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Unreal Tournament 2004

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Ja juz mam pełną wersje UT2004. On jest poprostu zajeb*** !!;) Grfa wypass!! I wydaje mi sie, że ma mniejsze wymagadnia od UT2003 gdyż poprostu chodzi mi szybciej;) Mam kompa durona 1000Mhz Radeona 9200 64ddr i 64bit i chodzi eleganco:D tzn grałem na LOW ale mówie Wam nic nie zacina!! (no może czsami, ale to w zupełności nie preszkadza) Grałem dobiero dwa razy ale sądzę że na wyżsaych zacznie mi ciąc:/ Ale luss mówie WAM TA WERSJA MA MNIEJSZE WYMAGANIA;) miłego grania :D :D

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mam problem - po uruchomieniu ut2004.exe mam taki blad

UT2004 Build UT2004_Patch_[2004-05-10_17.18]OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)CPU: AuthenticAMD PentiumPro-class processor @ 1676 MHz with 767MB RAMVideo: No VideoCan't find 'ini:Engine.Engine.GameEngine' in configuration fileHistory: UObject::SafeLoadError <- UObject::StaticLoadClass <- InitEngine <- FMallocWindows::Free <- FMallocWindows::Free
mial tak ktos?? Jak to naprawic?

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mam problem z lagowaniem.Nie pomaga wyłączenie PRELOAD ALL PLAYERSKIN. i 3D AUDIO ---> H/W 3D.POmaga dopiero wyłączenie dzwięku opcją SOUND DRIVER.madafaka co jest ??z dzwiękiem nieda sie grać, bez dzwięku tez lipa. pomozę ktoś?


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mam problem z lagowaniem.Nie pomaga wyłączenie PRELOAD ALL PLAYERSKIN. i 3D AUDIO ---> H/W 3D.POmaga dopiero wyłączenie dzwięku opcją SOUND DRIVER.madafaka co jest ??z dzwiękiem nieda sie grać, bez dzwięku tez lipa. pomozę ktoś?


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mam problem - po uruchomieniu ut2004.exe mam taki blad  


Miałem ten syf. Nie dało się za chiny tego naprawić (nawet skopiowanie oreg plików z cdka) zrób reinstall utka. U mnie winą chyba był unwheel mod.

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Robię to tej gry mapkę do dm, mam już ją prawie skończoną (~ 60 %). Szukam ludzi do przetestowania jej ewntualnie osób które się na tym znają i powiedzieliby co w niej zmienić. Chętnych zapraszam na pw.

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Ukazał się drugi oficjalny patch ut2004 v3236


Do pobrania w tej chwili stąd (nie ma go jeszcze na stronce :


Lista zmian w stosunku do pierwszego patcha:




Unreal Tournament 2004 Patch 2 Release notes.



This patch is completely compatible with the retail version - servers and clients of any flavor can connect with each other.

This patch will not overwrite your ut2004.ini and user.ini files, except to update settings as necessary. This patch

includes all changes made in Patch 1.


Here is the full change list for Patch 2:


Onslaught related:

- Added bSmoothKarmaStateUpdates to Actor to control whether Karma interpolates between states

- Added bRepulseWater to KRepulsors and enabled this for Hovercraft

- Added bFlyingKarma to Pawn to indicate PHYS_Karma is active but pawn rotation should still be handled like PHYS_Flying

- SVehicleFactories now store a reference to their marker as MyMarker

- Added bCanHover to Vehicle to indicate a vehicle that can use HoverPathNodes to fly over water.

- Added water damage support to Vehicle so that vehicles will take damage when under water.

- Karma now collides correctly with inverted terrain - courtesy James Golding ;-)

- Increased the extra linear dampening for Karma in water from 0.8 to 2.5 and angular dampening from 0.1 to 0.4

- Moved RepulsorsShouldHit function to ONSVehicle where it should be.

- Added support for PowerCores and PowerNodes triggering events when created and destroyed.

- Cleaned up PowerCore energy beam effect when PowerCores are not present in the map.

- Added bDriverCannotLeaveVehicle flag in ONSVehicle for vehicles you can't get out of but instead will try to flip you upright when you press USE if the vehicle is flipped.

- Added bNeverActivate to ONSVehicleFactory that can be set by mods that want to use Onslaught maps but not factories.

- Fixed a bug in ONSWeapon that used the primary fire projectile class for alt-fire instead of the alt-fire version.

- Moved daredevil code server-side to avoid horrible cheating and the ability to mod/mutate features based on daredevil tricks.

