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Ja gram aktualnie sobie na 10-dniowym traliu. Mam jednak problem, mianowicie bardzo czesto, najczesciej po wykonaniu questa nie moge z nikim porozmawiac, zabijac potwory, a po jakis 2-3min wywala mnie z serwera. Mam lacze radiowe, ale ono napewno nie przerywa tak czesto. Zdarzaja sie oczywiscie sesje po nawet 3h bez takich zaburzen. Dzis jednak udalo mi sie wbic na battleground i nie moglem zagrac nawet 10sekund bo co chwila zwis... no i disconnect. Czy takie problemy to wina lacza, czy moze defaultowych ustawien? Gdzie powinienem szukac przyczyny?



PS a gra mi sie wybornie, ale niestety nie zdecyduje sie na placenie... jeszcze nie teraz :lol2:

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Propozycja z mojej strony jest taka - wybieramy serwer PVP Vek'nilash, zaczynamy grać od nowego roku, no chyba że ktoś wcześniej zacznie, wtedy reszta będzie musiała troszkę się sprężyć. ;) Strona konfliktu? Oczywiście Horda. Zamierzam grać rougem undeadem, a profesje i nick jeszcze do ustalenia. Kto ma ochotę na wspólną grę? Wpisujcie się.


Ja chętnie. Nad nickiem jeszcze pomysle. Pewnie jako orc/undead warlock. Vek'nilash to nawet w tej samej battlegrupie co serwer innych moich postaci :)

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Witam. Mam pytanie: jest na jakimś serwie większa ekipa z ppc czy to jednak nie wypaliło?

Niestety nie wypaliło. Jestem na Shattered Halls, kilka osób po różnych stronach konfliktu na Vek'nilash (odradzam ten serwer, zebrać ludzi do jakiejś instancji typu Scarlet Monastery czy BRD graniczy z cudem. Aż strach pomyśleć jak wygląda zbieranie grupy na wyższych instancjach. Poza tym pełno dzieciarni i baranów na tym serwerze).

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Jeszcze moglibyscie pisac po jakiej stronie konfliktu gracie. Ja gram po stronie Ally. Gram na Vek'nilash. Nie wiem jak jest po stronie Hordy na tym servie, ale z tego co pisze Crosis to nieciekawie. Po stronie Ally zebranie grupy na instacje SM, BRD, ZF czy Raparts zajmowalo mi zwykle w normalnych popoludniowych godzinach max godzine po 12 w nocy bywa juz ciezko, ale zrobilismy kilka instancji konczac o 5 nad ranem :). Jesli chodzi o poziom graczy to jest naprawde rozny z czasem ma sie sprawdzonych znajomych. Jest rowniez kupa dzieciarni, ale to chyba norma w Wow, moze na serverach RPG jest lepiej bo tam liczy sie bardziej klimat.

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Rpg to shit. Wszyscy chodzą i pierdzielą bzdury. Masarnia siedzi w kaplicy w northshire i komentuje nowo przybyłych....weeeeź.

Po za tym chyba sie blizzardowi nie wiedzie, skoro ostatnio dostałem zaproszenie do ponownego grania od kumpla z dopiskiem "jak zaczniesz znowu grać to dostane 30 dni gry za darmo!!! " :lol: maniak.

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zebranie grupy na instacje

Wszystko zależy od szczęścia i instancji na jaką idziesz. Czasami pug (pick_up_group vel perfectly_useless_group) się zbiera w 10 min, a czasem trzeba szukać parę godzin, na dodatek u mnie 1/3 pugów jest udanych, prawie zawsze trafi się jakiś cieć, który psuje run, więc najlepiej biegać z gildią.

EDIT: tak samo jest u hordy jak i "aliantów"...

moze na serverach RPG jest lepiej bo tam liczy sie bardziej klimat.

...roleplaying-u nie miesza się zwykle z instancjami, więc tutaj nie ma różnicy między serwerami normal a rp.

Rpg to shit. Wszyscy chodzą i pierdzielą bzdury. Masarnia siedzi w kaplicy w northshire i komentuje nowo przybyłych....weeeeź.

Widzisz, RP jest jak Media Markt..........

Po za tym chyba sie blizzardowi nie wiedzie

Jeszcze jakieś głębokie przemyślenia? Edytowane przez KHOT

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No i mamy nowy patch 2.4 Fury of the Sunwell


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Fury of the Sunwell


The glorious fount of arcane energy known as the Sunwell empowered the

high elves for millennia, until the death knight Arthas laid siege to

the elven kingdom and corrupted its sacred energies. Seeing no other

alternative, a band of survivors led by Prince Kael’thas destroyed the

ancient fount. Over time the surviving elves fell pray to a crippling

magical withdrawal.


Now, promising salvation for his people, Kael’thas has returned. Soon

the Sunwell will shine once again, but whether the sacred fount will

usher in deliverance or destruction remains to be seen.



In Memoriam: Gary Gygax


Blizzard Entertainment would like to dedicate the patch in memory of

Gary Gygax. His work on D&D was an inspiration to us in many ways and

helped spark our passion for creating games of our own. As avid D&D

players and fellow game developers, we were all saddened by the news of

his passing; we feel we’ve lost a true adventuring companion. Thanks

for everything and farewell, Gary. You will be missed.



Combat Log Improvements


The combat log has undergone improvements that allow more robust combat

text filtering including the ability to define custom colors for enemies

and friends as well as combat text filtering for self and others.


Global Arena Tournament

Players will be able to create level-70 characters with epic

equipment and compete on special tournament realms in a new global arena

tournament. For more information, details and entry requirements,

please visit the official tournament pages.




- The Sunwell Isle is now available for play. This area includes a new

quest hub and 5-player and 25-player instances.

- The combined forces of Shattrath have launched an attack on the Isle

of Quel’Danas, to confront Kael’thas and the Legion at the Sunwell

and surrounding areas. Players will now be able to gain reputation

with the Shattered Sun Offensive and participate in a new set of

daily quests.

