lining of the coat, which raises the level of protection against firearm attack and monster bites. A PNV is also included in the set

  • Military armored suit

    This Skat-9M bulletproof military suit is designed for assault operations in areas of anomalous activity. It includes a PSZ-12p heavy military bulletproof suit, an integrated compensation suit and a Sphere-12M helmet. It provides perfect protection from bullets and splinters and it doesn’t decrease the soldier’s mobility. It has a balanced system of anomaly protection

  • Monolith suit

    Stalker suit from the Monolith faction. The producer is unknown. Its protective properties are slightly worse then those of the PSZ-9a military bulletproof vest. Its structure is similar to the suit popular with neutral stalkers which combines a bulletproof vest and a radiation protection suit. It provides good protection from gunfire. Its level of anomaly protection is low due to the absence of an air filtering system

  • Skinner anomaly

    They took this coat off of the body of one of the stalkers who died in the anomaly "fruit punch". Having laid a long time in the anomaly, the coat obtained the ability to speed up metabolism

  • Leather jacket

    An ordinary thick jacket, one of the many. It slightly increases bullet and splinter protection. It does not protect from anomalies and other affects

  • SSP-99M suit

    High quality modified SSP-99 suit. It provides increased body protection from bullet and splinter damage. It is designed for the guards working with scientific expeditions. It provides good protection from radiation and biological anomalies. It is resistant to chemically aggressive environments and other effects dangerous to the body

  • SEVA suit

    This suit was produced by one of Kiev's defence research institutes and represents an excellent alternative to stalker hand-made suits. It is an excellent combination of an bulletproof vest, a closed cycle breathing system and an integrated system of anomalous field suppression. Due to the perfect choice of the materials, it is a good choice. The only disadvantage is its price

  • Healing Beril

    The fabric of the suit is saturated with a streptozoidal lotion, which speeds up the healing of wounds

  • Berill-5M armored suit

    A Berill-5M special forces suit modified for the Zone environment. It includes a PSZ-9a military bulletproof vest with beryllium coating and a Sphere-08 helmet. It is designed for assault operations in areas with high background radiation. Its level of anomaly protection is low

  • Stalker suit

    Stalker suit manufactured by "folk craftsmen". It is an effective combination of a light military bulletproof vest and of a rubberized fabric suit. It is reinforced with inserted kevlar plates and provides good protection from weak gunfire. All in all it is highly inefficient for carrying out deep raids and serious operations in the knots of the Zone

  • Ghost Suit

    Rumor has it that the ghost stalker never carries a first aid kit with him. Everything heals on him like on a dog. They say that he has an unusual suit that he got on an anomaly

  • Tourist Suit

    The former owner of this thing was a real tourist and, it seems, often went on very difficult, on the verge of human endurance, hiking trips. He knew how to distribute correctly the weight that he carried, and which things to give preference to. The coat pockets and the educated choice of the backpack allow its owner to carry a heavy weight

  • Guardian of Freedom suit

    Reinforced stalker suit produced by the gunsmiths of the Freedom faction. It is made up of a medium military bulletproof vest plated with reinforcing zirconium elements which provide good protection from rifle bullets and splinters from medium and long range. The material of the suit consists of two layers: specially treated leather and fabric with asbestos yarn. The suit provides good protection from radiation and various weak anomalies

  • Wind of Freedom suit

    Light stalker suit produced by the gunsmiths of the Freedom faction. It consists of a light military bulletproof vest with reinforcing kevlar plates. It can protect from weak weapons. The fabric of the suit is treated with a special mixture which increases anomaly activity resistance

  • Exoskeleton PNB-4UZ

    The exoskeleton protects marvelously from bullet and splinter fire, however it lowers mobility. It is vulnerable to armor bullets

  • Army bulletproof suit

    Army bulletproof suit is created for carrying out storming operations. Provides an excellent source of protection from bullet and splinter fire without lowering the mobility of the soldier. Vulnerable to armor bullets

  • Scientific bodysuit

    This particular bodysuit is designed for carrying out research in the Zone. It has a breathing system with a closed cycle, as well as a built-in system for nullifying the activity of anomalous fields, thanks to which it protects marvelously from anomalies. Very vulnerable due to the weak protection. Has a built-in container for transporting artifacts



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  • Bandits

    Members of the criminal underworld who came to the Zone for different reasons: to make money by selling artifacts, hide from the law or trade in weapons. The Zone is full of bandits, ranging from common thugs to serious criminals, most of whom are members of one gang or another. Although the Zone gangs frequently fight among themselves, the criminal element still poses a serious problem for normal stalkers.

