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Portal użytkowników Skoda Octavia :: Zobacz temat - [inne] Turbo Serwis z Wrocławia - przestroga

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No to ja bym chcial przestrzec przed komisem w Olsztynie oferujacym to volvo. Pojechalem tam ze slaska, po parukrotnych rozmowach telefonicznych, w ktorych zapewniano mnie ze auto jest na chodzie i moge spokojnie nim wracac do domu na kolach. Niebite, tylko poobijane troszke.


Na miejscu okazalo sie ze auto bylo walone w prawy tyl - naprawa polegala na wrzuceniu kitu ktory zdazyl popekac jak powierzchnia ksiezyca.


Skrzynia biegow - niezla kombinacja. Te volva maja 2 rodzaje skrzyni - m47 5biegowa, czasem sie sypia i m46 4biegowa z 5-nadbiegiem wlaczanym guziczkiem na galce. A tutaj na czubku galki jakas poxylina przyczepiony hamski pstryczek jakis i kabelek po dzwigni w dol poprowadzony.


Silnik nie posiadal wentylatora na chlodnicy. Na pytanie jak mialem dojechac na slask bez chlodzenia, gostek zaczal glupio sie usmiechac ze costam moze przykrecic. Silnik odpalil ladnie, chodzil rowno, ale co z tego skoro wystarczylo przegazowac zeby najpierw zadymil na siwo a potem na niebiesko. I na zimno i jak sie zagrzal.


W srodku cos zdechlo jakis czas temu, bo 5 minut to maks co sie dalo wytrzymac w kabinie. Tylne lewe drzwi otwieralne chyba tylko z pomoca strazakow - 'ktos przestawil zabezpieczenie dla dzieci' - na pytanie to czemu nie da sie z zewnatrz otworzyc - cisza. Fotele zupelnie inne niz na zdjeciach, cale porwane.


Po prostu jeden wielki fail, wole podgonic mojego starego pancernika i dozbierac drugie tyle kasy niz dac sie drugi raz wpakowac w taka kupe.

Edytowane przez ^BerZerK^

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Jako, że rodzina się powiększa postanowiłem, że czas na zmiany. Coraz bardziej kusi mnie Volvo - co prawda S40 - ale postanowilem poogladac (na tak zwanego a!pacze'a) ekskluzywne S80. Po 5 minutach na oto co znajduje: KLIK (ponizej krotki opis)


Cena (brutto):

8 600 EUR / 35 922 PLN


Sedan / Limuzyna


Rok produkcji: 2007, 54 000 km, Skrzynia biegów: automatyczna, Moc: 232 kW (315 KM), olej napędowy (diesel), biały-metallic,

Dodatkowe wyposażenie:

ABS, el. szyby, klimatyzacja, alufelgi, system nawigacji, ASR, centralny zamek, autoalarm, poduszka powietrzna, radio / CD, wspomaganie kierownicy, komputer, ksenony, tempomat, czujnik deszczu, ESP, kierownica wielofunkcyjna, czujnik parkowania, reg. wysokość podwozia

Dodatkowe informacje:

zabytkowy, pierwszy właściciel, serwisowany w ASO, bezwypadkowy, garażowany

Opis pojazdu:


NIE kontakt za pomoca forum, poniewaz nie otrzymam wiadomosci.

Dane kontaktowe

Serwis otoMoto nie posiada dodatkowych danych Sprzedającego, poza zawartymi w ogłoszeniu.

REDOS Pojazdy Użytkowe

ul. Kolejowa 31 64-300 Nowy Tomyśl adres strony: REDOS Pojazdy Użytkowe


Pierwsza mysl - oszust. Ale postanowilem ze napisze i oto co otrzymalem:

  Pokaż ukrytą zawartość



Poogladalem troche na necie i zauwazylem ze auto jest sprzedawane juz od dluzszego czasu. Zawsze przez autosalon z okolic Grodziska Wielkopolskiego z ktorym nigdy nie ma zadnej formy kontaktu.

Nie wiem czy to ja jestem jakis dziwny czy nikt nie widzi ze to jest oczywiste oszustwo.