- A representative of the Keepers of Time has been spotted at the

World’s End Tavern in Shattrath. Players in good standing with the

faction will be granted ease of passage to the Caverns of Time.

- Characters will now retain talented spell ranks so when they retalent

they do not have to relearn the spells from trainers.

- Spell Haste: Spell haste now reduces the global cooldown on spells,

down to a minimum of 1 second. This change does not apply to melee

and ranged abilities.

- Item Cast Spells: Many spells cast by items were being cast as if

the caster were the same level as the item. Most of those will now

be cast at the player’s level, giving them a reasonable chance to

miss,be dispelled, or be resisted.

- Resilience: Now reduces the magnitude of mana draining effects by the

same amount that it reduces critical strike damage. The Tooltip has

been revised to reflect this.

- Spirit-Based Mana Regeneration: This system has been adjusted so that

as your intellect rises, you will regenerate more mana per point of


- Weapon Skill: Points will be gained faster in weapon skills for

levels 1 through 59.

- The Daily Quest limit has been increased to 25.

- Non-self % based haste spells will no longer stack with each other.



- Find Treasure: This ability no longer deactivates upon death.



- Cyclone range is now 20 yards, down from 30.

- Empowered Rejuvenation: This talent now properly affects the final

heal from Lifebloom.

- Gift of Nature: This talent now properly affects the healing from


- Insect Swarm: Casting lower ranks of this spell is now properly

penalized like other healing and damage effects.

- Lacerate: This ability now deals additional damage based on the

attack power of the Druid.

- Lifebloom: The bonus coefficient on the final bloom effect has been

reduced by 20%. This spell will no longer cause error messages when

interacting with Spellsteal or while the Druid is under the effects

of Mind Control.

- Mangle (Bear) now properly triggers a 1.5 second global cooldown,

increased from 1.0 second.

- Many shapeshift form tooltips have been updated to be consistent with

each other.

- Natural Perfection: This ability will no longer be triggered by

taking critical strikes while sitting. In addition, it is now

affected by the Subtlety talent and now reduces damage by 2/3/4%,

down from 1/3/5%.

- Nurturing Instinct increases your healing spells by up to 50/100% of

your Agility, and increases healing done to you by 10/20% while in

Cat form.

- Regrowth: The mana cost of this spell has been reduced by

approximately 20%.

- When a Druid in cat form casts Pounce it will now properly animate.



- Equipping a thrown weapon while in the middle of an Auto-Shot will

no longer cause animation issues.

- Casting Flare while in any way not visible, will no longer cause your

flare to be invisible to other players.

- Hunter’s Mark: Hunters with Improved Hunter’s Mark will now properly

overwrite Hunter’s Mark cast by Hunters without the talent.

- Improved Mend Pet now has a 25/50% chance to remove one Curse,

Disease, Magic, or Poison effect, up from 15/50%.

- The stamina tooltip for hunter pets will now display the proper

health increase.

- Track spells will now persist after death.

- Hunters will no longer spin around if they cast Aimed Shot or Steady

Shot while facing away from their target.



- Arcane Explosion: The damage cap for area of effect damage on this

spell has been increased by approximately 50%.

- Arcane Fortitude now increases your armor by an amount equal to 100%

of your Intellect, up from 50%.

- Blink, Slow, and Spellsteal have all had their mana cost reduced.

- Improved Blink: This talent no longer reduces the mana cost of Blink.

Instead, it increases the chance for all attacks to miss the Mage by

25% for 2/4 sec after Blink is cast.

- Using low ranks of Fire Ward and Frost Ward spell will now be

penalized the same way healing spells are penalized.

- Frostbite: When a frost spell is reflected back at a Mage, it is

now possible for the Mage to suffer from the Frostibte effect.

- Ice Barrier: Using low ranks of this spell will now be penalized

the same way healing spells are penalized.

- Icy Veins no longer increases the chance your chilling effects will

Freeze the target, but now increases the chance to avoid interruption

caused by damage while casting any spell by 100% while active.

- Improved FireWard has become Molten Shields.

- Mana Shield: This spell will now get a percentage of the Mage’s bonus

to spell damage as an additional effect.

- New Talent: Molten Shields will cause your Fire Ward to have a 10/20%

chance to reflect Fire spells while active. In addition, your Molten

Armor has a 50/100% chance to affect ranged and spell attacks.

- Permafrost: This talent will now correctly increase the movement

slowing effect of frost Armor instead of the attack speed slowing


- Spellsteal will no longer overwrite a longer duration buff.



- Avenger’s Shield, Holy Shield and Holy Shock: Casting lower ranks of

these spells is now properly penalized like other healing and damage


- Avenger’s Shield: This ability will no longer jump to secondary

targets which are under the effect of crowd-control spells that break

on taking damage. I.e. Polymorph, Sap, etc.

- Crusader Strike: This ability will no longer refresh the Healing Way

buff from the Shaman talent.

- Illumination: The mana energize from this talent no longer has

a chance to set off other triggered effects.

- Holy Shock: The healing, damage, and mana cost of this spell have all

been increased.

- Judgment of the Crusader: It is no longer possible to have icons for

two different ranks of Judgment of the Crusader appear at the same

time when judged by multiple Paladins.

- Judgment of Wisdom: Some abilities (such as Frostbolt) were not

triggering the mana energize effect from this spell. This has now

been fixed.

- Resistance Auras: It is no longer possible for two Paladins in the

same party to make it appear that players have two of the same

resistance aura active.

- Righteous Defense: This spell will now always be castable on friendly


- Seal of Blood: This ability will no longer cause spell pushback for

the Paladin with this seal active.

- Sense Undead- Now persists after death.

- Turn Undead(Rank 3):This spell has been reworked and has been renamed

to “Turn Evil”. It will now work on Demons in addition to Undead.

Turn Evil is subject to diminishing returns, and lasts 10 seconds in




- Chastise no longer disorients the target, but now is instant cast and

roots the target for 2 seconds.

- Fear Ward is now usable while in Shadow form.

- Focused Will now reduces damage by 2/3/4%, up from 1/3/5%.