  • Duty

    A paramilitary group known for its discipline, whose members live according to a strict code. Duty members are the only group to refuse to trade unique items from the Zone with the outside world. According to rumors, all artifacts found by the group are passed on to scientists. Its members consider protecting the outside world from the Zone's dangers their primary objective. Most of the group's operations concern destroying monsters, hence Duty raids often save normal stalkers from serious trouble. The faction has long been at war with Freedom.

  • Freedom

    Anarchists and daredevils who declare themselves fighters for a free access to the Zone and consequently find themselves in constant conflict with the army, military stalkers and the Duty faction. These so-called freedom warriors believe in sharing all information about the Zone with the rest of the world and challenge the state's monopoly over the Zone's secrets and wonders.

  • Killers

    The most clandestine and secretive faction in the Zone; some don't even believe in its existence. There are those who regularly use the Mercs' services as they are true pros, able to quickly deal with any stalker and even annihilate a small group of opponents. Their services do not come cheap - the Mercs demand a king's ransom for their services in money or artifacts. The location of their base remains a secret, suggesting that it is deep inside the Zone.

  • Loners

    Stalkers exploring the Zone on their own. Most stalkers work this way since being a member of a group takes precious time, and part of the loot. Then there are some who simply prefer solitude and independence

  • Monolith Faction

    This group displays many features of a religious sect. Its members believe in the existence of a complex alien crystal, the Monolith, located somewhere in the center of the Zone. Most stalkers treat Monolith adepts with contempt and consider them as lunatics. From its inception the group strives to block all progress towards the center of the Zone, protecting the Monolith from other stalkers. Rumor has it that the group has a large base deep in the Zone, but its exact location is know only to the members.

  • Zombified Stalkers

    Poor souls subjected to prolonged exposure in Yantar and a few other heavily radiated sectors. Careless stalkers gone mad and turned into walking corpses. Many such corpses wander the Zone, some wander as far as the perimeter. They are beyond help because the destructive process is irreversible. Zombified stalkers are still able to use their weapons, but they are quite dumb and can be heard mumbling meaningless, fragmented sentences to themselves. They gradually lose all their skills and turn into zombies. They are usually very aggressive and can present a serious threat in large numbers.

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Czesc, wszystkim.

Po obserwacji od jakiegos miesiaca burzy jaka powstaje przed premiera Stalkera oraz wypuszczeniu bety nadeszla chwila abym przypomnial wszystkim o co tutaj chodzi.

Ktos ladnie na ok. 59 stronie (+-3) zapodal linka z mojej pierwszej wypowiedzi tworzacej ten rozlegy watek o grze.

Pamietam go jak dzis, nawet nie musze czytac ponownie bo w pamieci mam nadal to co przezylem podczas pierszego odpalenia alphy (to bylo chyba z 1,5 roku przed 2215).

Juz wtedy klimatem STALKER miazdzyl i faktycznie graficznie w DX7 masakrowal wszystko co widzialem.

Ale ja nie o grafice chcialem. Tutaj zapodaliscie najpiekniejszy screen jaki moglem sobie wyobrazic z tej gry.

Mianowicie chodzi o mapke z lotu ptaka. Swego czasu troche sie interesowalem Czarnobylem - glownie przy okazji kolejnych rocznic. Za kazdym razem skrzetnie przegladajac zdjecia, czytajac relacje z podrozy roznych ludzi w te rejony. Czasami zalapalem taki klimat, ze sam chcialem sie tam wybrac osobiscie. Co mnie urzeklo w tym screenie to to, ze bedziemy tam mogli byc wirtualnie za sprawa tworcow tej juz kultowej gry.

I nie obchodzi mnie czy gra bedzie w DX10 czy nadal w DX7. Mnie od jakiegos roku grafika w grach zbytnio nie interesuje. Ja w STALKERA moge grac nawet z DX7 jaki widzialem te kilka lat temu. Oczywiscie klimat bedzie sie tworzyl rowniez przez grafike (blyskawice, slonce, itp.). Lecz jezeli juz w czasach dX7 moglem poczuc ten klimacik to jestem nadal dobrej mysli.

