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Poziom wiedzy 17-latkow w USA

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BUahahhaha jeszcze sie smieje jak to przeczytalem... sporo jest i po angielsku ale naprawde warto - akcja sie rozwija :P


{SnOOkiE} Frank zAppa?

{MuffinMan} Excuse me?

{SnOOkiE} The song bi frank Zappa

[GTF]Muffin Man Which song is that?

{SnOOkiE} muffin man song. do u like it?

{MuffinMan} I am not sure what you are talking about I'm afraid.

{SnOOkiE} where did u get you're name from thwn??

{MuffinMan} I used to run a muffin shop, so I called Myself the MuffinMan. Who is Frank Zappa?

{SnOOkiE} U dint now who he is??? he is 1 of the bestest singeres in the world. He made many great songs.

{MuffinMan} Is he American? I don't know many American singers. I do know Frank Sinatra though.

{SnOOkiE} why dont you know American singers???

{SnOOkiE} who is frank sinatera???

{SnOOkiE} are u still there???

{MuffinMan} Sorry, I was writing an e-mail. Frank Sinatra was one of the greatest American crooners ever. He sold millions of records around the world. His most famous songs are My Way and New York, New York.

{SnOOkiE} is he a rock singer? What band is he in???

{MuffinMan} He is dead now.

{SnOOkiE} Ok. So what band is he in??? Is it a fock band like arosmith??? i like arosmith, do u

{SnOOkiE} are u still there??

{MuffinMan} He was in a Rock Band called "The *** Americans". You can probably find their records in your local record shop. They made many GREAT records about Americans. Their best song was called "Why is my IQ so small?" Another great song was called, "My spelling is shit." Yes I am still here, just a longer sentance to type.

{SnOOkiE} i dont think i wood like this band. it is a stupid name fro a band.

{MuffinMan} Yes it is, but they were writing social commentary, so the songs MEANT something!!

{SnOOkiE} wot is soceal commentery?

{MuffinMan} It doesn't matter. You are right. You probably wouldn't like the music. Can I ask you some questions?

{SnOOkiE} Ok, like wot?

{MuffinMan} Are you male or female?

{SnOOkiE} femail. and u?

{MuffinMan} Your name is nice. Where did you get it from?

{SnOOkiE} my mom used to call me it when i was young!

{MuffinMan} Why?

{SnOOkiE} because i used to snook around. so she caled me snookie

{MuffinMan} I understand. That makes sense How old are you?

{SnOOkiE} i'am 17. u

{MuffinMan} You are still young Does your mother still call you snookie?


{MuffinMan} Sorry.

{SnOOkiE} why are you sorry?

{MuffinMan} Because I said you are young. Because I am older I said you are young. To me you are still young but I know you are an adult. Where do you live?

{SnOOkiE} Ok. i live OK

{MuffinMan} What? What is OK?

{SnOOkiE} Ok. oklahama. Dint you know that? r you an ***!!!

{MuffinMan} Please don't call me an ***. Not I am not. I just didn't know that OK was the abbreviation for Oklahama. Which city do you live in?

{SnOOkiE] tulsa. it is boring!!!!! where do u live?

{MuffinMan} The Czech Republic.

{SnOOkiE} i dont know that. what state is it in???

{MuffinMan} It's not in any state, it is a country in Europe.

{SnOOkiE} like london??

{MuffinMan} Something like that. But it is not close to the country of London.

{SnOOkiE} where is it then?

[GTF]Muffin Man It's between Russia and Germany.

{SnOOkiE} mi uncle told me aboot russia. he was fiting against them once time. he said there are commies or something.

{MuffinMan} Your Uncle was fighting against Russia? Wow! He must be very brave. Which war was this in? WWII?

{SnOOkiE} against the vietnam war against the russians. he siad we lost because our politicens werre all hamos and they dint help people like him to kill the gooks. 

{MuffinMan} I didn't know that Russia was in the Vietnam war. You must really know your history! Wow!

{SnOOkiE} yes it was. and vietnam peple as well. hsitory s 1 of my favoirite subjects. why didnt u know? u are russina.

{SnOOkiE} are u still tjhere???

