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Oficial Catalyst 4.5 Out !

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Wiec tak. Panelu nowego nie ma jak narazie - jest stary :P. Wiem ze jest poprawiona Gamma w grach. Jest ogolnie duzo poprawek w najciekawszych grach, a co najwazniejsze wiekszosc z nich smiga o nawet parenascie klatek wiecej. Oto maly tescik z Rage3D

Hi , 1st of all i want to apologize for a stupid thread a did before about fixes in catalyst 4.x line, i might have gone too far.i have extensively playtested with real games the new CATALYST 4.5 and hope it can help everyone as of my last review of Catalyst 4.4.specs : AthlonXp 2800+ , GigaCube Radeon 9800 PRO AIW , 512 DDR Pc2700 , SBLive , XP sp1, fresh format using my usual procedure, all games tested with Vsync OFF and no AA-AF.ill go to the important stuff without chit-chat :1 - 3Dmark2001 , Catalyst 3.10 were the only one giving me 15725 Marks, i fired the Catalyst 4.5 and gave me 15714 marks , awesome , i am astonished.....with the new catalyst 4.5 , do a full 3Dmark 2001 and after finishing watch the 1 LIGHT score....impressive....81 Fps (for me) ,any catalyst before gave me 70.2 fps might sound like well...11 fps ...nothing , any game relying on LIGHTS , should see an improvement if it's a driver improvement and not a CHEAT for 3Dmark only.P.S = Vertex Shader has gone down from 174 to 154....about 20 fps loss....all Catalyst 4.x looses lots of FPS , even over 30 fps, don't know why , but the Catalyst 4.5 lost about 20 fps only so it's fine, considering the light improvements -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 - after that i had to try light intensive game and here's the surprise!!!!i loaded FRAPS and loaded HITMAN - CONTRACTS!!.....1280x1024 with everything maxed except Shadow Low and Post Filter MEDIUM (always played like that).....ready????i loaded a save game in ROTTERDAM mission upon loading i saw my score @ 82 Fps , any other driver from 3.10 to 4.4 gave me 76 fps......well , the game is a lot smoother now i said.....i loaded the MANOR mission in open area.....SHOCK!!!......57 FPS.....before was 31 FPS!! same place , same everything!!!!!!!!!!!.....people , a jump of 26 FPS......i don't even want to tell you how smooth the game is , stability is fine from the 3 hours i played it.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 - roll on to big difference at all , same driver speed i had from 3.10 to 4.5, nothing wierd, no slowdown, no mouse lag , no wierd things.Fraps reports at the savegame that i have 160 fps--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 - UT2004 , for once i have to say this drivers feels a bit better , the smoothness are the best of the Catalyst 4.x line , no wierd textures disappear or anything and IQ seems a bit higher , but the best improvement is in the HARD_DISK.....yes, i did notice the Harddrive doesn't trash like old catalyst as much , that means less jerkiness when turning , my bet is an improvement in the AGP APERTURE handling in the driver of some kind, even if the beta-testers didn't touch it , maybe by fixing driver , they fixed something else in-between , cool ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 - SPLINTER CELL lag has gone away and been fixed, the Catalyst 4.4 are horrible as they had some kind of LAG in most games ,specially SPLINTER , now all is fine , graphic wise is same, shadow still same , smoothness are better than Catalyst 4.4.Fraps shows a 4 fps improvement from Catalyst 4.4 and earlier.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 - BF Vietnam , well you know the story , but i did run it on my pc and i have no problem whatsoever without AA-AF , but the problem starts with AA-AF and you all know that the BETA version fixes the bug.Fraps framerate is way to unreliable in this game , from 30 to 60 fps in a matter of 5 sec, i won't consider it , but again the Harddisk doesn't trash as before , same as UT2004.-----------------------------------------------------as a last thing ......3DMARK 2003 ......score has jumped for me from 5600 marks to 5632 marks , but i don't care for 3Dmark2003 after the mess we all know about.----------CONCLUSION:Ladies and gentlemen , the star of the show is ........HITMAN - CONTRACTS!!!now you all can play it with POST-FILTER @ Medium if not HIGH and enjoy great framerates, make sure you have the 1.74 PATCH.lots of small improvements in speed and AGP aperture somehow ,means that this drivers are probably a great upgrade if you want to ditch the Catalyst 3.10 you are using, UnrealT2004 doesn't trash the harddisk like before and neither BF Vietnam ,albeit a bit less noticable.I've been very loyal to the Catalyst 3.10 since they were released, and for me the new CATALYST 4.5 are the best thing since them , honest.i can't comment on stability, but i had them from 7 Hours on my PC and not a single glitch or stability issue , actually XP desktop seems snappier , don't know.