Ja chce sie przejsc z Prypiatu do reaktora na wlasnych nogach. Chce zobaczyc wnetrza opuszczonych hoteli, domow, mieszkan, szkol. To wszystko co widze na realnych zdjeciach jak wymarlo po 86 roku. Wreszcie ziszcza sie moje marzenia z przebywania w tamtym miejscu.

To narazie tyle i sadze, ze poki nie bede mial problemow technicznych raczej zadko bede sie udzielal w tym watku bo zszedl na tor graficzny, a ja juz wiele razy dawalem do zrozumienia co o takich watkach sadze.

Do nastepnego razu - sadze, ze po premierze sie odezwe (chyba, ze problem techniczny z beta).

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No i co by tu dodać. NIC! w pełni się z Kaeres'em zgadzam. Ja będę uprawiał "łazęgostwo" po tamtych okolicach czy będą z HDR i wodotryskami czy bez :D Bo po prostu to coś innego, bardziej realnego i bliskiego. Nie żadne kosmosy, czarodzieje i inne mniej lub bardziej odległe światy.

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AMEN Keares. Widzę, że odczuwasz to identycznie jak ja :)

Ile to godzin spędziłem na marzeniach o Strefie zarówno tej z gry jak realu. Całe noce siedziałem, podobnie jak Ty, nad relacjami ludzi, którzy byli w strefie, zdjęciach, badaniach naukowych i wszystkim tym co jest z tym związane. Może to zabrzmi głupio ale mieszkam na osiedlu i czasami wieczorami wyobrażam sobie, jak wszystkie światłą w blokach są pogaszone, że jestem na Prypeci, wtedy to uczucie jest tak silne, że aż rozwala mnie od środka :)

Co do zejścia na grafikę to tylko niewinne kilkadziesiąt postów po to aby zanurzyć się w klimacie i poczuć jego powiew tuż przed premierą :)


Jak będą tam odbudowywać Prypeć to ja już sobie tam mieszkanie zamawiam.

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  janio napisał(a):

A użyjcie sobie Smoke Grenade - jeden wielki lol :lol2:

Smoke tutaj to jest jeden megarofl :lol:. Nie chodzi juz o sam wygląd ale to ze praktycznie nic nie zasłania :lol:.


Btw jak zmienic refresh rate na 85hz ? bo przy 60 jest niezbyt ciekawie ;p.

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Nie chce wprowadzac tutaj jakiegos zamieszania, ale troche sie obawiam, ze sie wszyscy zbyt nastawiliscie na cos w stylu google maps w FPP. Mi sie wydaje, ze to bedzie kolejna gra SF z potworami i tym podobnym ustrojstwem, tylko ze osadzona w Czarnobylu. Jaki procent w grze bedzie SF a jaki reala przekonamy sie dopiero pewnie po premierze. Chyba, ze juz w becie widac, ze to jednak jest google maps w FPP? (Nie odpalalem nigdy zadnej bety i dlatego pytam.) Zaczynacie mnie wkrecac w klimat Czarnobyla i poniewaz podchodze z reguly sceptycznie do takich och'ow i ach'ow, dlatego pytam. ;)

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Jeśli chodzi Ci o to, że w Stalkerze wszystko będzie odwzorowywane na podstawie realnego świata (np. to co widzimy w Google Maps/Earth) to tak będzie ALE nie w 100%. Wiadomo, że programiści dodadzą swoje wizje bo nie wszystko w strefie jest tak piękne i dobrze rozlokowane aby można było to przenieść do gry i w nią dobrze grać. Aby Ci udowodnić, oczywiście jeśli tego nie wiesz, że wiele lokacji (orientacyjnych) jest odwzorowanych perfekcyjnie:


Screen z gry i z google earth:

Dołączona grafika


W dzisiejszych grach dobre odwzorowanie to nadal rzadkość ale jest coraz lepiej np. Test Drive Unlimited - ze swoją mapką satelitarną - bardzo dobry przykład, że coś się ruszyło.

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Axl2000 sprawdz mój cfg napisany razem z RaFFem, może troche wiecej wyciśniesz fps, on jest właśnie optymalizowany pod fps, choć 6600gt to niezbyt odpowidnia karta. Aha Raff cos poprawil, wlasnie czytam, ja osobiscie nie sprawdzlame jeszcze bo dopiero wrocilem, ale tu masz plik .

Co do smoke, to chyba nic sie nie da zrobić :/

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  Lizardus napisał(a):

zgadnijcie co lezy pare km od Czarnobyla?;p

wielki grill!

jak to zobaczylem to szczena mi opadla....

