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World of Tanks - Temat zbiorczy

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Miesiac premium, jakies czolgi jak masz ochote, zalogi podszkolic na 100%, wydawac na konwertowanie expa z pojazdow elitarnych, strzelac "zlota" amunicja... Do premiery i hardwipe zostalo na tyle malo czasu, ze spokojnie mozesz szalec ;)

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czy to jest możliwe ?





Musiał grać z idiotami, u mnie miałby strzał w gąski zanim by połowę okrążenia zrobił = end of story.


Tak przy okazji... z racji tego, że nie mam sumienia ruszać ani isa, ani su skoro niedługo będzie hard, nabyłem Ms-1, wentylacja + załoga od razu na 100%, reszta golda w złotą amunicję i JAZDA! Best fun ever! Ktoś chętny do plutonu? :lol2:

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tak se ostatnio szperając po sieci znalazłem TO!

aż mi szczena opadła....


a szukałem bo syn zagrywa sie też w WoT to chciałem mu jakiś model czy coś kupić...a tu taki zonk. W sumie gram z nim na zmiane :)



Ten model Tamiyii to jest nic, taki malutki pikuś :cool: : )


Kiedyś, szukając sobie zdjęć KT, natknąłem się na coś takiego...



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Model wykonany przez brytyjską firmę Armortek. Tutaj więcej zdjęć tego dzieła : ) a

film z jazdy :D



Ale żeby tego było mało... Tutaj są zdjęcia z budowy Tygrysa I, a tutaj Pantera :D



W ogóle polecam przejrzeć sobie galerię, modelarstwo na naprawdę najwyższym poziomie : )



Po tym wszystkim co zobaczyłem moja szczęka została dosłownie odstrzelona :twisted: :D





No, a wracając do samej gry ; ) Mój zdobyczny Ferdinand ; ) : )


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Już wcześniej szukałem loga "Polska Walcząca", ale nigdzie nie umiałem znaleźć takiego, które by mnie satysfakcjonowało, dopiero ostatnio natknąłem się na "Miasto ruin" i stronę Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego, skąd zaczerpnąłem ów znak : )

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OT: ta emotke z forum WoT trzeba tutaj przeszczepic, boska jest ;)


Ja to rozumiem tak, ze patch bedzie najpozniej 4. marca, ale moze byc wypuszczony dowolnego dnia przed, jak tylko uzna, ze jest ok.

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Tak. patch podobno jest opozniony przez paczki jezykowe. wielu ludzi to wku...ekhm, denerwuje. mnie poniekąd też.


to już chyba 3 delay tych patchy. wiec jezeli beda na 4 marca to bedzie dobrze. wczesniej? watpie. jako pesymista :lol2:

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po wymaksowaniu IS-a 3 i dorobieniu sie IS-a 4 odstawiłem grę na jakiś czas , spartolony system widzenia skutecznie mnie irytuje, jestem zmęczony olewackim podejsciem developerów (jesli oni myslą że wydadzą ledwo raczkującą betę którą nazywają relasem i się ludzie na to rzucą i będą płacić to chyba na głowe upadli)

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Well, oficjalna wersja mowi ze downtime bedzie from 8:00 to 14:00 UTC


Co do release to jako rzecze forum:

Pre-orders launch: March 8-15.

Release date: March 24-31.


Jeszcze miesiac czekania. Eh nie chce mi sie isc w Tier9/10 bo duzo exp zostalo... a znow grac czolgami ktore juz mam w elite mi sie nie chce. Zapal do grania gasnie z kazda chwila.

Edytowane przez Trawienny

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World of Tanks Open Beta v. - v. patch notes:



- Added new map Westfield.

- Added interface for clan battles ("Special battles" under "Battle!" button).

- Removed New Year attributes from maps and hangars.

- Added premium tanks (box and pre-order): PzII J (German tier 3 light tank), BT-SV (Soviet tier 3 light tank), M6A2E1 (American tier 8 heavy tank).

These vehicles won’t be available in Store, and can be obtained in box version and/or pre-order packages.


- Recalculated static lights on some maps.

- Fixed certain cases of shells flying outside the aim circle.

- Fixed certain cases of disappearing shells.

- Fixed certain cases of SPG aim getting outside the map in sniper mode

- Fixed bug of autoaim sticking to destroyed tank.

- Fixed too intense SPG aim shaking after being damaged in sniper mode.

- Fixed rare case of voice chat activation button failure.

- Fixed rare case of game crash during voice chat usage.

- Fixed wrong water simulation at high options on certain computer configurations.

- Hotkeys [ and ] are unbound from "fire" and "autoaim" commands.

- Fixed mistiming of "the battle starts in" counter for different players.

- Map loading mechanism reworked to fix rare case of game crash in training battles.

- Fixed problem with missing textures of wrecked T-28 model.


- Fixed long names of HE shells in Service window.

- Fixed wrong representation of hotkeys bindings in Options.

- Fixed possibility of entering game menu during map loading.

- Fixed client freezing during Company Search.

- Fixed discrepancy of turret traverse speed between turret specs window and the corresponding tech tree.

- Fixed bug in searching for a contact with less than 4 symbols in its name.

- Clarified conditions getting certain awards.

- Fixed condition for getting Billotte’s award.

- Fixed copyright year at intro screen and EULA.

- Removed turret for GW-Panther, M12, M40/M43, and Object 704 from the store.

- Removed unupgradable modules of top tier tanks from the store.

- Removed test gun "128mm_testgun" from shells description.

- Recompiled sounds output library.