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jestem po testach na 9100 ;]


jak narazie nie widzialem zadnej roznicy od catyow 3.9 do 4.3 ... dopiero caty 4.4 cos zmienily i zostaly u mnie w systemie bo gierki zaczely chodzic bardziej stabilnie.


po moich testach na 3DM, NFS:U i UT2k4 caty 4.5 wypadly lepiej niz 4.4 wiec narazie jestem zadowolny ;]


dla przykladu bench z frapsa dla 3 niezaleznych meczykow DM w UT2k4: (3.2 w porownaniu dla tych co sadza ze nadal sa najlepsze dla 9100 ;))

na czerowno wartosci minimalne, niebiesko maxymalne ...




cat 3.2

2004-03-12 13:24:54 - UT2004

Frames: 5790 - Time: 93860ms - Avg: 61.687 - Min: 29 - Max: 89

2004-03-12 13:26:47 - UT2004

Frames: 5984 - Time: 93609ms - Avg: 63.925 - Min: 32 - Max: 103

2004-03-12 13:28:36 - UT2004

Frames: 4793 - Time: 85297ms - Avg: 56.191 - Min: 27


cat 4.2

2004-03-11 18:54:59 - UT2004

Frames: 5424 - Time: 90656ms - Avg: 59.830 - Max: 101

2004-03-11 18:56:49 - UT2004

Frames: 5005 - Time: 89110ms - Avg: 56.166

2004-03-11 18:59:10 - UT2004

Frames: 5366 - Time: 89875ms - Avg: 59.705 - Min: 37 - Max: 104


cat 4.3

2004-03-11 20:47:36 - UT2004

Frames: 5261 - Time: 91656ms - Avg: 57.399 - Min: 35 - Max: 85

2004-03-11 20:49:32 - UT2004

Frames: 5120 - Time: 96484ms - Avg: 53.065 - Min: 31 - Max: 86

2004-03-11 20:51:26 - UT2004

Frames: 4277 - Time: 86344ms - Avg: 49.534 - Min: 25 - Max: 81


cat 4.4

2004-04-15 12:35:59 - UT2004

Frames: 5105 - Time: 88250ms - Avg: 57.847 - Min: 31 - Max: 96

2004-04-15 12:37:55 - UT2004

Frames: 5550 - Time: 93625ms - Avg: 59.279 - Min: 35 - Max: 90

2004-04-15 12:39:46 - UT2004

Frames: 5670 - Time: 91734ms - Avg: 61.809 - Min: 37 - Max: 99


cat 4.5

2004-05-13 10:10:53 - UT2004

Frames: 5286 - Time: 89672ms - Avg: 58.948 - Min: 37 - Max: 90

2004-05-13 10:12:52 - UT2004

Frames: 5550 - Time: 90656ms - Avg: 61.220 - Min: 38 - Max: 97

2004-05-13 10:14:41 - UT2004

Frames: 5810 - Time: 91203ms - Avg: 63.704 - Min: 42

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niech ktos powie czy Colin4 mu dziala na tych sterach no i na Radku 9100, bo u mnie (ale demko) nie rusza (wlaczam, mruga ekran 2 razy i nic), a dzis moze bede miec fulla no i nie wiem czy wracac do 4.4

full dziala na 4.5 ;]


zapomnialem dodac ze na wczesniejszych catach mialem problemy z colinem podczas testow - pomimo odpowiedniej ilosci FPS dziwnie przycinal ekran ...


dopiero na 4.4 problem sie skonczyl, na 4.5 tez tego nie ma ;]

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Spoznione, aczkolwiek mam nadzieje ciekawe porownianie :wink:


Catalyst 4.4 vs. Omega 2.5.36b


Platforma testowa:

P4 2.4HT@3.0

Abit IC-7

2x256 Hynix D43 [500Mhz synchro][3-4-4-8]

Radeon 9700@9700PRO [325/310]

Seagate 120GB SATA

DirectX 9.0b

Intel Inf


Testy wykonalem za pomoca programu Bench'emAll 2.57 w rozdzialkach 1024x768 i 1280x1024 w:

FarCry patch 1.1

3D Mark 2003 build 340

3D Mark 2001SE build 330

R300 Ruby Rap v1.1 (za pomoca Fraps 2.00) z ustawieniami:


restartOnScriptChange = F

demoName = "Ruby: The Double Cross"

logo2 = T


resolution = 1024x768

multisampleType = 0

fullScreen = T

aspect = 4x3


vsync = F

numBackBuffers = 2

forceColorClear = F


music = F

soundfx = F


restartOnEndManualCamera = T


cycleAllModes = T

//productInfo = T

//launchMode = T

//avi = T

//aviFPS = 29.97



noAA noAF:


Far Cry 1.1

Using Max settings.

Map: Fort Demo: BenchemallDefaultDemo



Average FPS: 38.15

Average FPS: 36.96

Average FPS: 38.20



Average FPS: 28.39

Average FPS: 27.46

Average FPS: 28.06




1024 x 768 5165 3DMarks

1024 x 768 5171 3DMarks

1024 x 768 5194 3DMarks


1280 x 1024 3842 3DMarks

1280 x 1024 3846 3DMarks

1280 x 1024 3868 3DMarks


3DMark2001 SE Pro


1024 x 768 3DMark Score 16500

1024 x 768 3DMark Score 16373

1024 x 768 3DMark Score 16518


1280 x 1024 3DMark Score 13818

1280 x 1024 3DMark Score 13974

1280 x 1024 3DMark Score 14102


SushiDX - demo ATI X800


Frames: 2535 - Time: 99266ms - Avg: 25.537 - Min: 2 - Max: 96

Frames: 2586 - Time: 100703ms - Avg: 25.679 - Min: 2 - Max: 95

Frames: 2266 - Time: 99171ms - Avg: 22.849 - Min: 1 - Max: 86



6xAA 8xAF (Trilinear Texture Filtering)


Far Cry 1.1

Using Max settings.

Map: Fort Demo: BenchemallDefaultDemo



Average FPS: 16.40

Average FPS: 16.00

Average FPS: 16.12



Average FPS: 10.91

Average FPS: 12.44

Average FPS: 10.63




1024 x 768 1887 3DMarks

1024 x 768 1911 3DMarks

1024 x 768 1918 3DMarks


1280 x 1024 1350 3DMarks

1280 x 1024 1346 3DMarks

1280 x 1024 1354 3DMarks


3DMark2001 SE Pro


1024 x 768 8975 3DMarks

1024 x 768 8780 3DMarks

1024 x 768 8864 3DMarks


1280 x 1024 6263 3DMarks

1280 x 1024 6252 3DMarks

1280 x 1024 6320 3DMarks


SushiDX - demo ATI X800


Frames: 1434 - Time: 99984ms - Avg: 14.342 - Min: 1 - Max: 65

Frames: 1478 - Time: 100531ms - Avg: 14.701 - Min: 2 - Max: 71

Frames: 1498 - Time: 100235ms - Avg: 14.944 - Min: 1 - Max: 69



Tym samym potwierdzam co napisano wyzej. Cat-t 4.5 daja kopa w 3dmarkach 2003

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wlasciwie dawno nie zmienialem sterow do mojego radka. Chyba od pocatku ejstem na 3.7 omegach i tak bylo do dzisiaj :-). Przed reinstalacja sterow robilem test na 3dsmarku 2001 na mojej troszke juz wiekowej windzie i wyszlo 13,800. Wyczyscilem kompa drivecleanerem zainstalowalem 4.5. Wynik 14,000 a jak ogladalem test to w niektorych momentach , gdfize pamietam ile mialem klatek wzrost o 20-30 fspow czasami. Nie wiem jakim cudem to jest mozliwe, oba sterowniki 3.7 i 4.5 sa na default nic nie zmienialem. Odpalilem tez splinter cella nowego i tu czekala na mnie niespodzianka :-). Nie wiem czy to moze zamierzone efekt w grze :) w co watpie ale mam taki bajer jak na obrazku ponizej. Chodzi troche szybciej...ocencie sami.