Az odpalilem Google Earth i znalazlem:


Dołączona grafika


Wczesniej nic o tym nie slyszalem, imponujaca budowla.

Edytowane przez SKRYTOBOJCA

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  qqrydza napisał(a):

Właśnie skończyliśmy grać... miazga... hehe.


Dosłownie ... miazga ... mimo niskich pingów (w miare) ok 80-100ms i tak gra strasznie laguje, tzn. wystrzały z broni wydobywaja sie po pewnym czasie dopiero. Trudno, czekamy na zoptymalizowany kod.



Kilka screenów z dzisiejszej gry:

Carson na kiblu



Zabawa z cieniami:



Krew, krew .... krew







A teraz idę spać ;)

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1. Jedyne co mi "nie pasi" w tych screenach to ta masakrycznie błyszcząca się ziemia. Nie wiem jak u was, ale u mnie w mieście ani beton ani asfalt nie jest polany warstwą lakieru :D Przez to gra wygląda "plastikowo". No i na niektórych screenach to wygląda bardziej jak Gothic czy Oblivion niż STALKER ;] Ale rzecz gustu...


2. Wczoraj troszkę pograłem i rzeczywiście lag jest masakra. Jednak jak postawiłem własny serv i grałem z paroma znajomymi przez hama to pingi były w okolicach 50 i dało się zagrać. Jednak poczekam sobie na wersje finalną gdzie to powinno być ZNACZNIE poprawione, bo jak tak zostawią to będzie przypał na maxa ;]

Edytowane przez Szawel

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zgadnijcie co lezy pare km od Czarnobyla?;p

wielki grill!

jak to zobaczylem to szczena mi opadla....

Wydaje mi się, że to raczej radar ?lotniczy? dalekiego zasięgu, czy coś w tym rodzaju. Jak nie zapomnę to spytam się znajomego wojaka radiolokatora, musi to wiedzieć. Radary do ztw. tarczy antyrakietowej mają inna konstrukcję. A tu widzę coś w rodzaju wielkiego odpromiennika z masą dipoli.

Przykład radaru "tarczy" Dołączona grafika

Jest to XBR współpracujący z jednostką IFICS oraz UEWR i satelitą.


Warto też zwrócić uwagę gdzie są skierowane te anteny, ponieważ w przeciwieństwie do "tarczy" która "widzi" naokoło siebie, te anteny są kierunkowe, co oznacza, że nadają/odbierają tylko w 1 ściśle określonym kierunku. No bo przestawcie sobie takie coś o parę stopni w lewo czy prawo :D Jeszcze jedna ciekawostka, która już gdzieś ktoś zauważył. Przy tak wielkiej konstrukcji z metalu, prawie niemożliwe jest utrzymanie jakiejś precyzyjnej charakterystyki pracy. A to dlatego, że przy zmianach temp. toto się kurczy i rozciąga. Wydaje się to śmieszne, ale tak wielki obiekt, może naprawdę trochę zmienić swoje wymiary. A nawet najmniejsze zmiany powodują zmianę jego właściwości jako anteny. Lokacja wydaje się uzasadniona gigantycznym poborem mocy takiego grilla, jak i strategicznym podejściem, no bo kto będzie atakował rakietką coś co leży nieopodal reaktora którego szarpnięcie rakietką może spowodować wielkie BOOM. To tyle. :D

Edytowane przez Szawel

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  Szawel napisał(a):

1. Jedyne co mi "nie pasi" w tych screenach to ta masakrycznie błyszcząca się ziemia. Nie wiem jak u was, ale u mnie w mieście ani beton ani asfalt nie jest polany warstwą lakieru :D Przez to gra wygląda "plastikowo". No i na niektórych screenach to wygląda bardziej jak Gothic czy Oblivion niż STALKER ;] Ale rzecz gustu...

No ale ja problemu nie widzę... przecież wszystko jest do wyedytowania w pliku konfiguracyjnym. Będzie pełna wersja to odpalisz sobie ją w dx8.1 z opcjami graficznymi na minimum i nic nie będzie Ci się świeciło.


A na pytanie yuucOm'a mogę odpowiedzieć, że jeśli full by tak wyglądał i tak chodził to się nie obrażę. Nigdy nie spadło poniżej 30fps.

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Prad do pracy radaru byl pobierany z elektrowni w czarnobylu a po wybuchu radar zostal zamkniety bo niemialo go co napedzac. A topiace sie paliwo nuklearne przetopilo przewody doprowadzajace prad do radaru.