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HY HY tez prawie dalem sie nabrac - nie wiem na czym ten wal ma polegac ale wyglada to tak:


Seat Leon 2.0 TDI DPF Sport Cena (brutto): 7 600 EUR / 31 562 PLN



Hello ,

The car is like new,in perfect condition ,no scratches,no damage.The price I am looking for my Seat Leon

( 7600 eur ) including the shipping costs,insurance and handling.All the car's documents are prepared for the sale. The deal

will be made through Connexion World Cargo which is an escrow company and my car is in their custody. They will handle

everything,payment, delivery and all the documents. I will pay for shipping and insurance so you don't have to worry

for more expences. The car will arrive to you in about 3-5 days and you will have 10 days to inspect it before

take the decision to buy it or not.

If you decide to buy please Email me your full informations (

name and address ) and i will contact the company with your full informations so they can send the car at your home

address and they will contact you with information ( payment/shipping ) on how to complete this transaction.When the

car is sent they will contact you with the informations about the shipping (Tracking Number so you can check the

STATUS of the delivery ONLINE on there website ) and with the informations about making a 50% deposit at them on

their Payment Agent name and address so the company can be sure that you will have the money to buy the car when it

will be delivered to your home address. The car was checked by their repairmens and it is ready to be shipped.Just

email me back and let me know if you want to buy the car.

Attached you have the pics


Sincerely !


Sergius Pacia

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  W dniu 7.07.2010 o 11:32, vatau napisał(a):

HY HY tez prawie dalem sie nabrac - nie wiem na czym ten wal ma polegac ale wyglada to tak:


Seat Leon 2.0 TDI DPF Sport Cena (brutto): 7 600 EUR / 31 562 PLN



Hello ,

The car is like new,in perfect condition ,no scratches,no damage.The price I am looking for my Seat Leon

( 7600 eur ) including the shipping costs,insurance and handling.All the car's documents are prepared for the sale. The deal

will be made through Connexion World Cargo which is an escrow company and my car is in their custody. They will handle

everything,payment, delivery and all the documents. I will pay for shipping and insurance so you don't have to worry

for more expences. The car will arrive to you in about 3-5 days and you will have 10 days to inspect it before

take the decision to buy it or not.

If you decide to buy please Email me your full informations (

name and address ) and i will contact the company with your full informations so they can send the car at your home

address and they will contact you with information ( payment/shipping ) on how to complete this transaction.When the

car is sent they will contact you with the informations about the shipping (Tracking Number so you can check the

STATUS of the delivery ONLINE on there website ) and with the informations about making a 50% deposit at them on

their Payment Agent name and address so the company can be sure that you will have the money to buy the car when it

will be delivered to your home address. The car was checked by their repairmens and it is ready to be shipped.Just

email me back and let me know if you want to buy the car.

Attached you have the pics


Sincerely !


Sergius Pacia




Dostałem DOKŁADNIE takiego samego maila :D. KOPIUJ/WKLEJ. naszemu oszustowi nie chcialo sie nawet zmienic imienia i nazwiska.

Sprawa na pierwszy rzut oka śmierdzi na kilometr. zastanwiam sie tylko czy nie warto tego gdzieś zgłosic. Niestety podejrzewam

że zgłaszanie tego na policję to pewnie strata czasu - czy ktoś ma z tym jakies doświadczenie?

Auto znalazlem na allegro + bezpośredni odnośnik do otomoto. jeśli do nich napisze to zablokują mu konto, ale pewnie 5 min potem bedzie mial nowe.

Takie bezczelne oszustwo drażni. Czy ktoś z was ma pomysł co można by z tym dalej zrobić? Albo przynajmniej jak sprytnie wkurzyć tego gnoja?

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Napisz ze jestes w UK i chcesz obejrzec auto osobiscie nawet jesli jest to na drugim koncu wysp i ze zaplacisz gotowka przy odbiorze dzieki czemu zaoszczedzi czas i pieniadze. Ale pewnie nie odpisze..