- Inner Focus: Chastise now benefits from Inner Focus. In addition,

Starshards no longer consumes Inner Focus.

- Mass Dispel now affects a maximum of 10 targets, increased from 5.

- Power Infusion: Infuses the target with power, increasing their spell

haste by 20% and reducing the mana cost of all spells by 20%. Lasts

for 15 seconds. This will not stack with other haste effects, such as

Heroism, Bloodlust, or Icy Veins.

- Power Word: Shield: Using low ranks of this spell will now be

penalized the same way healing spells are penalized.

- Prayer of Mending: This spell will now fade from players who leave

or enter an instance, change continents, or exit the game.

- Reflective Shield: The reflective damage from this talent no longer

breaks crowd control effects which break on taking damage.

- Shadowguard: No longer consumes the charge of Inner Focus when


- Silent Resolve:This talent now affects Surge of Light, Power

Infusion, Inspiration, Spirit Tap, Blackout, Levitate, Shackle

Undead, Touch of Weakness, Hex of Weakness, and Symbol of Hope.

- Touch of Weakness: No longer consumes the charge of Inner Focus

when triggered. It will also function properly even when the

Priest with Touch of Weakness on is silenced or stunned.

- Vampiric Touch: Casting lower ranks of this spell is now properly

penalized like other healing and damage effects.



- Abilities that can be used while stealthed, without breaking stealth,

can now be cast without breaking Vanish when used at the same time.

- Cheat Death: A combat log message will now show when this ability

activates and now has an animation.It will now almost always be

accurate in displaying the amount of damage done to a rogue when

under the effects of Cheat Death.

- Sap mechanic changed from “Incapacitate” to “Sap”. This will allow

more humanoids that were previously immune to Sap to be vulnerable to

Sap, but still immune to Gouge. Note that anything that removed Sap

previously will still remove Sap after the change.

- Vanish: This ability will no longer sometimes cause the UI to display

Shadowmeld as active when it has been cancelled.



- Call of Thunder: (Rank 5) now gives 5% critical strike chance down

from 6%.

- Earth Shield: Mana cost reduced roughly in half, and charges reduced

from 10 to 6.

- Elemental Focus: This buff will no longer be removed when Shamanistic

Focus is triggered.

- Flametongue Weapon: Having different ranks of this enchantment cast

on two different weapons will no longer cause the enchantments to

trigger multiple times per swing.

- Ghost Wolf: Cast time reduced to 2 seconds, down from 3 seconds.

- The Global Cooldown of all Totems has been reduced to 1 seconds, down

from 1.5 seconds.

- Healing Grace: This talent now reduces the chance your spells will

be dispelled by 10/20/30%. The resistance to being dispelled modifier

from this talent now applies correctly to Water Breathing.

- Rockbiter Weapon: Tooltip and error messages have been adjusted


- Shamanistic Rage is now a Physical ability instead of a Magic spell,

and thus is no longer dispellable.It now reduces all damage taken by

30% and gives your successful melee attacks a chance to regenerate

mana equal to 30% of your attack power. This lasts for 15 seconds

with a 2 minute cooldown.

- Stormstrike has a new icon.

- Totem timer icons will now show up under your player portrait when

you cast totem spells. Right-clicking a totem timer icon will

destroy that totem.

- Toughness will now also reduce the duration of movement slowing

effects on you by 10/20/30/40/50%.

- Tremor Totem now pulses every 3 seconds, down from 4 seconds.

- The Shaman spell Fire Nova Totem will no longer sometimes detonate

without doing any damage.



- Blood Pact now has a tooltip.

- Demonic Knowledge: This buff will no longer remain on enslaved

demons when Enslave Demon is removed.It will now increase your spell

damage by an amount equal to 4/8/12%, down from 5/10/15%.

- Demonic Sacrifice: Now works properly in sanctuary regions

(such as Shattrath City and the Stair of Destiny).

- Emberstorm now also reduces the cast time of your incinerate spell

by 2/4/6/8/10%.

- Nether Protection: The buff from this talent will no longer

interrupt capturing PvP flags and bases.

- Pyroclasm: This talent now works correctly again with Rain of Fire.

- Ritual of Summoning can be used to summon players into instances

if they meet the instance requirements.

- Sense Demon now persists after death.

- Shadow Ward: Using low ranks of this spell will now be penalized

the same way healing spells are penalized.



- Endless Rage will now give the correct amount of rage as intended

from damage dealt by a Warrior.

- Improved Hamstring (Arms) effect is now subject to diminishing

returns when used in PvP.

- Stances: It is no longer possible to accidentally change into a

stance you are already in via macros (resulting in a global cooldown

and loss of rage).

- Whirlwind: Critical strikes with the off-hand weapon from this

ability can now trigger Flurry and Rampage.

- Flurry will properly refresh if a crit occurs with 1 charge left.



- Diminishing returns on honor for kills is being eliminated.

- Honor will now be instantly calculated, and available for player use.

- Players that have the resurrection sickness debuff will be worth no


- Added new PvP daily quests that send players to Halaa and the Spirit

Towers of the Bone Wastes. These quests are available for Alliance

and Horde at their respective local quest hubs.

- Arenas

Personal Rating: The amount a player’s personal rating can climb

above his or her team’s rating is now limited.

The benefits of drinking out of combat have been delayed while in the

Arena. It will now take four seconds before the full benefit of the

mana regeneration will come into effect.

Queue times for arena matches have been reduced. Players will now

be able to enter matches faster than previously.

Shadow Sight now increases damage taken by 5% rather than dealing

damage over time. Duration has been reduced from 21 seconds to 15


Players feared outside of the Arena (through the world or outside

the arena walls) will now be teleported back to the center of the

arena map.

- Battlegrounds

If a player dies 50 times or more in a battleground, they will no

longer be worth honor for the remainder of that battle.

When you first enter a battleground, messages about other players

joining the battleground will be linked together for the first

minute. You will see a message in AV like "28 players joined" rather

than a line for each player that joined. After the first minute, it

will work as it always has. In addition, all of the messages about

other players leaving the battleground and getting marks of honor

once the battleground is complete have been removed.