Edytowane przez radeksz

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Kompletna lista komend silnika X-RAY S.T.A.L.K.E.R'a


- --- Command listing: start ---

_preset (Extreme ) --- Minimum/Low/Default/High/Extreme

ai_ignore_actor (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

ai_use_torch_dynamic_lights (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

al_objects_per_update ( ) --- no arguments

al_process_time ( ) --- no arguments

al_switch_distance ( ) --- no arguments

al_switch_factor ( ) --- no arguments

al_time_factor ( ) --- no arguments

bind ( ) --- no arguments

bind_console ( ) --- no arguments

bind_list ( ) --- no arguments

bind_sec ( ) --- no arguments

build_ssa ( ) --- no arguments

cam_inert (0. ) --- float value in range [0.000,1.000]

cam_slide_inert (0.25 ) --- float value in range [0.000,1.000]

cdkey (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx) --- string with up to 64 characters

cfg_load ( ) --- no arguments

cfg_save ( ) --- no arguments

check_for_updates ( ) --- no arguments

cl_calculateping (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

cl_cod_pickup_mode (1 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

cl_dynamiccrosshair (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

cl_leave_tdemo (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

cl_show_hit_sectors (1 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

cl_voteno ( ) --- Vote No

cl_votestart ( ) --- Starts Voting

cl_voteyes ( ) --- Vote Yes

dbg_dump_physics_step (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

dbg_show_ani_info (1 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

dbg_str_check ( ) --- no arguments

dbg_str_dump ( ) --- no arguments

demo_play ( ) --- no arguments

demo_record ( ) --- no arguments

disconnect ( ) --- no arguments

dump_all_objects ( ) --- no arguments

dump_open_files ( ) --- no arguments

dump_resources ( ) --- no arguments

flush ( ) --- no arguments

g_always_run (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

g_autopickup (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

g_backrun (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

g_corpsenum (10 ) --- integer value in range [0,100]

g_eventdelay (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1000]

g_game_difficulty (gd_novice ) --- game difficulty

g_god (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

g_kill ( ) --- player kill

g_money ( ) --- give money

g_restart ( ) --- restart game

g_restart_fast ( ) --- restart game fast

g_swapteams ( ) --- swap teams for artefacthunt game

g_unlimitedammo (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

get_server_address ( ) --- List Players

help ( ) --- no arguments

hud_crosshair (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

hud_crosshair_dist (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

hud_draw (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

hud_fov (0.45 ) --- float value in range [0.000,1.000]

hud_info (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

hud_weapon (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

jump_to_level ( ) --- no arguments

list_actions ( ) --- no arguments

load ( ) --- no arguments

lua_gcstep (10 ) --- integer value in range [1,1000]

main_menu ( ) --- no arguments

mm_mm_net_srv_dedicated (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

mm_net_con_publicserver (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

mm_net_con_spectator (20 ) --- integer value in range [1,32]

mm_net_con_spectator_on (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

mm_net_player_name (Payti ) --- string with up to 64 characters

mm_net_srv_gamemode (Deathmatch) --- Deathmatch/Team Deathmatch/Artefacthunt

mm_net_srv_maxplayers (32 ) --- integer value in range [2,32]

mm_net_srv_name (PLAYER ) --- string with up to 64 characters

mm_net_srv_reinforcement_type (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,2]

mm_net_weather_rateofchange (1. ) --- float value in range [0.000,100.000]

mouse_invert (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

mouse_sens (0.12 ) --- float value in range [0.000,1.000]

mt_ai_vision (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

mt_alife (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

mt_bullets (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

mt_detail_path (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

mt_level_path (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

mt_level_sounds (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

mt_object_handler (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

mt_particles (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

mt_script_gc (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

mt_sound_player (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

name ( ) --- player name

net_cl_clearstats ( ) --- clear client net statistic

net_cl_icurvesize (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,2000]

net_cl_icurvetype (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,2]

net_cl_interpolation (0. ) --- float value in range [-1.000,1.000]

net_cl_log_data (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

net_cl_pending_lim (3 ) --- integer value in range [0,10]

net_cl_resync ( ) --- resyncronize client

net_cl_update_rate (30 ) --- integer value in range [0,100]

net_dbg_objects ( ) --- dbg Num Objects

net_dedicated_sleep (5 ) --- integer value in range [0,64]