Znane sa te nigeryjskie przekrety

Edytowane przez Powerslave

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Witam ponownie

Nie zgadniecie - pojawilo sie to samo ogloszenie po raz kolejny, SEAT Leon - dokladnie te same fotym, dokladnie ten sam opis, chyba tylko cena lekko ulegla zmianie... Ale tym razem wlascicielem okazuje sie byc...

Johan Ferguson

ktory ma dokladnie taka sama historie jak pan..

Sergius Pacia


Przegladalem tez kilka ofert na ktorych pojawily sie identyczny w swej tresci opis odnoszacy sie do


...wszystkie niewiarygodnie korzystne :D

Co zabawne, jak tylko wyslalem zapytanie czy mozna obejrzec auto to oferta prawie z biegu nastepnego dnia zniknela z wszelkich serwisow.



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Chyba kilka osób dało sie już oszukać Panu Sergius Pacia bądź Johan Ferguson[/b. Sądząc po tym z jaką wytrwałością umieszcza on swoje ogłoszenia na stronach tym razem znalazłem Skodę Octavię (oczywiście oferta nadzwyczaj korzystna 1.9 TDI 2008 rok, 68000 km full opcja:). Nie muszę już chyba dodawać że zaraz po wysłaniu mojego zapytania aukcja zniknęła. w odpowiedzi otrzymałem piękną i znaną już wielu osobom historyjkę o UK. kolejnym mailem jak łatwo się domyślić był:

Hello ,

The car is like new,in perfect condition ,no scratches,no damage.The price I am looking for my Skoda Octavia

( 8400 eur ) including the shipping costs,insurance and handling.All the car's documents are prepared for the sale. The deal

will be made through Connexion World Cargo which is an escrow company and my car is in their custody. They will handle

everything,payment, delivery and all the documents. I will pay for shipping and insurance so you don't have to worry

for more expences. The car will arrive to you in about 3-5 days and you will have 10 days to inspect it before

take the decision to buy it or not.

If you decide to buy please Email me your full informations (

name and address ) and i will contact the company with your full informations so they can send the car at your home

address and they will contact you with information ( payment/shipping ) on how to complete this transaction.When the

car is sent they will contact you with the informations about the shipping (Tracking Number so you can check the

STATUS of the delivery ONLINE on there website ) and with the informations about making a 50% deposit at them on

their Payment Agent name and address so the company can be sure that you will have the money to buy the car when it

will be delivered to your home address. The car was checked by their repairmens and it is ready to be shipped.Just

email me back and let me know if you want to buy the car.

The car is still registered in Poland.


Sincerely !




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Witam, ja rowniez dziekuje Wam za uprzedzenie o procederze "Johana"! Idac za rada Powerslave'a zaproponowalam Panu osobisty odbior w UK, dostalam nastepujaca odpowiedz:


Sorry but  you saw there in the invoices the transaction terms.. I also explained you from the beginning . 

If you want the car you will have to follow the steps and to complete the di]eposit so they can move forward with the delivery process.


Hehe, nastraszylam, ze poinformowany zostal Interpol o jego procederze.


Moze powinnismy sie zebrac i dac znac policji "internetowej"...

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Michal Hebda z Okuniewa / Sulejowka (Mazowieckie), omijac szerokim lukiem!


bierze kase za naprawy ktorych nie robi, kradnie, oszukuje etc. jego temat byl juz poruszany na pewnym forum motocyklowym.

Edytowane przez PL4Y3RPL

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Wpadłem w zeszłym tygodniu na podobnego oszusta - Radwan Eben. Mailowanie słowo w słowo. Dzięki za wrzucenie wątku, zaoszczędziło mi niemiłych przygód.


Poniżej wklejam swa maile od niego na przestrogę!


Hello ,


The car is like new,in perfect condition ,no scratches,no damage.The price I am looking for my Jaguar S-Type

( 10800 eur ) including the shipping costs,insurance and handling.All the car's documents are prepared for the sale. The deal

will be made through Europe Connexion Cargo Team which is one escrow company and my car is in their custody. They will handle

everything,payment, delivery and all the documents. I will pay for shipping and insurance so you don't have to worry

for more expences. The car will arrive to you in about 3-5 days and you will have 10 days to inspect it before

take the decision to buy it or not.