- Reversable vehicle factories will work correctly when sides are swapped.

- Fixed midgame menu popping up when watching an Onslaught demo if the viewed player dies

- Fixed camera rotation being changed when switching between first and third person view in a manta

- Fixed target/ion painter ammo issues

- Fixed bug in stunt mutator where vehicles would be accelerated in their local downward Z when holding the jump warmup while in air.

- Onslaught turrets cannot damage PowerCores or PowerNodes

- Onslaught vehicles take a very small amount of damage over time when on fire and there is no driver

- Fixed players always spawning at own PowerCore after sides are swapped.

- Fixed problem where bots weren't spawning at the nodes they are defending.


General Game play:

- More script warning fixes

- Fixed armor loop in GameInfo.ReduceDamage() properly handling armor getting destroyed while absorbing damage

- Invasion monsters never use default character mesh

- Fixed CTFSquadAI.FindHidePathFor()

- Make sure always add armor using Pawn.AddShieldStrength()

- Fixed ShieldAbsorb() armor damage absorption to produce consistent results in all situations

- Fixed spawning of physicsvolume entry and exit actors, as well as splash sounds, and made them client side.

- Added WaterSplash, used for projectiles and pawns

- Added SplashEffect property and CheckForSplash() function to WeaponAttachment, so instant hit weapons can cause splashes

- Added BulletSplash, used for trace weapons

- Landing sounds no longer stomp on splash sounds

- Added WaterRing - spawned while pawn is walking in water, or center of pawn enters water (new PawnEntryActor property in PhysicsVolume)

- Fixed pawn visible rotation lagging too far behind actual rotation (because of head/torso twist support)

- Fixed bots going after nearby dropped inventory that they couldn't pick up

- Fixed some dynamic uploads (which could cause occasional hitching during gameplay)

- Fixed getting proper ammo count when picking up dropped weapon and already have ammo but no weapon of that type

- Fixed SquadLeader getting set to none if everyone in squad is in a turret

- HUD weapon bar bShowMissingWeaponInfo now config, so is properly saved

- Fixed CTFSquadAI finding flagholder when holder is in vehicle

- Fixed "Use Map Defaults" for bots can result in uneven teams in some maps

- [uSE] will only bring up the mid-game menu in ONS games

- Fix for custom models crashing the single player game.

- Fixed TracerProjectile location setting after near miss sound effect

- Fixed BR bomb trail position in multiplayer

- Added Instagib CTF as standalone gametype

- Allow chatting when the game is paused.

- No longer catch own weapon when thrown while running forward

- Fixed weapons checking if they were out of ammo when they weren't the active weapon (which was causing undesired switching to best weapon)



- Server browser filters have been reworked to be easier to use.

- Localized "New News" message

- Added localized IRC channels for French and German.

- Added a flashing messages when there is new community news.

- Movie Panel.


Networking Related:

- Various Web Admin style fixes

- Don't load non-default voicepacks on dedicated server

- Fixed server enforcement of maxresponsetime, and make sure clients don't trip it accidentally

- Fixed speedhack detection false positives

- Increased NetPriority of controlled ONSWeaponPawns

- Fixed client-side game time getting screwed up

- Improved jumping/dodging/etc. not getting lost when there's significant packet loss

- Fixed Cheat protect to view most voicepacks as ok

- Fixed *hopefully* the ServerBrowser locking packages and tripping cheat protection.

- Don't spawn votinghandler and votingreplicationinfos for servers which don't have voting enabled (slight performance improvement for those servers)

- TeamInfo and SquadAI have lower netupdatefrequency (for server performance). Set NetUpdateTime whenever a replicated property is updated to get it replicated immediately.

- Make sure that mutators are properly reported to master server

- Made ServerShortTimeout() replicated function reliable

- MasterServerUplink now caches calls to GetServerInfo and GetServerDetails.

- Onslaught server performance improvements:

- vehicle packed state struct updates don't set bNetDirty

- don't update vehicle SoundPitch on dedicated servers

- improved WebProjectile net performance

- added bIsAwake and bHasBeenAwake flags to ONSVehicle, used for packed state replication

- Fixed replication conditions for a bunch of vehicle/projectile properties, changed from bNetDirty to bNetInitial

- Fixed NetworkStatusMessages once and for all

- Reenabled temp. MD5 database generation for loaded packages on a server

- Fixed "flying player" exploit.

- Fixed keeping high translocator trajectory persistent across online level changes.