net_dump_size (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

net_sv_clearstats ( ) --- clear server net statistic

net_sv_log_data (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

net_sv_pending_lim (3 ) --- integer value in range [0,10]

net_sv_update_rate (30 ) --- integer value in range [0,100]

ph_break_common_factor (0.01 ) --- float value in range [0.000,1000000000.000]

ph_frequency (100.00000 ) --- no arguments

ph_gravity (19.62 ) --- no arguments

ph_iterations (38 ) --- integer value in range [5,50]

ph_rigid_break_weapon_factor (1. ) --- float value in range [0.000,1000000000.000]

ph_timefactor (1. ) --- float value in range [0.000,1000.000]

ph_tri_clear_disable_count (10 ) --- integer value in range [0,255]

ph_tri_query_ex_aabb_rate (1.3 ) --- float value in range [1.010,3.000]

psp_cam_offset (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000) --- vector3 in range [-1000.000000,-1000.000000,-1000.000000]-[1000.000000,1000.000000,1000.000000]

quit ( ) --- no arguments

r1_dlights (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

r1_dlights_clip (75. ) --- float value in range [10.000,150.000]

r1_glows_per_frame (16 ) --- integer value in range [2,32]

r1_lmodel_lerp (0.33 ) --- float value in range [0.000,0.333]

r1_pps_u (0. ) --- float value in range [-1.000,1.000]

r1_pps_v (0. ) --- float value in range [-1.000,1.000]

r1_ssa_lod_a (64. ) --- float value in range [16.000,96.000]

r1_ssa_lod_b (48. ) --- float value in range [16.000,64.000]

r1_tf_mipbias (0. ) --- float value in range [-3.000,3.000]

r2_aa (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

r2_aa_break (0.800000,0.500000,0.000000) --- vector3 in range [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]-[1.000000,1.000000,1.000000]

r2_aa_kernel (0.5 ) --- float value in range [0.300,0.700]

r2_aa_weight (0.250000,0.250000,0.000000) --- vector3 in range [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000]-[1.000000,1.000000,1.000000]

r2_allow_r1_lights (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

r2_dhemi_count (5 ) --- integer value in range [4,25]

r2_dhemi_scale (1. ) --- float value in range [0.500,3.000]

r2_dhemi_smooth (1. ) --- float value in range [0.000,10.000]

r2_exp_donttest_uns (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

r2_exp_splitscene (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

r2_gi (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

r2_gi_clip (0.001 ) --- float value in range [0.000,0.100]

r2_gi_depth (1 ) --- integer value in range [1,5]

r2_gi_photons (16 ) --- integer value in range [8,256]

r2_gi_refl (0.9 ) --- float value in range [0.001,0.990]

r2_gloss_factor (1.5 ) --- float value in range [0.000,10.000]

r2_ls_bloom_fast (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

r2_ls_bloom_kernel_b (0.7 ) --- float value in range [0.010,1.000]

r2_ls_bloom_kernel_g (3. ) --- float value in range [1.000,7.000]

r2_ls_bloom_kernel_scale (0.8 ) --- float value in range [0.500,2.000]

r2_ls_bloom_speed (100. ) --- float value in range [0.000,100.000]

r2_ls_bloom_threshold (0.001 ) --- float value in range [0.000,1.000]

r2_ls_depth_bias (-0.0003 ) --- float value in range [-0.500,0.500]

r2_ls_depth_scale (1.00001 ) --- float value in range [0.500,1.500]

r2_ls_dsm_kernel (0.7 ) --- float value in range [0.100,3.000]

r2_ls_psm_kernel (0.7 ) --- float value in range [0.100,3.000]

r2_ls_squality (1. ) --- float value in range [0.001,3.000]

r2_ls_ssm_kernel (0.7 ) --- float value in range [0.100,3.000]

r2_mblur (0. ) --- float value in range [0.000,1.000]

r2_parallax_h (0.02 ) --- float value in range [0.000,0.500]

r2_slight_fade (0.3333 ) --- float value in range [0.020,2.000]

r2_ssa_lod_a (64. ) --- float value in range [16.000,96.000]

r2_ssa_lod_b (48. ) --- float value in range [32.000,64.000]

r2_sun (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

r2_sun_depth_far_bias (0. ) --- float value in range [-0.500,0.500]

r2_sun_depth_far_scale (1. ) --- float value in range [0.500,1.500]

r2_sun_depth_near_bias (0.00001 ) --- float value in range [-0.500,0.500]

r2_sun_depth_near_scale (1. ) --- float value in range [0.500,1.500]