If you decide to buy the car please e-mail me your full informations ( name and address )

so I can contact the company to start the transaction .

They will contact with all the informations needed ( payment/shipping ) ; about making a 50% deposit on

their Payment Agent name and address so the company can protect both sides.

The car was checked by their repairmens and it is ready to be shipped.

The car is still registered in Poland so you don't have to pay any taxes.


Sincerely !





I work in army and I'm gone out of country. I don't have a phone# .. I only have 2h/day internet access. This is the reason why I left the car in the delivery company custody with all the papers and documents.

Let me explain you again.

All you have to do is to give me the following infos:


Full name..







I will forward your personal details to the delivery company and they will get back to you with the payment invoice and with all the infos that you will need to complete this purchase.After that you will have to depossit them 50% of the amount so they can move forward with the shipping process.When you will receive the car you will have 10 days return policy to test and check the car.After the 10 days...if you decide to keep the car the agent will help you to get it on your name .....if you don't keep the car you will send it back and the delivery company will return you all your money back.I will pay all the shipping

As I already told you the car is in the delivery company custody in UK with all the papers and documents

You will have all the payment invoices and selling contract signed before the deposit so there is nothing to worry

Here is their official web site :

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No to dzisiaj dostałem maila od tego samego kolesia tym razem to Steve Baldor.





I drove the car in Poland. I don't speak polish so well even if I worked there couple of months. The car is in excellent condition,1 hand, never involde in any accidents, the engine works perfectly, it has the technical book and all papers, REAL km,and all the other options.

I was hoping to sell the car in Poland but I never had enough time because of my work.

I just moved to London, UK. Now nobody wants to buy it here in UK because it's the steering wheel on the left side.

So I decided to use a shipping company to help me sell my car in legitm and legal conditions.I can send it anywhere in 4-5 days to your home on my expense.

If you are interested please reply me, so I can give you more information.





"Hello ,

The car is like new,in perfect condition ,no scratches,no damage.The price I am looking for my Skoda Octavia

( 11800 eur ) including the shipping costs,insurance and handling.All the car's documents are prepared for the sale. The deal

will be made through Europe Connexion Cargo Team which is one escrow company and my car is in their custody. They will handle

everything,payment, delivery and all the documents. I will pay for shipping and insurance so you don't have to worry

for more expences. The car will arrive to you in about 3-5 days and you will have 10 days to inspect it before

take the decision to buy it or not.

If you decide to buy the car please e-mail me your full informations ( name and address )

so I can contact the company to start the transaction .

They will contact with all the informations needed ( payment/shipping ) ; about making a 50% deposit on

their Payment Agent name and address so the company can protect both sides.

The car was checked by their repairmens and it is ready to be shipped.

The car is still registered in Poland so you don't have to pay any taxes.

Sincerely !"


Fajnie, że trafiłem na to forum, bo w najlepszym wypadku żałowałbym, że taka okazja przeszła mi koło nosa, a o najgorszym lepiej nie mówić ...

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Witam wszystkich :)

Widzę że ten temat już robi się poważny, więc standardowo dorzucę coś od siebie a mianowicie nowe nazwisko i ta sama historia.


Hello ,


The moto is like new,in perfect condition ,no scratches,no damage.The price I am looking for my Kawasaki Z750

( 3200 eur ) including the shipping costs,insurance and handling.All moto's documents are prepared for the sale. The deal

will be made through Europe Connexion Cargo Team which is one escrow company and my moto is in their custody. They will handle

everything,payment, delivery and all the documents. I will pay for shipping and insurance so you don't have to worry

for more expences. The moto will arrive to you in about 3-5 days and you will have 10 days to inspect it before

take the decision to buy it or not.

If you decide to buy the moto please e-mail me your full informations ( name and address )

so I can contact the company to start the transaction .

They will contact with all the informations needed ( payment/shipping ) ; about making a 50% deposit on

their Payment Agent name and address so the company can protect both sides.

The moto was checked by their repairmens and it is ready to be shipped.

The moto is still registered in Poland so you don't have to pay any taxes.


Sincerely !