Battleground Rune Buffs:Speed, Restoration, and Berserking buffs

received from battleground runes will no longer cause Stealth or

Prowl to break.

Alterac Valley

Captain Balinda Stonehearthnow Stonehearth can no longer be

interrupted, silenced, or have her spells slowed. In addition, her

water elemental cannot be banished, and does increased damage.

Vanndar Stormpike and Captain Balinda Stonehearth have had their

health totals reduced to match the health totals of Drek’Thar and

Captain Galvangar.

Warmasters/marshals in Alterac Valley now increase each other’s

maximum health and damage by 25%. This is a stacking effect.

Horde players will now start the battle closer to Drek’Thar and

Frostwolf Keep.

There is now a Join as Party option.

Warsong Gulch

When both flags are held, the flag carriers will receive 50%

increased damage done to them after approximately 10 minutes and

100% increased damage after approximately 15 minutes.

Flag carriers can now be tracked 45 seconds after picking up the




- Added several new tradeskill items to the new Sunwell Daily faction


Enchanting recipe to shatter a Void Crystal into two Large Prismatic


Enchanting recipe to increase Defense Rating by 15 for chest armor.

Three jewelcrafting recipes to cut gems with spell haste from

Dawnstones, Talasite, and noble Topaz.

Two new meta gem recipes.

- Alchemy

Gift of Arthas now stacks to 20.

Transmute Arcanite no longer has a cooldown.

- Cooking

Broiled Bloodfin now increases resistances to all schools of magic

instead of increasing Stamina and Spirit.

New recipes, Charred Bear Kabobs and Juicy Bear Burgers, can be

purchased from either Bale (Horde) or Malygen (Alliance) in Felwood.

These recipes requires 250 skill to learn, and are created from meat

found on level 48-56 bears. This will aid players in leveling up

their cooking skill to 300 without fishing.

- Enchanting

Reduced the materials required for Enchant Shield – Resistance

- Engineering

Gagsprocket in Ratchet now sells the plans for the Minor


Goblin Jumper Cables and Goblin Jumper Cables XL now display cooldown

information in their tooltips.

Removed the level requirement for the Craftsman's Monocle.

The stun caused by engineering Bombs and Grenades is now considered

an Incapacitate effect and uses the appropriate Incapacitate

diminishing returns. Bomb and Grenades can now inflict damage to

targets immune to Stun and Incapacitate effects.

A new recipe has been added for Rocket Boots Xtreme Lite, a cloth

version of the Rocket Boots Xtreme. This pattern drops from

Mechano-Lord Capacitus.

Rocket Boots Xtreme now have all their stat points allocated toward

Attack Power, and will no longer have Stamina.

Rocket Boots Xtreme and Rocket Boots Xtreme Lite will cause players

to drop a PvP flag if used while carrying one. (Warsong Gulch, Eye

of the Storm, and Zangarmarsh)

- Fishing

New Fishing Daily Quests! Visit the mysterious old man fishing at

Silmyr Lake outside of Shattrath City to discover what treasures he

has to offer.

Find Fish now correctly tracks Schools of Tastyfish and Muddy

Churning Waters.

Feltail fishing nodes have been changed to Brackish Mixed Schools;

they now produce mostly Golden Darters and some Feltail.

Removed the level requirement from the expert fishing book, The Bass

and You.

- Herbalism

Ancient Lichen now has a chance to drop a Fel Lotus where it used

to drop a piece of random green jewelry.

Black Lotus replaced by Fel Lotus in herbalism skinning tables for

Outland creatures.

Increased the chance that Felweed, Dreaming Glory, Ragveil, and

Flame Caps will contain a Fel Lotus.

Warp Splinter can now be skinned with Herbalism in heroic difficulty.

- Jewelcrafting

A new jewelcrafting recipe has been added to transform many green

quality gems into a single random blue quality gem. This recipe is

available from grandmaster jewelcrafting trainers.

- Leatherworking

Shadow Oil will now fit into Leatherworking Bags.

- Mining

Increased the skill up potential for most smelting recipes.



- New Daily Dungeon quests for both the heroic and non-heroic

five-person Magister's Terrace dungeon at the Sunwell.

- Players can now turn in one of each battleground mark for an honor

reward. The questgivers for this turn-in are the Horde Warbringer and

the Alliance Brigadier General and can be found near the

battlemasters in the capital cities.

- Dungeon and Group Quest Experience: The amount of experience awarded

for dungeon and 5-person group quests in Outland has been increased

in almost all cases.

- The daily quest Escape from Skettis has had its reward tuned down.

- The number of elite Shadowsworn Drakonid patrollers on the Ata'mal

Terrace has been cut in half. Most of the remainder have had their

patrol paths lengthened.

- Increased the slots on Old Blanchy's Feed Pouch to 8.

- The Thunderspike no longer sparkles for Alliance characters, nor

does it show up on the mini-map when Find Treasure is in use.

- "Zapper Fuel" is now flagged as a Sunken Temple dungeon quest.


Dungeons and Raids

- All 25-player raid bosses have had their cash drops increased!

- All 25- player raid bosses that drop set tokens will now drop an

additional token!

- Badges of Justice have been added to all raid bosses who did not

previously have them!

- Players will no longer require an attunement quest to enter Hyjal.

- Players will no longer require an attunement quest to enter the Black


- Players who have completed the attunement quests for Black Temple and

Hyjal will be granted the title of "Hand of A'dal".

- You may now fight Prince Kael’thas and Lady Vashj without first

killing all the other bosses in their respective dungeons.

- The Unstable Cloud and Frost Breath spells are now treated properly

as a movement impairing spells.

- Non-corporeal Undead and Mechanical creatures are now susceptible

to bleed effects.

- Elemental creatures are no longer explicitly immune to poison and

disease effects. Elementals with nature school immunities will still

be immune to nature-based poisons, however.