r2_sun_details (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

r2_sun_focus (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

r2_sun_lumscale (1. ) --- float value in range [-1.000,3.000]

r2_sun_lumscale_amb (1. ) --- float value in range [0.000,3.000]

r2_sun_lumscale_hemi (1. ) --- float value in range [0.000,3.000]

r2_sun_near (12. ) --- float value in range [1.000,50.000]

r2_sun_near_border (0.75 ) --- float value in range [0.500,1.000]

r2_sun_tsm (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

r2_sun_tsm_bias (-0.01 ) --- float value in range [-0.500,0.500]

r2_sun_tsm_proj (0.3 ) --- float value in range [0.001,0.800]

r2_tf_mipbias (0. ) --- float value in range [-3.000,3.000]

r2_tonemap (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

r2_tonemap_adaptation (1. ) --- float value in range [0.010,10.000]

r2_tonemap_amount (0.9 ) --- float value in range [0.000,1.000]

r2_tonemap_lowlum (0.0001 ) --- float value in range [0.000,1.000]

r2_tonemap_middlegray (0.5 ) --- float value in range [0.000,2.000]

r2_wait_sleep (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

r2_zfill (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

r2_zfill_depth (0.5 ) --- float value in range [0.001,0.500]

r2em (2.2 ) --- float value in range [0.000,4.000]

r__d_tree_w_amp (0.005 ) --- float value in range [0.001,1.000]

r__d_tree_w_rot (10. ) --- float value in range [0.010,100.000]

r__d_tree_w_speed (1. ) --- float value in range [1.000,10.000]

r__d_tree_wave (0.100000,0.010000,0.110000) --- vector3 in range [0.000010,0.000010,0.000010]-[2.000000,2.000000,2.000000]

r__detail_density (0.2 ) --- float value in range [0.200,0.600]

r__detail_l_ambient (0.9 ) --- float value in range [0.500,0.950]

r__detail_l_aniso (0.25 ) --- float value in range [0.100,0.500]

r__geometry_lod (1.2 ) --- float value in range [0.100,1.200]

r__lsleep_frames (10 ) --- integer value in range [4,30]

r__ssa_glod_end (64. ) --- float value in range [16.000,96.000]

r__ssa_glod_start (256. ) --- float value in range [128.000,512.000]

r__supersample (4 ) --- integer value in range [1,4]

r__tf_aniso (16 ) --- integer value in range [1,16]

r__wallmark_shift_pp (0.0001 ) --- float value in range [0.000,1.000]

r__wallmark_shift_v (0.0001 ) --- float value in range [0.000,1.000]

r__wallmark_ttl (300. ) --- float value in range [1.000,300.000]

reload ( ) --- no arguments

renderer (renderer_r2) --- renderer_r1/renderer_r2a/renderer_r2

rs_c_brightness (1.2 ) --- float value in range [0.500,1.500]

rs_c_contrast (1.2 ) --- float value in range [0.500,1.500]

rs_c_gamma (1.1 ) --- float value in range [0.500,1.500]

rs_cam_pos (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

rs_fullscreen (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

rs_occ_draw (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

rs_occ_stats (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

rs_refresh_60hz (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

rs_skeleton_update (32 ) --- integer value in range [2,128]

rs_stats (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

rs_v_sync (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

rs_vis_distance (2. ) --- float value in range [0.010,2.000]

run_script ( ) --- no arguments

run_string ( ) --- no arguments

save ( ) --- no arguments

screenshot ( ) --- no arguments

server_load ( ) --- no arguments

show_wnd_rect (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

show_wnd_rect_all (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

snd_acceleration (on ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

snd_cache_size (16 ) --- integer value in range [4,32]

snd_efx (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

snd_freq (44khz ) --- 22khz/44khz

snd_model (High ) --- Default/Normal/Light/High

snd_restart ( ) --- no arguments

snd_stats (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

snd_stats_ai_dist (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

snd_stats_info_name (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

snd_stats_info_object (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

snd_stats_max_dist (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

snd_stats_min_dist (off ) --- 'on/off' or '1/0'

snd_targets (24 ) --- integer value in range [4,32]

snd_volume_eff (1. ) --- float value in range [0.000,1.000]

snd_volume_music (0.4 ) --- float value in range [0.000,1.000]