Wiadomość od Radmir Balbo


Od początku mi się to nie wydawało wiarygodne bo koleś wystawił motor za 12800zł a wystarczylo na chwile wlaczyc allegro zeby sie przekonac ze go mozna sprzedac za conajmniej 18000-20000 wiec od razu zapytalem gdzie sa haczyki itp ale oczywiscie Radmir Balbo szedl w zaparte ze z motorem wszystko ok ;) I jak drązylem rozmowe to dostalem wiadomosci od firmy Cargo i nawet umowe do podpisania :D

W załacznikach jest ta umowa w PDF :) No i wtedy wszedłem na to forum i wszystko okazało się jasne :) Dzięki wszyskim za pisanie w tej sprawie :)

Aha jeszcze napisalem mu zeby wystawil ten motor na allegro zebym go kupil przez ta stronke zobaczymy co odpisze :D

CONTRACT FOR THE SALE OF A VEHICLE-Piotr Wieczorek.pdfPobieranie informacji ...

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Super ze przez przypadek trafilem na to forum! Mam dokaldnie taki sam przypadek i zastanawialem sie co z tym jest nie tak bo auto zostalo wystawione w Poznaniu, okazalo sie ze jest zlokalizowane w UK ale zdjecia byly zrobione w Belgii :). Gosc wydawal sie nawet przekonywujacy zwlaszcza gdy napisal o tej Armi ale widze ze uzywa templatu maili. Zaraz mu napisze ze chce obejrzec auto w UK w przyszlym tygodniu i dam Wam znac jaka byla odpowiedz. W kazdym razie tu jest moja z nim korespondencja - tylko auto sie zmienilo i teraz nazywa sie Radvan Ubet:



I drove the car in Poland. I don't speak polish so well even if I worked there couple of months. The car is in excellent condition,1 hand, never involde in any accidents, the engine works perfectly, it has the technical book and all papers, REAL km,and all the other options.

I was hoping to sell the car in Poland but I never had enough time because of my work.

I just moved to London, UK. Now nobody wants to buy it here in UK because it's the steering wheel on the left side.

So I decided to use a shipping company to help me sell my car in legitm and legal conditions.I can send it anywhere in 3-5 days to your home on my expense.

If you are interested please reply me, so I can give you more information.



Hello ,

The car is like new,in perfect condition ,no scratches,no damage.The price I am looking for my Hyundai Santa Fe

( 11200 eur ) including the shipping costs,insurance and handling.All the car's documents are prepared for the sale. The deal

will be made through Europe Connexion Cargo Team which is one escrow company and my car is in their custody. They will handle

everything,payment, delivery and all the documents. I will pay for shipping and insurance so you don't have to worry

for more expences. The car will arrive to you in about 3-5 days and you will have 10 days to inspect it before

take the decision to buy it or not.

If you decide to buy the car please e-mail me your full informations ( name and address )

so I can contact the company to start the transaction .

They will contact with all the informations needed ( payment/shipping ) ; about making a 50% deposit on

their Payment Agent name and address so the company can protect both sides.

The car was checked by their repairmens and it is ready to be shipped.

The car is still registered in Poland so you don't have to pay any taxes.

Sincerely !


I work in army and I'm gone out of country. I don't have a phone# .. I only have 2h/day internet access. This is the reason why I left the car in the delivery company custody with all the papers and documents.

Let me explain you again.

All you have to do is to give me the following infos:

Full name..






I will forward your personal details to the delivery company and they will get back to you with the payment invoice and with all the infos that you will need to complete this purchase.After that you will have to depossit them 50% of the amount so they can move forward with the shipping process.When you will receive the car you will have 10 days return policy to test and check the car.After the 10 days...if you decide to keep the car the agent will help you to get it on your name .....if you don't keep the car you will send it back and the delivery company will return you all your money back.I will pay all the shipping

As I already told you the car is in the delivery company custody in London UK with all the papers and documents

You will have all the payment invoices and selling contract signed before the deposit so there is nothing to worry


A jak podpisales ta umowe? Spotkal sie z Toba jakis agent zebys to podpisal w jego obecnosci?