- Gems obtained through Heroic difficulty instances are no longer


- Loot dropped by Doomlord Kazzak and Doomwalker has been changed to

Bind on Equip. In addition, the cash dropped by these bosses has been

significantly increased.

- Scale of the Sands reputation will now be awarded in Hyjal at a much

higher rate.

- Caverns of Time: Heroic Black Morass

Rift Keepers and Rift Lords now have reduced hit points.

Durnholde Lookouts no longer spawn in the Heroic version of the

instance. The placement of creatures around Durnholde Keep in Heroic

mode is now identical to that of Normal mode.

- Caverns of Time: Mount Hyjal

The Vials of Eternity quest is no longer necessary for entry to

Hyjal. This quest is still required for faction rings.

Azgalor's Rain of Fire now affects a smaller area.

- Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad

The Human Illusion effect will now always be removed properly when a

player leaves the instance.

- Hellfire Citadel: Magtheridon’s Lair

Many gameplay elements of the encounters in Magtheridon’s Lair have

been changed to decrease their overall complexity and difficulty.

- Karazhan

Players will no longer need the Master’s Key to enter Karazhan. The

gates to Karazhan will still require the Master’s Key to be unlocked.

- Sunwell Isle: Magisters’ Terrace

There is now a teleport orb located behind Kael’thas that will become

active when he dies and will allow players to teleport out of the

Magisters’ Terrace.

- Tempest Keep: The Eye

The Vapor Clouds in the Kael'thas encounter are significantly easier

to see.

Void Reaver is now immune to Vindication again.

- Tempest Keep: The Mechanar

The Mechanar: It is no longer possible to gain an additional Badge of

Justice by bringing Cache of the Legion keys obtained in other copies

of the instance.

- Zul’Aman

Jan’alai will now only teleport players to him if they are too far




- Players will now be able to purchase level 70 Superior quality PvP

items from reputation vendors.

- Avatar Regalia: The two-piece bonus from this set will now be

consumed by Vampiric Embrace as intended.

- Bloody Brass Knuckles, Eerie Stable Lantern, Baelog's Shortbow, and

Snakeskin Bag have been upgraded to Superior items.

- Blue Suede Shoes can now be disenchanted.

- Crystalforge Raiment: The two-piece set bonus will now work

properly. Additionally, the four piece bonus will now only work on

the next Holy Light cast, as intended.

- Cyclone Regalia: Trade skills will no longer consume the Energized


- Darkmoon Card: Madness: The buffs from this item will no longer

interrupt casting and channeling.

- Deadman's Hand: This item's effect now works while the victim is

sitting. In addition, its effect is now properly considered a root

for purposes of being dispelled or removed.

- Deathwing Brood Cloak: These cloaks are now bound on equip instead of

bound on pickup.

- Discombobulator Ray: This item will again not work on mounted


- Druid Balance PvP Sets: The bonus movement speed for Bear, Cat, and

Travel Form has been removed and replaced with a new bonus to Wrath

and Starfire.

- Druid Restoration PvP Sets: The bonus movement speed for Bear, Cat,

and Travel Form has been removed and replaced with a new bonus to


- Frostfire Regalia: The resistance bonus from this set now works with

the Burning Crusade ranks of Mage Armor.

- Gladiator's Leather Gloves: This arena bonus will now properly school

lock enemies when the damage from Deadly Throw causes them to stop


- The Gladiator’s Thunderfist 4 piece set bonus has been reduced from

70% to 50%.

- Gnomish Mind Control Cap: Victims of the Gnomish Mind Control Cap

will no longer get Forbearance when the mind control is terminated

due to Blessing of Protection.

- Gnomish Poultryizer: This item will again not work on mounted


- Goblin Rocket Launcher: Creatures will no longer gain health while

affected by the Stun from this item.

- Heavy Netherweave Bandage: It is no longer possible to have two

players bandage the same target simultaneously using this item.

- Netherweave Bandage: It is no longer possible to have two players

bandage the same target simultaneously using this item.

- Idol of the Crescent Goddess: The mana discount on Regrowth has

been increased.

- Idol of Feral Shadows: The bonus damage to Rip has been increased.

- Idol of the Raven Goddess: The bonus healing, critical strike rating,

and spell critical strike rating from this item have been increased.

In addition, it no longer sometimes fails to apply the healing bonus.

- Idol of the Unseen Moon: The cooldown added in a previous patch has

been removed.

- Idol of Ursoc: The bonus damage to Lacerate has been increased and

the tooltip clarified to indicate it applies to both initial and

periodic damage.

- Idol of the White Stag: Duration increased.

- Items intended for Retribution Paladins have had their stats

adjusted. Retribution Paladins should see an increase in dps as a


- Jade Pendant of Blasting: This item no longer increases physical

damage dealt.

- Justicar Raiment: The 2 piece bonus will now always give the correct

amount of bonus healing to the Judgement Light effect.

- Libram of Absolute Truth: The Holy Light mana discount has been


- Libram of Divine Purpose: The bonus damage on Seal and Judgment of

Righteousness has been increased.

- Libram of Mending: The mana regeneration buff has had its duration

increased.The name of the buff granted by this item changed to Grace

of the Naaru to avoid having the same name as the Light’s Grace


- Libram of Righteous Power: The bonus damage for Crusader Strike has

been increased.

- Libram of Souls Redeemed: The bonus for Flash of Light has been

decreased and the bonus for Holy Light has been increased.

- Libram of Wracking: This item now increases the damage on Holy Wrath

and Exorcism instead of decreasing their mana cost.

- Nether Vortex are no longer Bind on Pickup and can now be purchased

from G’eras for 15 Badges of Justice!

- Masquerade Gown: The spirit bonus from this item will now properly

trigger all benefits from the Tree of Life talent.

- Masterwork Stormhammer: The Chain Lightning cast by this item will no

longer jump to secondary targets which are under the effect of crowd-

control spells that break on taking damage. i.e. Polymorph, Sap, etc.

- Mojo: A pvp-flagged player can no longer kiss Mojo and cause

non-flagged players to become flagged.

