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MIRANDA IM - pomoc, konfiguracja, wtyczki

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Od już dość długiego czasu doprowadz mnei do szału pewne 'coś' co pojawia mi się na ekranie i wyświetla obecny status, taki jakby button, na tym screenie to widać. Mogę to przesuwać, ale nie wiem jak to całkiem zlokwidować, w opcjach szukałem ale nie znalazłem.


version info:

» Naciśnij, żeby pokazać/ukryć tekst oznaczony jako spoiler... «

Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP [version: 5.1.2600 Dodatek Service Pack 2]

Miranda path: D:\programy\Kopia miranda newalpha

Miranda IM version: 0.7.0 preview release #1 Unicode

Build time: 00:52:13 on 14 August 2007

Nightly: No

Unicode core: Yes


Active Plugins (44):

advaimg.dll - Miranda Image services []

autoreplacer.dll - AutoReplacer []

autoreplacerimport.dll - AutoReplacerImport []

autosavemsg.dll - AutoSaveMsg []

avs.dll - Avatar service (Unicode) []

cln_skinedit.dll - Skin editor []

countme.dll - CountMe Plugin []

crashraport.dll - Crash Report []

dbeditorpp.dll - Database Editor++ []

dbx_3xsa.dll - SecureDB+Autobackup []

extip.dll - External IP []

fastmsg.dll - Fast Messages []

findamsg.dll - Find A Message []

gg.dll - Gadu-Gadu Protocol []

historypp.dll - History++ (2in1) []

historysweeper.dll - History Sweeper+ []

ieview.dll - IEView []

ipsearch.dll - IPSearch []

linklist.dll - History Linklist []

logstat.dll - LogStatistics []

mcontacts.dll - mContacts []

menuex.dll - MenuItemEx []

metacontacts.dll - MetaContacts Plugin []

mhotkey.dll - mHotKey []

mhotswitches.dll - mHotSwitches []

msms.dll - mSMS []

mstatus1.dll - mStatus []

mtextcontrol.dll - Miranda Text Control [build #160] []

mtooltip.dll - mToolTip []

mucc.dll - MUCC Plugin []

newstatusnotify.dll - NewStatusNotify []

popup.dll - PopUp Interoperability []

protolink.dll - ProtoLink []

quicksearch.dll - Quick Search []

rss.dll - RSSNews []

scriver_unicode.dll - Scriver []

simpleaway.dll - SimpleAway []

spamfilter.dll - Spam Filter []

tlen.dll - Tlen Protocol []

typingnotify.dll - Typing Notify []

uinfoex.dll - UserinfoEx []

updater.dll - Updater []

versioninfo.dll - Version Information []

webaware.dll - WebAware []


Inactive Plugins (27):

AIM.dll - AIM TOC2 Plugin []

aimoscar.dll - AIM OSCAR Plugin - Beta 5 []

ala.dll - AutoLoadAvatars []

clist_modern.dll - Modern Contact List (UNICODE) []

clist_nicer.dll - CList Nicer+ (Unicode) []

clist_nicer_plus.dll - CList Nicer+ []

clist_nicer_plusW.dll - CList Nicer+ (Unicode) []

fontservice.dll - FontService []

gmailm.dll - Gmail Multiple Notifier []

historyeditor.dll - History Editor []

historyviewer.dll - History Viewer (History#) []

historyw.dll - History/C++ [unicode] viewer []

icq.dll - IcqOscarJ Protocol (Unicode) []

irc.dll - IRC Protocol []

loadavatarsw.dll - Avatar service []

mydetails.dll - My Details []

nconvers.dll - Another Conversation Style Messaging []

newstory.dll - Newstory [build #1313] []

newstory_unicode.dll - Newstory [build #1313] []

nhistory.dll - nHistory []

sbutler.dll - SmartButler plugin []

scriver.dll - Scriver []

simpleaway_debug.dll - SimpleAway []

skype.dll - Skype protocol []

spamfilterw.dll - Spam Filter (Unicode) []

tabsrmm.dll - tabSRMsgW (unicode) []

weather.dll - Weather Protocol []

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Ten przycisk był chyba w clist_modern, ale nie mogę go teraz znaleźć. Może w obecnej wersji już go nie ma(?).

Zaktualizuj sobie clist (i parę innych wtyczek).