Tak przy okazji tam chyba nawet niema adresu tej firmy posredniczacej w Londynie :).



  W dniu 4.07.2011 o 07:46, Blackriff napisał(a):

Witam wszystkich :)

Widzę że ten temat już robi się poważny, więc standardowo dorzucę coś od siebie a mianowicie nowe nazwisko i ta sama historia.


Hello ,


The moto is like new,in perfect condition ,no scratches,no damage.The price I am looking for my Kawasaki Z750

( 3200 eur ) including the shipping costs,insurance and handling.All moto's documents are prepared for the sale. The deal

will be made through Europe Connexion Cargo Team which is one escrow company and my moto is in their custody. They will handle

everything,payment, delivery and all the documents. I will pay for shipping and insurance so you don't have to worry

for more expences. The moto will arrive to you in about 3-5 days and you will have 10 days to inspect it before

take the decision to buy it or not.

If you decide to buy the moto please e-mail me your full informations ( name and address )

so I can contact the company to start the transaction .

They will contact with all the informations needed ( payment/shipping ) ; about making a 50% deposit on

their Payment Agent name and address so the company can protect both sides.

The moto was checked by their repairmens and it is ready to be shipped.

The moto is still registered in Poland so you don't have to pay any taxes.


Sincerely !


Wiadomość od Radmir Balbo


Od początku mi się to nie wydawało wiarygodne bo koleś wystawił motor za 12800zł a wystarczylo na chwile wlaczyc allegro zeby sie przekonac ze go mozna sprzedac za conajmniej 18000-20000 wiec od razu zapytalem gdzie sa haczyki itp ale oczywiscie Radmir Balbo szedl w zaparte ze z motorem wszystko ok ;) I jak drązylem rozmowe to dostalem wiadomosci od firmy Cargo i nawet umowe do podpisania :D

W załacznikach jest ta umowa w PDF :) No i wtedy wszedłem na to forum i wszystko okazało się jasne :) Dzięki wszyskim za pisanie w tej sprawie :)

Aha jeszcze napisalem mu zeby wystawil ten motor na allegro zebym go kupil przez ta stronke zobaczymy co odpisze :D


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Dla mnie chyba trza być debilem żeby takie coś łyknąć/rozważać. Pisze jak byk 50% trza wpłacić gościowi którego się na oczy nie widziało, samochód/moto ze zdjęcia uj wie gdzie tak naprawdę się znajduje/istnieje. Do tego adres na meila, no sorry ale czy ludzie widząc "okazyjną" cenę naprawdę zapominają o rozsądku bo rozumu to wcale nie mają?

W pale mi się nie mieści ze takie coś można rozważać.

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Otrzymuje się mail nr:1


Hello,I drove the car in Poland. I don't speak polish so well even if I worked there couple of months. The car is in excellent condition,1 hand, never involde in any accidents, the engine works perfectly, it has the technical book and all papers, REAL km,and all the other options.I was hoping to sell the car in Poland but I never had enough time because of my work.I just moved to London, UK. Now nobody wants to buy it here in UK because it's the steering wheel on the left side.So I decided to use a shipping company to help me sell my car in legitm and legal conditions.I can send it anywhere in 3-5 days to your home on my expense.If you are interested please reply me, so I can give you more information. ThanksRadwan Eben


Potem mail 2:

Hello ,The car is like new,in perfect condition ,no scratches,no damage.The price I am looking for my Ford Kuga( 10200 eur ) including the shipping costs,insurance and handling.All the car's documents are prepared for the sale. The deal will be made through Europe Connexion Cargo Team which is one escrow company and my car is in their custody. They will handle everything,payment, delivery and all the documents. I will pay for shipping and insurance so you don't have to worry for more expences. The car will arrive to you in about 3-5 days and you will have 10 days to inspect it before take the decision to buy it or not.If you decide to buy the car please e-mail me your full informations ( name and address ) so I can contact the company to start the transaction .They will contact with all the informations needed ( payment/shipping ) ; about making a 50% deposit on their Payment Agent name and address so the company can protect both sides. The car was checked by their repairmens and it is ready to be shipped.The car is still registered in Poland so you don't have to pay any taxes.Sincerely !