- Moongraze Stag Tenderloin can now be consumed by hunter pets that

eat meat.

- Noggenfogger Elixir: It is no longer possible using this item to

keep the Old Hillsbrad human illusion outside of the instance.

- Paladin Healer Gladiator Sets: The set bonus changing Hammer of

Justice cooldown has been changed to a set bonus increasing the

amount healed by Holy Shock.

- Pendant of the Violet Eye: Paladin Judgment spells will again

properly trigger this item.

- Players can now only carry 80 Conjured Manna Biscuits at a time.

- Primal Nether are no longer Bind on Pickup!

- PvP Relics: The bonus resilience from Idols, Librams, and Totems is

no longer stackable by swapping between multiple relics.

- Resilience has been added to all Retribution Paladin PvP gear.

- Added Shattrath Flask of Pure Death and Shattrath Flask of Blinding

Light to the reputation flask vendors in Shattrath.

- Shaman Elemental PvP Sets: The resistance on Lightning Bolt spell

pushback has been reduced to 50%.

- Shaman PvP Boots: The pre-Burning Crusade bonus to increase Ghost

Wolf speed no longer works for players over level 60.

- Shattrath Flasks now work inside the Sunwell Plateau raid instance.

- Skull of Gul’dan: This item now shares its cooldown with other

similar trinkets.

- Steam Tonk Controller: This item can no longer trigger the Warrior

talent Second Wind when it is driven out of range by the Warrior.

- The On Use effect has been properly changed to passive for the

following items: Blue Overalls, Brantwood Sash, Firewalker Boots,

Gloves of Kapelan, Hellion Boots, Hibernal Gloves, Hibernal Pants,

Kimbra Boots, Mistscape Gloves, Nightsky Trousers, Sacred Burial

Trousers, Turquoise Sash, and Woolen Boots, Spinesever.

- Thunderstrike: The Chain Lightning cast by this item will no longer

jump to secondary targets which are under the effect of crowd-control

spells that break on taking damage. i.e. Polymorph, Sap, etc.

- Tome of the Lightbringer: The block value and buff duration have

been increased.

- Totem of the Pulsing Earth: The mana discount for Lightning Bolt

has been increased slightly.

- Vengeful Gladiator’s Waraxe: The weapon delay has been reduced.

- Weightstones and Sharpening Stones: The bonus damage from these

temporary enchantments now works while shapeshifted.

- Winterfall Firewater: The tooltip no longer specifies only melee

attack power.


User Interface

- The Interface Options screen has been completely redesigned. AddOns

that interact with the Interface Options screen will need to be


- Players will now be able to inspect other players via their chat link.

- Players may now inspect players of the opposing faction while they

are not flagged for PvP.

- Combat Log Improvements

New tabs are available for sorting combat messages.

ctrl-right clicking functionality has been added for individual

information sorting

Colors may now be assigned for friends and enemies

The WoWCombatLog.txt file format has been changed to make it easier

for programs to read.

- Cast sequences work with slot numbers again.

- GM messages now appear with a Blizzard icon near their name.

- You can now declare war on a faction in the reputation UI while

you are in combat.

- Spell haste and Armor Penetration will now display on the character

sheet. (Armor Penetration displays in the hit rating section). Spell

Penetration now displays under the spell hit section.

- Weapon enchants are now shown at the character selection screen.

- The friends list now has a notes field per friend. Click on the note

icon to add a note for a particular friend.

- There is now a UI option to display free bag space. When turned on,

your backpack will display the total number of free spaces available

in all your bags.

- You can now link quests into chat by Shift-Clicking on the quest name

in the quest log.

- Merchants now display how many pages of merchandise they sell

(Page 1 of 2).

- Guild Bank Changes

Ranks can now be set to allow withdraw of funds or allow repair with

funds or both.

When purchasing a bank tab, it takes money out of the guild bank

before it takes your personal money. This is logged as well.

Each Tab now has an info pane. This pane can be used for requests

or for rules about the tab or anything at all really.

- When looting Bind on Pickup items, the confirmation dialogue now

lists the name of the item in the dialogue. You can now verify that

you are picking up the correct bind on pickup item.

- Bind on Pickup items that only you can pick up (Heroic Badges for

instance) will no longer bring up a confirmation dialogue.

- Players can now opt out of looting for group loot, round robin and

need before greed looting styles. If a player turns this on, they

will not get a looting turn in the loot cycle. This can be turned on

from the right-click menu on your own portrait.

- In Master Loot mode, all players in the group will see sparkles on

corpses that have loot above the master loot threshold. This lets

everyone see what the master loot items are, though they cannot

interact with them. Only the master looter can loot those items


- Searching for an item in the tradeskill search box should now hide

empty categories.

- The names over the heads of nearby players who are on your friends

list will appear in a different color now so you can tell when they

are nearby.

- Stacked items for sale at the auction house now display the per unit

price and per unit buyout price in the item mouseover.

- The profession UI search field has been improved and now allows for

searching of more types of things. For instance you can search for

items by socket color, by effect ("Critical Strike" for instance)

or search gems by their effect ("Strength" for instance). In

addition, the searching of items by level has been made more

intuitive. You can now search for items by level with "15-20" to

search for items that you can make that have a minimum level required

of 15 to 20.

- The Tooltip for player Dodge/Block/Parry in the character sheet has

been changed slightly.

- Optimized particle system rendering for improved frame rates.

- The casting bar will now display properly when casting Blizzard

(mage) or Rain of Fire (warlock) with spell haste.

- For additional notes on Lua and XML changes please visit the UI &

Macros Forum.;forumId=11114


World Environment

- Alterac Valley, Arathi Basin, Warsong Gulch, Blade’s Edge Arena,

Lordaeron Arena, and Nagrand Arena: Players who fall below the world

in these environments will now die instead of being stuck.

- Creature versions of Intimidating Shout have been changed to

Frightening Shout, and the primary target of the ability is now

feared instead of stunned.