Mod Author Related:

- Fix for the UCL not exporting bug.

- Fix for .INT files in mod hierarchy, Removed Temp MD5 Warning Message.

- Call PostRender2D() on own pawn as well (mod authors can decide not to render custom beacon)

- Added LevelInfo native function GetPhysicsVolume() - returns the physics volume at a specified location

- Added actor property bTraceWater. If true, trace() by this actor returns collisions with water volumes

- Added support for strafing while on ladders, if the LadderVolume property bAllowLadderStrafing is set true (still false by default)

- Fix for log files and -MOD= switch

- Fix for cache manager exporting ucl files when it shouldn't

- Fixed LoadDecoText

- Use CrouchedPct instead of WalkingPct for crouched pawns

- Vehicle function NumPassengers() now simulated so it can be called on clients

- Made Destroy() function call in ONSVehicle state code indirect (for debugger)

- Fixed localization for mod support

- Now support multiple music directories

- Save Games fixed, with the following limitations:

- ragdolls aren't serialized

- animations aren't serialized (but uses simanim to save channel 0)

- must run UT2004 with -makenames option, or set bSupportSaveGames true in LevelInfo

- added Actor events PreSaveGame() and PostLoadSavedGame()

- Render hud overlays[] on DM_Low clients also



3D Buzz Editor Enhancements (Thanks to our friends at ! Check out their UT2004 mod author video tutorials at )

- Maximize Viewports fixed

- Static Mesh Create From Selected added

- Splitter bar between Viewport and props in SM viewer fixed.

- Button to snap view to frame the current mesh added

- Option to auto-snap view on mesh change

- Added realtime preview to the SM browser.

- New Array tool for quickly adding actors.



- Fogging is based on camera position rather than pawn head position (important for third person camera while pawn is submerged)

- Removed D3D9Drv.dll and default.ini from patch

- Fixed bug reporting address for Italian, Spanish, and French localized versions.

- Fixed "Intersect Function" crash from first patch.

- Fixed mousewheel input on Win64.

- Removed some pre-release debugging that was still enabled

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Odkopuje temat, ale dopiero niedawno zacząłem grać w tą gierkę.


Wersja po instalce miała ładne bugi z poziomem trudnośc na onslaught - w pewnym momencie dla testów wrzuciłem konfigurację 7 botów moja drużynka - 5 przeciwnicy i w 8 na 5 nie mogłem wygrać... Miałem wrażenie, że sam gram, a boty nic nie robią.


Z drugiej strony czasem było na odwrót i zdobycie bazy przeciwnika było śmiesznie łatwe.


Do tego dziwny poziom trudności na ostatnich mapkach singla - boty wydawały się mieć kilkakrotnie więcej hp niż ja - kilka razy z bazooki a ten dalej biegał - a znowu ja wystarczyło, że spadłem z niewielkiej wysokości i zdrówko na 40% - jakbym ze szkła był.



No dobra - po instalce najnowszego patcha wszyskto wydaje się chodzic ok, bonus pack dodał nowe pojazdy i jest fajnie - najlepszy dla mnie jest tryb onslaught - zawsze lubiłem FPP w połączeniu z pojazdami.


Gra chodzi całkiem płynnie (60fps), ale w średnich/wysokich detalach i 1024x768 - w sumie wygląda jak podrasowany 2003 - zresztą tamten chodził mi na 100fps przy max detalach.


Fajna gierka - można sie trochę pobawić - a mapek jest dużo - teraz to chyba mapki mi 4GB zajmują na dysku - a cała gra 6GB...

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Varrol - Ta gra jest zrobiona z myślą o graniu na necie, a nie z botami, sa tylko dodatkiem zeby se postrzelac w coś jak ci się nudzi, a prawdziwa gra zaczyna się dopiero onlline.


Popieram że ONS super ale i tak nie ma to jak TDM. :D

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A ja mam taki problem że ściągam mapki z neta do gry i rozpakowuje do katalogu maps i nie ma ich w grze. Ktoś wie czemu??


bo mapy posiadaja rowniez i textury, stat mechy itd itd... patrz po folderach i szukaj odp rozszezen, albo wejdz na i sciag sobie program ktory implementuje w UT2k4 dodatki, w tym mapy

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UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2004-03-03_02.42]


OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)

CPU: GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 2398 MHz with 255MB RAM

Video: RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.6.05a) (6505)


Bad name index 626/482


History: ULinkerLoad<<FName <- (LinkerLoad Package.LinkerLoad 68245)) <- FObjectImport<< <- LoadImportMap <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <- ULinkerLoad::VerifyImport <- ValidateImports <- ULinkerLoad::Verify <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <- ULinkerLoad::VerifyImport <- ValidateImports <- ULinkerLoad::Verify <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <- ULinkerLoad::VerifyImport <- ULinkerLoad::VerifyImport <- ValidateImports <- ULinkerLoad::Verify <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Engine.Level None.MyLevel Entry) <- VerifyPackages <- UGameEngine::LoadMap <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine

Takie coś mam przy odpalaniu ut 2k4! Pomóżcie mi!