Dołączona grafika


ps. aha juz wiem czemu zawdzieczam takie zabojcze efekty :-)


Anti-Aliasing is not compatible with the following games: · Prince Of Persia: Sands of Time · Splinter Cell / Pandoras Box

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Omegi już są 8)



What's New? (2k/XP 2.5.44)


* Based on the Catalyst 4.5 drivers.


* Updated the Omega version of RadLinker (1008), now the Profiler include options

  to enable TAA modes and to establish the desired TAA Threshold for D3D apps.

* Added and removed a LOT of tweaks, ATI changed some internal settings and some

  old tweaks won't work anymore from now on.


* Fixed support for Mobility 9700.


* Fixed the "Hibernation not working" problem in laptops.


* Added support for the Following laptop wide screen resolutions: 800x480,

  960x600, 1024x600, 1024x480, 1280x600, 1280x768, 1280x800, 1680x1050, 1920x1200


* Re-enabled a desktop wide resolution: 1280x768


* Added an EXCLUSIVE new Omega utility which adds the ability to SWAP between

  the soft-mod and the normal driver without the need to re-install the whole

  drivers. (Thanks to Chris W, Author of RadLinker)


* Removed Artifact Tester 5 from the package. (Sorry Alberto)


* Included the latest version of ATITool. (Thanks W1zzard)


* Since the package has grown in size I will be distributing the installer in

  compressed CAB format to save some bandwidth, it must be decompressed using one

  of these tools (latest version): WinAce, WinRAR or WinZip. Then run the extracted

  file to start installation of the drivers.

8) 8)

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UUU na razie u mnie nowe Omegi daja ciala  :( UT2004 z patchem 3204 traci tekstury i ogolnie krzaki mam na ekranie  :(

UT2004 jeszcze nie testowałem, ale oto kilka innych benchmarków z nowymi omegami


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niech ktos powie czy Colin4 mu dziala na tych sterach no i na Radku 9100, bo u mnie (ale demko) nie rusza (wlaczam, mruga ekran 2 razy i nic), a dzis moze bede miec fulla no i nie wiem czy wracac do 4.4

Przestaw we wlasciwosciach ekranu w tabie z DirectXem w zaawansowanych glebie z-buffora na 24bit a nie na 32bitowa. U mnie pomoglo ;)

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UUU na razie u mnie nowe Omegi daja ciala  :( UT2004 z patchem 3204 traci tekstury i ogolnie krzaki mam na ekranie  :(

Coś masz nie halo u siebie. Grałem teraz w ut2004, zero błedów, ba przyrost fps'ów - nieduży, bo z 68 na 72 (przy 1024x768/4xfsaa/8fa).

Na którym enginie miałeś te błędy? Standardowym D3D czy tym na dx9 ?

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UUU na razie u mnie nowe Omegi daja ciala  :( UT2004 z patchem 3204 traci tekstury i ogolnie krzaki mam na ekranie  :(

Coś masz nie halo u siebie. Grałem teraz w ut2004, zero błedów, ba przyrost fps'ów - nieduży, bo z 68 na 72 (przy 1024x768/4xfsaa/8fa).

Na którym enginie miałeś te błędy? Standardowym D3D czy tym na dx9 ?

U mnie wlasnie po zainstalowaniu tego patcha giną tekstury, zwlaszcza na krawedziach jakiś drzwi platform itp.

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UUU na razie u mnie nowe Omegi daja ciala  :( UT2004 z patchem 3204 traci tekstury i ogolnie krzaki mam na ekranie  :(

Coś masz nie halo u siebie. Grałem teraz w ut2004, zero błedów, ba przyrost fps'ów - nieduży, bo z 68 na 72 (przy 1024x768/4xfsaa/8fa).

Na którym enginie miałeś te błędy? Standardowym D3D czy tym na dx9 ?

U mnie wlasnie po zainstalowaniu tego patcha giną tekstury, zwlaszcza na krawedziach jakiś drzwi platform itp.

A możesz jakiegoś screenshota tego efektu pokazać?

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