- Critters: Ambient level 1 creatures will no longer be picked as

subsequent targets by chaining spells and abilities.

- Doomwalker: This creature will no longer sometimes cause a player’s

Darkmoon Card: Vengeance to trigger and put the player in combat with

the Doomwalker.

- Elites in Blade’s Edge Plateau Regions: These creatures now have an

increased chance to drop rare depleted items.

- Eye of Culuthas and Hound of Culuthas now drop grey loot.

- Goreclaw the Ravenous can now be skinned.

- Interacting with objects (chests, mining nodes, herbs) should no

longer aggro neutral creatures.

- Monstrous Kaliri have learned how to chase players going straight


- Shardtooth Mauler: This creature now drops meat like other bears.

- Outland Rare Spawn

The following creatures have had their hit points and damage

significantly reduced: Collidus the Warp-Watcher, Fulgorge,

Hemathion, Kraator, Marticar, Morcrush, and Nuramoc

- The Ratchet bank now has access to the Guild Vault.

- A mailbox has been added to the inn in Darnassus.


Bug Fixes

- Fixed an error that was causing many auctions to never complete due

to the item no longer being on the auction house.

- Splintertree Raiders will now respawn with Torek if Duriel Moonfire

and her guards are killed while the Raiders are still alive.

- Female Draenei can no longer become stuck under a root in the tunnels

leading to Blackfathom Deeps, Ashenvale.

- The quest description text for "The Corpulent One" no longer refers

to it being a group quest.

- Saber/Tiger Mounts will now make footprints when walking backwards

in snow.

- Ogri'la Peacekeeper's weapons have been scaled o a size more

appropriate for keeping the peace..

- Unplugging speakers/headphones during the opening cinematic will no

longer freeze the cinematic until canceled.

- Pets are now able to properly attack mobs near the walls on the ramps

in Zul'Aman, Bear Wing.

- The flag on the battle map in Eye of the Storm will no longer show up

as Horde controlled even if an alliance player has picked it up.

- Channeling spells will no longer continue to show the channeling bar

after zoning into arena battlegrounds.

- Blood Elf corpses now properly have loot in Alterac Valley


- Snake Trap will no longer affect non-combat flagged players.

- Leaving a 2v2 arena team and creating a new 2v2 team while on a 3v3

arena team will no longer result in incorrect rosters listed for each


- Joining a second arena match before a previous arena has closed will

no longer result in personal rating not updating correctly.

- Attempting to promote an arena team member to Team Captain while that

member is offline will no longer result in a "Player not found"


- Disbanding an arena team while inside an arena battle will no longer

cause the arena UI to become corrupted until logout.

- The Arena Team Petition Window will now automatically close when the

Arena Captain is out of range or offline.

- Switching arena teams after playing a game will no longer cause the

PvP tab to incorrectly display your old team's rating.

- There is now a chat message given after attaining a

new title.

- Alterac Valley quests will now properly show a golden ! or blue ? for

players above level 65.

- Nazan in Hellfire Citadel: Nazan will no longer sometimes not land

on the ground until after Vazruden the Herald is killed or Nazan is

heavily damaged.

- Archimonde's Grip of the Legion will no longer target pets.

- It is no longer possible to be saved to a Heroic instance while not

meeting the requirements to get into it.

- There is no longer an area in Serpentine Cavern where using Field

Repair Bot 74A will cause it to fall through the ground.

- There is no longer an area in Coilfang Steamvaults where ground

targeting AOE effects cannot be cast.

- The proc from Black Bow of the Betrayer will no longer break crowd

control effects such as Scatter Shot.

- Vengeful Gladiator's Mooncloth Hood and Vengeful Gladiator's Satin

Hood will now display Troll Tusks.

- Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury will now display its bow animations


- The Legion Ring boundary markers no longer occasionally disappear.

- Monthly quests will now properly reset at midnight server time.

- Fixed an area in Netherwing Fields in Shadowmoon Valley where players

on flying mounts could be dismounted and were unable to mount.

- It is no longer possible for players to use guild banks in opposing

faction cities.

- The Clockwork Rocket Bot can no longer be buffed.

- Players with moderator status in custom channels will now properly

lose moderator status when kicked by the channel owner.

- Sending mail to a non-existent character will now result in players

getting the message, “Cannot find mail recipient”.

- Zeppelin Master Zapetta will no longer become confused about whether

the zeppelin in Orgrimmar is arriving or leaving.


Edytowane przez Miazga82

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To i ja się dopiszę :) Boroveek

Damage Vendor zbudowałem z dwoma kumplami od zera, jesteśmy na etapie zbierania się do SSC/TK. Gruul już gnije, więc pierwsze 25man koty za płoty.


12:55, mainteance do 13 podobno. Serwer nadal lezy... grrr.

Ja chce do sunwella...

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Witam icon_smile3.gif

Gram sobie z kumplem rekreacyjnie w wow.

Mamy oczywiście legal opłacone konta gramy na oryginalnych serwach blizarda.

Problem w tym że mamy lvl teraz 33.

Chcemy nauczyć się pierwszej pomocy wyżej niż 150.

Na googlach znalazłem że więcej nauczę sie z książki którą kupie w Stromgarde Keep więc poszedłem tam ale tam mnie zkosili.

Myśleliśmy ze to friendly miasto ale jednak mobów jest tam pełno.

Czy ktoś pomoże?

Płacimy walutą w grze.

10szt złotych monet za pomoc icon_smile3.gif

Dla kogoś na lvl 60 albo 70 to pikuś kasa pewnie też żenująca ale tyle mamy.

Gadu Gadu do mnie: 155555

Dzieki z góry icon_smile3.gif

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Jeżeli nie chcesz serwera PvP, to masz dwie opcje:


Normal - pełen luz, spameriada, dzieciarnia, lolernia, "1g plz", "duel plz" - grałem, nie polecam.