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Wrzuciłem patha najnowszego i blad sie bardzo zmienil:


UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2005-02-15_17.02]


OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)

CPU: GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 2398 MHz with 255MB RAM

Video: RADEON 9600 Series (Omega 2.6.05a) (6505)


Assertion failed: GetPropertiesSize()>=sizeof(UObject) [File:.\UnClass.cpp] [Line: 1032]


History: UClass::Serialize <- (Class XEffects.ComboActivation) <- LoadObject <- (Class XEffects.ComboActivation 2915302==2915302/4569396 2915210 262) <- ULinkerLoad::Preload <- PreLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- ULinkerLoad::CreateImport <- IndexToObject <- ULinkerLoad::CreateExport <- (ComboActivation 2915302) <- ULinkerLoad::CreateImport <- IndexToObject <- ULinkerLoad<<UObject <- (LinkerLoad Package.LinkerLoad 80378)) <- FPropertyTag::SerializeTaggedProperty <- LoadStream <- (Count 0) <- UStruct::SerializeTaggedProperties <- (ActivationEffectClass[-1]) <- UClass::Serialize <- (Class XGame.Combo) <- LoadObject <- (Class XGame.Combo 80378==80378/943240 80110 270) <- ULinkerLoad::Preload <- PreLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- ULinkerLoad::CreateImport <- IndexToObject <- ULinkerLoad::CreateExport <- (Gib 2915302) <- ULinkerLoad::CreateImport <- IndexToObject <- ULinkerLoad<<UObject <- (LinkerLoad Package.LinkerLoad 80378)) <- UClassProperty::Serialize <- (ClassProperty XGame.xPawn.GetGibClass.ReturnValue) <- LoadObject <- (ClassProperty XGame.xPawn.GetGibClass.ReturnValue 80378==80378/943240 187366 17) <- ULinkerLoad::Preload <- LinkProperties <- UStruct::Link <- UFunction::Link <- UStruct::Serialize <- (Function XGame.xPawn.GetGibClass) <- UFunction::Serialize <- LoadObject <- (Function XGame.xPawn.GetGibClass 80378==80378/943240 186241 49) <- ULinkerLoad::Preload <- PreLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- ULinkerLoad::CreateImport <- IndexToObject <- ULinkerLoad<<UObject <- (LinkerLoad Package.LinkerLoad 2915302)) <- UField::Serialize <- (Class XEffects.LavaDeath) <- UStruct::Serialize <- (Class XEffects.LavaDeath) <- UState::Serialize <- UClass::Serialize <- (Class XEffects.LavaDeath) <- LoadObject <- (Class XEffects.LavaDeath 2915302==2915302/4569396 2191412 123) <- ULinkerLoad::Preload <- PreLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- ULinkerLoad::CreateImport <- IndexToObject <- ULinkerLoad::CreateExport <- (LavaDeath 2915302) <- ULinkerLoad::CreateImport <- IndexToObject <- ULinkerLoad<<UObject <- (LinkerLoad Package.LinkerLoad 80378)) <- SerializeExpr <- (20) <- SerializeExpr <- (61) <- SerializeExpr <- (0F) <- UStruct::Serialize <- (Function XGame.xPawn.Dying.FellOutOfWorld) <- UFunction::Serialize <- LoadObject <- (Function XGame.xPawn.Dying.FellOutOfWorld 80378==80378/943240 187529 167) <- ULinkerLoad::Preload <- LinkProperties <- UStruct::Link <- UState::Link <- UStruct::Serialize <- (State XGame.xPawn.Dying) <- UState::Serialize <- LoadObject <- (State XGame.xPawn.Dying 80378==80378/943240 187424 51) <- ULinkerLoad::Preload <- LinkProperties <- UStruct::Link <- UState::Link <- UClass::Link <- UStruct::Serialize <- (Class XGame.xPawn) <- UState::Serialize <- UClass::Serialize <- (Class XGame.xPawn) <- LoadObject <- (Class XGame.xPawn 80378==80378/943240 71167 4828) <- ULinkerLoad::Preload <- PreLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- ULinkerLoad::CreateImport <- IndexToObject <- ULinkerLoad::CreateExport <- (xPawnGibGroup 2915302) <- ULinkerLoad::CreateImport <- IndexToObject <- ULinkerLoad<<UObject <- (LinkerLoad Package.LinkerLoad 80378)) <- SerializeExpr <- (13) <- SerializeExpr <- (0F) <- UStruct::Serialize <- (Function XGame.SpeciesType.Setup) <- UFunction::Serialize <- LoadObject <- (Function XGame.SpeciesType.Setup 80378==80378/943240 494899 1715) <- ULinkerLoad::Preload <- LinkProperties <- UStruct::Link <- UState::Link <- UClass::Link <- UStruct::Serialize <- (Class XGame.SpeciesType) <- UState::Serialize <- UClass::Serialize <- (Class XGame.SpeciesType) <- LoadObject <- (Class XGame.SpeciesType 80378==80378/943240 81055 1779) <- ULinkerLoad::Preload <- PreLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Core.Class xVoting.xVotingHandler NULL) <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- (GameInfo Entry.GameInfo, Function Engine.GameInfo.InitGame) <- BeginPlay <- UGameEngine::LoadMap <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine <- FMallocWindows::Free <- FMallocWindows::Free