Dla ułatwienia moje vi:

» Naciśnij, żeby pokazać/ukryć tekst oznaczony jako spoiler... «

Miranda IM version: 0.7.0 preview release #9 Unicode

Build time: 13:08:09 on 12 September 2007

Nightly: No

Unicode core: Yes


Active Plugins (20):

¤ advaimg.dll v. [12 Sep 2007] - Miranda Image services

¤ avs.dll v. [12 Sep 2007] - Avatar service (Unicode)

¤ clist_modern.dll v. [12 Sep 2007] - Modern Contact List (UNICODE)

¤ dbx_mmap.dll v. [12 Sep 2007] - Miranda mmap database driver

¤ GG.dll v. [12 Sep 2007] - Gadu-Gadu Protocol

¤ historypp.dll v. [10 Sep 2007] - History++ (2in1)

mtextcontrolW.dll v. [06 Jan 2007] - Miranda Text Control [build #484]

mToolTip.dll v. [21 May 2006] - mToolTip

mTV.dll v. [31 Mar 2006] - mTV

¤ NewEventNotify.dll v. [10 Jul 2007] - NewEventNotify |Unicode aware|

NewStatusNotify.dll v. [13 Jul 2005] - NewStatusNotify

¤ PopUp.dll v. [24 Jun 2007] - Popup Plus |Unicode aware|

saa.dll v. [16 Oct 2006] - Smart Auto Away

seenplugin.dll v. [23 Sep 2003] - Last seen plugin

¤ smileyaddw.dll v. [15 Aug 2007] - SmileyAdd Unicode

¤ spellcheckerW.dll v. [31 Aug 2007] - Spell Checker (Unicode)

¤ tabsrmm.dll v. [12 Sep 2007] - tabSRMsgW (unicode)

¤ tlen.dll v. [03 Sep 2007] - Tlen Protocol

¤ updater.dll v. [01 Aug 2007] - Updater (Unicode)

¤ VersionInfo.dll v. [25 Jul 2007] - Version Information |Unicode aware|


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Nie wiedziałem właśnie który do clist (w vi wszystkie masz nieaktywne), wydawało mi się, że modern. W clist_modern też pojawiały się denerwujące przyciski, wydawało mi się że to jeden z nich.

Addons leży, ale ta strona nie - (clist są w paczce contrib).

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Bez skutku. To się musi dać gdzieś wyłączyć i raczej nie w opcjach clist, bo w opcjach wybrałem sobie żeby mi pokazało opcje związane tylko z clist, i przeglądałęm je po kolei, i nic co mogło by rozwiązać mój problem nie znalazłem

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siemka, wrzucilem ci na fta polska wersje mirandy, tam podczas instalacji mozesz sobie wybrac komponenty w tym rodzaj wyswietlanych opisow. skopiuj sobie plik z folderu profile, zainstaluj "moja" mirande wybierajac odpowiednie komponenty i wrzuc swoj plik od profilu do swiezej mirandy :) pozdro



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Jest już Mirka 0.7 stable (aka v0.7.0 Preview Release #11).

Paczkę contrib z clist_modern, tabsrmm i innymi pluginami można znaleźć tutaj.



» Naciśnij, żeby pokazać/ukryć tekst oznaczony jako spoiler... «


- Added Gadu-Gadu protocol support

- Improved Unicode support

- Messages and other events are now stored as UTF-8

- New icon manager allows more icon skinning possibilities

- Centralized font manager added to the options to manage fonts for all services

- New avatar and image handling core plugins to better manage avatars

- Improved memory and threading support

- Menus are now customizable

- Improved contact list plugin support

- Implemented a new memory mapped database driver

- Improved uPnP support

- New plugin identification API

- ICQ: Oscar File Transfers - like ICQ 5

- ICQ: Client detection improvements

- ICQ: Level 1 Rate management (global)

- ICQ: Ability to send long offline messages (up to 4096 characters)

- ICQ: Support for AIM contacts enhanced

- ICQ: Better support for Miranda Ignore module

- ICQ: URL events are now received as normal messages

- Import: Supports UTF-8 and improved import speed

- IRC: True Unicode support for servers with UTF-8 channels

- IRC: Ability to set a codepage for a server and to convert a text from ASCII to Unicode properly

- Jabber: Ability to choose contacts's resource to send message

- Jabber: Bookmarks storage support (XEP-0048)

- Jabber: Last activity support (XEP-0012)

- Jabber: Jabber search (XEP-0055)

- Jabber: Proper data forms support (XEP-0004)

- Jabber: Transport gateway recognition

- Jabber: Vcard in jabber chatrooms

- Jabber: Ability to revoke authorization from a contact

- Jabber: Entity time support (XEP-0202)

- Jabber: Ad-hoc commands implementation (XEP-0050)

- Jabber: Traffic compression (XEP-0138)

- Jabber: Full support for socks5-bytestreams filetransfers (XEP-0065)

- Jabber: In band bytestreams filetransfers support (XEP-0047)

- Jabber: Entity capabilities support (XEP-0115 v1.3)

- Jabber: User moods (XEP-0107)

- Jabber: User tunes (XEP-0118, via ListeningTo plugin)

- Jabber: Personal eventing protocol support (XEP-0163)

- Jabber: Proper priority support (inc. negative priority) and displaing, priority change without reconnect