RP - serwer roleplay: mało, albo brak spamującej g*wniażerii, dużo przyjemniejsza gra. Lol-owanie, spamowanie nie jest tolerowane. Do "grania postacią" nikt nikogo nie zmusza, więc jeżeli nie chcesz, po prostu zwyczajnie grasz (na czacie rozmawia się normalnie, z pełnym luzem, ale pisanie "out of character" na /say nie jest tolerowane). Dodatkowe atrakcje, to eventy (najczęściej otwarte dla każdego chętnego) organizowane przez bardziej roleplayujące gildie.


Co do szukania polaków, to i tak przygotuj się na gadanie po angielsku, na dłuższą metę nie da się grać gadając tylko po polsku. Lagi zależą tylko od Twojego łącza i przypadku (jeżeli laguje serwer), nie są raczej powiązane z ilością graczy online. A teraz uciekam na swój "Sha'tar"... :P

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Skoro na normal jest [ciach!]iarzeria to mogę wziąć PvP lub RP byleby nie denerwować się takimi typkami.

Co do tego RP to nie kapuje o co chodzi. Na wikipedia czytałem ale nic z tego nie wiem :)

"Oznacza to, że starają się zachowywać, mówić i grać zgodnie z charakterem, historią i cechami swoich postaci. Jeśli gracz chce przekazać innym osobom jakieś informacje spoza świata gry (o których jego postać nie ma prawa wiedzieć), całą wypowiedź powinien ująć w ((podwójne nawiasy)) lub poprzedzić skrótem "OOC:" (czyli Out Of Character)."

Co do j. angielskiego to ok, nie ma problemu, w grach się dogaduję, lecz nie jestem w tym biegły, a z polakiem szybciej i łatwiej się dogadać ;)


Skoro mówisz, że serwery Blizza nie lagują (a czytałem że na full serwach laguje) to się nie boję bo mój net śmiga ;)


A Twój Sha'tar to jaki typ serwera? :]

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Skoro na normal jest [ciach!]iarzeria to mogę wziąć PvP lub RP byleby nie denerwować się takimi typkami.

Co do tego RP to nie kapuje o co chodzi. Na wikipedia czytałem ale nic z tego nie wiem :)

Dokładnie o to chodzi, przeczytaj jeszcze raz dokładnie... :wink:

A Twój Sha'tar to jaki typ serwera? :]

RP, ale na polaków trafiłem jak dotąd dwa (sic!) razy (nie żeby to mi robiło jakąkolwiek rożnicę...) - dość młody serwer, niespecjalnie wypełniony graczami, z dość stabilną ekonomią...

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Poczytałem trochę na forach i wnioskuję że na RP, zamiast "ej ziom idziemy na stwora?" to "Wielki wojowniku, czy zechcesz wybrać się..."?? :D

To chyba wybiorę RP, choć wątpię, czy będę w stanie - z moim angielskim - tak bardzo wczuć się w grę :P

Najwyżej jak trochę zaniżę poziom to nic się nie stanie :P


I pytanie z innej beczki, ile mniej więcej zajmuje wbicie 70lvl? Albo 60? 50? Widzę na forach że goście posiadają kilka postaci na 70lvl, to ja nie wiem co o tym myśleć. Albo że poziom szybko leci, albo totalne nałogi :P

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Wiadomo, pierwszą postać robi się najdłużej. Każdą następną to już się klepie dosyć szybko.

Do 60lvl idzie szybciej niż jeszcze jakiś czas temu. Jeden z patchy zmienił ilości xp na level tak aby szybciej można było levelować. Od 60 do 70 exp leci po staremu.

Już nie pamiętam jak to było, ale chyba czas w jakim się levelowało od 1 do 60 lvl'a jest podobny co od 60 do 70.


A jeśli chodzi o wybór realmu, to nie sugerowałbym się opiniami jako by na jednym było więcej spamu a na innym mniej. Spam, [ciach!]iarze itp itd są wszędzie. A przed niechcianymi wiadomościami z chat'u łatwo się chronić, są pluginy, które blokują takie rzeczy, wiec to też nie problem.

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A jeśli chodzi o wybór realmu, to nie sugerowałbym się opiniami jako by na jednym było więcej spamu a na innym mniej. Spam, [ciach!]iarze itp itd są wszędzie. A przed niechcianymi wiadomościami z chat'u łatwo się chronić, są pluginy, które blokują takie rzeczy, wiec to też nie problem.

Sorry, ale jeżeli uważasz że poziom spamu i g8wniażerii na serwerach RP bywa większy niż na Normal, to pomyliłeś gry...

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Sorry, ale jeżeli uważasz że poziom spamu i g8wniażerii na serwerach RP bywa większy niż na Normal, to pomyliłeś gry...

No jasne, jak mogłem pomylić counter strike'a z wow'em. Panie przemądrzały nie pomyliłem. Wiem o czym piszę. W tą grę nie grałem tydzień ani miesiąc, lecz znacznie dłużej. Radzę także czytać uważnie. A propos spamu jak już powiedziałem istnieją wtyczki które blokują tego typu treści, więc problemu nie ma ... na wszystkich serwerach, wszelkiego typu. :mur: Edytowane przez Miazga82

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No jasne, jak mogłem pomylić counter strike'a z wow'em. Panie przemądrzały nie pomyliłem. Wiem o czym piszę. W tą grę nie grałem tydzień ani miesiąc, lecz znacznie dłużej. Radzę także czytać uważnie. A propos spamu jak już powiedziałem istnieją wtyczki które blokują tego typu treści, więc problemu nie ma ... na wszystkich serwerach, wszelkiego typu. :mur:

Jeżeli chodzi o spam, to są addony blokujące, ale ich skuteczność ogranicza się do botów reklamowych, na dodatek nie wszystkich, bo zawsze znajdzie się pomysłowy dobromir który tak napisze reklamę, że addon ją przepuści. Chodzi raczej o "błagaczy", duellerów, lolerów na trade. IMO serwery Normal (a parę już przerobiłem) to syf pokroju czatu na onecie, tyle że po angielsku. Na żadnym z RP na których gram nie zauważyłem "barrens chat", podczas gdy na normalach potrafi to sięgać do /1 w shatt...

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