{MuffinMan} I am not Russian, I am Czech. But we are close to Russia. I knew that the Russians were helping the Vietnamese with money and weapons, but I didn't know that they were fighting there. I am very impressed with your knowledge.

{SnOOkiE} thnx!! history is my bestest subject. my teachers sais that i will do realy well in my final exams. r u a commie?

{MuffinMan} Actually, it's communist. Yes I am.

{SnOOkiE} mi uncle and my pop says that comminunists are bastads and shold be bomed with nuclear barns.

{MuffinMan} Then I would be dead. I think that would make me very sad because I am a nice person. Do you think I am a nice person?

{SnOOkiE} i dont know u very well. but probaby it wood be sad if you were dead from a born. killing pople is not nice but commies kill people all the time and they are evil.

{MuffinMan} It's not true. We are very nice people. Just like Americans. Are you really 17 years old?

{SnOOkiE} YES!!! I AM!!! how old r u?

[GTF]Muffin Man I don't know.


{MuffinMan} Because in communist countries we don't have birthdays. No one knows how old they are. I think I am something like 30 in American age.

{SnOOkiE} u dont have birfdays?? that is very sad. i like my b/day. tell me please what your real name is.

[GTF]Muffin Man I have many names, but my name now is Lenin. Next year I must change my name again. I don't know what I will change it to yet.

{SnOOkiE} ?? why do u change your name??

{MuffinMan} I'm sorry, I can't tell you. It's a secret.

{SnOOkiE} does everone change there name in russia???

{MuffinMan} No, only people like me. But it's not too bad. It means that I don't get my ex-wives chasing after me because they can't find out what my real name is. I like it.

{SnOOkiE} hhow many wifes to you have???

{MuffinMan} So far I have been married 7 times. I am going to get married again soon, but first I must get rid of Olga, my current wife.

{SnOOkiE} why??? do u not like here?

{MuffinMan} I like her very much, but in this country when a woman starts to get older she gets VERY fat. I don't like fat women. So I will get a new one who is not fat. Are you fat?


(GTF]MuffinMan That's nice. I like girls that look like models. Maybe you can be my next wife.

{SnOOkiE} NO!!! lM NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{MuffinMan} Sorry Snookie, I was joking. Really. I know that you can't be my next wife because you wouldn't like it here.

{SnOOkiE} Ok. as long as u were jocking! why woudlnt i like it there in russia?? tell me about russin!

{MuffinMan} Ok, but it will be a long sentance. You will have to wait while I type it, ok?

{SnOOkiE} ok. i will wait.

{MuffinMan} Good, because if you like history, you can tell this to your teacher at school

{SnOOkiE} ok

{MuffinMan} Firstly, I don't think that you would like it here because we don't have televisions. Many years ago there was a man named Stalin, and he became president of Russia and the peoples democracies, countries like mine. Anyway, he said that TV was a very bad thing and made it against the law for people to watch it or sell them. Ok, please wait because my screen is full and I want to type more....

{SnOOkiE} u dont have television? r u jocking?

{SnOOkiE} i have heard of stalin.

{SnOOkiE} r u still there??

{MuffinMan} Anyway, we also don't have cars. This is because the Americans won't let us buy petrol from places like Texas. And there are no other countries in the world that can make petrol. In many ways this is good, because we don't get so fat as we have to walk everywhere. So I think you wouldn't like it here.

{SnOOkiE} america isnt the only cuntry that makes petrol. my uncle was in the war of the gulf which was a war about petrol!!!!!!!! america won thw war!!!!!

{MuffinMan} I'm very impressed! You really do know your history. But did you know that Kuwait (the country that makes petrol) is now an American state? This means that Americans own this petrol and they won't sell it to communists.

{SnOOkiE} of course i knew!!!!!!! thnks. i like hsitory

{SnOOkiE} do u have computers?

[GTFJMuffinMan No, we don't have computers here, except for the government.

{SnOOkiE} if u dont have computores then how r u writing to me??

{MuffinMan} I work for the government.


{MuffinMan} Snookie, I can't tell you that. If I tell you and you tell someone else then I will be in trouble.

{SnOOkiE} i wont tell anyone else. tell me please!!!

{MuffinMan} You have to promise me. If I tell you and someone finds out, I will be shot in the head. I have been shot in the head before and I don't like it. It hurts!