- Jabber: Combobox with most popular resources in options

- Jabber: Redesigned options dialogs

- Jabber: Chat state notifications support (XEP-0085)

- Jabber: Self contact support in a contact list

- Jabber: Show participants real jid, affiliation/role and status messages in group chat

- Jabber: Privacy lists (XEP-0016)

- Jabber: Brand new service discovery, transports discovery

- Jabber: Remote controlling clients (XEP-0146)

- Jabber: Roster editor + backup/restore feature

- Jabber: Protocol status show in group chat

- Jabber: Pre-filled text controls in change nickname + set topic dialogs in group chat

- Jabber: Delayed delivery support (XEP-0203)

- Jabber: XML Console

- Jabber: Option to disable sharing OS version information

- Jabber: Partial extended stanza addressing support (XEP-0033)

- Jabber: Message receipts preliminary support (XEP-0184, experimental)

- Jabber: XMPP ping support (XEP-0199)

- Jabber: XMPP Basic Client 2008 (XEP-0211)

- Jabber: XMPP Intermediate IM Client 2008 (XEP-0213)

- Jabber: Redesigned group chat invitation dialog with ability to invite multiple users

- Jabber: Show ban reason in group chat

- Jabber: Folders plugin support

- MSN: Offline messaging (send/receive)

- MSN: SMS messaging (send/receive)

- MSN: Passport 3.0 authentication

- MSN: JPEG avatar reception

- MSN: Any size avatar support

- MSN: Robustness improvements to P2P connections

- MSN: MSN Alerts

- MSN: Unicode Hotmail Notifications

- Yahoo: Yahoo Client 7.x protocol support (client identification, protocol version, supported services upgraded to support this)

- Yahoo: Avatar code cleanup/rewrite.

- Yahoo: Avatar improvements (new AVS Support, different file caching strategy)

- Yahoo: Adding pingbacks to signal errors during login.

- Yahoo: Using "First Name and Last Name" as the Nick when somebody adds us.

- Yahoo: Adding E-mail count service support

- Yahoo: New Icons from Angi

- Yahoo: Use japan mail server for those who set options that they are using Japan servers



- IRC: Special symbols and cyrillic/chinese/japanese characters were handled incorrectly

- ICQ: Fixed disconnections on long messages

- ICQ: Fixed peer-to-peer session cookie checking

- ICQ: Fixed SMS message handling

- ICQ: Applied fix for re-requesting authorization

- ICQ: Fixed handling of message acks & status message replies from ICQ 6

- ICQ: Fixed handling of malformed messages acks

- ICQ: Minor fixes for Popup plugin support

- ICQ: Minor protocol related tweaks

- ICQ: Fixed possible lags caused by typing notifications (on slow connections)

- ICQ: Fixed message handling (fixes bug used for stealth invisibility detection)

- ICQ: Several fixes to Rate Level 2 handling - more propper handling of message responses

- ICQ: Fixed possible crashes caused by malformed langpacks

- Jabber: Proper message delivery verification support, no more timeouts

- Jabber: Proper handling of conference nicknames, including storing nicks to a roster

- Jabber: Fixed group chat deadlocks

- Jabber: Fixed private messages in groupchats

- Jabber: Fixed NTLM authentication

- Jabber: Fixed owner and admin list handling in groupchats

- Jabber: Fixed jabber status message reading

- Jabber: Proper status and away message displaying in contact list if more then one JID's resource available

- Jabber: Fixed freezing miranda in jabber search dialog

- Jabber: Removed search validation via vcards

- MSN: P2P file/avatar transfer issues

- MSN: Message timeout issues

- MSN: Fixed lost message issues

- Yahoo: Buffer overflow in incoming IM

- Yahoo: Lots of bug fixes

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W wersji 0.7.2 poprawiono dwa błędy przepełnienia bufora, która występowały w modułach obsługujących protokoły komunikatorów MSN i Yahoo. W drugim z nich Secunia odkryła błędy pozwalające na użycie wcześniej zmanipulowanego do dodania nowych kontaktów do listy w komunikatorze. Developerzy Mirandy nie ujawnili, na czym polegał błąd związany z obsługą komunikatora MSN.


Z kolei właśnie udostępniona Miranda 0.7.3 poprawia błędy związane z użyciem standardu kodowania Unicode w module obsługującym protokół MSN oraz dziurę mającą związek ze wsparciem dla Jabbera. Również i tutaj nie podano żadnych szczegółów. Użytkownicy Mirandy powinni jak najszybciej zainstalować jej najnowszą wersję.

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Miranda backupów niestety nie robi. Może jest wtyczka do backupów, no ale raczej za późno na szukanie.





Cmx, właśnie przez niedziałającą stronę Addons napisałem - może jest. :)

Edytowane przez paulo

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