start ( ) --- no arguments

start_time_single (1.4.24 7:29:16.900) --- no arguments

stat_memory ( ) --- no arguments

stat_models ( ) --- no arguments

stat_motions ( ) --- no arguments

stat_textures ( ) --- no arguments

sv_addmap ( ) --- Adds map to map rotation list

sv_anomalies_enabled (1 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_anomalies_length (5 ) --- integer value in range [0,180]

sv_artefact_respawn_delta (30 ) --- integer value in range [0,600]

sv_artefact_stay_time (3 ) --- integer value in range [0,180]

sv_artefacts_count (10 ) --- integer value in range [1,100]

sv_auto_team_balance (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_auto_team_swap (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_banplayer ( ) --- Ban Player

sv_bearercantsprint (1 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_changegametype ( ) --- Changing Game Type

sv_changelevel ( ) --- Changing Game Type

sv_changelevelgametype ( ) --- Changing level and game type

sv_client_reconnect_time (60 ) --- integer value in range [0,60]

sv_console_update_rate (1 ) --- integer value in range [1,100]

sv_dedicated_server_update_rate (100 ) --- integer value in range [1,1000]

sv_dmgblockindicator (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_dmgblocktime (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,600]

sv_forcerespawn (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,3600]

sv_fraglimit (10 ) --- integer value in range [0,100]

sv_friendly_indicators (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_friendly_names (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_friendlyfire (1. ) --- float value in range [0.000,2.000]

sv_hail_to_winner_time (7000 ) --- integer value in range [0,60000]

sv_ignore_money_on_buy (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_kick ( ) --- Kick Player

sv_listplayers ( ) --- List Players

sv_nextanomalyset ( ) --- Activating pointed Anomaly set

sv_nextmap ( ) --- Switch to Next Map in map rotation list

sv_no_auth_check (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_pda_hunt (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_pending_wait_time (10000 ) --- integer value in range [0,60000]

sv_prevmap ( ) --- Switch to Previous Map in map rotation list

sv_reinforcement_time (0 ) --- integer value in range [-1,3600]

sv_remove_corpse (1 ) --- integer value in range [-1,1]

sv_remove_weapon (1 ) --- integer value in range [-1,1]

sv_return_to_base ( ) --- no arguments

sv_returnplayers (1 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_rpoint_freeze_time (5000 ) --- integer value in range [0,60000]

sv_setenvtime ( ) --- no arguments

sv_setweather ( ) --- Set new weather

sv_shieldedbases (1 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_spectr_firsteye (1 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_spectr_freefly (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_spectr_freelook (1 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_spectr_lookat (1 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_spectr_teamcamera (1 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_statistic_collect (1 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_statistic_save ( ) --- saving statistic data

sv_statistic_save_auto (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_timelimit (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,180]

sv_vote_enabled (1 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_vote_participants (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

sv_vote_quota (0.51 ) --- float value in range [0.000,1.000]

sv_vote_time (1. ) --- float value in range [0.500,10.000]

sv_votestop ( ) --- Stops Current Voting

sv_warm_up (60 ) --- integer value in range [0,3600]

texture_lod (0 ) --- integer value in range [0,4]

time_factor_single (10. ) --- float value in range [0.000,340282346638528860000000000000000000000.000]

unbind ( ) --- no arguments

unbind_console ( ) --- no arguments

unbind_sec ( ) --- no arguments

unbindall ( ) --- no arguments

use_scripts_in_goap (1 ) --- integer value in range [0,1]

vid_bpp (32 ) --- 16/32

vid_mode (1024x768 ) --- change screen resolution WxH

vid_restart ( ) --- no arguments

- --- Command listing: end ----


Miłego zmienienia ;)



Edytowane przez Payti

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Fajnie fajnie, gdybym jeszcze wiedział za co jaka opcja odpowiada, to bym sobie to ładnie pod siebie poustawiał ;] pewnie bym sobie ładnie przyspieszył wyłączając te wszystkie bloom i hdr. :D


A co do krainy Ozz, to jak ktoś lubi to niech se tak gra, jego sprawa. Ja mam tylko nadzieje, że dadzą normalny konfig z poziomu gry, a najlepiej opcje [real world / magic] :D

Edytowane przez Szawel

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Az odpalilem Google Earth i znalazlem:


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Wczesniej nic o tym nie slyszalem, imponujaca budowla.

to jest tzw "Czarnobyl - 2" ogromny radziecki radar wojskowy o wysokiej czułości. Miał namierzać rakiety wystrzelone na ZSRR w czasie Zimnej Wojny.



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