Prosze pomozcie mi!

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Czy Unreal Tournamen 2004 ruszymi na szprzęcie z sygnaturki jeśli tak to na jakich detalach i na jakiej roździelce?


Mi chula w 1024x768x32 holy shit bez problemu :) pozdro

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Sorki że odświeżam stary temat ale zgodnie z zasadą 1 gra = 1 temat......

....pytam się dlaczego mam 10 fps'ów na najniższych detalach w rożdzielczości 320 na 240???

To chyba nienormalne!

Aha mam orginała ze sklepu!


Jęsli znaleźliście błędy ortograficzne to sorki ale chyba jeszcze nie wytrzeźwiałem od wczorajszej niedzieli!!! :D :D

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Sorki że odświeżam stary temat ale zgodnie z zasadą 1 gra = 1 temat......

....pytam się dlaczego mam 10 fps'ów  na najniższych  detalach w rożdzielczości 320 na 240???

To chyba nienormalne!

Aha mam orginała ze sklepu!


Jęsli znaleźliście błędy ortograficzne to sorki ale chyba jeszcze nie wytrzeźwiałem od wczorajszej niedzieli!!! :D :D



może rzeczywiście nie wytrzeźwiałeś i masz omamy zamiast 100fps widzisz 10fps ;)


napisz swój config.

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Jak wchodzę do opcji JOIN albo Communnity w UT2k4 to nagle pojawia mi sie komunikat i wywala mnie z gry :(. Firewalla wylaczylem nawet, ale nic to nie dalo. Jakas zagwozdka z siecią.

Mial ktoś moze taki komunkat,albo wie o co chodzi ????

dzieki - pozdrawiam


UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2004-11-11_10.48]


OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)

CPU: AuthenticAMD PentiumPro-class processor @ 2098 MHz with 1023MB RAM

Video: RADEON 9800 SE (Omega 2.6.12) (6512)


Assertion failed: SocketData.Socket != INVALID_SOCKET [File:.\InternetLink.cpp] [Line: 683]


History: FTcpLink::Connect <- FTcpLink::Poll <- AMasterServerClient::Poll <- AMasterServerLink::execPoll <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- (MasterServerClient Entry.MasterServerClient, Function IpDrv.MasterServerLink.Tick) <- AActor::Tick <- TickAllActors <- ULevel::Tick <- (NetMode=0) <- TickLevel <- UGameEngine::Tick <- Level Untitled <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop <- FMallocWindows::Free <- FMallocWindows::Realloc <- 676F4C57 0 FArray <- FArray::Realloc <- 0*2 <- FMallocWindows::Free


Myslalem ze to przez jeden taki program,ale okazalo sie,ze jednak nie..juz zdębiałem zupelnie :/

Edytowane przez semprini1

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Mam pytanko czy jest moze w UT2k4 cos takiego jak benchmark??

Wiem ze w 2k3 takie cos jest a jak to jest w 2k4?

A moze jest jakis specjalny program?

Czekam na odpowiedz :wink:

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