Mail przyszedł z : Radwan Eben <>

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Audi A4 Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TDI S-line C19954389


kolejne oszustwo!!!

Tym razem oszusci wystepuja jako Carl Etzel, ale motyw jest dokladnie taki sam.

I shipping company rowniez.




I drove the car in Poland. I don't speak polish so well even if I worked there couple of months. The car is in excellent condition,1 hand, never involde in any accidents, the engine works perfectly, it has the technical book and all papers, REAL km,and all the other options.

I was hoping to sell the car in Poland but I never had enough time because of my work.

I just moved to London, UK. Now nobody wants to buy it here in UK because it's the steering wheel on the left side.

So I decided to use a shipping company to help me sell my car in legitm and legal conditions.I can send it anywhere in 4-5 days to your home on my expense.

If you are interested please reply me, so I can give you more information.



Etzel Carl



Hello ,


The car is like new,in perfect condition ,no scratches,no damage.The price I am looking for my Audi A4

( 12600 eur ) including the shipping costs,insurance and handling.All the car's documents are prepared for the sale. The deal

will be made through Europe Connexion Cargo Team which is one escrow company and my car is in their custody. They will handle

everything,payment, delivery and all the documents. I will pay for shipping and insurance so you don't have to worry

for more expences. The car will arrive to you in about 3-5 days and you will have 10 days to inspect it before

take the decision to buy it or not.

If you decide to buy the car please e-mail me your full informations ( name and address )

so I can contact the company to start the transaction .

They will contact with all the informations needed ( payment/shipping ) ; about making a 50% deposit on

their Payment Agent name and address so the company can protect both sides.

The car was checked by their repairmens and it is ready to be shipped.

The car is still registered in Poland so you don't have to pay any taxes.


Sincerely !

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  W dniu 26.07.2011 o 09:36, papillon86 napisał(a):

Trzeba być upośledzonym umysłowo żeby się na coś takiego dać nabrać.


Dokładnie, jaki jest sens kontynuowania tego tematu i wklejania kolejnych identycznych mejli?

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Po przeczytaniu pierwszych dwóch postów, miałem nadzieje, ze będzie to bardzo ciekawy temat opisujący zachowania polskich komisów, a widzę, ze skończyło się na bezsensownych wklejaniu jakiegoś spamu z maili. Ja takiego syfu nawet u siebie na skrzynce nie czytam. ogólnie, żeby kupowac samochód przez maila trzeba mieć nierówno pod sufitem albo być totalnym "Żydem" ( bez obrazy ofc)

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  W dniu 3.08.2010 o 14:46, Wojtek77 napisał(a):


Dostałem DOKŁADNIE takiego samego maila :D. KOPIUJ/WKLEJ. naszemu oszustowi nie chcialo sie nawet zmienic imienia i nazwiska.

Sprawa na pierwszy rzut oka śmierdzi na kilometr. zastanwiam sie tylko czy nie warto tego gdzieś zgłosic. Niestety podejrzewam

że zgłaszanie tego na policję to pewnie strata czasu - czy ktoś ma z tym jakies doświadczenie?

Auto znalazlem na allegro + bezpośredni odnośnik do otomoto. jeśli do nich napisze to zablokują mu konto, ale pewnie 5 min potem bedzie mial nowe.

Takie bezczelne oszustwo drażni. Czy ktoś z was ma pomysł co można by z tym dalej zrobić? Albo przynajmniej jak sprytnie wkurzyć tego gnoja?


Ja również dostałem propozycję wplaty 2000 Euro jako zaliczki na samochód:

- Europe Connexion Cargo Team

- sprzedający "Radvan Ubet []"

Nie mam pomysłu co zrobić, aby przeszkodzić mu w nabieraniu nastepnych osób - ktoś może mu zapłacić.

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Odnośnie powyższego Fiata:




W jaki sposób auto ubyło ponad 130 tysiecy kilometrów przebiegu od powrotu z Holandii?




Tak, dobrze pan pamieta.