{SnOOkiE} you havent been SHOT IN THE HEAD!!! If U WERE SHot IN THE HEAD U WOOD BE DEAD!!!! Dont JOKE me!!!!

{MuffinMan} Snookie, I really have been shot in the head. Promise. But it missed my brain and how I have a metal plate in my head. 

{SnOOkiE} COOL! r u a spy?

{MuffinMan} Yes, I work for the KGB. PLEASE don't tell anybody.

{SnOOkiE} I promise. i wont even tell my uncle, he wood probably be angry for talking me to an commie anyway. is it cool being a spy? have u killed many people?

{MuffinMan} It's very nice being a spy. It means that I can eat meat sometimes. Most people in communist countries can't eat meat, only bread.

{SnOOkiE} cool. did u kill people??

{MuffinMan} I have only killed two people. But it's not nice. I had to kill my father because he was giving secrets to the Americans.

{SnOOkiE} thats horrible!!!!!!!! i LOVE MY FATHER!!!!

{MuffinMan} Oh my god, someone has come in the room!!

{SnOOkiE} who has cum in the room??

{SnOOkiE} r u still there???

{SnOOkiE} hello??

{SnOOkiE} i will go now. bye bye

{MuffinMan} WHO IS ZIS??

{SnOOkiE} u r back. where did u go?


{SnOOkiE} who r u?? where is the person from before??


{SnOOkiE} i have to GO!!!!!!!!


{SnOOkiE} NO!!!!!!! im NOT a SPY!!!! i must go!!!!


{SnOOkiE} u WONT FIND mE!!! im going


{SnOOkiE} how do u knwo?? NO IM NOT!!!!




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Historia swiata wedlug Amerykanow zawsze wygladala troche dziwnie, zreszta caly swiat wedlug Amerykanow wyglada inaczej :) USA i komuchy nic innego nie istnieje. USA good komuchy BAAAAADDDDDD.

Usmialem sie oj usmialem, zal mi tych Amerykancow oj zal. Jakim cudem oni wyrosli na taka potege ?? Acha chyba wiem duzo emigrantow w trakcie wojny i po wojnie sie tam znalazlo (z wlasnej lub niekoniecznie z wlasnej woli) Inaczej byliby drugim Meksykiem albo cos takiego.



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O Boze ci Amerykanie to lolki :D, gosc lubi historie a tyle o niej wie co #%#@, heh z gegry tez niezly jest :lol: :lol: :lol: . Ja piernicze czego oni ucza w tych stanach :oops: .


To fragmenty najlepsze: (oczywiscie oprocz konca ktorego nie bede w calosci kopiowal):

{MuffinMan} The Czech Republic. 

{SnOOkiE} i dont know that. what state is it in??? 

{MuffinMan} It's not in any state, it is a country in Europe. 

{SnOOkiE} like london?? 

{MuffinMan} Something like that. But it is not close to the country of London. 

{SnOOkiE} where is it then? 

[GTF]Muffin Man It's between Russia and Germany. 



{SnOOkiE} against the vietnam war against the russians. he siad we lost because our politicens werre all hamos and they dint help people like him to kill the gooks. 

{MuffinMan} I didn't know that Russia was in the Vietnam war. You must really know your history! Wow! 




{MuffinMan} Because in communist countries we don't have birthdays. No one knows how old they are. I think I am something like 30 in American age. 


{SnOOkiE} does everone change there name in russia??? 

{MuffinMan} No, only people like me. But it's not too bad. It means that I don't get my ex-wives chasing after me because they can't find out what my real name is. I like it. 



i na koniec :lol: :lol: :lol:

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przeczytalem !


ok - ta amerykanka , to ma chyba IQ <70 :lol:


zeby dac sie wkrecic ze ruscy zenia sie po 7 razy , zmieniaja co rok imiona :lol: :lol:


jezeli ten koles jest czechem , to bardzo dobrze po angielsku wymiata - tez tak bym chcial 8)



a zakonczenie bylo cool :D

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ta amerykanka mowi (pisze) jakby jakas analfabetka byla...