- Fixed map pictures and team lists during map loading.

- Fixed hill climbing at Sand River map.

- Fixed water submersing at Malinovka map.

- "Special battle" choice is blocked if player does not have any events planned.

- Changed certain graphics options that could lead to increased performance on certain PC configurations.


Balance and tank parameters changes:


- Chance of fire for diesel engines set to 15%, for gasoline engines - to 20%. If the initial value for -certain models was lower than the values above, it remains as it is.

- Rebalanced premium vehicles: Valentine and Matilda.

- Adjusted match-making parameters for Valentine and Matilda.

- Added extra battle tier between the existing tiers 3 and 4.


- V-2-44, V-2-54, V-55U, and V-2-54IS engines: chance of fire on impact increased by 2%.

- Т-26, T-46: increased reverse speed, durability increased by 10 Hit Points.

- Т-28: increased reverse speed, increased rate of fire for 57mm ZiS-4 gun.

- Т-34: increased rate of fire for 57mm ZiS-4 gun.

- BТ-2, BТ-7: increased reverse speed.

- T-43: increased rate of fire for 100mm D10T gun.

- T-54: repair cost increased by 15%, hull height increased by 10 cm, increased chance of being spotted after firing 100 mm D-54 cannon, decreased tracks armor by 5 mm, track repair time increased by 10%.

- KV-3: slightly increased passability.

- KV-1S: slightly increased passability.

- IS-7: repair cost increased by 5%.

- ISU-152: repair cost increased by 8%, increased weight limit for top suspension.

- Shell 203 mm F-625D: increased cost by 4%.

- Shell 203 mm G-620: increased cost by 4%.

- SU-14: dispersion increased during movement and turret traverse, rate of fire decreased by 5% for 152mm gun, rate of fire decreased by 3% for 203mm.

- Object 212: doubled repair cost, reduced guns armor.


- LTraktor: durability increased by 10 Hit Points.

- PzII: increased reverse speed, durability increased by 5 Hit Points.

- PzII Luchs: increased reverse speed, durability increased by 10 Hit Points.

- Pz35(t), Pz38(t): increased reverse speed, durability increased by 10 Hit Points.

- PzIII/IV: increased reverse speed, durability increased by 20 Hit Points.

- PzIII: durability increased by 10 Hit Points.

- PzIIIA: increased reverse speed, durability increased by 20 Hit Points.

- VK3001H: durability increased by 20 Hit Points.

- S35 739(f): tank tier decreased from 4 to 3, durability decreased by 20 Hit Points, decreased passability for normal terrain by 10%.

- 38H 735(f), Pz IV, and VK1602: increased reverse speed.

- Grille: fixed turret name.

- 15 cm sFH18 L/30 gun (top Hummel): range of fire decreased by 15%, increased trajectory curve.

- 15 cm sFH36 L/43 gun (top GW-Panther): increased shell velocity, increased trajectory curve.

- 17 cm K72Sf gun: rate of fire decreased by 20%, damage increased from 1100 to 1400.

- Hetzer: added new 220 HP engine, traverse speed decreased, decreased passability for normal and bad terrain by 15%.

- StuGIII: increased weight limit for second suspension, tier decreased by 1 for balancing in random battles.

- JagdPanther: increased armor for 88mm Pak 43 L/71 gun.

- Ferdinand: increased reloading time for 128mm Pak 44 L/55 gun by 0.29 s.

- Better durability for guns: 7.5 cm KwK42 L/70, 7.5 cm KwK45 L/100, 8.8 cm KwK43 L/71, 10.5 cm KwK45 L/52 Ausf. B.

- Ferdinand: increased reloading time for 128mm Pak 44 L/55 gun by 0.29 s.

- 12.8 cm Kwk44 L/55 (VK 4502 B, Maus): decreased reloading time by 0.21 s.


Panther II changes:

- Decreased size.

- 7.5 cm KwK42 L/70 gun dispersion radius decreased by 7%.

- 7.5 сmKwK42 L/100 gun dispersion radius decreased by 4%.

- 10.5 cm KwK45 L/52 Ausf B top gun: gun dispersion radius decreased by 7%, dispersion during turret movement decreased by 14%, shell velocity increased by 20%.

- top engine Maybach HL 234P50: reduced chance of fire by 5%, increased durability by 12.5%.

- increased weight limit for basic suspension in order to allow mounting second turret.

- ammo rack durability increased by 8%.

- repair cost reduced by 6%.


- T30: repair cost increased by 10%.

- T29 decreased rate of fire for 105 mm T5E1 gun.

- 90mm AT Gun M3 gun: price increased from 110550 to 127300 credits.

- 120mm Gun T53 gun: rate of fire increased by 5%.

- QF 6 pounder Mk III gun: decreased penetration by 5 and 10 mm for AP and APCR shells respectively.

- M3 Stuart, M5 Stuart, T2 lt: increased reverse speed, adjusted shaking effect after firing.

- T2 Med, M2 lt, M2 med, M3 Lee, M4 Sherman: increased reverse speed

- Ram2: engine changed to less powerful Wright Continental R-975C (440 HP), increased reverse speed, increased passability.

- M12: decreased horizontal aiming angle.

- T14: tier decreased by 1 for balancing in random battles, increased passability.

- T1 heavy: increased passability.

- Т23: repair costs increased by 30%.



Przed chwila dostalem wiadomosc w grze:

Tomorrow, March 1, 2011, new v. patch is released. Game will be unavailable from 7.00 till 19.00 UTC. Look through forums for patch notes.

Edytowane przez Trawienny

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