Samochod kupowalem w holandi, bylo pisane 66.000 km

Sprawdzialem pozno u dealer w polsce vin, okozalo sie samochod ma 155.0000 km na pewno pojechane. chyba nawet wiecej.

niestety dla mnie, ale nie bede klamac kogos i informuje kazdy zainteresowane o samochod tak jak on jest.

jezeli sprzedam za 145000 mam duzy strato.



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Albo jeden cwaniak albo banda oszustów. Należałoby to zgłosić na policje albo cos. Oto moja odpowiedz w sprawie Suzuki Swift:




I drove the car in Poland. The car is in excellent condition,1 hand, never involde in any accidents, the engine works perfectly. It has all the necessary paperwork: registration certificate in Poland.

I just moved to London, UK . I have tried to register the car and I realized that the costs was too high and because of the steering wheel on the left sides is very difficult to find a buyer in my country.

You can come here to buy the car directly from me , or i can ship it to your country on my costs legal and legit.


Thank's !

Etzel Carl

I drugi:


Hello ,


The car is like new,in perfect condition ,no scratches,no damage.The price I am looking for my Suzuki Swift ( 4000 eur ) including the shipping costs,insurance and handling.

I can send you the car using a reputable Europe Company ( named Europe Connexion Cargo Team LTD - VAT 417 3556 51 ; Company Registration: 1846207 ). They have a great policy and offer to the buyer a 10 days return policy period before the final decision. ( It means that you can drive test the car and inspect the papers before you will pay it ).

If you are interested just let me know so I can ask them to send you an e-mail with their Delvery Terms .


Thank's !

Ku przestrodze!

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Witajcie drodzy!

Myślałem, że temat oszustwa mnie nie dotyczy ale o mały włos.

Teraz kawałek korespondencji od soboty do dzisiaj:



Witam! Interesuje mnie Chrysler Grand Voyager z 2009 roku, który został wystawiony przez państwa. Czy jest może jakiś numer kontaktowy pod który mogę zadzwonić i porozmawiać. Informację które chciałem uzyskać to: czy samochód był bity i czy są jakieś zdjęcia dokumentujące?, czy posiadają państwo książkę serwisową? i t.p. Pozdrawiam i liczę na szybką odpowiedź. Jeżeli wszystko z autkiem jest OK to proszę tę wiadomość traktować jako rezerwację.



I drove the car in Poland. The car is in excellent condition,1 hand, never involde in any accidents, the engine works perfectly. It has all the necessary paperwork: registration certificate in Poland.

I just moved to London, UK . I have tried to register the car and I realized that the costs was too high and because of the steering wheel on the left sides is very difficult to find a buyer in my country.

You can come here to buy the car directly from me , or i can ship it to your country on my costs legal and legit.


Thank's !

Etzel Carl


No i najważniejsze


Kiedy może być Pan w Polsce i jaka będzie ostateczna cena samochodu.



Hello ,


The car is like new,in perfect condition ,no scratches,no damage.The price I am looking for my Chrysler Grand Voyager ( 11400 eur ) including the shipping costs,insurance and handling.

I can send you the car using a reputable Europe Company ( named Europe Connexion Cargo Team LTD - VAT 417 3556 51 ; Company Registration: 1846207 ). They have a great policy and offer to the buyer a 10 days return policy period before the final decision. ( It means that you can drive test the car and inspect the papers before you will pay it ).

If you are interested just let me know so I can ask them to send you an e-mail with their Delvery Terms .


Thank's !


A teraz z ostatniej chwili:


Dziękuję za informację.

Mam jeszcze taką propozycję. Ja mam w Londynie rodzinę, rozmawiałem z nimi wstępnie i oni mogą odebrać i zapłacić za ten samochód gotówką. Będzie mniej kłopotów dla państwa i dla mnie. Mogą podjechać w każdej chwili pod wskazany adres. Proszę o odpowiedź.



You have the address of the company.. your family can go there to inspect the car but the deal must be done safe and secure through the company because I work in army and I'm gone out of country and I have signed a contract with them. This is the reason why I have left the car in the delivery company custody so they can arrange all the transaction process.



Ręce opadają :-)

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