"the bestest" :lol:


pozatym nie wiem jak mozecie oceniac caly kraj (nie zebym go bronil) na podstawie jakiejs "wszystko wiedzacej" smarkuli...

w kazdym kraju sie zdarzaja ciezkie przypadki

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Hm nie wiem nie wiem, watpie ze mozna byc tak tepym zreszta polska nie jest lepsza zapewniam, to ze wiemy gdzie sa Czechy (chociaz nie wiem, u mnie w klasie wiekszosc slucha "glosu mlodziezy"[hh] a wiadomo co to robi z mozgu...), albo facet z 4 z ggery Plock'a [?;]] na pomorzu o_0... wiec nie mowmy na Amerykanow jaki sa tepi, lepiej poatrzmy na sibie samych... albo na ostatniej H wychowawczej, gralismy w kalambury, jedna ciota wymyslila sobie haslo "Oswiecim" :/. No dno totalne, nie mowie aby to miejsce uczynic swietym itd ale szacunewk sie nalezy w koncu tam gineli ludzie...

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Hm nie wiem nie wiem, watpie ze mozna byc tak tepym zreszta polska nie jest lepsza zapewniam, to ze wiemy gdzie sa Czechy (chociaz nie wiem, u mnie w klasie  wiekszosc slucha "glosu mlodziezy"[hh] a wiadomo co to robi z mozgu...), albo facet z 4 z ggery Plock'a [?;]] na pomorzu o_0... wiec nie mowmy na Amerykanow jaki sa tepi, lepiej poatrzmy na sibie samych... albo na ostatniej H wychowawczej, gralismy w kalambury, jedna ciota wymyslila sobie haslo "Oswiecim" :/. No dno totalne, nie mowie aby to miejsce uczynic swietym itd ale szacunewk sie nalezy w koncu tam gineli ludzie...

No stary, zdazaja sie rozni ludzie - ale znasz kogos kto dal by sobie wcisnac ze w Rosjii (Czechach) nie maja imion ludzie ? Nie wiedz ile maja lat :P Hehehh

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Hm nie wiem nie wiem, watpie ze mozna byc tak tepym zreszta polska nie jest lepsza zapewniam, to ze wiemy gdzie sa Czechy (chociaz nie wiem, u mnie w klasie  wiekszosc slucha "glosu mlodziezy"[hh] a wiadomo co to robi z mozgu...), albo facet z 4 z ggery Plock'a [?;]] na pomorzu o_0... wiec nie mowmy na Amerykanow jaki sa tepi, lepiej poatrzmy na sibie samych... albo na ostatniej H wychowawczej, gralismy w kalambury, jedna ciota wymyslila sobie haslo "Oswiecim" :/. No dno totalne, nie mowie aby to miejsce uczynic swietym itd ale szacunewk sie nalezy w koncu tam gineli ludzie...

No stary, zdazaja sie rozni ludzie - ale znasz kogos kto dal by sobie wcisnac ze w Rosjii (Czechach) nie maja imion ludzie ? Nie wiedz ile maja lat :P Hehehh

jakie imiona ? numerki 8O :twisted: :wink:

a co do wieku w rosji, prawda jest ze spis ludnosci mocno kuleje :?

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Nie chcialo mi sie czytac jak zobaczylem ile tekstu ale zmusilem sie i warto bylo. Jezeli to real to juz wiem jak dziala propaganda amerykanska. Hmm, a niby to arabowie sa uczeni nienawisci do swiata zachodniego :P

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tam sie ksztalca bardziej kierunkowo, studia sa drogie a i tak najlepsze uczelnie sa cienkie- patrz wyniki olimiapdy oistatrniej z informatyki :)


btw. mnostwo tam tłoomokoof




dzis w autobusie w Krakowie slyszalem jak wlasnie w takim wieku dziewczyna twierdzila ze chrzest Polski byl w 996 r ( aha ponoc miala 5 z historii) no comment

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żeby było śmieszniej moja siora jest w koledżu w Seminolle w OK ale tam też som niezłe lole. jeden lolek wczoraj piosenkę śpiewał po polsku i rodzice prawie się posikali i jeszcze zamiast cześć mówił koń ale to już inna bajka. poza tym to wszędzie są takie lole co np. nie u mieją pokazać Francji na mapie. ale dialog I klasa UHADI UHADI

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